        public void Setup()
            CalanderDao dao = new CalanderDao();

            // For testing, jan1, july4, christmas.
            List <Holiday> holidays = new List <Holiday>()
                new Holiday(1, 1, true, DayOfWeek.Monday, -1, "New Years"),
                new Holiday(7, 4, true, DayOfWeek.Monday, -1, "Independence Day"),
                new Holiday(12, 25, true, DayOfWeek.Monday, -1, "Christmas Day")

            dao.Load("usa-bronx-holidays", holidays);
            Calendar.Init("usa-bronx-holidays", dao, DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Year + 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the application.
        /// </summary>
        public override BoolMessageItem Execute()
            // 1. Use the default holiday calendar loaded with U.S. holidays.
            // What is next business date after 1/1/<current_year>
            DateTime nextBusDay          = Calendar.NextBusinessDate(new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, 1, 1));
            DateTime previousBusinessDay = Calendar.PreviousBusinessDate(new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, 1, 1));

            // 2. Use other holiday calendar.
            // NOTE:( Current implementation only uses hard dates ( no-relative dates 3rd thursday of november )
            // can be supplied. This limitation will be fixed.
            CalanderDao calDao = new CalanderDao("kishore's_holiday_calendar", GetSampleHolidays());
            ICalendar   cal    = new CalendarService("kishore's_holiday_calendar", calDao, 5);

            nextBusDay = cal.NextBusinessDate(DateTime.Today);
            Console.WriteLine("Next business date using \"kishore's_holiday_calendar\" : " + nextBusDay.ToString());