public static IEnumerator <WWW> LoadMaterial(string id, string type) { if (!MaterialIndex.ContainsKey(id)) { string materialKey = type + "-" + id; // First check if it exists in loaded resources... if (MaterialResources.ContainsKey(materialKey)) { // Resource found - just add it to our index Material material = MaterialResources [materialKey]; MaterialIndex.Add(id, material); // Debug.Log ("Publishing Material: " + id); PubSub.publish("Material-" + id); yield return(null); } else if (MaterialAvailable.ContainsKey(materialKey)) { // Material is available, need to download and construct the material from the texture if (!DownloadingMaterial.Contains(materialKey)) { DownloadingMaterial.Add(materialKey); bool isAvailableLocally = MaterialAvailableLocally.Contains(materialKey); string baseUrl = isAvailableLocally ? localMaterialBaseUrl : remoteMaterialBaseUrl; WWW connection = CacheWWW.Get(baseUrl + MaterialAvailable[materialKey]); yield return(connection); DownloadAndCreateMaterial(connection, id, type, MaterialAvailable [materialKey], materialKey, !isAvailableLocally); } } else { if (isSyncRemoteDone && isSyncLocalDone) { // Material is missing, what to do? // TODO - This isn't correct - investigate later // Debug.LogWarning ("Couldn't find material for ID: " + id + " (" + type+ ")"); yield return(null); } else { queuedMaterialsForAfterSync.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(id, type)); } } } else { yield return(null); } }
private IEnumerator loadPeopleConfig(string peopleConfigUrl) { WWW www = CacheWWW.Get(peopleConfigUrl); yield return(www); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(www.text); XmlNodeList people = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/people/person"); foreach (XmlNode person in people) { string personUrl = Misc.xmlString(person.Attributes.GetNamedItem("href")); yield return(loadPersonConfig(personUrl)); } }
private IEnumerator loadMissionConfig(string peopleConfigUrl) { WWW www = CacheWWW.Get(peopleConfigUrl); yield return(www); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(www.text); XmlNode mission = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/mission"); yield return(MissionConfig.LoadConfig(mission)); buildMission(); pauseGame(); }
private IEnumerator focusCountry(string code) { countryFocused = true; hoveredCountry.onUnfocused(); float endTime = Time.time + Country.focusTimeMax; // Start loading cities WWW www = CacheWWW.Get(Game.endpointBaseUrl + Game.citiesMetaDataRelativeUrl + Game.countryCodeDataQuerystringPrefix + code); // Reset zoom yield return(CameraHandler.ResetZoom()); // Fade out other countries fadeAllCountries(true, code); // "Smart zoom" selected country Rect countryRect = hoveredCountry.rect; float countrySize = Mathf.Max(countryRect.width / Misc.GetWidthRatio(), countryRect.height / Misc.GetHeightRatio()); Vector3 countryCenter = hoveredCountry.countryCenter; zoomSize = countrySize / 2f + MAX_CAMERA_SIZE / 120f; CameraHandler.ZoomToSizeAndMoveToPointThenSetNewMinMaxZoomAndCenter(zoomSize, countryCenter, FOCUSED_COUNTRY_ZOOM_FACTOR); // Make sure cities data is loaded before parsing cities data yield return(www); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(www.text); // Parse cities and place them out Cities cities = new Cities(xmlDoc); createCities(cities, code, zoomSize); setVisibleCitiesLevel(1); // If any time is left before country have finished it's unfocus - wait a bit float timeLeft = endTime - Time.time; if (timeLeft > 0) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timeLeft)); } }
private IEnumerator loadLevels(string levelListUrl) { string loadingSpinnerId = levelType == LEVEL_TYPES.CUSTOM ? "custom-levels" : "bundled-levels"; LoadingSpinner.StartSpinner(loadingSpinnerId); WWW www = CacheWWW.Get(levelListUrl); yield return(www); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(www.text); levels = new Levels(xmlDoc); LoadingSpinner.StopSpinner(loadingSpinnerId); updateLevelGameObjects(); }
// (need public static IEnumerator getGeoLocation() { WWW www = CacheWWW.Get(Game.endpointBaseUrl + Game.getLocationRelativeUrl); yield return(www); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); // System.IO.StringReader stringReader = new System.IO.StringReader(www.text); // stringReader.Read(); // skip BOM // System.Xml.XmlReader reader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stringReader); // string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText( www.text ); if (!www.text.Contains("ECONNREFUSED")) { xmlDoc.LoadXml(www.text); = Convert.ToSingle(xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/geoData/lat").InnerText); Game.instance.lon = Convert.ToSingle(xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/geoData/lon").InnerText); Game.instance.countryCode = Convert.ToString(xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/geoData/countryCode").InnerText); = Convert.ToString(xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/geoData/country").InnerText); } }
