public void InitializeContent(IDefault page) { var control = new UserControl1(); this.frontcontrol = new FrontPanel(); this.frontcontrol.RelativeToAbsolute = href => { if (href.StartsWith("/")) return Native.Document.location.href.TakeUntilLastIfAny("/") + href; return Native.Document.location.href + href; }; Native.Document.body.ondragover += evt => { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"; // Explicitly show this is a copy. }; Native.Document.body.ondrop += evt => { #region dataTransfer evt.dataTransfer.types.WithEach( x => { Console.WriteLine(x); //SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); //Console.Beep(); #region text/uri-list if (x == "text/uri-list") { var src = evt.dataTransfer.getData(x); if (src != "about:blank") { if (src.StartsWith("")) src = "" + src.SkipUntilIfAny("").TakeUntilIfAny("&"); Console.WriteLine(new { src }); frontcontrol.CreateWindowAndNavigate(src); } } #endregion } ); #endregion }; Console.Write("frontcontrol set"); // var TILT_BASE = 2.0f; var qtext = page.search_text; var tilt_cur = TILT_BASE; var tilt = TILT_BASE; var rot_cur = 1f; var rot = 1f; var lidAngle = 0f; var lidAngleV = 0f; var close_ok = false; var playing = false; var iframe = page.bottom_iframe; iframe.Hide(); var rootTransMatrix = new M44(); var rootTransNode = new TransformNode(rootTransMatrix); rootTransMatrix.rotX(tilt); M44 lidTrans1 = (new M44()).translate(0f, 100f, 0f); M44 lidTrans2 = new M44(); var box = new CSSCube(200, 200, 80, rootTransNode); var gbox = page.gift_box; var gbox_childnodes = gbox.childNodes.ExceptTextNodes(); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { CSSFace f = box.getSide(i); f.element = gbox_childnodes[7 + i]; f.backElement = gbox_childnodes[1 + i]; } ((CSSFace)box.getTop()).element = gbox_childnodes[11]; var frontElement = (IHTMLElement)gbox_childnodes[7]; //var frontElement_firstChild = (IHTMLElement)frontElement.childNodes.ExceptTextNodes()[0]; CSSFace bt = box.getBottom(); bt.element = gbox_childnodes[5]; bt.preTrans.rotX(Math.PI); box.getTop().backElement = gbox_childnodes[6]; var floorFace = new CSSFace(bt.tNode, 256, 256); floorFace.element = gbox_childnodes[0]; floorFace.N.z = 1f; #region updateTransform Action updateTransform = delegate { box.localTrans.rotY(rot_cur); box.localTrans._42 = (80f - box.height) / 2f; rootTransMatrix.rotX(tilt_cur); rootTransMatrix._42 = (80f - box.height) / 2f; floorFace.postTrans.translate(-28, -88 - box.localTrans._42, 0); box.applyTransform(); floorFace.applyTransform(); }; updateTransform(); #endregion #region resizing var resizing = default(Action); var resize_handle = page.resize_handle; = IStyle.CursorEnum.move; var prevHandleY = 0f; var prevBoxH = 0f; resize_handle.onmousedown += e => { e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); resizing = resize_handle.CaptureMouse(); //prevHandleY = e.screenY; prevHandleY = e.OffsetY; prevBoxH = box.height; }; resize_handle.onmousemove += e => { if (resizing != null) { e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); var yy = rootTransMatrix._22; if (yy < -0.01 || yy > 0.01) { //var dy = e.screenY - prevHandleY; var dy = e.OffsetY - prevHandleY; var h = prevBoxH - dy / yy; if (h < 20) h = 20; if (h > 200) h = 200; box.changeHeight(h); frontcontrol.