        public async Task TestGcPrefix()
            string cacheConfig         = TestType.NewCache(nameof(TestGcPrefix), true);
            BasicFilesystemCache cache = (await InitializeCacheAsync(cacheConfig).SuccessAsync()) as BasicFilesystemCache;

            XAssert.IsNotNull(cache, "Failed to create cache for GC tests!");

            PipDefinition[] pips =
                new PipDefinition("Pip1", pipSize: 3),
                new PipDefinition("Pip2", pipSize: 4),
                new PipDefinition("Pip3", pipSize: 5)

            // First, lets filter the GC to only do one of the files.
            CacheEntries files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Build", pips);

            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)

                string targetFile = files.FingerprintFiles.Keys.First();

                // Get the shard directory of the weak fingerprint
                string prefix = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFile)));
                XAssert.AreEqual(3, prefix.Length);
                m_output.WriteLine("GC Prefix: [{0}]", prefix);
                var stats = cache.CollectUnreferencedFingerprints(m_output, prefixFilter: prefix.Substring(0, i));

                XAssert.IsFalse(File.Exists(targetFile), "Should have moved this one to pending");

            AssertSuccess(await cache.ShutdownAsync());
        public async Task TestGcConcurrency()
            // This is just minimal concurrency testing such that it does not completely mess up
            // Most of the work in making the GC safe was in the design and hand testing as this
            // is about having a GC run while multiple mutators run (and multiple GCs run)
            string cacheConfig         = TestType.NewCache(nameof(TestGcConcurrency), true);
            BasicFilesystemCache cache = (await InitializeCacheAsync(cacheConfig).SuccessAsync()) as BasicFilesystemCache;

            XAssert.IsNotNull(cache, "Failed to create cache for GC tests!");

            PipDefinition[] pips =
                new PipDefinition("Pip1", pipSize: 3),
                new PipDefinition("Pip2", pipSize: 4),
                new PipDefinition("Pip3", pipSize: 5),
                new PipDefinition("Pip4", pipSize: 4),
                new PipDefinition("Pip5", pipSize: 3)

            CacheEntries files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Build", pips);

            // First have the GC do nothing (all items still rooted but old enough to collect)
            ParallelConcurrentFullGc(cache, "Noop");

            // Now delete the session and make sure we collect correctly

            // This may take a few tries to get all of the items GC'ed
            // Since we assume that the GC will always work, any error returned
            // by the GC will trigger a fault and failure of the test.
            // However, the GC is designed to, if anything is in question at
            // all, to just skip deleting (or marking as pending delete)
            // any item that is busy or otherwise engaged.  This does mean that
            // multiple concurrent GC can, in rare cases, cause a file
            // (specifically a strong fingerprint) to not get collected for
            // a given pass due to the file being in use by another GC.
            // This is perfectly correct and will cause that item to be
            // collected later.  However, later may require another
            // aging of the files since the file age may have been
            // reset during the failed attempt to mark it pending.
            // (Which is a good thing since failing to mark pending is
            // a potential sign that something is using it and thus
            // it is not yet ready to be changed)
            // Anyway, the number of passes and the exact state of the GC
            // is not directly knowable due to these races but they sure should
            // not be greater than 100
            int pass = 0;

            while (files.Count > 0)
                ParallelConcurrentFullGc(cache, "Pass #" + pass);

                // Make sure some progress happened
                // That means some items had to be marked pending or
                // got collected each time through the process.
                // This will make sure we are always making some
                // progress with the GC and thus will terminate.

                files = new CacheEntries(cache);

            AssertSuccess(await cache.ShutdownAsync());
        public async Task TestGcMultiSession()
            string cacheConfig         = TestType.NewCache(nameof(TestGcMultiSession), true);
            BasicFilesystemCache cache = (await InitializeCacheAsync(cacheConfig).SuccessAsync()) as BasicFilesystemCache;

            XAssert.IsNotNull(cache, "Failed to create cache for GC tests!");

            // Verify that we don't have prior content in the cache
            XAssert.AreEqual(0, new CacheEntries(cache).Count, "Test cache did not start out empty!");

            // Also used for session 3
            PipDefinition[] pipsSession1 =
                new PipDefinition("Pip1", pipSize: 3),
                new PipDefinition("Pip2", pipSize: 4),
                new PipDefinition("Pip3", pipSize: 5)

            // This should just bring back from the "pending" one pip with 4 outputs
            // Also used for session 4
            PipDefinition[] pipsSession2 =
                new PipDefinition("Pip2", pipSize: 4)

            CacheEntries session1Files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Session1", pipsSession1);

            CacheEntries session2Files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Session2", pipsSession2);

            // The second session should not have changed anything as the pip already existed
            XAssert.IsFalse(session2Files.AreDifferences(session1Files), "We changed the cache when we should not have!");

            // Nothing should change on this GC since the files are all referenced

            // Nothing should change because of session 2 deleting since the fingerprint still exists in session1

            // Deleteing session 1 should cause all fingerprints to become pending delete
            CacheEntries session1GcFpPending = new CacheEntries(cache);