public IEnumerator loadPersonConfig(string personConfigUrl) { WWW www = CacheWWW.Get(personConfigUrl); yield return(www); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(www.text); // Load Texture for passport photo that belongs to this config string photoUrl = Misc.xmlString(xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/person").Attributes.GetNamedItem("photo")); WWW photoWWW = CacheWWW.Get(photoUrl); yield return(photoWWW); Texture2D passportTexture = new Texture2D(350, 389); photoWWW.LoadImageIntoTexture(passportTexture); peopleConfigs.Add(xmlDoc); passportTextures.Add(passportTexture); }
// cacheTimeMs = 0 means no cache time (expire directly) - default (-1) means to read the response and get specific header with timeout public static WWW Get(string url, long cacheTimeMs = -1) { WWW www; if (cacheTimeMs != 0 && CacheWWW.HasValidCache(url)) { // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("CACHED"); www = Cache[url].www; } else { // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("NOT CACHED"); WWWrapper wwwrapper = new WWWrapper(url, cacheTimeMs); Cache.Add(url, wwwrapper); www = wwwrapper.www; if (cacheTimeMs == -1) { // Read header in response and use as cachetime Singleton <SingletonInstance> .Instance.StartCoroutine(updateWWWrapperWithCacheOnResponse(wwwrapper)); } } return(www); }
private IEnumerator loadImage(Level level) { WWW www = CacheWWW.Get(level.iconUrl); yield return(www); Texture2D materialTexture = new Texture2D(256, 256); www.LoadImageIntoTexture(materialTexture); Sprite imageSprite = Sprite.Create(materialTexture, new Rect(0, 0, 256, 256),; Image image = GetComponent <Image> (); image.sprite = imageSprite; // Flag icon string countryCode = level.countryCode; GameObject flag = Misc.FindDeepChild(transform, "flag").gameObject; RawImage flagImage = flag.GetComponent <RawImage>(); flagImage.texture = Misc.getCountryFlag(countryCode); flagImage.color = Color.white; }
public static IEnumerator <WWW> Init() { LoadLocalMaterials(); // Ensure list of downloaded materials if (!Directory.Exists(downloadedMaterialsFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(downloadedMaterialsFolder); string listInitData = "# Type|ID-Name.png|width|height\n"; File.AppendAllText(downloadedMaterialsFolder + "list.txt", listInitData); } WWW downloadedMaterialsList = CacheWWW.Get(localMaterialBaseUrl + "list.txt", Misc.getTsForReadable("1m")); yield return(downloadedMaterialsList); GetListOfRemoteMaterials(downloadedMaterialsList, false); WWW remoteMaterialsList = CacheWWW.Get(remoteMaterialBaseUrl + "list.txt"); yield return(remoteMaterialsList); GetListOfRemoteMaterials(remoteMaterialsList); }
public IEnumerator getCountryData() { // Get country metadata WWW www = CacheWWW.Get(Game.endpointBaseUrl + Game.countryMetaDataRelativeUrl); yield return(www); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(www.text); XmlNodeList countries = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/countries/country"); int numLeft = countries.Count; foreach (XmlNode country in countries) { // TODO - Remove debug log - and to break after a few Debug.Log(numLeft--); // if (numLeft < 227) { // break; // } XmlAttributeCollection countryAttributes = country.Attributes; string code = Misc.xmlString(countryAttributes.GetNamedItem("code")); string name = Misc.xmlString(countryAttributes.GetNamedItem("name")); // TODO // string code = "ZA"; // string name = "South Africa"; // Country parent GameObject countryParent = new GameObject(name); Country countryObj = countryParent.AddComponent <Country> (); countryObj.countryName = name; countryObj.code = code; countryObj.tag = "Country"; countryParent.transform.parent = transform; // Landarea parent GameObject landareaParent = new GameObject("Land"); landareaParent.transform.parent = countryParent.transform; // Get country full outline data WWW countryWWW = CacheWWW.Get(Game.endpointBaseUrl + Game.countryMetaDataRelativeUrl + Game.countryCodeDataQuerystringPrefix + code); yield return(countryWWW); XmlDocument countryDataDoc = new XmlDocument(); countryDataDoc.LoadXml(countryWWW.text); XmlNodeList polygons = countryDataDoc.SelectNodes("/country/polygons/polygon"); int outerIndex = 0; int innerIndex = 0; foreach (XmlNode polygon in polygons) { // Outer coordinates List <Vector3> outerCoordinates = new List <Vector3>(); yield return(getCoordinates(polygon, "outer", outerCoordinates)); if (outerCoordinates.Count > 0) { GameObject outerPart = MapSurface.createPlaneMeshForPoints(outerCoordinates); = "Outer" + outerIndex++; outerPart.transform.parent = landareaParent.transform; countryObj.addCoords(outerCoordinates); } // Inner coordinates List <Vector3> innerCoordinates = new List <Vector3>(); yield return(getCoordinates(polygon, "inner", innerCoordinates)); if (innerCoordinates.Count > 0) { GameObject innerPart = MapSurface.createPlaneMeshForPoints(innerCoordinates); = "Inner" + innerIndex++; innerPart.transform.parent = landareaParent.transform; innerPart.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(innerPart.transform.localPosition.x, innerPart.transform.localPosition.y, innerPart.transform.localPosition.z - 0.1f); countryObj.addCoords(innerCoordinates, false); } } // Country name GameObject countryNameContainerInstance = Instantiate(countryNameContainer, countryObj.transform) as GameObject; TextMesh countryNameTextMesh = countryNameContainerInstance.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh> (); countryNameTextMesh.text = name; countryObj.setupDone(); countryObj.saveMeshes(); // break; // TODO } analyzeAndMergeInners(); Debug.Log("Done!"); }