 public static CUIPanel Create(CUICanvas oCanvas)
     GameObject oPanelResGO = Resources.Load("UI/CUIPanel") as GameObject;
     GameObject oPanelGO = Instantiate(oPanelResGO) as GameObject;
     oPanelGO.transform.SetParent(oCanvas.transform, false);
     oPanelGO.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
     oPanelGO.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
     CUIPanel oPanel = oPanelGO.GetComponent<CUIPanel>();
     return oPanel;
	//Color col1F = CUtility.Color_HSVtoRGB(135, 20, 213); Color32 col1 = new Color32((byte)(255 * col1F.r), (byte)(255 * col1F.g), (byte)(255 * col1F.b), 0);		//###BUG Conversion not working... negative numbers, WTF???
	//Color col2F = CUtility.Color_HSVtoRGB(02, 20, 213); Color32 col2 = new Color32((byte)(255 * col2F.r), (byte)(255 * col2F.g), (byte)(255 * col2F.b), 0);

   // public static Color Color_HSVtoRGB(float h, float s, float v) {		//###LEARN: From http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/color/t_convert.html		
   //     Color calcColour = new Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
   //     int i = 0;
   //     float f = 0;
   //     float p = 0;
   //     float q = 0;
   //     float t = 0;
   //     if ( s == 0 ) {		// achromatic (grey)
   //         calcColour.r = v;
   //         calcColour.g = v;
   //         calcColour.b = v;
   //         return calcColour;
   //     }
   //     h /= 60;
   //     i = Mathf.FloorToInt( h );
   //     f = h - i;
   //     p = v * ( 1 - s );
   //     q = v * ( 1 - ( s * f ) );
   //     t = v * ( 1 - ( s * ( 1 - f ) ) );
   //     switch( i ) {
   //         case 0 :
   //             calcColour.r = v;
   //             calcColour.g = t;
   //             calcColour.b = p;
   //         case 1 :
   //             calcColour.r = q;
   //             calcColour.g = v;
   //             calcColour.b = p;
   //         break;
   //         case 2 :
   //             calcColour.r = p;
   //             calcColour.g = v;
   //             calcColour.b = t;
   //         break;
   //         case 3 :
   //             calcColour.r = p;
   //             calcColour.g = q;
   //             calcColour.b = v;
   //         break;
   //         case 4 :
   //             calcColour.r = t;
   //             calcColour.g = p;
   //             calcColour.b = v;
   //         break;
   //         default :
   //             calcColour.r = v;
   //             calcColour.g = p;
   //             calcColour.b = q;
   //         break;
   //     }
   //     return calcColour;
   // }
   // public static Vector3 Color_RGBtoHSV(float r, float g, float b) {
   //     Vector3 calcColour = new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ); // H, S, V
   //     float min = 0;
   //     float max = 0;
   //     float delta = 0;
   //     min = Mathf.Min( r, g, b );
   //     max = Mathf.Max( r, g, b );
   //     calcColour.z = max; // V
   //     delta = max - min;
   //     if ( max != 0 ) {
   //         calcColour.y = delta / max; // S
   //     } else {
   //         calcColour.y = 0; // S		// r = g = b = 0
   //         calcColour.x = -1; // H
   //         return calcColour;
   //     }
   //     if ( r == max )
   //         calcColour.x = ( g - b ) / delta; // H
   //     else if ( g == max )
   //         calcColour.x = 2 + ( ( b - r ) / delta ); // H
   //     else
   //         calcColour.x = 4 + ( ( r - g ) / delta ); // H
   //     calcColour.x *= 60; // H
   //     if ( calcColour.x < 0 )
   //         calcColour.x += 360;
   //     return calcColour;
   // }
    #region === UI ===
    public static void WndPopup_Create(CUICanvas oCanvas, EWndPopupType eWndPopupType, CObject[] aObjects, string sNamePopup, float nX = -1, float nY = -1) {
        //=== Construct the dialog's content dependent on what type of dialog it is ===
        CUIPanel oPanel = CUIPanel.Create(oCanvas);           //####DESIGN!  ####SOON ####CLEANUP?
        int nRows = 0;
        int nPropGrps = 0;
        foreach (CObject oObj in aObjects) {
            foreach (CPropGroup oPropGrp in oObj._aPropGroups) {   //###BUG!: Inserts one extra!  Why??
                oPropGrp._oUIPanel = oPanel;                    //####IMPROVE ####MOVE??
                foreach (int nPropID in oPropGrp._aPropIDs) {
                    CProp oProp = oObj.PropFind(nPropID);
                    nRows += oProp.CreateWidget(oPropGrp);
        //oCanvas.transform.position = CGame.INSTANCE._oCursor.transform.position;
        //oCanvas.transform.rotation = Camera.main.transform.rotation;
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	CREATION HELPERS
 public void WndPopup_Create(CUICanvas oCanvas, CObject[] aObjects, float nX = -1, float nY = -1)
     // Create a popup window capable of end-user editing of the public properties of this object.
     CUtility.WndPopup_Create(oCanvas, EWndPopupType.PropertyEditor, aObjects, _sNameHotspot, nX, nY);
    CObjectBlender _oObj; // The Blender-implemented Object that exposes RTTI-like information for change Blender shape keys from Unity UI panels

