private static Exception GETMOREINFO(Type t, int size, CHashSet <int> xdone) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(4096); sb.AppendLine("------- BEGIN INFORMATION -------"); MethodInfo[] vs = t.GetMethods(flag_i); int len = vs.Length - 1; int x = 0; for (; x < len; x++) { if (!xdone.Contains(x)) { sb.AppendLine(vs[x].ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); } } if (!xdone.Contains(len)) { sb.AppendLine(vs[len].ToString()); } sb.AppendLine("------- END INFOMATION -------"); return (new Exception($"Number of methods not implemented: {size - xdone.Count}", new Exception(sb.ToString()))); }
public void UnionCachePath(AppendableCachePath cachePath, AppendableCachePath other) { CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> otherChildren = other.children; if (otherChildren == null) { // fast case 1 return; } CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> children = cachePath.children; if (children == null) { // fast case 2 cachePath.children = otherChildren; return; } foreach (AppendableCachePath otherCachePath in otherChildren) { if (children.Add(otherCachePath)) { continue; } UnionCachePath(children.Get(otherCachePath), otherCachePath); } }
protected void Initialize() { HashMap <Type, IISet <Type> > typeRelatedByTypes = new HashMap <Type, IISet <Type> >(); IdentityHashSet <IEntityMetaData> extensions = new IdentityHashSet <IEntityMetaData>(GetExtensions().Values()); foreach (IEntityMetaData metaData in extensions) { if (Object.ReferenceEquals(metaData, alreadyHandled)) { continue; } foreach (RelationMember relationMember in metaData.RelationMembers) { AddTypeRelatedByTypes(typeRelatedByTypes, metaData.EntityType, relationMember.ElementType); } } foreach (IEntityMetaData metaData in extensions) { if (Object.ReferenceEquals(metaData, alreadyHandled)) { continue; } Type entityType = metaData.EntityType; IISet <Type> relatedByTypes = typeRelatedByTypes.Get(entityType); if (relatedByTypes == null) { relatedByTypes = new CHashSet <Type>(); } ((EntityMetaData)metaData).TypesRelatingToThis = relatedByTypes.ToArray(); RefreshMembers(metaData); } }
public LRxItem(int produce, ExpressInt express, int index, CHashSet <int> lookahead) { this.produce = produce; = express; this.index = index; this.lookahead = lookahead; }
public ISet <IEntityConfig> LoadFromDocument(XDocument doc) { ISet <IEntityConfig> entities = new CHashSet <IEntityConfig>(); LoadFromDocument(doc, entities, entities); return(entities); }
public void BuildCachePath(Type entityType, String memberToInitialize, CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> cachePaths) { Type currentType = entityType; String requestedMemberName = memberToInitialize; AppendableCachePath currentCachePath = null; CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> currentCachePaths = cachePaths; while (true) { IEntityMetaData metaData = EntityMetaDataProvider.GetMetaData(currentType); Member widenedMember = metaData.GetWidenedMatchingMember(requestedMemberName); if (widenedMember == null) { throw new ArgumentException("No member found to resolve path " + entityType.FullName + "." + memberToInitialize); } String widenedMemberName = widenedMember.Name; if (widenedMember is PrimitiveMember) { if (widenedMemberName.Equals(memberToInitialize)) { // this member does not need to be prefetched return; } // widened member has been found but not the full path of the requested member name throw new ArgumentException("No member found to resolve path " + entityType.FullName + "." + memberToInitialize); } AppendableCachePath childCachePath = null; if (currentCachePaths == null) { currentCachePaths = new CHashSet <AppendableCachePath>(); currentCachePath.children = currentCachePaths; } foreach (AppendableCachePath cachePath in currentCachePaths) { if (widenedMemberName.Equals(cachePath.memberName)) { childCachePath = cachePath; break; } } if (childCachePath == null) { int relationIndex = metaData.GetIndexByRelation(widenedMember); childCachePath = new AppendableCachePath(widenedMember.ElementType, relationIndex, widenedMemberName); currentCachePaths.Add(childCachePath); } if (widenedMemberName.Equals(requestedMemberName)) { // we have travered the full path of the requested member name return; } requestedMemberName = requestedMemberName.Substring(widenedMemberName.Length + 1); currentCachePath = childCachePath; currentType = currentCachePath.memberType; currentCachePaths = currentCachePath.children; } }
