private KeyValuePair <byte[], int> read_binary(Int16 maxLe, Int16 offset = 0x00) { KeyValuePair <byte[], int> pair; byte[] buffOut = new byte[256]; int outSize = 300; byte[] byBuffIn = new byte[] { 0x00, 0xB0, (byte)(offset >> 8), (byte)offset, (byte)maxLe }; int returnCode = CSC.CSC_ISOCommand(byBuffIn, byBuffIn.Length, buffOut, ref outSize); if (returnCode == CSC.RCSC_Ok && outSize > 2 && buffOut[outSize - 2] == 0x90 && buffOut[outSize - 1] == 0x00) { Console.WriteLine("read binary"); var res = new byte[outSize - 3]; for (var i = 1; i < outSize - 2; i++) { res[i - 1] = buffOut[i]; } return(new KeyValuePair <byte[], int>(res, outSize - 3)); } Console.WriteLine("offset : " + offset + " maxLe : " + maxLe); throw new Exception("read binary failed " + CSC.ToStringN(buffOut)); }
private void select_appli() { byte[] byBuffIn = new byte[] { 0x00, 0xA4, 0x04, 0x00, 0x07, 0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0X85, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00 }; byte[] buffOut = new byte[200]; int outSize = 300; int returnCode = CSC.CSC_ISOCommand(byBuffIn, byBuffIn.Length, buffOut, ref outSize); Console.WriteLine("return code : " + returnCode); Console.WriteLine("buffout : " + CSC.ToStringN(buffOut)); if (returnCode == CSC.RCSC_Ok && outSize > 2 && buffOut[outSize - 2] == 0x90 && buffOut[outSize - 1] == 0x00) { Console.WriteLine("selected appli : " + CSC.ToStringN(buffOut)); return; } throw new Exception("select failed " + returnCode); }
private void testWriteContent() { //create global buff in //byte[] byBuffIn = new byte[35] { 0x00, 0xD6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x34, 0x91, 0x01, 0x11, 0x55, 0x01, 0x70, 0x61, 0x72, 0x61, 0x67, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x2D, 0x72, 0x66, 0x69, 0x64, 0x2E, 0x63, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x51, 0x01, 0x04, 0x54, 0x00, 0x50, 0x49, 0x44}; //byte[] byBuffIn = new byte[10] { 0x00, 0xD6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x03, 0xD0, 0x00, 0x00 }; byte[] byBuffIn = new byte[] { 0x00, 0xD6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2D, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x91, 0x01, 0x0B, 0x55, 0x01, 0x67, 0x6F, 0x6F, 0x67, 0x6C, 0x65, 0x2E, 0x63, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x11, 0x01, 0x11, 0x54, 0x02, 0x66, 0x72, 0x43, 0x6F, 0x75, 0x63, 0x6F, 0x75, 0x20, 0x54, 0x69, 0x62, 0x6F, 0x77, 0x20, 0x21, 0x51, 0x00, 0x04, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x65, 0xA9 }; byte[] buffOut = new byte[200]; int outSize = 300; Console.WriteLine("buffIn : " + CSC.ToStringN(byBuffIn)); int returnCode = CSC.CSC_ISOCommand(byBuffIn, byBuffIn.Length, buffOut, ref outSize); Console.WriteLine("buffout : " + CSC.ToStringN(buffOut)); if (returnCode == CSC.RCSC_Ok && outSize > 2 && buffOut[outSize - 2] == 0x90 && buffOut[outSize - 1] == 0x00) { Console.WriteLine("have been written"); return; } throw new Exception("write failed " + returnCode); }
/* * READING CODE */ private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { results.Clear(); CSC.sCARD_SearchExtTag SearchExtender; int Status; byte[] ATR; ATR = new byte[200]; int lgATR; lgATR = 200; int Com = 0; int SearchMask; txtCom.Text = ""; txtCard.Text = ""; try { CSC.SearchCSC(); // user can also use line below to speed up coupler connection //AskReaderLib.CSC.Open ("COM2"); // Define type of card to be detected: number of occurence for each loop SearchExtender.CONT = 0; SearchExtender.ISOB = 2; SearchExtender.ISOA = 2; SearchExtender.TICK = 0; SearchExtender.INNO = 0; SearchExtender.MIFARE = 0; SearchExtender.MV4k = 0; SearchExtender.MV5k = 0; SearchExtender.MONO = 0; Status = CSC.CSC_EHP_PARAMS_EXT(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, 0, 0); // Define type of card to be detected SearchMask = CSC.SEARCH_MASK_ISOB | CSC.SEARCH_MASK_ISOA; Status = CSC.SearchCardExt(ref SearchExtender, SearchMask, 1, 20, ref Com, ref