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    public CBodyBase(int nBodyID, EBodySex eBodySex)
        _nBodyID = nBodyID;
        _eBodySex = eBodySex;
        _sBodyPrefix = "Body" + _nBodyID.ToString();

        //=== Create default values for important body parameters from the sex ===
        if (_eBodySex == EBodySex.Man) {
            _sMeshSource = "ManA";
            _sHumanCharacterName = (_nBodyID == 0) ? "Karl" : "Brent";          //###IMPROVE: Database of names?  From user???
        } else {
            _sMeshSource = "WomanA";
            _sHumanCharacterName = (_nBodyID == 0) ? "Emily" : "Eve";

        switch (_eBodySex) {                                 //###CHECK	####TEMP ####DESIGN: Loaded from file or user top-level selection! ####DESIGN: Public properties?
            case EBodySex.Man:
                _sNameSrcGenitals = "PenisM-Erotic9-A-Big";		//###TODO#11: Cleanup?
            case EBodySex.Woman:
                _sNameSrcGenitals = "V****a-Erotic9-A";                  //###DESIGN??? Crotch and not v****a???
            case EBodySex.Shemale:
                _sNameSrcGenitals = "PenisW-Erotic9-A-Big";              //###TODO: Comes from GUI!

        //=== Instantiate the proper prefab for our body type (Man or Woman), which defines our bones and colliders ===
        GameObject oBodyTemplateGO = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Prefab" + _sMeshSource, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;      //###TODO: Different gender / body types enum that matches Blender	//oBody._sMeshSource +
        _oBodyRootGO = GameObject.Instantiate(oBodyTemplateGO) as GameObject;
        _oBodyRootGO.name = _sBodyPrefix;
        _oBodyRootGO.SetActive(true);           // Prefab is stored with top object deactivated to ease development... activate it here...

        //=== Obtain references to needed sub-objects of our prefab ===
        _oBonesT    = CUtility.FindChild(_oBodyRootGO.transform, "Bones");            // Set key nodes of Bones and Base we'll need quick access to over and over.
        _oBaseT     = CUtility.FindChild(_oBodyRootGO.transform, "Base");

        CGame.gBL_SendCmd("CBody", "CBodyBase_Create(" + _nBodyID.ToString() + ", '" + _sMeshSource + "', '" + eBodySex.ToString() + "','" + _sNameSrcGenitals + "')");       // This new instance is an extension of this Unity CBody instance and contains most instance members
        _sBlenderInstancePath_CBodyBase = "CBodyBase_GetBodyBase(" + _nBodyID.ToString() + ")";                 // Simplify access to Blender CBodyBase instance

        //=== Download our morphing non-skinned body from Blender ===
        GameObject oBodyBaseGO = new GameObject(_sBodyPrefix);        // Create the root Unity node that will keep together all the many subnodes of this body.
        _oMeshMorphResult = CBMesh.Create(oBodyBaseGO, this, ".oMeshMorphResult", typeof(CBMesh), true);     // Get the baked-morph mesh Blender updates for us at every morph update. (And keep Blender share so we can update)
        _oMeshMorphResult.name = "MorphingBody";

        //=== DEFINE THE FLEX COLLIDER: Read the collection of verts that will from the Flex collider (responsible to repell master Bodysuit from morph-time body) ===
        _aVertsFlexCollider = CByteArray.GetArray_USHORT("'CBody'", _sBlenderInstancePath_CBodyBase + ".aVertsFlexCollider.Unity_GetBytes()");
        FlexObjects_Create();			// Create the Flex objects the first time.They will be destroyed upon going to gametime

        //=== Create the managing object and related hotspot ===
        _oObj = new CObjectBlender(this, _sBlenderInstancePath_CBodyBase + ".oObjectMeshShapeKeys", _nBodyID);
        _oObj.Event_PropertyValueChanged += Event_PropertyChangedValue;
        //_oHotSpot = CHotSpot.CreateHotspot(this, null, "Body Morphing", false, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        _oCanvas = CUICanvas.Create(_oMeshMorphResult.transform);
        _oCanvas.transform.position = new Vector3(0.31f, 1.35f, 0.13f);            //###WEAK#11: Hardcoded panel placement in code?  Base on a node in a template instead??  ###IMPROVE: Autorotate?
        CUtility.WndPopup_Create(_oCanvas, EWndPopupType.PropertyEditor, new CObject[] { _oObj }, "Body Morphing");

        //=== Switch to morphing / configure mode ===
        OnChangeBodyMode(EBodyBaseModes.Configure);             // Enter configure mode so we can programmatically apply morphs to customize this body

        //=== Create bodycloth clothing instance.  It will be simulated as the user adjusts morphing sliders so as to set the master cloth to closely match the body's changing shape ===
        _oCloth_BodySuit = CBCloth.Create(this, "MyShirt", "Shirt", "BodySuit", "_ClothSkinnedArea_ShoulderTop");		//###DEV#13

        //=== Change some morphing channels ===		//###TODO#11: Programmatic load & adjustments of sliders from file?
        //_oObj.PropSet(0, 1);				//###IMPROVE#11: Would be of benefit to change properties by string in code? (e.g. not UI?)
        //_oObj.PropSet(1, 1);				//###WEAK#11: Properties appear in non-deterministic order!