/// <summary>
        /// Enqueues a command to copy data between buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"> The type of data in the buffers. </typeparam>
        /// <param name="source"> The buffer to copy from. </param>
        /// <param name="destination"> The buffer to copy to. </param>
        /// <param name="sourceOffset"> The <paramref name="source"/> element position where reading starts. </param>
        /// <param name="destinationOffset"> The <paramref name="destination"/> element position where writing starts. </param>
        /// <param name="region"> The region of elements to copy. </param>
        /// <param name="events"> A collection of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If <paramref name="events"/> is not <c>null</c> a new event identifying this command is attached to the end of the collection. </param>
        public void Copy <T>(ComputeBufferBase <T> source, ComputeBufferBase <T> destination, long sourceOffset, long destinationOffset, long region, ICollection <ComputeEventBase> events) where T : struct
            int sizeofT = HDSPUtils.SizeOf(typeof(T));

            int eventWaitListSize;

            CLEventHandle[] eventHandles   = ComputeTools.ExtractHandles(events, out eventWaitListSize);
            bool            eventsWritable = (events != null && !events.IsReadOnly);

            CLEventHandle[] newEventHandle = (eventsWritable) ? new CLEventHandle[1] : null;

            ComputeErrorCode error = CL10.EnqueueCopyBuffer(Handle, source.Handle, destination.Handle, new IntPtr(sourceOffset * sizeofT), new IntPtr(destinationOffset * sizeofT), new IntPtr(region * sizeofT), eventWaitListSize, eventHandles, newEventHandle);


            if (eventsWritable)
                events.Add(new ComputeEvent(newEventHandle[0], this));
        /// <summary>
        /// Enqueues a command to copy data between buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"> The type of data in the buffers. </typeparam>
        /// <param name="source"> The buffer to copy from. </param>
        /// <param name="destination"> The buffer to copy to. </param>
        /// <param name="sourceOffset"> The <paramref name="source"/> element position where reading starts. </param>
        /// <param name="destinationOffset"> The <paramref name="destination"/> element position where writing starts. </param>
        /// <param name="region"> The region of elements to copy. </param>
        /// <param name="events"> A collection of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If <paramref name="events"/> is not <c>null</c> a new event identifying this command is attached to the end of the collection. </param>
        public void Copy(OpenCLBufferBase source, OpenCLBufferBase destination, long sourceOffset, long destinationOffset, long region, IReadOnlyList <OpenCLEventBase> events = null, IList <OpenCLEventBase> newEvents = null)
            int sizeofT = Marshal.SizeOf(source.ElementType);

            int eventWaitListSize;

            CLEventHandle[] eventHandles = OpenCLTools.ExtractHandles(events, out eventWaitListSize);

            CLEventHandle[] newEventHandle = (newEvents != null) ? new CLEventHandle[1] : null;

            OpenCLErrorCode error = CL10.EnqueueCopyBuffer(Handle, source.Handle, destination.Handle, new IntPtr(sourceOffset * sizeofT), new IntPtr(destinationOffset * sizeofT), new IntPtr(region * sizeofT), eventWaitListSize, eventHandles, newEventHandle);


            if (newEvents != null)
                lock (newEvents)
                    newEvents.Add(new OpenCLEvent(newEventHandle[0], this));
        public void sortKeysValue(CLMemoryHandle key, CLMemoryHandle value,
                                  int numElements)
            debugRead = new int[Math.Max(numElements, numCounters)];
            ComputeErrorCode error;
            ComputeEvent     eve;

             *         error = CL10.EnqueueReadBuffer(cqCommandQueue, input, Bool.True, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)(numElements * 4),
             *  debugRead, 0, null, out eve);
             *         CheckErr(error, "CL10.EnqueueReadBuffer");

            mCounters = CL10.CreateBuffer(cxGPUContext, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, gpuConstants.numGroupsPerBlock * gpuConstants.numRadices * gpuConstants.numBlocks * sizeof(int),
                                          out error);
            CheckErr(error, "CL10.CreateBuffer");

            mRadixPrefixes = CL10.CreateBuffer(cxGPUContext, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, gpuConstants.numRadices * sizeof(int), out error);
            CheckErr(error, "CL10.CreateBuffer");
            CLMemoryHandle outputValue = CL10.CreateBuffer(cxGPUContext, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, (IntPtr)(8 * numElements),
                                                           out error);

            CheckErr(error, "CL10.CreateBuffer");
            CLMemoryHandle outputKey = CL10.CreateBuffer(cxGPUContext, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, (IntPtr)(4 * numElements),
                                                         out error);