protected ICacheWalkerResult WalkIntern(IObjRef[] objRefs, IdentityHashSet <ICache> allCachesSet) { IdentityHashMap <ICache, List <ICache> > cacheToChildCaches = new IdentityHashMap <ICache, List <ICache> >(); IdentityHashMap <ICache, ICache> cacheToProxyCache = new IdentityHashMap <ICache, ICache>(); ICache currentCommittedRootCache = CommittedRootCache.CurrentCache; if (!CacheProvider.IsNewInstanceOnCall) { allCachesSet.Add(FirstLevelCache.CurrentCache); } ICache[] allChildCaches = allCachesSet.ToArray(); allCachesSet.Add(currentCommittedRootCache); foreach (ICache childCache in allChildCaches) { ICache child = childCache; ICache parent = ((ChildCache)child).Parent; while (parent != null) { ICache currentParent = parent.CurrentCache; if (!allCachesSet.Add(currentParent)) { // skip this cache. we handled it already break; } CheckParentCache(parent, currentParent, child, cacheToChildCaches, cacheToProxyCache); parent = ((IRootCache)currentParent).Parent; child = currentParent; } CheckParentCache(CommittedRootCache, currentCommittedRootCache, child, cacheToChildCaches, cacheToProxyCache); } if (objRefs != allEntityRefs) { objRefs = new CHashSet <IObjRef>(objRefs).ToArray(); Array.Sort(objRefs, ObjRef.comparator); } CacheWalkerResult rootEntry = BuildWalkedEntry(currentCommittedRootCache, objRefs, cacheToChildCaches, cacheToProxyCache); if (objRefs == allEntityRefs) { HashMap <IObjRef, int?> allObjRefs = new HashMap <IObjRef, int?>(); CollectAllObjRefs(rootEntry, allObjRefs); objRefs = allObjRefs.Count > 0 ? ListUtil.ToArray(allObjRefs.KeyList()) : ObjRef.EMPTY_ARRAY; Array.Sort(objRefs, ObjRef.comparator); for (int a = objRefs.Length; a-- > 0;) { allObjRefs.Put(objRefs[a], a); } ReallocateObjRefsAndCacheValues(rootEntry, objRefs, allObjRefs); } return(rootEntry); }
protected PrefetchPath[] BuildCachePath(Type entityType, IList <String> membersToInitialize) { CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> cachePaths = new CHashSet <AppendableCachePath>(); for (int a = membersToInitialize.Count; a-- > 0;) { String memberName = membersToInitialize[a]; CachePathHelper.BuildCachePath(entityType, memberName, cachePaths); } return(CachePathHelper.CopyAppendableToCachePath(cachePaths)); }
public static void Closure(CachedGrammar inst, LinkedHashSet <LRxItem> items) { Grammar g = inst.m_value; IForwardIterator <LRxItem> e1 = items.Begin(); IForwardIterator <LRxItem> e2 = items.Begin(); for (; e1.IsAlive; e1.Add()) { LRxItem current = e1.Value; if (current.IsEnd) { continue; } int ms = current.MarkSymbol; if (!ms.IsTerminal()) { CHashSet <int> la = current.IsLast ? new CHashSet <int>(current.lookahead) : inst.GetFirst(, current.index + 1); IForwardIterator <GItem> e3 = g.Find(ms); do { LRxItem newit = new LRxItem(e3.Value, la); for (; e2.IsAlive; e2.Add()) { if (newit.CoreEquals(e2.Value)) { CHashSet <int> ela = e2.Value.lookahead; if (!ela.IsSupersetOf(la)) { ela.UnionWith(la); } goto exit; } } items.Add(newit); exit: e2.Reset(); } while (e3.LazyAdd()); e3.Dispose(); } } e1.Dispose(); }
public override void Visit(TypeAttributes access, String name, Type superName, Type[] interfaces) { Type originalType = State.OriginalType; access &= ~TypeAttributes.Abstract; access &= ~TypeAttributes.Interface; if (originalType.IsInterface) { CHashSet <Type> interfaceSet = new CHashSet <Type>(interfaces); interfaceSet.Add(originalType); interfaces = interfaceSet.ToArray(); } base.Visit(access, name, superName, interfaces); }
protected void CleanupSecondLevelCaches(CacheDependencyNode node, IList <IObjRef> deletesList, IList <IDataChangeEntry> updates, CHashSet <Type> occuringTypes) { List <IObjRef> objRefsRemovePriorVersions = new List <IObjRef>(updates.Count); for (int a = updates.Count; a-- > 0;) { IDataChangeEntry updateEntry = updates[a]; Type entityType = updateEntry.EntityType; occuringTypes.Add(entityType); objRefsRemovePriorVersions.Add(new ObjRef(entityType, updateEntry.IdNameIndex, updateEntry.Id, updateEntry.Version)); } CleanupSecondLevelCachesIntern(node, deletesList, objRefsRemovePriorVersions); }
