         * Extracts the column of A and copies it into u while computing the magnitude of the
         * largest element and returning it.
         * <pre>
         * u[ (offsetU+row0+i)*2    ] = A.getReal(row0+i,col)
         * u[ (offsetU+row0+i)*2 + 1] = A.getImag(row0+i,col)
         * </pre>
         * @param A Complex matrix
         * @param row0 First row in A to be copied
         * @param row1 Last row in A + 1 to be copied
         * @param col Column in A
         * @param u Output array storage
         * @param offsetU first index in U
         * @return magnitude of largest element
        public static float extractColumnAndMax(CMatrixRMaj A,
                                                int row0, int row1,
                                                int col, float[] u, int offsetU)
            int indexU = (offsetU + row0) * 2;

            // find the largest value in this column
            // this is used to normalize the column and mitigate overflow/underflow
            float max = 0;

            int indexA = A.getIndex(row0, col);

            float[] h = A.data;

            for (int i = row0; i < row1; i++, indexA += A.numCols * 2)
                // copy the householder vector to an array to reduce cache misses
                // big improvement on larger matrices and a relatively small performance hit on small matrices.
                float realVal = u[indexU++] = h[indexA];
                float imagVal = u[indexU++] = h[indexA + 1];

                float magVal = realVal * realVal + imagVal * imagVal;
                if (max < magVal)
                    max = magVal;
         * <p>Hermitian matrix is a square matrix with complex entries that are equal to its own conjugate transpose.</p>
         * <p>a[i,j] = conj(a[j,i])</p>
         * @param Q The matrix being tested. Not modified.
         * @param tol Tolerance.
         * @return True if it passes the test.
        public static bool isHermitian(CMatrixRMaj Q, float tol)
            if (Q.numCols != Q.numRows)

            Complex_F32 a = new Complex_F32();
            Complex_F32 b = new Complex_F32();

            for (int i = 0; i < Q.numCols; i++)
                for (int j = i; j < Q.numCols; j++)
                    Q.get(i, j, a);
                    Q.get(j, i, b);

                    if (Math.Abs(a.real - b.real) > tol)
                    if (Math.Abs(a.imaginary + b.imaginary) > tol)

        public static void squareConjugate(CMatrixRMaj mat)
            int index     = 2;
            int rowStride = mat.getRowStride();
            int indexEnd  = rowStride;

            for (int i = 0;
                 i < mat.numRows;
                 i++, index += (i + 1) * 2, indexEnd += rowStride)
                mat.data[index - 1] = -mat.data[index - 1];

                int indexOther = (i + 1) * rowStride + i * 2;
                for (; index < indexEnd; index += 2, indexOther += rowStride)
                    float real = mat.data[index];
                    float img  = mat.data[index + 1];

                    mat.data[index]          = mat.data[indexOther];
                    mat.data[index + 1]      = -mat.data[indexOther + 1];
                    mat.data[indexOther]     = real;
                    mat.data[indexOther + 1] = -img;
         * Performs QR decomposition on A
         * @param A not modified.
        public override bool setA(CMatrixRMaj A)
            if (A.numRows < A.numCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't solve for wide systems.  More variables than equations.");
            if (A.numRows > maxRows || A.numCols > maxCols)
                setMaxSize(A.numRows, A.numCols);

            R.reshape(A.numCols, A.numCols);
            a.reshape(A.numRows, 1);
            temp.reshape(A.numRows, 1);

            if (!decomposer.decompose(A))

