    /// <summary>
    /// Melee Attack Solver. Given two parties a CombatResult will be generated 
    /// </summary>
    public static CRCombatResult ResolveMelee(CROffence offence, CRWeaponItem weapon, float multiplier, float bonus, CRDefence defence, Dictionary<CRCombatEvent, float> chances = null)
        if (null == defence)
            defence = CRCombatManager.defaultDefence;

        // Create the Combat Table
        CRCombatTable combatTable = new CRCombatTable();

        if (null != chances)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<CRCombatEvent, float> chance in chances)
                combatTable.AddChance(chance.Key, chance.Value);

        // Add attack parameters
        combatTable.AddChance(CRCombatEvent.MISS, 		offence.missChance(defence.level));
        combatTable.AddChance(CRCombatEvent.CRIT, 		offence.critChance(defence.level));
        combatTable.AddChance(CRCombatEvent.CRUSH, 		offence.crushChance(defence.level));

        // Add defend parameters
        combatTable.AddChance(CRCombatEvent.MISS, 		defence.avoidChance(offence.level));
        combatTable.AddChance(CRCombatEvent.DODGE, 		defence.dodgeChance(offence.level));
        combatTable.AddChance(CRCombatEvent.PARRY, 		defence.parryChance(offence.level));
        combatTable.AddChance(CRCombatEvent.BLOCK, 		defence.blockChance(offence.level));
        combatTable.AddChance(CRCombatEvent.DEFLECT, 	defence.deflectChance(offence.level));
        combatTable.AddChance(CRCombatEvent.REFLECT, 	defence.reflectChance(offence.level));

        // Do the combat roll
        CRCombatEvent combatEvent = combatTable.Roll(CRCombatType.MELEE);

        // Generate the attack results
        CRCombatResult result = new CRCombatResult();

        result.combatEvent = combatEvent;

        // Is there a potential for damage to be done
        if (combatEvent == CRCombatEvent.HIT || combatEvent == CRCombatEvent.CRIT || combatEvent == CRCombatEvent.CRUSH || combatEvent == CRCombatEvent.BLOCK)
            // Yes we need to perform a damage calculation
            float min = (weapon.minDamage / weapon.speed + offence.attack / 14.0f) * weapon.speed * multiplier + bonus; // * (penalty) dual weild etc
            float max = (weapon.maxDamage / weapon.speed + offence.attack / 14.0f) * weapon.speed * multiplier + bonus; // * (penalty) dual weild etc

            float damage = Random.Range(min, max);

            damage *= 0.01f * offence.damage;

            //apply crit modifier
            if (combatEvent == CRCombatEvent.CRIT)
                damage += damage * offence.critDamage * 0.01f;
            else if (combatEvent == CRCombatEvent.CRUSH)
                damage += damage * offence.crushDamage * 0.01f;
            else if (combatEvent == CRCombatEvent.BLOCK)
                // Remove blocked amount

            // Remove any absorbtion

            // Calculate mitigation based on defenders armor and the attackers level
            float mitigation = defence.armor / (50 * offence.level + defence.armor);

            // Add any raw mitigation the defender has
            mitigation += defence.mitigation;

            // Remove any mitigation from armor penetration

            // Mitigation can not be more than 100%, however it can be negative making the defender take more than normal damage
            mitigation = 1 - Mathf.Min(1, mitigation);

            result.amount = Mathf.CeilToInt(damage * mitigation);
            result.threat = result.amount;

        return result;
    private void Awake()
        _attributeManager = GetComponentInChildren<CRAttributeManager>();
        _abilityManager = GetComponentInChildren<CRAbilityManager>();
        _effectManager = gameObject.AddComponent<CREffectManager>();
        _conditionManager = gameObject.AddComponent<CRConditionManager>();

        _equipment = GetComponentInChildren<CREquipment>();
        _inventory = GetComponentInChildren<CRInventory>();

        _offence = GetComponent<CROffence>();
        _defence = GetComponent<CRDefence>();

        _faction = GetComponent<CRFaction>();

        if (_equipment && _attributeManager)
            _equipment.attributeManager = _attributeManager;

        _effectManager.creature = this;