private void CommitRevisions_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
     if (this.uiCommitRevisions.SelectedItem != null)
         CVSFile oFile = ((Revision)((ListBoxItem)this.uiCommitRevisions.SelectedItem).Tag).oFile;
         if (System.IO.File.Exists(oFile.sPath + "\\" + oFile.sName))
             System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(oFile.sPath + "\\" + oFile.sName);
        private void FetchNewCommitsFromCVS(CVSFile oFile)
            List <Commit> cNewCommits = CVSCalls.GetCommits(oFile, cTags);

            if ((cNewCommits.Count == 0 || oDatabase.GetRevisionCount(oFile) == cNewCommits.Count) && !oFile.bIgnored)
                //This file has no (new) commits, maybe they are still pending. Skip saving this to the database.
                //Next refresh might show a different result.
            else if (oFile.bIgnored)
                //This file needs to be marked as ignored, to not be checked again next time.

            //Save File (or update "LastChanged"), tags and commits.
            oDatabase.SaveCommits(cNewCommits, cTags);
        static string MatName(long?matid, long?matcount, CVSFile mat)
            if (matid != null && matcount != null)
                int matrow = mat.FindInColumn("A", matid.Value.ToString());
                if (matrow >= 0)
                    string name = mat[matrow]["F"].Trim();
                    EliteDangerousCore.MaterialCommodityData mc = EliteDangerousCore.MaterialCommodityData.GetCachedMaterialByName(name);

                    if (mc != null)
                        return(matcount.Value.ToString() + mc.shortname); //+ "(" + + ")";
                        return(matcount.Value.ToString() + name + "( **** UNKNOWN *****)");
        static public string Process(string rootpath)            // overall index of items
            string ret = "// DATA FROM Frontiers excel spreadsheet with corolis modules.json to give engineers names" + Environment.NewLine;

            ret += "// DO NOT UPDATE MANUALLY - use the netlogentry frontierdata scanner to do this" + Environment.NewLine;
            ret += "" + Environment.NewLine;

            string  recipies    = Path.Combine(rootpath, "recipes.csv");
            CVSFile filerecipes = new CVSFile();

            if (!filerecipes.Read(recipies))
                return("ERROR no recipies");

            string  materials = Path.Combine(rootpath, "mats.csv");
            CVSFile filemats  = new CVSFile();

            if (!filemats.Read(materials))
                return("ERROR no mats");

            List <CorolisEngineering.EngEntry> englist = CorolisEngineering.GetEng(rootpath);

            foreach (CVSFile.Row line in filerecipes.Rows)
                string fdname      = line["A"];
                string ukname      = line["C"];
                string descr       = line["D"];
                int?   level       = line.GetInt("P");
                long?  matid1      = line.GetInt("Q");
                long?  matid1count = line.GetInt("R");
                long?  matid2      = line.GetInt("S");
                long?  matid2count = line.GetInt("T");
                long?  matid3      = line.GetInt("U");
                long?  matid3count = line.GetInt("V");

                if (level != null)
                    fdname = fdname.Substring(0, fdname.LastIndexOf('_'));      //examples, AFM_Shielded, Armour_Heavy Duty
                    string fdfront = fdname.Substring(0, fdname.IndexOf('_'));
                    string fdback  = fdname.Substring(fdname.IndexOf('_') + 1).Replace(" ", "");

                    string ing = MatName(matid1, matid1count, filemats);
                    ing = ing.AppendPrePad(MatName(matid2, matid2count, filemats), ",");
                    ing = ing.AppendPrePad(MatName(matid3, matid3count, filemats), ",");

                    string cat = fdname.Word(new char[] { '_' }, 1).SplitCapsWordFull();
                    if (cat == "FS Dinterdictor")
                        cat = "FSD Interdictor";

                    List <CorolisEngineering.EngEntry> modulelist = (from x in englist where x.corolisfrontierid == fdfront select x).ToList();

                    string engnames = "Not Known";

                    if (modulelist.Count == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("No matching corolis module found " + fdname + ":" + fdfront);
                        CorolisEngineering.EngEntry anylevelentry = (from x in modulelist where x.fdname.IndexOf(fdback, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 select x).FirstOrDefault();
                        CorolisEngineering.EngEntry entry         = (from x in modulelist where x.fdname.IndexOf(fdback, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 && x.grade == level.ToString() select x).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (entry == null)
                            if (anylevelentry != null)
                                Console.WriteLine("Possible mismatched grade for " + fdname + ":" + fdfront + ":" + fdback + " at " + level);
                                Console.WriteLine("No matching engineering found for " + fdname + ":" + fdfront + ":" + fdback);

                            modulelist = null;
                            //Console.WriteLine("engineering found for FDName: " + fdname + ": Entry " + entry.fdname);
                            engnames = entry.englist;

                    if (ukname.StartsWith("Misc "))
                        ukname = ukname.Substring(5);

                    if (modulelist != null)
                        string classline = "        new EngineeringRecipe(\"" + ukname + "\", \"" + ing + "\", \"" + cat + "\", \"" + level.Value.ToString() + "\", \"" + engnames + "\" ),";
                        ret += classline + Environment.NewLine;
