private async Task <List <POAmendmentCSVRecord> > ProcessPOAmendment(PO porec, ApexDataDataContext apexData) { ProgressInfo.Add($"Filing P/O amendment {porec.Po1.Trim()}"); ApexSystem apexSystem = apexData.ApexSystems.FirstOrDefault(); List <POAmendmentCSVRecord> csvList = new List <POAmendmentCSVRecord>(); if (porec.Job != null && porec.Job != "") //Job based P/O { POAmendmentCSVRecord pocsvrec = BuildJobBasedAmendmentHeader(porec, apexSystem); for (int i = 0; i < porec.POLines.Count; i++) { POLine polinerec = porec.POLines[i]; string jobphase = String.IsNullOrEmpty(porec.JobPhase) ? "00" : porec.JobPhase; string wbs; COINSESB_WB wbsRec = apexData.COINSESB_WBs.Where(s => s.Job == porec.Job).FirstOrDefault(); if (wbsRec == null || !(wbsRec.UsesActivity ?? false)) { wbs = jobphase + "-"; } else { wbs = jobphase + "-00-"; } pocsvrec = BuildJobBasedAmendmentLine(polinerec, wbs, pocsvrec); csvList.Add(pocsvrec); pocsvrec = CreateNotNewCSVRec(); //Clear the header portion for subsequent line items } } else //Work Order based P/O { POAmendmentCSVRecord pocsvrec = BuildWOBasedAmendmentHeader(porec, apexSystem); for (int i = 0; i < porec.POLines.Count; i++) { POLine polinerec = porec.POLines[i]; pocsvrec = BuildWOBasedAmemdmentPOLine(porec, polinerec, pocsvrec); csvList.Add(pocsvrec); pocsvrec = CreateNotNewCSVRec(); //Clear the header portion for subsequent line items } } _StatusLines.Add(new StatusLine { PO = porec.Po1?.Trim(), Job = porec.Job?.Trim(), WorkOrd = porec.WorkOrd?.Trim(), Vendor = porec.Vendor?.Trim(), Message = "Amendment written to file" }); return(csvList); }
private static async Task ProcessWBSAsync(XElement wbsInfo) { string apexJobID = wbsInfo.Element("job_num").Value.Trim().PadLeft(12); string wbsCode = wbsInfo.Element("jwb_code").Value; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(apexJobID.Trim())) { return; } using (var dc = new ApexDataDataContext()) { var apexWBS = dc.COINSESB_WBs.Where(v => v.Job == apexJobID && v.WB_Code == wbsCode).SingleOrDefault(); bool newWBS = (apexWBS == null); if (newWBS) { apexWBS = new COINSESB_WB(); } apexWBS.Job = apexJobID; apexWBS.WB_Code = LoadValue(wbsInfo.Element("jwb_code").Value, 50); apexWBS.WB_Desc = LoadValue(wbsInfo.Element("jwb_desc").Value, 50); apexWBS.Activity = LoadValue(wbsInfo.Element("jca_activity").Value, 50); apexWBS.Section = LoadValue(wbsInfo.Element("jcs_section").Value, 50); apexWBS.UsesActivity = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(apexWBS.Activity); if (newWBS) { dc.COINSESB_WBs.InsertOnSubmit(apexWBS); } try { dc.SubmitChanges(); Console.WriteLine($" WBS {apexJobID},{wbsCode} processed."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error on WBS {apexJobID},{wbsCode}, {ex}"); } } }
private async Task ProcessPO(PO porec, ApexDataDataContext apexData) { ProgressInfo.Add($"Sending P/O {porec.Po1.Trim()}"); string reportMessage; ApexSystem apexSystem = apexData.ApexSystems.FirstOrDefault(); COINSESBService.COINSInterfaceHeader header; COINSESBService.COINSInterfacePo_hdrRow poheader; header = new COINSESBService.COINSInterfaceHeader { id = (apexSystem.ExportBatch ?? 1).ToString(), confirm =, UserID = "pkramer", From = "Apex", HostName = "coinsoa", Environment = "live", Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Login = new COINSESBService.COINSInterfaceHeaderLogin() { User = "******", Password = "******", CID = 1 } }; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(porec.Job)) //Job based P/O { poheader = BuildJobBasedPOHeader(porec, apexSystem); poheader.po_lineRow = new COINSESBService.COINSInterfacePo_hdrRowPo_lineRow[porec.POLines.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < porec.POLines.Count; i++) { POLine polinerec = porec.POLines[i]; string jobphase = String.IsNullOrEmpty(porec.JobPhase) ? "00" : porec.JobPhase; string wbs; COINSESB_WB wbsRec = apexData.COINSESB_WBs.Where(s => s.Job == porec.Job).FirstOrDefault(); if (wbsRec == null || !