//Function to detect a cursor entering in the trigger area of the Car icon selection void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D trigger) { if (isActive) { WheelImage = trigger.GetComponentInChildren <Image>(); WheelImage.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, .5f); return; } isActive = true; //If the cursor enters the icon space the icon becomes active TextColorCar = this.GetComponent <Text>(); //Get the instance of the car text and change it to yellow TextColorCar.color = Color.yellow; CPU = trigger.GetComponent <CPUController>(); m = trigger.GetComponentInParent <MoveSelector>(); //Make the object that entered the icon space (the trigger) your moveselector target (it will be one of the cursors) m.is_this_inside = true; // Change the bool variable telling if the cursor is inside the icon area t = trigger.gameObject; //Set the generic t object to the cursor/trigger old = t.transform.parent; //Save the current parent of the coin (the cursor) so it can be reassigned to the coin later ID = CPU.CoinID; AddTempCar(); if (!CPU.is_coin_cpu || CPU.CoinID == 1) { ParentPosition = t.transform.localPosition; } }
public void Add_AddsEmployeeAndReturnsARedirect_WhenModelStateIsValid() { //Arrange var mockCPUService = new Mock <IService <IRepository <CPU>, CPU> >(); mockCPUService.Setup(repo => repo.GetByIdAsync(1)).ReturnsAsync(GetCPU()) .Verifiable(); var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext(); var tempData = new TempDataDictionary(httpContext, Mock.Of <ITempDataProvider>()); var controller = new CPUController(mockCPUService.Object) { TempData = tempData }; controller.ModelState.AddModelError("Quantity", "Required"); var inputModel = new PCItemInputModel() { Id = 1, Quantity = 1 }; // Act var result = controller.Add(inputModel); // Assert Assert.IsType <JsonResult>(result.Result); mockCPUService.Verify(); }
public void Add_ReturnsBadRequestResult_WhenModelStateIsInvalid() { // Arrange var mockCPUService = new Mock <IService <IRepository <CPU>, CPU> >(); var inputModel = new PCItemInputModel() { Id = 0, Quantity = 0 }; var controller = new CPUController(mockCPUService.Object); controller.ModelState.AddModelError("Quantity", "Required"); // Act var result = controller.Add(inputModel); // Assert Assert.IsType <BadRequestResult>(result.Result); }
public async Task Index_ReturnsAViewResult_WithAListOfCPUs() { // Arrange var mockCPUService = new Mock <IService <IRepository <CPU>, CPU> >(); mockCPUService.Setup(repo => repo.GetAllAsync()) .ReturnsAsync(GetTestCPUs()); var controller = new CPUController(mockCPUService.Object); // Act var result = await controller.Index(); // Assert var viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result); var model = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <IEnumerable <CPU> >( viewResult.ViewData.Model); Assert.Equal(2, model.Count()); }
//Function to detect a cursor entering in the trigger area of the Car icon selection void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D trigger) { if (isActive) { WheelImage = trigger.GetComponentInChildren<Image>(); WheelImage.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, .5f); return; } isActive = true; //If the cursor enters the icon space the icon becomes active TextColorCar = this.GetComponent<Text>(); //Get the instance of the car text and change it to yellow TextColorCar.color = Color.yellow; CPU = trigger.GetComponent<CPUController>(); m = trigger.GetComponentInParent<MoveSelector>(); //Make the object that entered the icon space (the trigger) your moveselector target (it will be one of the cursors) m.is_this_inside = true; // Change the bool variable telling if the cursor is inside the icon area t = trigger.gameObject; //Set the generic t object to the cursor/trigger old = t.transform.parent; //Save the current parent of the coin (the cursor) so it can be reassigned to the coin later ID = CPU.CoinID; AddTempCar(); if (!CPU.is_coin_cpu || CPU.CoinID == 1) { ParentPosition = t.transform.localPosition; } }
public CPUControllerTests() { _controller = new CPUController(); }
void Awake() { cpuController1 = new CPUController(1); cpuController2 = new CPUController(2); pieceHistory = new Stack(); }