public IPrefetchHandle Union(IPrefetchHandle otherPrefetchHandle) { if (otherPrefetchHandle == null) { return(this); } LinkedHashMap <Type, CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> > newMap = LinkedHashMap <Type, CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> > .Create(entityTypeToPrefetchSteps.Count); foreach (Entry <Type, PrefetchPath[]> entry in entityTypeToPrefetchSteps) { CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> prefetchPaths = newMap.Get(entry.Key); if (prefetchPaths == null) { prefetchPaths = new CHashSet <AppendableCachePath>(); newMap.Put(entry.Key, prefetchPaths); } foreach (PrefetchPath cachePath in entry.Value) { prefetchPaths.Add(cachePathHelper.CopyCachePathToAppendable(cachePath)); } } foreach (Entry <Type, PrefetchPath[]> entry in ((PrefetchHandle)otherPrefetchHandle).entityTypeToPrefetchSteps) { CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> prefetchPaths = newMap.Get(entry.Key); if (prefetchPaths == null) { prefetchPaths = new CHashSet <AppendableCachePath>(); newMap.Put(entry.Key, prefetchPaths); } foreach (PrefetchPath cachePath in entry.Value) { AppendableCachePath clonedCachePath = cachePathHelper.CopyCachePathToAppendable(cachePath); if (prefetchPaths.Add(clonedCachePath)) { continue; } AppendableCachePath existingCachePath = prefetchPaths.Get(clonedCachePath); cachePathHelper.UnionCachePath(existingCachePath, clonedCachePath); } } LinkedHashMap <Type, PrefetchPath[]> targetMap = LinkedHashMap <Type, PrefetchPath[]> .Create(newMap.Count); foreach (Entry <Type, CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> > entry in newMap) { PrefetchPath[] cachePaths = cachePathHelper.CopyAppendableToCachePath(entry.Value); targetMap.Put(entry.Key, cachePaths); } return(new PrefetchHandle(targetMap, cachePathHelper)); }
protected void LoadAndAddOris(ICacheIntern cache, ISet <IObjRef> orisToLoad, IList <Object> hardRefList, IMap <ICacheIntern, IISet <IObjRef> > cacheToOrisLoadedHistory) { IList <Object> result = cache.GetObjects(ListUtil.ToList(orisToLoad), CacheDirective.None); hardRefList.Add(result); IISet <IObjRef> orisLoadedHistory = cacheToOrisLoadedHistory.Get(cache); if (orisLoadedHistory == null) { orisLoadedHistory = new CHashSet <IObjRef>(); cacheToOrisLoadedHistory.Put(cache, orisLoadedHistory); } orisLoadedHistory.AddAll(orisToLoad); }
public PrefetchPath[] CopyAppendableToCachePath(CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> children) { if (children == null) { return(null); } PrefetchPath[] clonedChildren = new PrefetchPath[children.Count]; int index = 0; foreach (AppendableCachePath child in children) { clonedChildren[index] = CopyAppendableToCachePath(child); index++; } return(clonedChildren); }
public PrefetchPath CopyAppendableToCachePath(AppendableCachePath cachePath) { PrefetchPath[] clonedChildren = CopyAppendableToCachePath(cachePath.children); if (clonedChildren == null) { return(new PrefetchPath(cachePath.memberType, cachePath.memberIndex, cachePath.memberName, clonedChildren, new Type[0])); } CHashSet <Type> memberTypesOnDescendants = new CHashSet <Type>(); foreach (PrefetchPath clonedChild in clonedChildren) { memberTypesOnDescendants.Add(clonedChild.memberType); memberTypesOnDescendants.AddAll(clonedChild.memberTypesOnDescendants); } return(new PrefetchPath(cachePath.memberType, cachePath.memberIndex, cachePath.memberName, clonedChildren, memberTypesOnDescendants.ToArray())); }
protected void AddTypeRelatedByTypes(IMap <Type, IISet <Type> > typeRelatedByTypes, Type relating, Type relatedTo) { IEntityMetaData metaData = GetMetaData(relatedTo, true); if (metaData != null) { relatedTo = metaData.EntityType; } IISet <Type> relatedByTypes = typeRelatedByTypes.Get(relatedTo); if (relatedByTypes == null) { relatedByTypes = new CHashSet <Type>(); typeRelatedByTypes.Put(relatedTo, relatedByTypes); } relatedByTypes.Add(relating); }
public AppendableCachePath CopyCachePathToAppendable(PrefetchPath cachePath) { PrefetchPath[] children = cachePath.children; CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> clonedChildren = null; if (children != null) { clonedChildren = CHashSet <AppendableCachePath> .Create(children.Length); for (int a = children.Length; a-- > 0;) { clonedChildren.Add(CopyCachePathToAppendable(children[a])); } } AppendableCachePath clonedCachePath = new AppendableCachePath(cachePath.memberType, cachePath.memberIndex, cachePath.memberName); clonedCachePath.children = clonedChildren; return(clonedCachePath); }
