文件: CLScene.cs 项目: ByteChkR/Byt3
        protected override void InitializeScene()
            Matrix4 proj = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(
                MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(75f), //Field of View Vertical
                16f / 9f,                         //Aspect Ratio
                0.1f,                             //Near Plane
                1000f);                           //Far Plane

            BasicCamera bc = new BasicCamera(proj, Vector3.Zero);

            Add(bc);       //Adding the BasicCamera(That is a gameobject under the hood) to the scene to receive events
            SetCamera(bc); //Sets the Camera as the "active" camera that the scene will be rendered from.

            //Image size in bytes(Width * Height * ChannelCount)
            int imageSize = 512 * 512 * 4;

            //Creating a Kernel Database that will load all the Kernels contained in the asset directory
            KernelDatabase db = new KernelDatabase(CLAPI.MainThread, "assets/test_kernel/", DataVectorTypes.Uchar1);

            //We try to get the kernel_red from the file assets/test_kernel/red.cl
            db.TryGetClKernel("kernel_red", out CLKernel redKernel);

            //Creating a MemoryBuffer with size of the image.
            //We are using the CLAPI instance of the main thread and specify that we`d like to read/write from the buffer
            MemoryBuffer imageBuffer = CLAPI.CreateEmpty <byte>(CLAPI.MainThread, imageSize, MemoryFlag.ReadWrite,

            //With plain OpenCL you would need to Set the Arguments/Buffers by their argument index/types/size/yada yads,
            //thanks to the CL abstraction for the engine, we can just specify the argument name how we do in OpenGL Shaders(But Faster).
            redKernel.SetBuffer("imageData", imageBuffer);

            //Set Arg has the capabilities to automatically cast the value that is passed to the right type,
            //however this is not really fast and can be avoided by specifying the correct type directly.
            redKernel.SetArg("strength", 0.5f); //We directly pass a float, no casting required

            //When We pass something as byte(uchar in cl), we need to cast it.
            //If we dont the Engine OpenCL Wrapper will automatically convert the integer into a byte, but it will apply rescaling
            //  This takes over automatic type conversion from float(opengl) to byte(System.Bitmap/opencl)
            //  Calculation when not passed: (4 / Int32.MaxSize) * byte.MaxValue.
            redKernel.SetArg("channelCount", (byte)4);

            //This Line runs the kernel.
            CLAPI.Run(CLAPI.MainThread, redKernel, imageSize);

            //After the kernel ran, we can read the buffer we have passed to the kernel and Convert it into a OpenGL Texture.
            Texture tex = TextureLoader.BytesToTexture(CLAPI.ReadBuffer <byte>(CLAPI.MainThread, imageBuffer, imageSize),
                                                       512, 512, "BoxTexture");

            GameObject box = new GameObject(-Vector3.UnitZ * 4, "Box");  //Creating a new Empty GameObject
            LitMeshRendererComponent lmr = new LitMeshRendererComponent( //Creating a Renderer Component
                DefaultFilepaths.DefaultLitShader,                       //The OpenGL Shader used(Unlit and Lit shaders are provided)
                Prefabs.Cube,                                            //The Mesh that is going to be used by the MeshRenderer
                tex,                                                     //Diffuse Texture to put on the mesh
                1);                                                      //Render Mask (UI = 1 << 30)

            box.AddComponent(lmr);                                       //Attaching the Renderer to the GameObject
            box.AddComponent(new RotateSelfComponent());                 //Adding a component that rotates the Object on the Y-Axis
            Add(box);                                                    //Adding the Object to the Scene.
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the currently active buffer
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The active buffer read from the gpu and placed in cpu memory</returns>
 public T[] GetResult <T>() where T : struct
     return(CLAPI.ReadBuffer <T>(_currentBuffer.Buffer, (int)_currentBuffer.Buffer.Size));
 public static void UpdateTexture(this Texture tex, CLAPI instance, MemoryBuffer buffer, int width, int height)
     TextureLoader.Update(tex, CLAPI.ReadBuffer <byte>(instance, buffer, (int)buffer.Size), width, height);