 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	ARM RAYCAST PINNING: User selecting where to place the closest arm of the selected body on a body surface through raycasting
 public void ArmRaycastPin_Begin()
     _oHandTarget = _oHandTarget_RaycastPin;
     _oHandTarget.transform.position = _oJointExtremity.transform.position;			// Manually set the hand target position to the hand position so slerp in Update doesn't start from some old stale position  ###MOVE?
     _oBodyArmPin = null;
     //_nArmPinBodyColVert = -1;
     //_nTimeStartPinSet = 0;			// Reset our start-of-slerp time to zero so it's initialize at first real pin position
     //_bPinByClosestVert = false;		// We start pinning by ray position as it's much more accurate.  When user releases pinning key we go to vert pinning which will handle changes in body orientation  ###IMPROVE: Always have 'ray precision' pinning by storing offset and rotating to closest vert normal?
     _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularXMotion = _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularYMotion = _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;	// We free rotation constraint so hand is just attraced by position (and repelled by colliders)  Greatly simplifies hand raycasting!!