static void Main() { var hashSet = new CHashSet<int>(); hashSet.Add(1); hashSet.Add(1); hashSet.Add(2); hashSet.Add(1); foreach (var item in hashSet) { Console.Write(item + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); hashSet.Remove(1); foreach (var item in hashSet) { Console.Write(item + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); var secondHashSet = new CHashSet<int>(); secondHashSet.Add(3); secondHashSet.Add(4); secondHashSet.Add(2); var unionTest = hashSet.Union(secondHashSet); foreach (var item in unionTest) { Console.Write(item + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); var intersectTest = hashSet.Intersect(secondHashSet); foreach (var item in intersectTest) { Console.Write(item + " "); } }
protected void AddBoTypeAfter(Type boType, Type afterBoType, IMap <Type, IISet <Type> > boTypeBeforeBoTypes, IMap <Type, IISet <Type> > boTypeToAfterBoTypes) { IISet <Type> afterBoTypes = boTypeToAfterBoTypes.Get(afterBoType); if (afterBoTypes == null) { afterBoTypes = new CHashSet <Type>(); boTypeToAfterBoTypes.Put(afterBoType, afterBoTypes); } afterBoTypes.Add(boType); ISet <Type> beforeBoTypes = boTypeBeforeBoTypes.Get(afterBoType); if (beforeBoTypes != null) { // Add afterBoType as a after BO for all BOs which are BEFORE boType (similar to: if 1<3 and 3<4 then 1<4) foreach (Type beforeBoType in beforeBoTypes) { AddBoTypeAfter(beforeBoType, afterBoType, boTypeBeforeBoTypes, boTypeToAfterBoTypes); } } }
public ISet <IObjRef> lookForIntermediateDeletes() { CHashSet <IObjRef> intermediateDeletes = new CHashSet <IObjRef>(); // Hold cache values as hard ref to prohibit cache loss due to GC IList <IObjRef> hardRefRequest = hardRefObjRefsToLoad.ToList(); IList <Object> hardRefResult = rootCache.GetObjects(hardRefRequest, cacheValueResultAndReturnMissesSet); for (int a = hardRefResult.Count; a-- > 0;) { Object hardRef = hardRefResult[a]; if (hardRef != null) { continue; } // Objects are marked as UPDATED in the DCE, but could not be newly retrieved from the server // This occurs if a fast DELETE event on the server happened but has not been processed, yet IObjRef hardRefObjRefToLoad = hardRefRequest[a]; intermediateDeletes.Add(hardRefObjRefToLoad); } this.privilegedHardRefResult = hardRefResult; RemoveNotFoundObjRefs(intermediateDeletes.ToArray()); return(intermediateDeletes); }
protected bool HandleValueHolder(DirectValueHolderRef vhr, PrefetchPath[] cachePaths, IMap <ICacheIntern, IISet <IObjRef> > cacheToOrisToLoad, IMap <ICacheIntern, IMap <IObjRelation, bool> > cacheToOrelsToLoad, IMap <ICacheIntern, IISet <IObjRef> > cacheToOrisLoadedHistory, IMap <ICacheIntern, IISet <IObjRelation> > cacheToOrelsLoadedHistory, AlreadyHandledSet alreadyHandledSet, IList <PrefetchCommand> cascadeLoadItems) { RelationMember member = vhr.Member; bool newOriToLoad = false; if (vhr is IndirectValueHolderRef) { RootCacheValue rcv = (RootCacheValue)vhr.Vhc; ICacheIntern rootCache = ((IndirectValueHolderRef)vhr).RootCache; IEntityMetaData metaData = EntityMetaDataProvider.GetMetaData(rcv.EntityType); int relationIndex = metaData.GetIndexByRelation(member); IObjRef[] rcvObjRefs = rcv.GetRelation(relationIndex); if (rcvObjRefs == null) { IObjRelation self = ValueHolderContainerMixin.GetSelf(rcv, member.Name); ISet <IObjRelation> orelsLoadedHistory = cacheToOrelsLoadedHistory.Get(rootCache); if (orelsLoadedHistory == null || !orelsLoadedHistory.Contains(self)) { IMap <IObjRelation, bool> orelsToLoad = cacheToOrelsToLoad.Get(rootCache); if (orelsToLoad == null) { orelsToLoad = new HashMap <IObjRelation, bool>(); cacheToOrelsToLoad.Put(rootCache, orelsToLoad); } orelsToLoad.Put(self, vhr.ObjRefsOnly); AddCascadeLoadItem(vhr, cachePaths, cascadeLoadItems); } return(false); } else if (!vhr.ObjRefsOnly && rcvObjRefs.Length > 0) { ISet <IObjRef> orisLoadedHistory = cacheToOrisLoadedHistory.Get(rootCache); for (int b = rcvObjRefs.Length; b-- > 0;) { IObjRef ori = rcvObjRefs[b]; if (orisLoadedHistory != null && orisLoadedHistory.Contains(ori)) { // Object has been tried to load before but it is obviously not in the cache // So the load must have been failed somehow. It is assumed that the entity // is not persisted in the database anymore (deleted before) so the ORI is illegal. // We cleanup the ValueHolder so that future calls will not lead to // another unnecessary roundtrip to the server rcvObjRefs[b] = null; continue; } IISet <IObjRef> orisToLoad = cacheToOrisToLoad.Get(rootCache); if (orisToLoad == null) { orisToLoad = new CHashSet <IObjRef>(); cacheToOrisToLoad.Put(rootCache, orisToLoad); } orisToLoad.Add(ori); newOriToLoad = true; } if (newOriToLoad) { AddCascadeLoadItem(vhr, cachePaths, cascadeLoadItems); } } return(false); } IValueHolderContainer vhc = (IValueHolderContainer)vhr.Vhc; int relationIndex2 = vhc.Get__EntityMetaData().GetIndexByRelationName(member.Name); if (ValueHolderState.INIT == vhc.Get__State(relationIndex2)) { return(true); } ICacheIntern cache = vhc.