            gammas = decomposer.getGammas();
            QR     = decomposer.getQR();
            decomposer.getR(R, true);
  * Creates a zeros matrix only if A does not already exist.  If it does exist it will fill
  * the upper triangular portion with zeros.
 public static CMatrixRMaj checkZerosUT(CMatrixRMaj A, int numRows, int numCols)
     if (A == null)
         return(new CMatrixRMaj(numRows, numCols));
     else if (numRows != A.numRows || numCols != A.numCols)
         throw new ArgumentException("Input is not " + numRows + " x " + numCols + " matrix");
         int maxRows = Math.Min(A.numRows, A.numCols);
         for (int i = 0; i < maxRows; i++)
             int index = (i * A.numCols + i + 1) * 2;
             int end   = (i * A.numCols + A.numCols) * 2;
             while (index < end)
                 A.data[index++] = 0;
         * <p>
         * Computes the inner product between a vector and the conjugate of another one.
         * <br>
         * <br>
         * &sum;<sub>k=1:n</sub> x<sub>k</sub> * conj(y<sub>k</sub>)<br>
         * where x and y are vectors with n elements.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * These functions are often used inside of highly optimized code and therefor sanity checks are
         * kept to a minimum.  It is not recommended that any of these functions be used directly.
         * </p>
         * @param x A vector with n elements. Not modified.
         * @param y A vector with n elements. Not modified.
         * @return The inner product of the two vectors.
        public static Complex_F32 innerProdH(CMatrixRMaj x, CMatrixRMaj y, Complex_F32 output)
            if (output == null)
                output = new Complex_F32();
                output.real = output.imaginary = 0;

            int m = x.getDataLength();

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i += 2)
                float realX = x.data[i];
                float imagX = x.data[i + 1];

                float realY = y.data[i];
                float imagY = -y.data[i + 1];

                output.real      += realX * realY - imagX * imagY;
                output.imaginary += realX * imagY + imagX * realY;

         * <p>
         * Creates a pivot matrix that exchanges the rows in a matrix:
         * <br>
         * A' = P*A<br>
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * For example, if element 0 in 'pivots' is 2 then the first row in A' will be the 3rd row in A.
         * </p>
         * @param ret If null then a new matrix is declared otherwise the results are written to it.  Is modified.
         * @param pivots Specifies the new order of rows in a matrix.
         * @param numPivots How many elements in pivots are being used.
         * @param transposed If the transpose of the matrix is returned.
         * @return A pivot matrix.
        public static CMatrixRMaj pivotMatrix(CMatrixRMaj ret, int[] pivots, int numPivots, bool transposed)
            if (ret == null)
                ret = new CMatrixRMaj(numPivots, numPivots);
                if (ret.numCols != numPivots || ret.numRows != numPivots)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected matrix dimension");
                CommonOps_CDRM.fill(ret, 0, 0);

            if (transposed)
                for (int i = 0; i < numPivots; i++)
                    ret.set(pivots[i], i, 1, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < numPivots; i++)
                    ret.set(i, pivots[i], 1, 0);

        public override /**/ double quality()

         * <p>
         * Using the decomposition, finds the value of 'X' in the linear equation below:<br>
         * A*x = b<br>
         * where A has dimension of n by n, x and b are n by m dimension.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * *Note* that 'b' and 'x' can be the same matrix instance.
         * </p>
         * @param B A matrix that is n by m.  Not modified.
         * @param X An n by m matrix where the solution is writen to.  Modified.
        public override void solve(CMatrixRMaj B, CMatrixRMaj X)
            if (B.numCols != X.numCols || B.numRows != n || X.numRows != n)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected matrix size");

            int numCols = B.numCols;

            float[] dataB = B.data;
            float[] dataX = X.data;

            if (decomposer.isLower())
                for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        vv[i * 2]     = dataB[(i * numCols + j) * 2];
                        vv[i * 2 + 1] = dataB[(i * numCols + j) * 2 + 1];
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        dataX[(i * numCols + j) * 2]     = vv[i * 2];
                        dataX[(i * numCols + j) * 2 + 1] = vv[i * 2 + 1];
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Implement");
         * Computes the householder vector used in QR decomposition.
         * u = x / max(x)
         * u(0) = u(0) + |u|
         * u = u / u(0)
         * @param x Input vector.  Unmodified.
         * @return The found householder reflector vector
        public static CMatrixRMaj householderVector(CMatrixRMaj x)
            CMatrixRMaj u = (CMatrixRMaj)x.copy();

            float max = CommonOps_CDRM.elementMaxAbs(u);

