        private void JobMonitor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            NotificationIcon = new NotifyIcon();

            //same icon as this form.
            NotificationIcon.Icon = this.Icon;

            //set the ContextMenuStrip....
            NotificationMenu = new ContextMenuStrip();

            HideItem = new ToolStripMenuItem("&Hide");

            RestoreItem = new ToolStripMenuItem("&Restore");
            //make it bold to indicate it is the "default" action.
            RestoreItem.Font = new Font(RestoreItem.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
            QuitItem         = new ToolStripMenuItem("&Quit");

            //set handlers...
            NotificationMenu.Opening += new CancelEventHandler(NotificationMenu_Opening);
            MonitorSorter             = new GenericListViewSorter(lvwUserListing, null);

            HideItem.Click    += new EventHandler(HideItem_Click);
            QuitItem.Click    += new EventHandler(QuitItem_Click);
            RestoreItem.Click += new EventHandler(RestoreItem_Click);
            NotificationMenu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { RestoreItem, HideItem, QuitItem });

            NotificationIcon.DoubleClick     += new EventHandler(RestoreItem_Click);
            NotificationIcon.ContextMenuStrip = NotificationMenu;

            //That's the Notification Icon setup.

            //ready the db...

            catch (Exception exx)
                //oh no!
                //log the error.
                DataLayer.LogAdmin("Exception:" + exx.Message + " Stack Trace:" + exx.StackTrace);
                //show a message.

                if (MessageBox.Show(this, "Error Connecting to the Database:" + exx.Message, "Database Error", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) == DialogResult.Retry)
                    goto tryagain;
            DbConnection gotcon = Database.GetConnection();

            //draw our "LED" bitmaps.

            LEDs        = new Bitmap[LEDColorsMiddle.Length];
            LEDGraphics = new Graphics[LEDColorsMiddle.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < LEDColorsMiddle.Length; i++)
                LEDs[i] = new Bitmap(16, 16);
                Graphics g = LEDGraphics[i] = Graphics.FromImage(LEDs[i]);
                //draw an ellipse...
                GraphicsPath gpp = new GraphicsPath();
                gpp.AddEllipse(2, 2, 14, 14);

                PathGradientBrush pathbrush = new PathGradientBrush(gpp);
                pathbrush.CenterColor = LEDColorsMiddle[i];
                Color[] surround = pathbrush.SurroundColors;

                for (int j = 0; j < surround.Length; j++)
                    surround[j] = LEDColorsOuter[i];

                pathbrush.SurroundColors = surround;

                pathbrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(8, 8);

                g.FillPath(pathbrush, gpp);


            //create the ImageList.
            imlListView            = new ImageList();
            imlListView.ImageSize  = new Size(16, 16);
            imlListView.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;

            //add the columns to the listview.
            //right now- a "unlabelled" one, 17 pixels wide, to show the LED;
            //and their Name. simple enough, really.

            lvwUserListing.SmallImageList = imlListView;

            lvwUserListing.Columns.Add("NAME", "Name", 100);
            lvwUserListing.Columns.Add("BUSY", "Time", 100);

            //add  two groups: one for clocked-in and one for clocked-out.

            Clockedingroup  = lvwUserListing.Groups.Add("CLOCKEDIN", "Clocked In");
            Clockedoutgroup = lvwUserListing.Groups.Add("CLOCKEDOUT", "Clocked Out");

            MonitorSelChange             = new BeforeSelItemChange(lvwUserListing);
            MonitorSelChange.fireChange += new BeforeSelItemChange.BeforeItemChangeFunction(MonitorSelChange_fireChange);

            userwatch             = new CUserDataWatcher(Database);
            userwatch.WatchEvent += new CUserDataWatcher.WatchEventFunc(userwatch_WatchEvent);

            //set up the timer as well, which will periodically fire...
            MonitorUpdateTimer          = new Timer();
            MonitorUpdateTimer.Interval = 500;
            MonitorUpdateTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(MonitorUpdateTimer_Tick);
        void userwatch_WatchEvent(CUserDataWatcher sender, CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants changetype, DataLayer.UserRecord oldRecord, DataLayer.UserRecord newRecord, object extradata)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => userwatch_WatchEvent(sender, changetype, oldRecord, newRecord, extradata)));
            Debug.Print("WatchEvent..." + changetype.ToString());
            switch (changetype)
            case CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants.CIC_UserAdded:

                if (!newRecord.Active)
                    return;                       //don't show inactive users.
                List <String> gotorders = Database.GetUserOrders(newRecord.Username);

                ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem();
                String       RO;

                lvi.Text = newRecord.Username;
                lvi.Tag  = newRecord;
                lvi.Name = "Record" + newRecord.RecordID.ToString();
                String   busytext  = "";
                bool     isclocked = false;
                DateTime?earlytime = GetEarliestStartTime(newRecord.PINCode, gotorders, out RO);
                if (earlytime == null)
                    busytext       = " Not Clocked in";
                    lvi.ImageIndex = 1;
                    lvi.Group      = Clockedoutgroup;
                    isclocked      = false;
                    isclocked = true;
                    lvi.Group = Clockedingroup;
                    //otherwise, it needs to show the RO#'s they are clocked into with their time.
                    //I get the feeling users won't be able to clock in more  than one order at a time but may as well be flexible.