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( frontElement.Bounds.Width, frontElement.Bounds.Height ); // =; // =; updateTransform(); } else { resizing(); resizing = null; } } }; resize_handle.onmouseup += e => { if (resizing != null) { resizing(); resizing = null; } }; #endregion #region intpMotion Func<bool> intpMotion = delegate { var dR = rot_cur - rot; var dT = tilt_cur - tilt; if (dR < 0) dR = -dR; if (dT < 0) dT = -dT; var not_finished = false; if (dR < 0.002) rot_cur = rot; else { not_finished = true; rot_cur = rot_cur * 0.8f + rot * 0.2f; } if (dT < 0.002) tilt_cur = tilt; else { not_finished = true; tilt_cur = tilt_cur * 0.8f + tilt * 0.2f; } return not_finished; }; #endregion #region setLidRotate Action<float> setLidRotate = a => { lidTrans2.rotX(-a); lidTrans2._42 = -100; box.getTop().preTrans.mul(lidTrans1, lidTrans2); }; #endregion #region doAnimation Action doAnimation = null; doAnimation = delegate { playing = false; if (lidAngle > 0) { playing = true; if (close_ok || lidAngleV > 0) lidAngleV -= 0.01f; lidAngle += lidAngleV; if (lidAngle < 0) { lidAngle = 0; iframe.src = "about:blank"; iframe.Hide(); } else if (lidAngle >= 1.3f) { lidAngle = 1.3f; playing = false; } } else { lidAngle = 0f; lidAngleV = 0f; } setLidRotate(lidAngle); if ((resizing == null) && intpMotion()) playing = true; updateTransform(); if (playing) { var _this = this; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { doAnimation(); }; } }; #endregion #region onmousemove Native.Document.body.onmousemove += e => { if (control.checkBox1.Checked) return; if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Native.Document.body) { rot += e.movementX * 0.01f; tilt += e.movementY * 0.01f; } else { rot = e.CursorX * 0.006f - 0.9f; tilt = (TILT_BASE - e.CursorY * 0.004f); } if (tilt < 0.5f) tilt = 0.5f; //Console.WriteLine(new { rot, tilt }.ToString()); if (!playing) doAnimation(); }; #endregion #region close_button page.close_button.onclick += e => { e.StopPropagation(); close_ok = true; if (lidAngle > 1.2) { lidAngle -= 0.1f; lidAngleV = 0.01f; } if (!playing) doAnimation(); }; #endregion #region onSearchClick Action onSearchClick = delegate { lidAngle += 0.01f; lidAngleV = 0.17f; close_ok = false; iframe.Show(); iframe.allowFullScreen = true; // Refused to display document because display forbidden by X-Frame-Options. iframe.src = frontcontrol.comboBox1.Text; if (!playing) doAnimation(); }; page.search_text.onkeydown += e => { if (e.KeyCode == 13) { onSearchClick(); } }; page.search_button.onclick += e => { onSearchClick(); }; #endregion page.search_fullscreen.onmousedown += e => { e.preventDefault(); if (e.MouseButton != IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left) Native.Document.body.requestPointerLock(); }; Native.Document.body.onmouseup += delegate { Native.Document.exitPointerLock(); }; page.search_fullscreen.onclick += delegate { page.box_label.requestFullscreen(); }; { var ContainerShadow = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(page.box_label_container); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; var Container = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(page.box_label_container); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; control.AttachControlTo(Container); //control.AutoSizeControlTo(ContainerShadow); } { var ContainerShadow = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(page.front_panel); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; var Container = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(page.front_panel); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; frontcontrol.AttachControlTo(Container); //frontcontrol.AutoSizeControlTo(ContainerShadow); frontcontrol.Width = 200; frontcontrol.Height = 80; frontcontrol.button1.Click += delegate { onSearchClick(); }; resize_handle.Orphanize().AttachTo(page.front_panel); var once = false; frontcontrol.NewForm += f => { if (once) { #if DOESITWORK Abstractatech.JavaScript.FormAsPopup.FormAsPopupExtensions.PopupInsteadOfClosing(f); #endif return; } once = true; //f.DisableFormClosingHandler = true; global::CSSMinimizeFormToSidebar.ApplicationExtension.InitializeSidebarBehaviour( f ); }; } }
