public FAGraphVizPrinter(CGraph graph, UOPCore.Options <ThompsonOptions> options, CGraphLabeling <CGraphNode> nodeLabeling = null, CGraphLabeling <CGraphEdge> edgeLabeling = null) : base(graph, nodeLabeling, edgeLabeling) { m_FAInfo = new FAGraphQueryInfo(graph, FA.m_FAINFOKEY); m_options = options; }
public void LoadGraph(CGraph graph) { CGraph oldGraph = ScriptGraph; ScriptGraph = graph; GraphName = ScriptGraph.Name; Dictionary <CNode, CScriptNodeViewmodel> nodeToViewModel = new Dictionary <CNode, CScriptNodeViewmodel>(); List <CScriptNodeViewmodel> newNodes = new List <CScriptNodeViewmodel>(); foreach (CNode graphNode in ScriptGraph.m_nodes) { CScriptNodeViewmodel viewmodel = new CScriptNodeViewmodel(graphNode, this); nodeToViewModel.Add(graphNode, viewmodel); newNodes.Add(viewmodel); } m_selectedNodes.Clear(); Nodes = new ObservableCollection <CScriptNodeViewmodel>(newNodes); Connections.Clear(); ResolveScriptNodeConnections(ScriptGraph.m_nodes, nodeToViewModel); UndoRedoUtility.Purge(null); OnGraphChanged?.Invoke(this, oldGraph, ScriptGraph); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="argumentType"></param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <param name="localKey"></param> public Tuple <string, int, CGraph> AddInputArgument(string description, CGraph inputGraph, int globalkey = -1) { Tuple <string, int, CGraph> newarg = Tuple.Create(description, globalkey, inputGraph); m_inputArgumentsRecords.Add(newarg); return(newarg); }
public static void TestCaseBook() { // 1. Create a graph CGraph mgraph = CGraph.CreateGraph(); CGraphNode u = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("u"); CGraphNode v = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("v"); CGraphNode w = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("w"); CGraphNode x = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("x"); CGraphNode y = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("y"); CGraphNode z = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("z"); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(u, v, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(u, x, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x, v, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(v, y, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(y, x, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(w, y, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(w, z, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(z, z, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); DepthFirstSearch dfs = new DepthFirstSearch(mgraph); dfs.Run(); DepthFirstSearchQueryInfo info = new DepthFirstSearchQueryInfo(mgraph, dfs); CIt_GraphNodes it = new CIt_GraphNodes(mgraph); for (it.Begin(); !it.End(); it.Next()) { Console.WriteLine("Node {0}: arrival ({1}) - departure ({2})", it.M_CurrentItem.M_Label, info.Arrival(it.M_CurrentItem), info.Departure(it.M_CurrentItem)); } }
public BellmanFord(CGraph graph, CGraphNode source, int graphWeightsKey) { mGraph = graph; m_source = source; this[m_PATHINFO] = m_outputShortestPathsInfo = new BellmanFordQueryInfo(graph, this); m_inputGraphWeightInfo = new CGraphQueryInfo <object, int, object>(graph, graphWeightsKey); m_outputShortestPathsInfo.CreateInfo(m_shortestPaths); }
static public void Dijkstra() { CGraph cGraph; cGraph = new CGraph(input1); Console.WriteLine("-------------Input 1 -------------"); cGraph.PrintGraph(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="argumentType"></param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <param name="localKey"></param> public Tuple <string, int, CGraph> AddOutputArgument(string description, CGraph outputGraph, int globalkey = -1) { Tuple <string, int, CGraph> newarg = Tuple.Create(description, outputGraph.GetStorageReservationKey(), outputGraph); m_outputArgumentsRecords.Add(newarg); return(newarg); }
public BreadthFirstSearch(CGraphNode mSource, CGraph mGraph) { m_source = mSource; m_graph = mGraph; m_BFSData = new BreadthFirstSearchQueryInfo(mGraph, this); m_Q = new Queue <CGraphNode>(); m_nodeVisitList = new List <CGraphNode>(); }
public void CreateNewGraph() { Connections.Clear(); Nodes.Clear(); CGraph oldGraph = ScriptGraph; ScriptGraph = new CGraph(); OnGraphChanged?.Invoke(this, oldGraph, ScriptGraph); }
internal ThompsonGraphVizPrinter(CGraph graph, UOPCore.Options <ThompsonOptions> options, object thompsonkeyinfo, CGraphLabeling <CGraphNode> nodeLabeling = null, CGraphLabeling <CGraphEdge> edgeLabeling = null ) : base(graph, nodeLabeling, edgeLabeling) { m_options = options; m_thompsonKeyInfo = thompsonkeyinfo; m_thompsonInfo = new ThompsonInfo(graph, m_thompsonKeyInfo); m_FAInfo = new FAGraphQueryInfo(graph, FA.m_FAINFOKEY); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="graph">The given graph</param> /// <param name="freeze">This parameter determines if the iteration will happen on the given graph or a clone of it. In case the graph is changing during the iteration and the objective is to iterate on the initial graph then set freeze to true</param> public CIt_GraphNodes(CGraph graph, bool freeze = false) { if (!freeze) { m_graph = graph; } else { // Iteration happens on the clone which can't be changed externally m_graph = CGraph.TemporalClone(graph); // The graph that is given from externally and can be change // during iteration m_initialGraph = graph; } }