(wbsRec.UsesActivity ?? false)) { wbs = jobphase + "-"; } else { wbs = jobphase + "-00-"; } COINSESB_ExpL expL = apexData.COINSESB_ExpLs.Where(s => s.PO == polinerec.Po && s.POLine == polinerec.PoLine1).SingleOrDefault(); int? pol_seq = expL?.POL_Seq; decimal? lastPrice = expL?.LastPrice; string cat = "MA"; string schedule = "STD"; Job job = apexData.Jobs.Where(s => s.Job1 == porec.Job).FirstOrDefault(); if (job != null) { schedule = job.Schedule; Costcode ccd = apexData.Costcodes.Where(s => s.Schedule == schedule && s.CostCode1 == polinerec.CostCode).FirstOrDefault(); if (ccd != null) { cat = ccd.GL; } } COINSESBService.COINSInterfacePo_hdrRowPo_lineRow polinerow = BuildJobBasedPOLine(polinerec, wbs, pol_seq, cat, expL != null && ((polinerec.Price ?? 0) != (lastPrice ?? 0)), porec.ShipDate ?? DateTime.Now); poheader.po_lineRow[i] = polinerow; } } else //Work Order based P/O { poheader = BuildWOBasedPOHeader(porec, apexSystem); poheader.po_lineRow = new COINSESBService.COINSInterfacePo_hdrRowPo_lineRow[porec.POLines.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < porec.POLines.Count; i++) { POLine polinerec = porec.POLines[i]; COINSESB_ExpL expL = apexData.COINSESB_ExpLs.Where(s => s.PO == polinerec.Po && s.POLine == polinerec.PoLine1).SingleOrDefault(); int? pol_seq = expL?.POL_Seq; decimal? lastPrice = expL?.LastPrice; string cat = "MA"; string schedule = "STD"; Costcode ccd = apexData.Costcodes.Where(s => s.Schedule == schedule && s.CostCode1 == polinerec.CostCode).FirstOrDefault(); if (ccd != null) { cat = ccd.GL; } COINSESBService.COINSInterfacePo_hdrRowPo_lineRow polinerow = BuildWOBasedPOLine(porec, polinerec, pol_seq, cat, expL != null && ((polinerec.Price ?? 0) != (lastPrice ?? 0)), porec.ShipDate ?? DateTime.Now); poheader.po_lineRow[i] = polinerow; } } COINSESBService.COINSInterfacePo_hdrRow[] poheaderrows = new COINSESBService.COINSInterfacePo_hdrRow[1]; poheaderrows[0] = poheader; var client = new COINSESBService.COINSInterfacePortClient("COINSInterface"); var actionrequest = new COINSESBService.doActionRequest { Header = header, Body = poheaderrows }; #if SENDXMLDIAGNOSTIC XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(COINSESBService.doActionRequest)); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { serializer.Serialize(stream, actionrequest); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); string capturedXML = stream.ReadToString(); HttpClient postClient = new HttpClient(); var postResponse = await postClient.PostAsync("", new StringContent(capturedXML)); } #endif var response = await client.doActionAsync(actionrequest); if (response.Header.action == COINSESBService.COINSInterfaceResponseHeaderAction.RESPONSE) { if (porec.ExpSent == "T") { reportMessage = "Sent to COINS (Amendment)"; } else { reportMessage = "Sent to COINS"; } porec.ExpSent = "T"; var lines = response.Body.po_hdrRow[0].po_lineRow; int lineRowNumber = 0; foreach (var POLine in porec.POLines) { var pol_seq = lines[lineRowNumber++].pol_seq; bool newRecord = false; var expL = apexData.COINSESB_ExpLs.Where(s => s.PO == POLine.Po && s.POLine == POLine.PoLine1).SingleOrDefault(); if (expL == null) { expL = new COINSESB_ExpL { PO = POLine.Po, POLine = POLine.PoLine1 }; newRecord = true; } expL.POL_Seq = pol_seq; expL.LastAmt = POLine.Ext; expL.LastPrice = POLine.Price; if (newRecord) { apexData.COINSESB_ExpLs.InsertOnSubmit(expL); } apexData.SubmitChanges(); } } else if (response.Header.action == COINSESBService.COINSInterfaceResponseHeaderAction.EXCEPTION) { reportMessage = response.Body.Exception.Exception; } else { reportMessage = "Unknown response from COINS"; } porec.ExpBatch = apexSystem.ExportBatch ?? 1; apexSystem.ExportBatch += 1; apexData.SubmitChanges(); _StatusLines.Add(new StatusLine { PO = porec.Po1?.Trim(), Job = porec.Job?.Trim(), WorkOrd = porec.WorkOrd?.Trim(), Vendor = porec.Vendor?.Trim(), Message = reportMessage }); }
partial void InsertCOINSESB_WB(COINSESB_WB instance) { instance.Job = instance.Job.Trim().PadLeft(12); ExecuteDynamicInsert(instance); }