__TargetCache; IObjRef[] objRefs = vhc.Get__ObjRefs(relationIndex2); if (objRefs == null) { IObjRelation self = vhc.Get__Self(relationIndex2); List <IObjRelation> orels = new List <IObjRelation>(); orels.Add(self); IList <IObjRelationResult> orelResults = cache.GetObjRelations(orels, cache, failEarlyReturnMisses); IObjRelationResult orelResult = orelResults[0]; if (orelResult == null) { ISet <IObjRelation> orelsLoadedHistory = cacheToOrelsLoadedHistory.Get(cache); if (orelsLoadedHistory == null || !orelsLoadedHistory.Contains(self)) { IMap <IObjRelation, bool> orelsToLoad = cacheToOrelsToLoad.Get(cache); if (orelsToLoad == null) { orelsToLoad = new HashMap <IObjRelation, bool>(); cacheToOrelsToLoad.Put(cache, orelsToLoad); } orelsToLoad.Put(self, vhr.ObjRefsOnly); AddCascadeLoadItem(vhr, cachePaths, cascadeLoadItems); } return(false); } objRefs = orelResult.Relations; if (objRefs != null) { vhc.Set__ObjRefs(relationIndex2, objRefs); } } if (!vhr.ObjRefsOnly && objRefs != null && objRefs.Length > 0) { IList <Object> loadedObjects = cache.GetObjects(new List <IObjRef>(objRefs), cache, failEarlyReturnMisses); try { for (int b = objRefs.Length; b-- > 0;) { IObjRef ori = objRefs[b]; Object loadedObject = loadedObjects[b]; if (loadedObject != null) { continue; } ISet <IObjRef> orisLoadedHistory = cacheToOrisLoadedHistory.Get(cache); if (orisLoadedHistory != null && orisLoadedHistory.Contains(ori)) { // Object has been tried to load before but it is obviously not in the cache // So the load must have been failed somehow. It is assumed that the entity // is not persisted in the database anymore (deleted before) so the ORI is illegal. // We cleanup the ValueHolder so that future calls will not lead to // another unnecessary roundtrip to the server objRefs[b] = null; continue; } IISet <IObjRef> orisToLoad = cacheToOrisToLoad.Get(cache); if (orisToLoad == null) { orisToLoad = new CHashSet <IObjRef>(); cacheToOrisToLoad.Put(cache, orisToLoad); } orisToLoad.Add(ori); newOriToLoad = true; } } finally { loadedObjects.Clear(); loadedObjects = null; } } if (objRefs == null || newOriToLoad) { AddCascadeLoadItem(vhr, cachePaths, cascadeLoadItems); return(false); } return(true); }
protected Type CreateGpType(AccessorClassLoader loader, Type proxyType, Type[] additionalProxyTypes, String className) { String classNameInternal = className.Replace('.', '/'); Type abstractType = typeof(GCProxy); List <Type> interfaceClasses = new List <Type>(); interfaceClasses.Add(proxyType); foreach (Type additionalProxyType in additionalProxyTypes) { interfaceClasses.Add(additionalProxyType); } TypeBuilder cw = loader.CreateNewType(TypeAttributes.Public, classNameInternal, abstractType, Type.EmptyTypes); { ConstructorInfo baseConstructor = abstractType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(Object), typeof(IDisposable) }, null); if (baseConstructor == null) { throw new Exception("Constructor not found: " + abstractType.FullName); } ILGenerator mv = cw.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.HasThis, TypeUtil.GetParameterTypesToTypes(baseConstructor.GetParameters())).GetILGenerator(); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Call, baseConstructor); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); } { ConstructorInfo baseConstructor = abstractType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof(IDisposable) }, null); if (baseConstructor == null) { throw new Exception("Constructor not found: " + abstractType.FullName); } ILGenerator mv = cw.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.HasThis, TypeUtil.GetParameterTypesToTypes(baseConstructor.GetParameters())).GetILGenerator(); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Call, baseConstructor); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); } MethodInfo targetMethod = ReflectUtil.GetDeclaredMethod(false, typeof(GCProxy), typeof(Object), "ResolveTarget"); CHashSet <MethodInfo> alreadyImplementedMethods = new CHashSet <MethodInfo>(); foreach (Type interfaceClass in interfaceClasses) { MethodInfo[] methods = interfaceClass.GetMethods(); foreach (MethodInfo method in methods) { if (GCProxy.disposeMethod.Equals(method)) { // will remain implemented by the GCProxy class continue; } if (!alreadyImplementedMethods.Add(method)) { continue; } MethodAttributes attributes = 0; Type[] paramTypes = TypeUtil.GetParameterTypesToTypes(method.GetParameters()); ILGenerator mv = cw.DefineMethod(method.Name, attributes, CallingConventions.HasThis, method.ReturnType, paramTypes).GetILGenerator(); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, targetMethod); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, method.DeclaringType); for (int a = 0, size = paramTypes.Length; a < size; a++) { mv.