void InitializeContent(IDefaultPage page) { // var TILT_BASE = 2.0f; var qtext = page.search_text; var tilt_cur = TILT_BASE; var tilt = TILT_BASE; var rot_cur = 1f; var rot = 1f; var lidAngle = 0f; var lidAngleV = 0f; var close_ok = false; var playing = false; var iframe = page.bottom_iframe; iframe.Hide(); var rootTransMatrix = new M44(); var rootTransNode = new TransformNode(rootTransMatrix); rootTransMatrix.rotX(tilt); M44 lidTrans1 = (new M44()).translate(0f, 100f, 0f); M44 lidTrans2 = new M44(); var box = new CSSCube(200, 200, 80, rootTransNode); var gbox = page.gift_box; var gbox_childnodes = gbox.childNodes.ExceptTextNodes(); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { CSSFace f = box.getSide(i); f.element = gbox_childnodes[7 + i]; f.backElement = gbox_childnodes[1 + i]; } ((CSSFace)box.getTop()).element = gbox_childnodes[11]; var frontElement = (IHTMLElement)gbox_childnodes[7]; var frontElement_firstChild = (IHTMLElement)frontElement.childNodes.ExceptTextNodes()[0]; CSSFace bt = box.getBottom(); bt.element = gbox_childnodes[5]; bt.preTrans.rotX(Math.PI); box.getTop().backElement = gbox_childnodes[6]; var floorFace = new CSSFace(bt.tNode, 256, 256); floorFace.element = gbox_childnodes[0]; floorFace.N.z = 1f; #region updateTransform Action updateTransform = delegate { box.localTrans.rotY(rot_cur); box.localTrans._42 = (80f - box.height) / 2f; rootTransMatrix.rotX(tilt_cur); rootTransMatrix._42 = (80f - box.height) / 2f; floorFace.postTrans.translate(-28, -88 - box.localTrans._42, 0); box.applyTransform(); floorFace.applyTransform(); }; updateTransform(); #endregion #region resizing var resizing = default(Action); var resize_handle = page.resize_handle; = IStyle.CursorEnum.move; var prevHandleY = 0f; var prevBoxH = 0f; resize_handle.onmousedown += e => { e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); resizing = resize_handle.CaptureMouse(); //prevHandleY = e.screenY; prevHandleY = e.OffsetY; prevBoxH = box.height; }; resize_handle.onmousemove += e => { if (resizing != null) { e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); var yy = rootTransMatrix._22; if (yy < -0.01 || yy > 0.01) { //var dy = e.screenY - prevHandleY; var dy = e.OffsetY - prevHandleY; var h = prevBoxH - dy / yy; if (h < 20) h = 20; if (h > 200) h = 200; box.changeHeight(h); =; =; updateTransform(); } else { resizing(); resizing = null; } } }; resize_handle.onmouseup += e => { if (resizing != null) { resizing(); resizing = null; } }; #endregion #region intpMotion Func<bool> intpMotion = delegate { var dR = rot_cur - rot; var dT = tilt_cur - tilt; if (dR < 0) dR = -dR; if (dT < 0) dT = -dT; var not_finished = false; if (dR < 0.002) rot_cur = rot; else { not_finished = true; rot_cur = rot_cur * 0.8f + rot * 0.2f; } if (dT < 0.002) tilt_cur = tilt; else { not_finished = true; tilt_cur = tilt_cur * 0.8f + tilt * 0.2f; } return not_finished; }; #endregion #region setLidRotate Action<float> setLidRotate = a => { lidTrans2.rotX(-a); lidTrans2._42 = -100; box.getTop().preTrans.mul(lidTrans1, lidTrans2); }; #endregion #region doAnimation Action doAnimation = null; doAnimation = delegate { playing = false; if (lidAngle > 0) { playing = true; if (close_ok || lidAngleV > 0) lidAngleV -= 0.01f; lidAngle += lidAngleV; if (lidAngle < 0) { lidAngle = 0; iframe.src = "about:blank"; iframe.Hide(); } else if (lidAngle >= 1.3f) { lidAngle = 1.3f; playing = false; } } else { lidAngle = 0f; lidAngleV = 0f; } setLidRotate(lidAngle); if ((resizing == null) && intpMotion()) playing = true; updateTransform(); if (playing) { var _this = this; Native.Window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { doAnimation(); }; } }; #endregion #region onmousemove Native.Document.body.onmousemove += e => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Native.Document.body) { rot += e.movementX * 0.01f; tilt += e.movementY * 0.01f; } else { rot = e.CursorX * 0.006f - 0.9f; tilt = (TILT_BASE - e.CursorY * 0.004f); } if (tilt < 0.5f) tilt = 0.5f; //Console.WriteLine(new { rot, tilt }.ToString()); if (!playing) doAnimation(); }; #endregion #region close_button page.close_button.onclick += e => { e.StopPropagation(); close_ok = true; if (lidAngle > 1.2) { lidAngle -= 0.1f; lidAngleV = 0.01f; } if (!playing) doAnimation(); }; #endregion #region onSearchClick Action onSearchClick = delegate { lidAngle += 0.01f; lidAngleV = 0.17f; close_ok = false; iframe.Show(); // Refused to display document because display forbidden by X-Frame-Options. iframe.src = ""; if (!playing) doAnimation(); }; page.search_text.onkeydown += e => { if (e.KeyCode == 13) { onSearchClick(); } }; page.search_button.onclick += e => { onSearchClick(); }; #endregion page.search_fullscreen.onmousedown += e => { e.PreventDefault(); if (e.MouseButton != IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left) Native.Document.body.requestPointerLock(); }; Native.Document.body.onmouseup += delegate { Native.Document.exitPointerLock(); }; page.search_fullscreen.onclick += delegate { page.box_label.requestFullscreen(); }; }
void InitializeContent(IDefaultPage page) { // var TILT_BASE = 2.0f; var qtext = page.search_text; var tilt_cur = TILT_BASE; var tilt = TILT_BASE; var rot_cur = 1f; var rot = 1f; var lidAngle = 0f; var lidAngleV = 0f; var close_ok = false; var playing = false; var iframe = page.bottom_iframe; iframe.Hide(); var rootTransMatrix = new M44(); var rootTransNode = new TransformNode(rootTransMatrix); rootTransMatrix.rotX(tilt); M44 lidTrans1 = (new M44()).translate(0f, 100f, 0f); M44 lidTrans2 = new M44(); var box = new CSSCube(200, 200, 80, rootTransNode); var gbox = page.gift_box; var gbox_childnodes = gbox.childNodes.ExceptTextNodes(); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { CSSFace f = box.getSide(i); f.element = gbox_childnodes[7 + i]; f.backElement = gbox_childnodes[1 + i]; } ((CSSFace)box.getTop()).element = gbox_childnodes[11]; var frontElement = (IHTMLElement)gbox_childnodes[7]; var frontElement_firstChild = (IHTMLElement)frontElement.childNodes.ExceptTextNodes()[0]; CSSFace bt = box.getBottom(); bt.element = gbox_childnodes[5]; bt.preTrans.rotX(Math.PI); box.getTop().backElement = gbox_childnodes[6]; var floorFace = new CSSFace(bt.tNode, 256, 256); floorFace.element = gbox_childnodes[0]; floorFace.N.z = 1f; #region updateTransform Action updateTransform = delegate { box.localTrans.rotY(rot_cur); box.localTrans._42 = (80f - box.height) / 2f; rootTransMatrix.rotX(tilt_cur); rootTransMatrix._42 = (80f - box.height) / 2f; floorFace.postTrans.translate(-28, -88 - box.localTrans._42, 0); box.applyTransform(); floorFace.applyTransform(); }; updateTransform(); #endregion #region resizing var resizing = default(Action); var resize_handle = page.resize_handle; = IStyle.CursorEnum.move; var prevHandleY = 0f; var prevBoxH = 0f; resize_handle.onmousedown += e => { e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); resizing = resize_handle.CaptureMouse(); //prevHandleY = e.screenY; prevHandleY = e.OffsetY; prevBoxH = box.height; }; resize_handle.onmousemove += e => { if (resizing != null) { e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); var yy = rootTransMatrix._22; if (yy < -0.01 || yy > 0.01) { //var dy = e.screenY - prevHandleY; var dy = e.OffsetY - prevHandleY; var h = prevBoxH - dy / yy; if (h < 20) { h = 20; } if (h > 200) { h = 200; } box.changeHeight(h); =; =; updateTransform(); } else { resizing(); resizing = null; } } }; resize_handle.onmouseup += e => { if (resizing != null) { resizing(); resizing = null; } }; #endregion #region intpMotion Func <bool> intpMotion = delegate { var dR = rot_cur - rot; var dT = tilt_cur - tilt; if (dR < 0) { dR = -dR; } if (dT < 0) { dT = -dT; } var not_finished = false; if (dR < 0.002) { rot_cur = rot; } else { not_finished = true; rot_cur = rot_cur * 0.8f + rot * 0.2f; } if (dT < 0.002) { tilt_cur = tilt; } else { not_finished = true; tilt_cur = tilt_cur * 0.8f + tilt * 0.2f; } return(not_finished); }; #endregion #region setLidRotate Action <float> setLidRotate = a => { lidTrans2.rotX(-a); lidTrans2._42 = -100; box.getTop().preTrans.mul(lidTrans1, lidTrans2); }; #endregion #region doAnimation Action doAnimation = null; doAnimation = delegate { playing = false; if (lidAngle > 0) { playing = true; if (close_ok || lidAngleV > 0) { lidAngleV -= 0.01f; } lidAngle += lidAngleV; if (lidAngle < 0) { lidAngle = 0; iframe.src = "about:blank"; iframe.Hide(); } else if (lidAngle >= 1.3f) { lidAngle = 1.3f; playing = false; } } else { lidAngle = 0f; lidAngleV = 0f; } setLidRotate(lidAngle); if ((resizing == null) && intpMotion()) { playing = true; } updateTransform(); if (playing) { var _this = this; Native.Window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { doAnimation(); }; } }; #endregion #region onmousemove Native.Document.body.onmousemove += e => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Native.Document.body) { rot += e.movementX * 0.01f; tilt += e.movementY * 0.01f; } else { rot = e.CursorX * 0.006f - 0.9f; tilt = (TILT_BASE - e.CursorY * 0.004f); } if (tilt < 0.5f) { tilt = 0.5f; } //Console.WriteLine(new { rot, tilt }.ToString()); if (!playing) { doAnimation(); } }; #endregion #region close_button page.close_button.onclick += e => { e.StopPropagation(); close_ok = true; if (lidAngle > 1.2) { lidAngle -= 0.1f; lidAngleV = 0.01f; } if (!playing) { doAnimation(); } }; #endregion #region onSearchClick Action onSearchClick = delegate { lidAngle += 0.01f; lidAngleV = 0.17f; close_ok = false; iframe.Show(); // Refused to display document because display forbidden by X-Frame-Options. iframe.src = ""; if (!playing) { doAnimation(); } }; page.search_text.onkeydown += e => { if (e.KeyCode == 13) { onSearchClick(); } }; page.search_button.onclick += e => { onSearchClick(); }; #endregion page.search_fullscreen.onmousedown += e => { e.PreventDefault(); if (e.MouseButton != IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left) { Native.Document.body.requestPointerLock(); } }; Native.Document.body.onmouseup += delegate { Native.Document.exitPointerLock(); }; page.search_fullscreen.onclick += delegate { page.box_label.requestFullscreen(); }; }