        public async Task <ActionResult> Complete(string id)
            // Get an instance of the CadesSignatureFinisher2 class, responsible for completing the signature
            // process.
            var signatureFinisher = new CadesSignatureFinisher2(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                // Set the token for this signature. (rendered in a hidden input field, see the view)
                Token = id

            // Call the Finish() method, which finalizes the signature process and returns a
            // SignatureResult object.
            var result = await signatureFinisher.FinishAsync();

            // The "Certificate" property of the SignatureResult object contains information about the
            // certificate used by the user to sign the file.
            var signerCert = result.Certificate;

            // At this point, you'd typically store the signed PDF on your database. For demonstration
            // purposes, we'll store the PDF on our mock Storage class.

            // The SignatureResult object has various methods for writing the signature file to a stream
            // (WriteTo()), local file (WriteToFile()), open a stream to read the content (OpenRead()) and
            // get its contents (GetContent()). For large files, avoid the method GetContent() to avoid
            // memory allocation issues.
            string fileId;

            using (var resultStream = result.OpenRead()) {
                fileId = StorageMock.Store(resultStream, ".p7s");

            // Return a JSON with the signed file's id, stored using our mock class (the page will use
            // jQuery to decode this value).
        public async Task <SignatureCompleteResponse> Complete(string token)
            var storage = new Storage(hostingEnvironment);
            var client  = Util.GetRestPkiClient(restPkiConfig);

            // Get an instance of the CadesSignatureFinisher2 class, responsible for completing the signature process
            var signatureFinisher = new CadesSignatureFinisher2(client)
                // Set the token for this signature (acquired previously and passed back here by the angular controller)
                Token = token

            // Call the FinishAsync() method, which finalizes the signature process and returns a SignatureResult object
            var signatureResult = await signatureFinisher.FinishAsync();

            // The "Certificate" property of the SignatureResult object contains information about the certificate used by the user
            // to sign the file.
            var signerCert = signatureResult.Certificate;

            // At this point, you'd typically store the signed CMS on a database or storage service. For demonstration purposes, we'll
            // store the CMS on our "storage mock", which in turn stores the CMS on the App_Data folder.

            // The SignatureResult object has various methods for writing the signature file to a stream (WriteToAsync()), local file (WriteToFileAsync()),
            // open a stream to read the content (OpenReadAsync()) and get its contents (GetContentAsync()). Avoid the method GetContentAsync() to prevent
            // memory allocation issues with large files.
            string filename;

            using (var signatureStream = await signatureResult.OpenReadAsync()) {
                filename = await storage.StoreAsync(signatureStream, ".p7s");

            // Pass the following fields to be used on signature-results template:
            // - The signature filename, which can be used to provide a link to the file
            // - The user's certificate
            var response = new SignatureCompleteResponse()
                Filename    = filename,
                Certificate = new Models.CertificateModel(signerCert)

        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(SignatureModel model)
            // Get an instance of the CadesSignatureFinisher2 class, responsible for completing the signature
            // process.
            var signatureFinisher = new CadesSignatureFinisher2(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                // Set the token for this signature (rendered in a hidden input field, see the view).
                Token = model.Token

            // Call the Finish() method, which finalizes the signature process and returns a
            // SignatureResult object.
            var result = await signatureFinisher.FinishAsync();

            // The "Certificate" property of the SignatureResult object contains information about the
            // certificate used by the user to sign the file.
            var signerCert = result.Certificate;

            // At this point, you'd typically store the CMS on your database. For demonstration
            // purposes, we'll store the PDF on our mock Storage class.

            // The SignatureResult object has various methods for writing the signature file to a stream
            // (WriteTo()), local file (WriteToFile()), open a stream to read the content (OpenRead()) and
            // get its contents (GetContent()). For large files, avoid the method GetContent() to avoid
            // memory allocation issues.
            string fileId;

            using (var resultStream = result.OpenRead()) {
                fileId = StorageMock.Store(resultStream, ".p7s");

            // Render the signature information page.
            return(View("SignatureInfo", new SignatureInfoModel()
                File = fileId,
                SignerCertificate = signerCert