            CommonOps_CDRM.elementDivide(u, max, 0, u);

            float       nx = NormOps_CDRM.normF(u);
            Complex_F32 c  = new Complex_F32();

            u.get(0, 0, c);

            float realTau, imagTau;

            if (c.getMagnitude() == 0)
                realTau = nx;
                imagTau = 0;
                realTau = c.real / c.getMagnitude() * nx;
                imagTau = c.imaginary / c.getMagnitude() * nx;

            u.set(0, 0, c.real + realTau, c.imaginary + imagTau);
            CommonOps_CDRM.elementDivide(u, u.getReal(0, 0), u.getImag(0, 0), u);

         * Computes the quality of a triangular matrix, where the quality of a matrix
         * is defined in {@link LinearSolverDense#quality()}.  In
         * this situation the quality is the magnitude of the product of
         * each diagonal element divided by the magnitude of the largest diagonal element.
         * If all diagonal elements are zero then zero is returned.
         * @return the quality of the system.
        public static float qualityTriangular(CMatrixRMaj T)
            int N = Math.Min(T.numRows, T.numCols);

            float max = elementDiagMaxMagnitude2(T);

            if (max == 0.0f)

            max = (float)Math.Sqrt(max);
            int rowStride = T.getRowStride();

            float qualityR = 1.0f;
            float qualityI = 0.0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                int index = i * rowStride + i * 2;

                float real      = T.data[index] / max;
                float imaginary = T.data[index] / max;

                float r   = qualityR * real - qualityI * imaginary;
                float img = qualityR * imaginary + real * qualityI;

                qualityR = r;
                qualityI = img;

            return((float)Math.Sqrt(qualityR * qualityR + qualityI * qualityI));
        public override void invert(CMatrixRMaj A_inv)
            float[]     vv = decomp._getVV();
            CMatrixRMaj LU = decomp.getLU();

            if (A_inv.numCols != LU.numCols || A_inv.numRows != LU.numRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected matrix dimension");

            int n = A.numCols;

            float[] dataInv    = A_inv.data;
            int     strideAinv = A_inv.getRowStride();

            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                // don't need to change inv into an identity matrix before hand
                Array.Clear(vv, 0, n * 2);
                vv[j * 2]     = 1;
                vv[j * 2 + 1] = 0;

//            for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) dataInv[i* n +j] = vv[i];
                int index = j * 2;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++, index += strideAinv)
                    dataInv[index]     = vv[i * 2];
                    dataInv[index + 1] = vv[i * 2 + 1];
         * Creates a random Hermitian matrix with elements from min to max value.
         * @param length Width and height of the matrix.
         * @param min Minimum value an element can have.
         * @param max Maximum value an element can have.
         * @param rand Random number generator.
         * @return A symmetric matrix.
        public static CMatrixRMaj hermitian(int length, float min, float max, IMersenneTwister rand)
            CMatrixRMaj A = new CMatrixRMaj(length, length);

            fillHermitian(A, min, max, rand);

         * <p>
         * Returns a matrix where all the elements are selected independently from
         * a uniform distribution between 'min' and 'max' inclusive.
         * </p>
         * @param numRow Number of rows in the new matrix.
         * @param numCol Number of columns in the new matrix.
         * @param min The minimum value each element can be.
         * @param max The maximum value each element can be.
         * @param rand Random number generator used to fill the matrix.
         * @return The randomly generated matrix.
        public static CMatrixRMaj rectangle(int numRow, int numCol, float min, float max, IMersenneTwister rand)
            CMatrixRMaj mat = new CMatrixRMaj(numRow, numCol);

            fillUniform(mat, min, max, rand);

        public override /**/ double quality()

         * Solves for X using the QR decomposition.
         * @param B A matrix that is n by m.  Not modified.
         * @param X An n by m matrix where the solution is written to.  Modified.
        public override void solve(CMatrixRMaj B, CMatrixRMaj X)
            if (X.numRows != numCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected dimensions for X: X rows = " + X.numRows + " expected = " +
            else if (B.numRows != numRows || B.numCols != X.numCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected dimensions for B");

            int BnumCols = B.numCols;

            // solve each column one by one
            for (int colB = 0; colB < BnumCols; colB++)
                // make a copy of this column in the vector
                for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
                    int indexB = (i * BnumCols + colB) * 2;
                    a.data[i * 2]     = B.data[indexB];
                    a.data[i * 2 + 1] = B.data[indexB + 1];

