private static void ProcessNoAir(CLRScriptBase script, uint Creature) { if (!GetNeedsToBreathe(script, Creature)) { return; } script.ApplyEffectToObject(CLRScriptBase.DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, script.ExtraordinaryEffect(script.EffectSilence()), Creature, 6.0f); if (!CurrentDrownStatus.ContainsKey(Creature)) { CurrentDrownStatus.Add(Creature, 1); } else { CurrentDrownStatus[Creature]++; } if (CurrentDrownStatus[Creature] > script.GetAbilityScore(Creature, CLRScriptBase.ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, CLRScriptBase.FALSE) * 2) { if (!CurrentDrownDC.ContainsKey(Creature)) { CurrentDrownDC.Add(Creature, 10); } else { CurrentDrownDC[Creature]++; } int conCheck = script.d20(1); int conMod = script.GetAbilityModifier(CLRScriptBase.ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, Creature); if (conCheck + conMod < CurrentDrownDC[Creature]) { script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, String.Format("*Constitution: {0} + {1} = {2} v. DC {3} :: Failure!*", conCheck, conMod, conCheck + conMod, CurrentDrownDC[Creature])); int Damage = 0; string Message; int HP = script.GetCurrentHitPoints(Creature); if (HP > 1) { Damage = script.GetCurrentHitPoints(Creature) - 1; Message = "You're suffocating! If you don't find air NOW, you will DIE!"; } else if (HP > 0) { Damage = 2; Message = "You have lost consciousness. Unless someone comes to rescue you, you will die."; } else { Damage = 10; Message = "You have suffocated"; } script.ApplyEffectToObject(CLRScriptBase.DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, script.EffectDamage(Damage, CLRScriptBase.DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL, CLRScriptBase.DAMAGE_POWER_ENERGY, CLRScriptBase.TRUE), Creature, 0.0f); script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, Message); return; } else { script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, "You are barely clutching to consciousness! Get air NOW!"); return; } } else { int SecondsLeft = ((script.GetAbilityScore(Creature, CLRScriptBase.ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, CLRScriptBase.FALSE) * 2) - CurrentDrownStatus[Creature]) * 6; if (SecondsLeft > 60) { script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, String.Format("You can hold your breath for {0} more seconds.", SecondsLeft)); } else if (SecondsLeft > 30) { script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, String.Format("Careful! You can only hold your breath for {0} more seconds!", SecondsLeft)); } else { script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, String.Format("** WARNING ** If you don't find air within {0} seconds, you will DIE!", SecondsLeft)); } } }