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, a + 1); } mv.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, method); mv.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); } } return(loader.GetType(classNameInternal, cw)); }
/// <exception cref="Exception">Thrown when TargetField attribute cannot be found in the property</exception> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown when try to invalid operation</exception> /// <summary> /// Create an interface implementation for dynamic type <paramref name="t"/> /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Interface type</typeparam> /// <param name="t"> /// Find only public static fields and methods /// Using static types(as opposed to dynamic types) is inefficient /// </param> /// <returns>Is not null if the method succeeds</returns> public static T Make <T>(Type t) where T : class { Type temp = typeof(T); if (!temp.IsInterface || temp.IsNotPublic || t == null || !(t.IsAbstract && t.IsSealed)) { return(null); } if (cached.TryGetValue(t, out object obj)) { return((T)obj); } PropertyInfo[] implPpt = temp.GetProperties(flag_i); SpMI[] impl = Array.ConvertAll(temp.GetMethods(flag_i), CONV_SPI); OnlyMI[] code = Array.ConvertAll(t.GetMethods(flag_s), CONV_OMI); int init_x = impl.Length; int init_p = implPpt.Length; if (init_x == 0 && init_p == 0) { return(null); } CHashSet <int> xdone = init_x == 0 ? null : new CHashSet <int>(init_x); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(t.FullName); sb.Append("__ClassWrapper__"); sb.Append(cached.Count); TypeBuilder tb = mdb.DefineType(sb.ToString(), tattrb, null, new Type[1] { temp }); int clen = code.Length; int z = 0; for (; z < init_x; z++) { SilmMI k = impl[z]; int x = clen; while (--x >= 0) { if (code[x].Equals(k) && xdone.Add(x)) { SomeMethod(tb, k, code[x]); break; } } } if (xdone != null && init_x != xdone.Count) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Some methods could not be implemented", GETMOREINFO(temp, init_x, xdone)); } for (z = 0; z < init_p; z++) { if (implPpt[z].GetCustomAttribute <TargetFieldAttribute>() is TargetFieldAttribute tfa) { PropertyInfo pp = implPpt[z]; temp = pp.PropertyType; if (tfa.refm ^ temp.IsByRef) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect attribute declare", GETMOREINFO(temp.IsByRef)); } else if (pp.GetSetMethod() != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("use ref return type instead of set accessor", GETMOREINFO()); } if (t.GetField(pp.GetCustomAttribute <TargetFunctionAttribute>()?.name ??, flag_sa) is FieldInfo fd) { FieldMethod(tb, pp.GetGetMethod(false), fd, tfa.refm); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Field not found: {}"); } } else { throw new Exception("Missing attribute"); } } obj = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(tb.CreateType()); cached.Add(t, obj); return((T)obj); }
protected IOriCollection Intern(ICUDResult cudResult, IMethodDescription methodDescription, IList <MergeOperation> mergeOperationSequence, IncrementalMergeState state) { IList <IChangeContainer> allChanges = cudResult.AllChanges; IList <Object> originalRefs = cudResult.GetOriginalRefs(); IdentityHashMap <IChangeContainer, int> changeToChangeIndexDict = new IdentityHashMap <IChangeContainer, int>(); for (int a = allChanges.Count; a-- > 0;) { changeToChangeIndexDict.Put(allChanges[a], a); } IObjRef[] objRefs = new IObjRef[allChanges.Count]; long[] allChangedOn = new long[allChanges.Count]; String[] allChangedBy = new String[allChanges.Count]; CHashSet <long> changedOnSet = new CHashSet <long>(); CHashSet <String> changedBySet = new CHashSet <String>(); for (int a = 0, size = mergeOperationSequence.Count; a < size; a++) { MergeOperation mergeOperation = mergeOperationSequence[a]; IMergeServiceExtension mergeServiceExtension = mergeOperation.MergeServiceExtension; IList <IChangeContainer> changesForMergeService = mergeOperation.ChangeContainer; ICUDResult msCudResult = BuildCUDResult(changesForMergeService, changeToChangeIndexDict, originalRefs); IOriCollection