lgATR, ATR); Console.WriteLine("lgATr " + lgATR); Console.WriteLine("SearchExtender " + SearchExtender.ISOA + " " + SearchExtender.ISOB); Console.WriteLine("ATR", CSC.ToStringN(ATR)); Console.WriteLine("Status " + Status); if (Status != CSC.RCSC_Ok) { txtCom.Text = "Error :" + Status.ToString("X"); } else { txtCom.Text = Com.ToString("X"); } if (Com == 2) { txtCard.Text = "ISO14443A-4 no Calypso"; } else if (Com == 3) { txtCard.Text = "INNOVATRON"; } else if (Com == 4) { txtCard.Text = "ISOB14443B-4 Calypso"; } else if (Com == 5) { txtCard.Text = "Mifare"; } else if (Com == 6) { txtCard.Text = "CTS or CTM"; } else if (Com == 8) { txtCard.Text = "ISO14443A-3 "; } else if (Com == 9) { txtCard.Text = "ISOB14443B-4 Calypso"; } else if (Com == 12) { txtCard.Text = "ISO14443A-4 Calypso"; } else if (Com == 0x6F) { txtCard.Text = "Card not found"; } else { txtCard.Text = ""; } select_appli(); select_file(new byte[] { 0xE1, 0x03 }); var result = read_binary(0x0F); byte[] buffOut = result.Key; int read = result.Value; short maxLe = (short)(buffOut[3] << 8 | buffOut[4]); int maxLc = buffOut[5] << 8 | buffOut[6]; byte[] lid = new byte[] { buffOut[9], buffOut[10] }; int maxLength = buffOut[11] << 8 | buffOut[12]; select_file(new byte[] { lid[0], lid[1] }); Console.WriteLine("maxLength : " + maxLength); Console.WriteLine("maxLe : " + maxLe); Console.WriteLine("maxLc : " + maxLc); //multiple readbinary in order to have the complete message var fileData = new List <byte>(); for (Int16 i = 0; i < maxLength; i += maxLe) { result = read_binary((Int16)Math.Min(maxLe, maxLength - i), i); fileData.AddRange(result.Key); } Console.WriteLine(CSC.ToStringN(fileData.ToArray()) + "\n aa" + fileData.Count); readContent(fileData.ToArray()); } catch (Exception exp) { Console.WriteLine("error :" + exp); MessageBox.Show("Error on trying do deal with reader"); } AskReaderLib.CSC.Close(); }
/* * WRITING CODE */ private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { results.Clear(); CSC.sCARD_SearchExtTag SearchExtender; int Status; byte[] ATR; ATR = new byte[200]; int lgATR; lgATR = 200; int Com = 0; int SearchMask; txtCom.Text = ""; txtCard.Text = ""; try { CSC.SearchCSC(); // user can also use line below to speed up coupler connection //AskReaderLib.CSC.Open ("COM2"); // Define type of card to be detected: number of occurence for each loop SearchExtender.CONT = 0; SearchExtender.ISOB = 2; SearchExtender.ISOA = 2; SearchExtender.TICK = 0; SearchExtender.INNO = 0; SearchExtender.MIFARE = 0; SearchExtender.MV4k = 0; SearchExtender.MV5k = 0; SearchExtender.MONO = 0; Status = CSC.CSC_EHP_PARAMS_EXT(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, 0, 0); // Define type of card to be detected SearchMask = CSC.SEARCH_MASK_ISOB | CSC.SEARCH_MASK_ISOA; Status = CSC.SearchCardExt(ref SearchExtender, SearchMask, 1, 20, ref Com, ref lgATR, ATR); Console.WriteLine("lgATr " + lgATR); Console.WriteLine("SearchExtender " + SearchExtender.ISOA + " " + SearchExtender.ISOB); Console.WriteLine("ATR", CSC.ToStringN(ATR)); Console.WriteLine("Status " + Status); if (Status != CSC.RCSC_Ok) { txtCom.Text = "Error :" + Status.ToString("X"); } else { txtCom.Text = Com.ToString("X"); } if (Com == 2) { txtCard.Text = "ISO14443A-4 no Calypso"; } else if (Com == 3) { txtCard.Text = "INNOVATRON"; } else if (Com == 4) { txtCard.Text = "ISOB14443B-4 Calypso"; } else if (Com == 5) { txtCard.Text = "Mifare"; } else if (Com == 6) { txtCard.Text = "CTS or CTM"; } else if (Com == 8) { txtCard.Text = "ISO14443A-3 "; } else if (Com == 9) { txtCard.Text = "ISOB14443B-4 Calypso"; } else if (Com == 12) { txtCard.Text = "ISO14443A-4 Calypso"; } else if (Com == 0x6F) { txtCard.Text = "Card not found"; } else { txtCard.Text = ""; } select_appli(); select_file(new byte[] { 0xE1, 0x03 }); var result = read_binary(0x0F); byte[] buffOut = result.Key; int read = result.Value; short maxLe = (short)(buffOut[3] << 8 | buffOut[4]); int maxLc = buffOut[5] << 8 | buffOut[6]; byte[] lid = new byte[] { buffOut[9], buffOut[10] }; int maxLength = buffOut[11] << 8 | buffOut[12]; select_file(new byte[] { lid[0], lid[1] }); Console.WriteLine("maxLength : " + maxLength); Console.WriteLine("maxLe : " + maxLe); Console.WriteLine("maxLc : " + maxLc); //get infos from box in UI string texte = RawBox.Text; string data = TextBox.Text; string uri = UriBox.Text; string protocol = listBox1.Text; writeContent(maxLc, uri, texte, data, protocol); //testWriteContent(); Console.WriteLine("outOfwrite"); } catch (Exception exp) { Console.WriteLine("error :" + exp); MessageBox.Show("Error on trying do deal with reader"); } AskReaderLib.CSC.Close(); }
private void writeContent(int maxLc, string uri, string texte, string data, string protocol) { byte protocolId = 0x00; switch (protocol) { case "http://www.": protocolId = 0x01; break; case "https://www.": protocolId = 0x02; break; case "http://": protocolId = 0x03; break; case "https://": protocolId = 0x04; break; } Console.WriteLine("protocolId : " + protocolId); byte[] uriBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uri); byte[] textBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(texte); byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data); //creating total uri bytes bloc //TO DO add uri identifier in parameters of function. byte[] totalUriBytes = new byte[5 + uriBytes.Length]; //dansle cas particulier de byte[] uriCommand = new byte[] { 0x91, 0x01, (byte)(uriBytes.Length + 1) /*length*/, 0x55, protocolId }; uriCommand.CopyTo(totalUriBytes, 0); uriBytes.CopyTo(totalUriBytes, uriCommand.Length); Console.WriteLine("totalUriBytes : " + CSC.ToStringN(totalUriBytes) + " nbr:" + totalUriBytes.Length); //creating total data bytes bloc byte[] totalDataBytes = new byte[7 + dataBytes.Length]; byte[] dataCommand = new byte[] { 0x11, 0x01, (byte)(dataBytes.Length + 3) /*length*/, 0x54 /*T*/, 0x02 /*UTF8*/, 0x66, 0x72 }; dataCommand.CopyTo(totalDataBytes, 0); dataBytes.CopyTo(totalDataBytes, dataCommand.Length); Console.WriteLine("totalDatabytes : " + CSC.ToStringN(totalDataBytes) + " nbr:" + totalDataBytes.Length); //creating raw data byte[] totalTextBytes = new byte[textBytes.Length + 3]; byte[] textCommand = new byte[] { 0x51, 0x00, (byte)(textBytes.Length) }; textCommand.CopyTo(totalTextBytes, 0); textBytes.CopyTo(totalTextBytes, textCommand.Length); Console.WriteLine("totalTextbytes : " + CSC.ToStringN(totalTextBytes) + " nbr:" + totalTextBytes.Length); //data byte[] dataToWrite = new byte[totalUriBytes.Length + totalDataBytes.Length + totalTextBytes.Length]; totalUriBytes.CopyTo(dataToWrite, 0); totalDataBytes.CopyTo(dataToWrite, totalUriBytes.Length); totalTextBytes.CopyTo(dataToWrite, totalUriBytes.Length + totalDataBytes.Length); //command byte[] command = new byte[] { 0x00, 0xD6 }; //offset byte[] offset = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }; //total length byte[] totalLength = new byte[] { (byte)(dataToWrite.Length + 2), 0x00, (byte)(dataToWrite.Length) }; //create global buff in byte[] byBuffIn = new byte[command.Length + offset.Length + totalLength.Length /*+ header.Length*/ + dataToWrite.Length]; command.CopyTo(byBuffIn, 0); offset.CopyTo(byBuffIn, command.Length); totalLength.CopyTo(byBuffIn, command.Length + offset.Length); dataToWrite.CopyTo(byBuffIn, command.Length + offset.Length + totalLength.Length /*+ header.Length*/); byte[] buffOut = new byte[200]; int outSize = 300; Console.WriteLine("buffIn : " + CSC.ToStringN(byBuffIn)); int returnCode = CSC.CSC_ISOCommand(byBuffIn, byBuffIn.Length, buffOut, ref outSize); Console.WriteLine("buffout : " + CSC.ToStringN(buffOut)); if (returnCode == CSC.RCSC_Ok && outSize > 2 && buffOut[outSize - 2] == 0x90 && buffOut[outSize - 1] == 0x00) { Console.WriteLine("have been written"); return; } throw new Exception("write failed " + returnCode); }