                // Solve Qa=b
                // a = Q'b
                // a = Q_{n-1}...Q_2*Q_1*b
                // Q_n*b = (I-gamma*u*u^T)*b = b - u*(gamma*U^T*b)
                for (int n = 0; n < numCols; n++)
                    float[] u = QR[n];

                    float realVV = u[n * 2];
                    float imagVV = u[n * 2 + 1];

                    u[n * 2]     = 1;
                    u[n * 2 + 1] = 0;

                    QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.rank1UpdateMultR(a, u, 0, gammas[n], 0, n, numRows, temp.data);

                    u[n * 2]     = realVV;
                    u[n * 2 + 1] = imagVV;

                // solve for Rx = b using the standard upper triangular solver
                TriangularSolver_CDRM.solveU(R.data, a.data, numCols);

                // save the results
                for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
                    int indexB = (i * BnumCols + colB) * 2;
                    X.data[indexB]     = a.data[i * 2];
                    X.data[indexB + 1] = a.data[i * 2 + 1];
  * <p>
  * Performs the following operation:<br>
  * <br>
  * c = c + a<sup>H</sup> * b<sup>H</sup><br>
  * c<sub>ij</sub> = c<sub>ij</sub> + &sum;<sub>k=1:n</sub> { a<sub>ki</sub> * b<sub>jk</sub>}
  * </p>
  * @param a The left matrix in the multiplication operation. Not Modified.
  * @param b The right matrix in the multiplication operation. Not Modified.
  * @param c Where the results of the operation are stored. Modified.
 public static void multAddTransAB(CMatrixRMaj a, CMatrixRMaj b, CMatrixRMaj c)
     if (a.numCols >= EjmlParameters.CMULT_TRANAB_COLUMN_SWITCH)
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multAddTransAB_aux(a, b, c, null);
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multAddTransAB(a, b, c);
        public static void invert(LinearSolverDense <CMatrixRMaj> solver, CMatrixRMaj A, CMatrixRMaj A_inv)
            if (A.numRows != A_inv.numRows || A.numCols != A_inv.numCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("A and A_inv must have the same dimensions");


            solver.solve(A_inv, A_inv);
         * <p>
         * Creates an identity matrix of the specified size.<br>
         * <br>
         * a<sub>ij</sub> = 0+0i   if i &ne; j<br>
         * a<sub>ij</sub> = 1+0i   if i = j<br>
         * </p>
         * @param width The width and height of the identity matrix.
         * @return A new instance of an identity matrix.
        public static CMatrixRMaj identity(int width)
            CMatrixRMaj A = new CMatrixRMaj(width, width);

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                A.set(i, i, 1, 0);