msOriCollection = mergeServiceExtension.Merge(msCudResult, methodDescription); MergeController.ApplyChangesToOriginals(msCudResult, msOriCollection, state.GetStateCache()); IList <IObjRef> allChangeORIs = msOriCollection.AllChangeORIs; long? msDefaultChangedOn = msOriCollection.ChangedOn; String msDefaultChangedBy = msOriCollection.ChangedBy; long[] msAllChangedOn = msOriCollection.AllChangedOn; String[] msAllChangedBy = msOriCollection.AllChangedBy; for (int b = changesForMergeService.Count; b-- > 0;) { int index = changeToChangeIndexDict.Get(changesForMergeService[b]); objRefs[index] = allChangeORIs[b]; if (msAllChangedOn != null) { long msChangedOn = msAllChangedOn[b]; allChangedOn[index] = msChangedOn; changedOnSet.Add(msChangedOn); } else { allChangedOn[index] = msDefaultChangedOn.Value; } if (msAllChangedBy != null) { String msChangedBy = msAllChangedBy[b]; allChangedBy[index] = msChangedBy; changedBySet.Add(msChangedBy); } else { allChangedBy[index] = msDefaultChangedBy; } } if (msDefaultChangedOn != null) { changedOnSet.Add(msDefaultChangedOn.Value); } if (msDefaultChangedBy != null) { changedBySet.Add(msDefaultChangedBy); } } OriCollection oriCollection = new OriCollection(); oriCollection.AllChangeORIs = new List <IObjRef>(objRefs); if (changedBySet.Count == 1) { Iterator <String> iter = changedBySet.Iterator(); iter.MoveNext(); oriCollection.ChangedBy = iter.Current; } else { oriCollection.AllChangedBy = allChangedBy; } if (changedOnSet.Count == 1) { Iterator <long> iter = changedOnSet.Iterator(); iter.MoveNext(); oriCollection.ChangedOn = iter.Current; } else { oriCollection.AllChangedOn = allChangedOn; } foreach (IMergeListener mergeListener in mergeListeners.GetExtensions()) { mergeListener.PostMerge(cudResult, objRefs); } if (originalRefs != null) { // Set each original ref to null in order to suppress a post-processing in a potentially calling IMergeProcess for (int a = originalRefs.Count; a-- > 0;) { originalRefs[a] = null; } } // TODO DCE must be fired HERE <--- return(oriCollection); }
public LRxItem(GItem source, CHashSet <int> la) { produce = source.produce; express =; lookahead = la; }
protected void ChangeSecondLevelCacheIntern(CacheDependencyNode node, CacheDirective cacheDirective) { IRootCache rootCache = node.rootCache; HashMap <IObjRef, CacheValueAndPrivilege> objRefToLoadContainerDict = node.objRefToCacheValueMap; CHashSet <IObjRef> objRefsToLoad = new CHashSet <IObjRef>(node.objRefsToLoad); if (node.cacheChangeItems != null) { foreach (CacheChangeItem cci in node.cacheChangeItems) { if (cci == null) { continue; } objRefsToLoad.AddAll(cci.UpdatedObjRefs); } } IList <IObjRef> objRefs = objRefsToLoad.ToList(); IList <Object> refreshResult = rootCache.GetObjects(objRefs, cacheDirective); IPrivilege[] privileges = null; if (SecurityActivation != null && PrivilegeProvider != null && SecurityActivation.FilterActivated) { privileges = PrivilegeProvider.GetPrivilegesByObjRef(objRefs).GetPrivileges(); } for (int a = refreshResult.Count; a-- > 0;) { RootCacheValue cacheValue = (RootCacheValue)refreshResult[a]; if (cacheValue == null) { continue; } objRefToLoadContainerDict.Put(objRefs[a], new CacheValueAndPrivilege(cacheValue, privileges != null ? privileges[a] : null)); } CheckCascadeRefreshNeeded(node); CHashSet <IObjRef> cascadeRefreshObjRefsSet = node.cascadeRefreshObjRefsSet; CHashSet <IObjRelation> cascadeRefreshObjRelationsSet = node.cascadeRefreshObjRelationsSet; if (cascadeRefreshObjRelationsSet.Count > 0) { IList <IObjRelationResult> relationsResult = rootCache.GetObjRelations(cascadeRefreshObjRelationsSet.ToList(), cacheDirective); for (int a = relationsResult.Count; a-- > 0;) { IObjRelationResult relationResult = relationsResult[a]; cascadeRefreshObjRefsSet.AddAll(relationResult.Relations); } // apply gathered information of unknown relations to the rootCache rootCache.Put(relationsResult); } if (cascadeRefreshObjRefsSet.Count > 0) { IList <IObjRef> cascadeRefreshObjRefsSetList = cascadeRefreshObjRefsSet.ToList(); refreshResult = rootCache.GetObjects(cascadeRefreshObjRefsSetList, cacheDirective); } List <CacheDependencyNode> childNodes = node.childNodes; for (int a = childNodes.Count; a-- > 0;) { ChangeSecondLevelCacheIntern(childNodes[a], failInCacheHierarchyAndCacheValueResultAndReturnMissesSet); } }