            XAssert.IsFalse(session1GcFpPending.FingerprintFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete), "All fingerprints should be pending delete");
            XAssert.IsFalse(session1GcFpPending.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsPendingDelete), "All cas should not be pending delete");

            // Rebuilding the pips from session1a should restore the pending delete to non-pending delete (in fact, restore to session1Files)
            CacheEntries session3Files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Session3", pipsSession1);

            XAssert.IsFalse(session3Files.AreDifferences(session1Files), "Should be back to the same after rebuilding - no pending");


            CacheEntries session3GcFpPending = new CacheEntries(cache);

            XAssert.IsFalse(session3GcFpPending.FingerprintFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete), "All fingerprints should be pending delete");
            XAssert.IsFalse(session3GcFpPending.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsPendingDelete), "All cas should not be pending delete");

            // Build the session2 single pip (as session 4) to recover the pending
            CacheEntries session4Files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Session4", pipsSession2);

            XAssert.AreEqual(session1Files.Count, session4Files.Count, "Should not have made any extra files");
            XAssert.AreEqual(1, session4Files.FingerprintFiles.Keys.Count(IsNotPendingDelete), "Should have 1 non-pending delete fingerprint");

            // This should collect all but the one fingerprint from session 4 and mark pending all of the cas entries
            // except the 5 cas entries from session 4.  (4 cas outputs plus the cas input list in the fingerprint)
            CacheEntries session4Gc = new CacheEntries(cache);

            XAssert.AreEqual(1, session4Gc.FingerprintFiles.Count, "Should only have one fingerprint file left");
            XAssert.AreEqual(session1Files.CasFiles.Count, session4Gc.CasFiles.Count);
            XAssert.AreEqual(5, session4Gc.CasFiles.Keys.Count(IsNotPendingDelete), "Only Pip2 cas should be non-pending");


            // Pip2 fingerprint to pending

            // Pip2 fingerprint from pending to delete - cas entries to pending
            new CacheEntries(cache).AgeAll();
            CacheEntries session4GcCasPending = new CacheEntries(cache);

            XAssert.AreEqual(0, session4GcCasPending.FingerprintFiles.Count, "All fingerprints should be gone");
            XAssert.IsFalse(session4GcCasPending.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete), "All cas should be pending delete");

            // Pip2 cas entries from pending to delete
            XAssert.AreEqual(0, new CacheEntries(cache).Count, "All should be collected now");

            AssertSuccess(await cache.ShutdownAsync());
        public async Task TestGcBasic()
            string cacheConfig         = TestType.NewCache(nameof(TestGcBasic), true);
            BasicFilesystemCache cache = (await InitializeCacheAsync(cacheConfig).SuccessAsync()) as BasicFilesystemCache;

            XAssert.IsNotNull(cache, "Failed to create cache for GC tests!");

            // Verify that we don't have prior content in the cache
            XAssert.AreEqual(0, new CacheEntries(cache).Count, "Test cache did not start out empty!");

            PipDefinition[] pipsSession1 =
                new PipDefinition("Pip1", pipSize: 3),
                new PipDefinition("Pip2", pipSize: 4),
                new PipDefinition("Pip3", pipSize: 5)

            CacheEntries session1Files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Session1", pipsSession1);

            // Nothing should change on this GC since the files and are all referenced


            // Everything is rooted so nothing should happen here

            XAssert.IsFalse(new CacheEntries(cache).AreDifferences(session1Files), "We changed the cache when we should not have!");

            // Now, if we delete the session, we should collect things.

            // All of the fingerprints should be changed to pending but nothing should be deleted
            CacheEntries session1gcFpPending = new CacheEntries(cache);

            XAssert.AreEqual(session1Files.Count, session1gcFpPending.Count, "Nothing should have been added or deleted!");
            XAssert.IsFalse(session1gcFpPending.FingerprintFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete), "All fingerprints should be pending delete");
            XAssert.IsFalse(session1gcFpPending.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsPendingDelete), "All cas should not be pending delete");

            // Nothing to happen here as the pending files are too new

            // Nothing changed...
            XAssert.IsFalse(new CacheEntries(cache).AreDifferences(session1gcFpPending), "We changed the cache when we should not have!");

            // Now age the pending delete such that they are collected


            CacheEntries session1gcCas1 = new CacheEntries(cache);

            XAssert.AreEqual(0, session1gcCas1.FingerprintFiles.Count, "Should have collected all fingerprints");

            // And, we should have moved to pending all CAS items (since there is no pending)
            XAssert.IsFalse(session1gcCas1.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete), "All cas should be pending delete");

            FullGc(cache); // Should do nothing as they are not old enough pending
            XAssert.IsFalse(new CacheEntries(cache).AreDifferences(session1gcCas1), "We changed the cache when we should not have!");

            // After getting all to be old, this should finally GC it all

            XAssert.AreEqual(0, new CacheEntries(cache).Count, "Should have collected everything.");

            AssertSuccess(await cache.ShutdownAsync());