            CheckErr(error, "CL10.CreateBuffer");

            gpuConstants.numElementsPerGroup = (numElements / (gpuConstants.numBlocks * gpuConstants.numGroupsPerBlock)) + 1;
            gpuConstants.numTotalElements    = numElements;
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                error = CL10.EnqueueWriteBuffer(cqCommandQueue, mCounters, Bool.True, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)(numCounters * 4),
                                                counters, 0, null, out eve);
                CheckErr(error, "CL10.EnqueueWriteBuffer Counter initialize");
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    SetupAndCount(key, 4 * i);
                    SumIt(key, 4 * i);
                    ReorderingKeyValue(key, outputKey, value, outputValue, 4 * i);
                    SetupAndCount(outputKey, 4 * i);
                    SumIt(outputKey, 4 * i);
                    ReorderingKeyValue(outputKey, key, outputValue, value, 4 * i);
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                error = CL10.EnqueueCopyBuffer(cqCommandQueue, outputKey, key, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)(numElements * 4), 0, null, out eve);
                CheckErr(error, "CL10.EnqueueCopyBuffer");
                error = CL10.Finish(cqCommandQueue);
                CheckErr(error, "CL10.Finish Copybuffer");
                error = CL10.EnqueueCopyBuffer(cqCommandQueue, outputValue, value, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)(numElements * 8), 0, null, out eve);
                CheckErr(error, "CL10.EnqueueCopyBuffer");
                error = CL10.Finish(cqCommandQueue);
                CheckErr(error, "CL10.Finish Copybuffer");

            error = CL10.ReleaseMemObject(outputKey);
            CheckErr(error, "CL10.ReleaseMemObj");
            error = CL10.ReleaseMemObject(outputValue);
            CheckErr(error, "CL10.ReleaseMemObj");
            error = CL10.ReleaseMemObject(mRadixPrefixes);
            CheckErr(error, "CL10.ReleaseMemObj");
            error = CL10.ReleaseMemObject(mCounters);
            CheckErr(error, "CL10.ReleaseMemObj");
        public void sortKeysOnly(CLMemoryHandle input, CLMemoryHandle output,
                                 int numElements)
            debugRead = new int[Math.Max(numElements, numCounters)];
            ComputeErrorCode     error;
            Compute ComputeEvent eve;

            mCounters = CL10.CreateBuffer(cxGPUContext, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, gpuConstants.numGroupsPerBlock * gpuConstants.numRadices * gpuConstants.numBlocks * sizeof(int),
                                          out error);
            CheckErr(error, "CL10.CreateBuffer");

            mRadixPrefixes = CL10.CreateBuffer(cxGPUContext, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, gpuConstants.numRadices * sizeof(int), out error);
            CheckErr(error, "CL10.CreateBuffer");

            gpuConstants.numElementsPerGroup = (numElements / (gpuConstants.numBlocks * gpuConstants.numGroupsPerBlock)) + 1;
            gpuConstants.numTotalElements    = numElements;

            if (DEBUG)
                CL10.EnqueueReadBuffer(cqCommandQueue, input, Bool.True, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)(gpuConstants.numTotalElements * 4), debugRead, 0,
                                       null, out eve);
                CheckErr(error, "CL10.EnqueueReadBuffer");
                PrintAsArray(debugRead, gpuConstants.numTotalElements);
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                error = CL10.EnqueueWriteBuffer(cqCommandQueue, mCounters, true, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)(numCounters * 4),
                                                counters, 0, null, out eve);
                CheckErr(error, "CL10.EnqueueWriteBuffer Counter initialize");
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    DateTime before = DateTime.Now;
                    SetupAndCount(input, 4 * i);
                    if (DEBUG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT)
                        Console.WriteLine("Setup and Count =" + (DateTime.Now - before).TotalMilliseconds);

                    before = DateTime.Now;
                    SumIt(input, 4 * i);
                    if (DEBUG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT)
                        Console.WriteLine("SumIt =" + (DateTime.Now - before).TotalMilliseconds);

                    before = DateTime.Now;
                    ReorderingKeysOnly(input, output, 4 * i);
                    if (DEBUG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT)
                        Console.WriteLine("Reorder =" + (DateTime.Now - before).TotalMilliseconds);
                    SetupAndCount(output, 4 * i);
                    SumIt(output, 4 * i);
                    ReorderingKeysOnly(output, input, 4 * i);
            if (i % 2 != 0)
                error = CL10.EnqueueCopyBuffer(cqCommandQueue, input, output, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)(numElements * 4), 0, null, out eve);
                CheckErr(error, "CL10.EnqueueCopyBuffer");
                error = CL10.Finish(cqCommandQueue);
                CheckErr(error, "CL10.Finish Copybuffer");
            error = CL10.ReleaseMemObject(mRadixPrefixes);
            CheckErr(error, "CL10.ReleaseMemObj");
            error = CL10.ReleaseMemObject(mCounters);
            CheckErr(error, "CL10.ReleaseMemObj");