  * Returns a item definition index equivalent based on the CSWeaponID.
  * @param id            CSWeaponID to get the item definition for.
  * @return              Returns item definition index value for the weapon id.
  * @error               Invalid weapon id.
  * @note In most cases the item deinition index will be the id. Works for CS:GO ONLY.
 public static int CS_WeaponIDToItemDefIndex(CSWeaponID id)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
  * Gets a alias from a weaponID
  * @param weaponID      WeaponID to get alias for.
  * @param destination   Destination string to hold the weapon alias.
  * @param len           Length of the destination array.
  * @return              Returns number of cells written.
 public static int CS_WeaponIDToAlias(CSWeaponID weaponID, string destination, int len)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
  * Returns weather a WeaponID is valid on the current mod (css or csgo)
  * @param weaponID      WeaponID to check
  * @return              Returns true if its a valid WeaponID false otherwise.
  * @note This will return false always for CSWeapon_NONE. Should only be called after OnMapStart since weapon info isnt intialized before.
 public static bool CS_IsValidWeaponID(CSWeaponID id)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
  * Gets a weapon's price
  * @param client        Client to check weapon price for.
  * @param id            Weapon id for the weapon to check
  * @param defaultprice  Set to true to get defaultprice.
  * @return              Returns price of the weapon (even if modified)
  * @error               Invalid client, failing to get weapon info, or failing to get price offset.
  * @note c4, knife and shield will always return 0. vest, vest helmet and night vision will always return default price.
 public static int CS_GetWeaponPrice(int client, CSWeaponID id, bool defaultprice = false)
     throw new NotImplementedException();