private long getNextMessage(byte[] bytes, long startIndex) { var header = bytes[++startIndex]; var bitArray = new BitArray(new byte[] { header }); var mb = bitArray[7]; var me = bitArray[6]; var cf = bitArray[5]; var sr = bitArray[4]; var il = bitArray[3]; byte tnf = (byte)(header & 0x07); Console.WriteLine("mb: " + mb + " me: " + me + " cf: " + cf + " sr: " + sr + " il: " + il + " tnf: " + Convert.ToString(tnf, 2).PadLeft(3, '0')); //champ type length var typeLength = bytes[++startIndex]; Console.WriteLine("typeLength = " + typeLength); //champ payload length long payloadLength = 0; if (sr) { payloadLength = bytes[++startIndex]; } else { var subArray = slice(bytes, startIndex, startIndex + 3); payloadLength = convertByteArrayToInt(subArray); startIndex += 4; } //Console.WriteLine("payloadLength = " + payloadLength); int idLength = 0; if (il) { idLength = bytes[++startIndex]; } //Console.WriteLine("idLength = " + idLength); //champs type byte[] type = slice(bytes, startIndex + 1, startIndex + typeLength); //indice à changer pour la suite //Console.WriteLine("type : " + CSC.ToStringN(type)); //Console.WriteLine("type : " + convertByteArrayToInt( type)); startIndex += typeLength; //champs id byte[] id = new byte[idLength]; if (il) { //id en fonction de idLength id = slice(bytes, startIndex + 1, startIndex + idLength); startIndex += idLength; //Console.WriteLine("id : " + CSC.ToStringN(id)); results.Add("id : " + CSC.ToStringN(id)); } if (typeLength == 1) { startIndex++; if (type[0] == 0x54) { //Console.WriteLine("type is text"); //Console.WriteLine("next : " + bytes[startIndex]); var isUTF16Encoded = false; var languageLength = bytes[startIndex]; if (isUTF16Encoded) { languageLength--; } var language = ""; if (languageLength != 0) { language = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(slice(bytes, startIndex, startIndex + languageLength)); } //Console.WriteLine("language : " + language); var message = ""; if (isUTF16Encoded) { message = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(slice(bytes, startIndex + languageLength + 1, startIndex + payloadLength - 1)); //Console.WriteLine("message utf16 : " + message); results.Add("message utf16: " + message + ".Language is " + language); } else { message = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(slice(bytes, startIndex + languageLength + 1, startIndex + payloadLength - 1)); //Console.WriteLine("message utf8 : " + message); results.Add("message utf8 : message = " + message + ", Language = " + language); } startIndex += payloadLength - 1; } else if (type[0] == 0x55) { //Console.WriteLine("type is URI"); var UriIdentifier = ""; switch (bytes[startIndex]) { case 0x00: UriIdentifier = "N/A"; break; case 0x01: UriIdentifier = "http://www."; break; case 0x02: UriIdentifier = "https://www."; break; case 0x03: UriIdentifier = "http://"; break; case 0x04: UriIdentifier = "https://"; break; } //Console.WriteLine("UriIdentifier : " + UriIdentifier); var uri = slice(bytes, startIndex + 1, startIndex + payloadLength - 1); //Console.WriteLine("uri : " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(uri)); startIndex += payloadLength - 1; results.Add("Uri : " + UriIdentifier + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(uri)); } else { //Console.WriteLine("type not supported and should probably be URI or Text"); results.Add("type not supported and should probably be smart poster"); } } else if (typeLength == 2) { if ((type[1] == 0x70) && (type[0] == 0x53)) { //Console.WriteLine("type is smart poster"); results.Add("smartposter"); } else { //Console.WriteLine("type not supported and should probably be smart poster"); results.Add("type not supported and should probably be smart poster"); } } else { //Console.WriteLine("type is Raw"); var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(slice(bytes, startIndex + 1, startIndex + payloadLength)); //Console.WriteLine("message : " + message); startIndex += payloadLength - 1; results.Add("Raw : message = " + message); } return(startIndex); }