protected void DataChangedIntern(IDataChange dataChange, IList <Object> pausedEventTargets, IProcessResumeItem processResumeItem, CacheDependencyNode rootNode) { try { bool isLocalSource = dataChange.IsLocalSource; IList <IDataChangeEntry> deletes = dataChange.Deletes; IList <IDataChangeEntry> updates = dataChange.Updates; IList <IDataChangeEntry> inserts = dataChange.Inserts; CHashSet <Type> occuringTypes = new CHashSet <Type>(); CHashSet <IObjRef> deletesSet = new CHashSet <IObjRef>(); CHashSet <Type> directRelatingTypes = new CHashSet <Type>(); bool acquirementSuccessful = rootNode.rootCache.AcquireHardRefTLIfNotAlready(); try { for (int a = deletes.Count; a-- > 0;) { IDataChangeEntry deleteEntry = deletes[a]; Type entityType = deleteEntry.EntityType; occuringTypes.Add(entityType); if (deleteEntry is DirectDataChangeEntry) { // Ignore delete entries of unpersisted objects here continue; } ObjRef tempORI = new ObjRef(entityType, deleteEntry.IdNameIndex, deleteEntry.Id, deleteEntry.Version); deletesSet.Add(tempORI); } // Remove items from the cache only if they are really deleted/updates by a remote event // And not 'simulated' by a local source bool cleanupSecondLevelCaches = false; if (pausedEventTargets != null && (deletes.Count > 0 || updates.Count > 0) && !isLocalSource) { cleanupSecondLevelCaches = true; } else if (updates.Count > 0) { for (int a = updates.Count; a-- > 0;) { IDataChangeEntry updateEntry = updates[a]; Type entityType = updateEntry.EntityType; occuringTypes.Add(entityType); } } for (int a = inserts.Count; a-- > 0;) { IDataChangeEntry insertEntry = inserts[a]; Type entityType = insertEntry.EntityType; occuringTypes.Add(entityType); } EnsureMetaDataIsLoaded(occuringTypes, directRelatingTypes); if (cleanupSecondLevelCaches) { CleanupSecondLevelCaches(rootNode, deletesSet.ToList(), updates, occuringTypes); } BuildCacheChangeItems(rootNode, dataChange); rootNode.AggregateAllCascadedObjRefs(); ISet <IObjRef> intermediateDeletes = rootNode.lookForIntermediateDeletes(); ChangeSecondLevelCache(rootNode); if (rootNode.IsPendingChangeOnAnyChildCache()) { GuiThreadHelper.InvokeInGuiAndWait(delegate() { bool oldFailEarlyModeActive = AbstractCache.FailInCacheHierarchyModeActive; AbstractCache.FailInCacheHierarchyModeActive = true; try { ChangeFirstLevelCaches(rootNode, intermediateDeletes); } finally { AbstractCache.FailInCacheHierarchyModeActive = oldFailEarlyModeActive; } }); } } finally { rootNode.rootCache.ClearHardRefs(acquirementSuccessful); } } finally { if (processResumeItem != null) { processResumeItem.ResumeProcessingFinished(); } } }
protected void LoadAndAddOrels(ICacheIntern cache, IMap <IObjRelation, bool> orelsToLoad, IList <Object> hardRefList, IMap <ICacheIntern, IISet <IObjRelation> > cacheToOrelsLoadedHistory, ILinkedMap <ICacheIntern, IISet <IObjRef> > cacheToOrisToLoad, IdentityLinkedSet <Member> prioMembers) { IList <IObjRelation> objRelList; if (prioMembers.Count > 0) { objRelList = new List <IObjRelation>(orelsToLoad.Count); IEntityMetaDataProvider entityMetaDataProvider = this.EntityMetaDataProvider; foreach (Entry <IObjRelation, Boolean> entry in orelsToLoad) { IObjRelation objRel = entry.Key; IEntityMetaData metaData = entityMetaDataProvider.GetMetaData(objRel.RealType); RelationMember memberByName = (RelationMember)metaData.GetMemberByName(objRel.MemberName); if (!prioMembers.Contains(memberByName)) { continue; } objRelList.Add(objRel); } } else { objRelList = orelsToLoad.KeyList(); } IList <IObjRelationResult> objRelResults = cache.GetObjRelations(objRelList, cache, CacheDirective.ReturnMisses); IISet <IObjRef> orisToLoad = null; for (int a = 0, size = objRelResults.Count; a < size; a++) { IObjRelation objRel = objRelList[a]; IObjRelationResult objRelResult = objRelResults[a]; bool objRefsOnly = orelsToLoad.Remove(objRel); if (objRelResult == null) { continue; } if (orelsToLoad.Get(objRel)) { // fetch only the objRefs, not the objects themselves continue; } IObjRef[] relations = objRelResult.Relations; if (relations.Length == 0 || objRefsOnly) { // fetch only the objRefs, not the objects themselves continue; } if (orisToLoad == null) { orisToLoad = cacheToOrisToLoad.Get(cache); if (orisToLoad == null) { orisToLoad = new CHashSet <IObjRef>(); cacheToOrisToLoad.Put(cache, orisToLoad); } } orisToLoad.AddAll(relations); } IISet <IObjRelation> orelsLoadedHistory = cacheToOrelsLoadedHistory.Get(cache); if (orelsLoadedHistory == null) { orelsLoadedHistory = new CHashSet <IObjRelation>(); cacheToOrelsLoadedHistory.Put(cache, orelsLoadedHistory); } orelsLoadedHistory.AddAll(objRelList); }