                    List <String> useractiveorders = Database.GetUserOrders(newRecord.Username);

                    Debug.Assert(useractiveorders.Count > 0);     //should always have clocked in order if we get here.

                    TimeSpan elapsedvalue = new TimeSpan();

                    if (useractiveorders.Count == 1)
                        busytext = FormatUserOrderInfo(newRecord.PINCode, useractiveorders[0], ref elapsedvalue);
                        List <String> buildlisting = (from o in useractiveorders let k = FormatUserOrderInfo(newRecord.PINCode, o, ref elapsedvalue) where k != "" select k).ToList();

                        busytext = String.Join(",", buildlisting.ToArray());

                    CheckWarningLength(lvi, elapsedvalue);
                    //busytext = "Busy since " + earlytime.Value.ToShortTimeString();
                    lvi.ImageIndex = 0;
                lvi.Tag = newRecord;


            case CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants.CIC_UserRemoved:
                //remove the item.
                ListViewItem finditem = lvwUserListing.Items["Record" + oldRecord.RecordID.ToString()];


            case CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants.CIC_ActiveChanged:

                //we fake it by just refiring the event with Add or remove, respectively.

                bool newstate = (bool)extradata;
                if (newstate)
                    userwatch_WatchEvent(sender, CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants.CIC_UserAdded, oldRecord, newRecord, null);
                    userwatch_WatchEvent(sender, CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants.CIC_UserRemoved, oldRecord, newRecord, null);


            case CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants.CIC_AllChanged:
                ListViewItem ItemChanged = lvwUserListing.Items["Record" + newRecord.RecordID.ToString()];
                if (ItemChanged != null)     //null check, since it could fire immediately before a Add...
                    ItemChanged.Tag  = newRecord;
                    ItemChanged.Text = newRecord.Username;
                    var      activeorders = Database.GetUserOrders(newRecord.Username, true);
                    TimeSpan refspan      = new TimeSpan();
                    String[] formatted    =
                        (from m in activeorders select FormatUserOrderInfo(newRecord.PINCode, m, ref refspan)).ToArray();
                    String usesubitemtext = String.Join(",", formatted).Trim();
                    if (usesubitemtext != "")
                        ItemChanged.SubItems[1].Text = usesubitemtext;
                    CheckWarningLength(ItemChanged, refspan);

            case CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants.CIC_PINChanged:
                ListViewItem PINItem = lvwUserListing.Items["Record" + newRecord.RecordID.ToString()];
                //well... actually we don't care if the PIN changes, but we need to keep things up to date nonetheless.
                PINItem.Tag = newRecord;

            case CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants.CIC_NameChanged:
                ListViewItem changednameitem = lvwUserListing.Items["Record" + newRecord.RecordID.ToString()];
                changednameitem.Text = newRecord.Username;
                changednameitem.Tag  = newRecord;

            case CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants.CIC_Clockin:
                ListViewItem  clockedin    = lvwUserListing.Items["Record" + newRecord.RecordID.ToString()];
                List <String> inuserorders = Database.GetUserOrders(newRecord.Username, true);
                bool          isclockedout = inuserorders.Count == 0;
                clockedin.ImageIndex = isclockedout ? 1 : 0;
                if (!isclockedout)
                    clockedin.Group = Clockedingroup;

                clockedin.Group = Clockedingroup;

                if (inuserorders.Count == 0)
                    if (Database.Configuration.Monitor_NotifyAvailableTech)
                        NotificationIcon.ShowBalloonTip(750, newRecord.Username + " Available.", "A Tech no longer has active work orders.", ToolTipIcon.Info);
                clockedin.Tag = newRecord;


            case CUserDataWatcher.ChangeInfoConstants.CIC_Clockout:

                ListViewItem  clockedout = lvwUserListing.Items["Record" + newRecord.RecordID.ToString()];
                List <String> userorders = Database.GetUserOrders(newRecord.Username, true);
                bool          isout      = userorders.Count == 0;
                clockedout.ImageIndex = isout ? 1 : 0;
                clockedout.BackColor  = SystemColors.Window;

                //recalc the UserOrder Format...

                if (isout)
                    clockedout.Group = Clockedoutgroup;

                if (userorders.Count == 0)
                    //set subitem...
                    clockedout.SubItems[1].Text = "Not Clocked in";
                    if (Database.Configuration.Monitor_NotifyAvailableTech)
                        NotificationIcon.ShowBalloonTip(750, newRecord.Username + " Available.", "A Tech no longer has active work orders.", ToolTipIcon.Info);

                clockedout.Tag = newRecord;