  * <p>
  * Performs the following operation:<br>
  * <br>
  * c = c + &alpha; * a * b<br>
  * c<sub>ij</sub> = c<sub>ij</sub> +  &alpha; * &sum;<sub>k=1:n</sub> { a<sub>ik</sub> * b<sub>kj</sub>}
  * </p>
  * @param realAlpha real component of scaling factor.
  * @param imgAlpha imaginary component of scaling factor.
  * @param a The left matrix in the multiplication operation. Not modified.
  * @param b The right matrix in the multiplication operation. Not modified.
  * @param c Where the results of the operation are stored. Modified.
 public static void multAdd(float realAlpha, float imgAlpha, CMatrixRMaj a, CMatrixRMaj b, CMatrixRMaj c)
     if (b.numCols >= EjmlParameters.CMULT_COLUMN_SWITCH)
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multAdd_reorder(realAlpha, imgAlpha, a, b, c);
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multAdd_small(realAlpha, imgAlpha, a, b, c);
  * <p>
  * Performs the following operation:<br>
  * <br>
  * c = c + a * b<br>
  * c<sub>ij</sub> = c<sub>ij</sub> + &sum;<sub>k=1:n</sub> { a<sub>ik</sub> * b<sub>kj</sub>}
  * </p>
  * @param a The left matrix in the multiplication operation. Not modified.
  * @param b The right matrix in the multiplication operation. Not modified.
  * @param c Where the results of the operation are stored. Modified.
 public static void multAdd(CMatrixRMaj a, CMatrixRMaj b, CMatrixRMaj c)
     if (b.numCols >= EjmlParameters.MULT_COLUMN_SWITCH)
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multAdd_reorder(a, b, c);
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multAdd_small(a, b, c);
  * <p>
  * Performs the following operation:<br>
  * <br>
  * c = c + &alpha; * a<sup>H</sup> * b<sup>H</sup><br>
  * c<sub>ij</sub> = c<sub>ij</sub> + &alpha; * &sum;<sub>k=1:n</sub> { a<sub>ki</sub> * b<sub>jk</sub>}
  * </p>
  * @param realAlpha Real component of scaling factor.
  * @param imagAlpha Imaginary component of scaling factor.
  * @param a The left matrix in the multiplication operation. Not Modified.
  * @param b The right matrix in the multiplication operation. Not Modified.
  * @param c Where the results of the operation are stored. Modified.
 public static void multAddTransAB(float realAlpha, float imagAlpha, CMatrixRMaj a, CMatrixRMaj b, CMatrixRMaj c)
     // TODO add a matrix vectory multiply here
     if (a.numCols >= EjmlParameters.CMULT_TRANAB_COLUMN_SWITCH)
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multAddTransAB_aux(realAlpha, imagAlpha, a, b, c, null);
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multAddTransAB(realAlpha, imagAlpha, a, b, c);
  * <p>Performs the following operation:<br>
  * <br>
  * c = a<sup>H</sup> * b <br>
  * <br>
  * c<sub>ij</sub> = &sum;<sub>k=1:n</sub> { a<sub>ki</sub> * b<sub>kj</sub>}
  * </p>
  * @param a The left matrix in the multiplication operation. Not modified.
  * @param b The right matrix in the multiplication operation. Not modified.
  * @param c Where the results of the operation are stored. Modified.
 public static void multTransA(CMatrixRMaj a, CMatrixRMaj b, CMatrixRMaj c)
     if (a.numCols >= EjmlParameters.CMULT_COLUMN_SWITCH ||
         b.numCols >= EjmlParameters.CMULT_COLUMN_SWITCH)
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multTransA_reorder(a, b, c);
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multTransA_small(a, b, c);
         * Changes the size of the matrix it can solve for
         * @param maxRows Maximum number of rows in the matrix it will decompose.
         * @param maxCols Maximum number of columns in the matrix it will decompose.
        public void setMaxSize(int maxRows, int maxCols)
            this.maxRows = maxRows;
            this.maxCols = maxCols;

            Q  = new CMatrixRMaj(maxRows, maxRows);
            Qt = new CMatrixRMaj(maxRows, maxRows);
            R  = new CMatrixRMaj(maxRows, maxCols);

            Y = new CMatrixRMaj(maxRows, 1);
            Z = new CMatrixRMaj(maxRows, 1);
         * <p>
         * Creates a reflector from the provided vector and gamma.<br>
         * <br>
         * Q = I - &gamma; u u<sup>H</sup><br>
         * </p>
         * @param u A vector.  Not modified.
         * @param gamma To produce a reflector gamma needs to be equal to 2/||u||.
         * @return An orthogonal reflector.
        public static CMatrixRMaj createReflector(CMatrixRMaj u, float gamma)
            if (!MatrixFeatures_CDRM.isVector(u))
                throw new ArgumentException("u must be a vector");

            CMatrixRMaj Q = CommonOps_CDRM.identity(u.getNumElements());

            CommonOps_CDRM.multAddTransB(-gamma, 0, u, u, Q);

         * <p>
         * Creates a matrix with diagonal elements set to 1 and the rest 0.<br>
         * <br>
         * a<sub>ij</sub> = 0+0i   if i &ne; j<br>
         * a<sub>ij</sub> = 1+0i   if i = j<br>
         * </p>
         * @param width The width of the identity matrix.
         * @param height The height of the identity matrix.
         * @return A new instance of an identity matrix.
        public static CMatrixRMaj identity(int width, int height)
            CMatrixRMaj A = new CMatrixRMaj(width, height);

            int m = Math.Min(width, height);

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                A.set(i, i, 1, 0);

         * Extracts a house holder vector from the rows of A and stores it in u
         * @param A Complex matrix with householder vectors stored in the upper right triangle
         * @param row Row in A
         * @param col0 first row in A (implicitly assumed to be r + i0)
         * @param col1 last row +1 in A
         * @param u Output array storage
         * @param offsetU first index in U
        public static void extractHouseholderRow(CMatrixRMaj A,
                                                 int row,
                                                 int col0, int col1, float[] u, int offsetU)
            int indexU = (offsetU + col0) * 2;

            u[indexU]     = 1;
            u[indexU + 1] = 0;

            int indexA = (row * A.numCols + (col0 + 1)) * 2;

            Array.Copy(A.data, indexA, u, indexU + 2, (col1 - col0 - 1) * 2);
  * <p>
  * Performs the following operation:<br>
  * <br>
  * c = c + &alpha; * a<sup>H</sup> * b<br>
  * c<sub>ij</sub> =c<sub>ij</sub> +  &alpha; * &sum;<sub>k=1:n</sub> { a<sub>ki</sub> * b<sub>kj</sub>}
  * </p>
  * @param realAlpha Real component of scaling factor.
  * @param imagAlpha Imaginary component of scaling factor.
  * @param a The left matrix in the multiplication operation. Not modified.
  * @param b The right matrix in the multiplication operation. Not modified.
  * @param c Where the results of the operation are stored. Modified.
 public static void multAddTransA(float realAlpha, float imagAlpha, CMatrixRMaj a, CMatrixRMaj b, CMatrixRMaj c)
     // TODO add a matrix vectory multiply here
     if (a.numCols >= EjmlParameters.CMULT_COLUMN_SWITCH ||
         b.numCols >= EjmlParameters.CMULT_COLUMN_SWITCH)
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multAddTransA_reorder(realAlpha, imagAlpha, a, b, c);
         MatrixMatrixMult_CDRM.multAddTransA_small(realAlpha, imagAlpha, a, b, c);
         * Sets all the diagonal elements equal to one and everything else equal to zero.
         * If this is a square matrix then it will be an identity matrix.
         * @param mat A square matrix.
        public static void setIdentity(CMatrixRMaj mat)
            int width = mat.numRows < mat.numCols ? mat.numRows : mat.numCols;

            Array.Clear(mat.data, 0, mat.getDataLength());

            int index  = 0;
            int stride = mat.getRowStride();

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++, index += stride + 2)
                mat.data[index] = 1;
  * <p>Performs an "in-place" conjugate transpose.</p>
  * @see #transpose(CMatrixRMaj)
  * @param mat The matrix that is to be transposed. Modified.
 public static void transposeConjugate(CMatrixRMaj mat)
     if (mat.numCols == mat.numRows)
         CMatrixRMaj b = new CMatrixRMaj(mat.numCols, mat.numRows);
         transposeConjugate(mat, b);
         mat.reshape(b.numRows, b.numCols);
         * <p>
         * Performs a matrix inversion operation on the specified matrix and stores the results
         * in the same matrix.<br>
         * <br>
         * a = a<sup>-1</sup>
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * If the algorithm could not invert the matrix then false is returned.  If it returns true
         * that just means the algorithm finished.  The results could still be bad
         * because the matrix is singular or nearly singular.
         * </p>
         * @param A The matrix that is to be inverted.  Results are stored here.  Modified.
         * @return true if it could invert the matrix false if it could not.
        public static bool invert(CMatrixRMaj A)
            LinearSolverDense <CMatrixRMaj> solver = LinearSolverFactory_CDRM.lu(A.numRows);

            if (solver.setA(A))
         * Returns the determinant of the matrix.  If the inverse of the matrix is also
         * needed, then using {@link LUDecompositionAlt_CDRM} directly (or any
         * similar algorithm) can be more efficient.
         * @param mat The matrix whose determinant is to be computed.  Not modified.
         * @return The determinant.
        public static Complex_F32 det(CMatrixRMaj mat)
            LUDecompositionAlt_CDRM alg = new LUDecompositionAlt_CDRM();

            if (alg.inputModified())
                mat = (CMatrixRMaj)mat.copy();

            if (!alg.decompose(mat))
                return(new Complex_F32());