public static void TestCaseBook() { // 1. Create a graph CGraph mgraph = CGraph.CreateGraph(); CGraphNode r = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("r"); CGraphNode s = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("s"); CGraphNode t = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("t"); CGraphNode u = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("u"); CGraphNode v = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("v"); CGraphNode w = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("w"); CGraphNode x = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("x"); CGraphNode y = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("y"); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(r, s, GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(r, v, GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(s, w, GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(w, t, GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(w, x, GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(t, x, GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(t, u, GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x, u, GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x, y, GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); // 2. Create Algorithm BreadthFirstSearch bfs = new BreadthFirstSearch(s, mgraph); // 2. Associate weights with the edges of the graph CGraphQueryInfo <int, int, int> bfsData = new CGraphQueryInfo <int, int, int>(mgraph, bfs); bfs.Run(); Console.WriteLine("Printing BFS Results with Source Node : {0}", s.M_Label); foreach (CGraphNode node in bfs.BFSNodes()) { Console.WriteLine("Node {0} distance: {1}", node.M_Label, bfs.Distance(node)); } // Testing BreadthFirstSearchQueryInfo BreadthFirstSearchQueryInfo bfsInfo = new BreadthFirstSearchQueryInfo(mgraph, bfs); Console.WriteLine("Printing BFS Results with Source Node : {0}", s.M_Label); foreach (CGraphNode node in bfsInfo.BFSNodes()) { Console.WriteLine("Node {0} distance: {1}", node.M_Label, bfs.Distance(node)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { CTranslationUnit tr = new CTranslationUnit(); CGraph graph = CGraph.CreateGraph(); tr.dipole() .algorithm() .algorithm() .connections() .connection() .GRAPH(graph) .GRAPHELEMENTTYPE(GraphElementType.ET_NODE) .KEY(graph.GetHashCode()) .INFOTYPE(typeof(int)) .end() .end(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AbstractGraphQueryInfo"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="graph">The graph.</param> public CGraphQueryInfo(CGraph graph, object key) { m_graph = graph; m_infoKey = key; }
public DepthFirstSearch(CGraph mGraph) { m_graph = mGraph; m_outputDepthFirstSearch = new DepthFirstSearchQueryInfo(mGraph, this); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length > 0) { deviceID = int.Parse(args[0]); } if (args.Length > 2) { platformID = int.Parse(args[2]); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Device ID parse error", ex); } try { if (args.Length > 1) { port = int.Parse(args[1]); Comms.ConnectToMaster(port); } else { TEST = true; CGraph.ShowCycles = true; Logger.CopyToConsole = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Master connection error"); } // Gets all available platforms and their corresponding devices, and prints them out in a table List <Platform> platforms = null; try { platforms = Platform.GetPlatforms().ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to get OpenCL platform list"); return; } if (TEST) { currentJob = nextJob = new Job() { jobID = 0, k0 = 0xf4956dc403730b01L, k1 = 0xe6d45de39c2a5a3eL, k2 = 0xcbf626a8afee35f6L, k3 = 0x4307b94b1a0c9980L, //k0 = 0x10ef16eadd6aa061L, //k1 = 0x563f07e7a3c788b3L, //k2 = 0xe8d7c8db1518f29aL, //k3 = 0xc0ab7d1b4ca1adffL, pre_pow = TestPrePow, timestamp = DateTime.Now }; } else { currentJob = nextJob = new Job() { jobID = 0, k0 = 0xf4956dc403730b01L, k1 = 0xe6d45de39c2a5a3eL, k2 = 0xcbf626a8afee35f6L, k3 = 0x4307b94b1a0c9980L, pre_pow = TestPrePow, timestamp = DateTime.Now }; if (!Comms.IsConnected()) { Console.WriteLine("Master connection failed, aborting"); Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "No master connection, exitting!"); Task.Delay(500).Wait(); return; } if (deviceID < 0) { try { //Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR", "1", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE", "100", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS", "1", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT", "100", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT", "100", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GPU_64BIT_ATOMICS", "1", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GPU_MAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE", "1024", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); //Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AMD_OCL_BUILD_OPTIONS_APPEND", "-cl-std=CL2.0", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine); GpuDevicesMessage gpum = new GpuDevicesMessage() { devices = new List <GpuDevice>() }; //foreach (Platform platform in platforms) for (int p = 0; p < platforms.Count(); p++) { Platform platform = platforms[p]; var devices = platform.GetDevices(DeviceType.Gpu).ToList(); //foreach (Device device in platform.GetDevices(DeviceType.All)) for (int d = 0; d < devices.Count(); d++) { Device device = devices[d]; string name = device.Name; string pName = platform.Name; //Console.WriteLine(device.Name + " " + platform.Version.VersionString); gpum.devices.Add(new GpuDevice() { deviceID = d, platformID = p, platformName = pName, name = name, memory = device.GlobalMemorySize }); } } Comms.gpuMsg = gpum; Comms.SetEvent(); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); Comms.Close(); return; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Unable to enumerate OpenCL devices"); Task.Delay(500).Wait(); Comms.Close(); return; } } } try { Device chosenDevice = null; try { chosenDevice = platforms[platformID].GetDevices(DeviceType.Gpu).ToList()[deviceID]; Console.WriteLine($"Using OpenCL device: {chosenDevice.Name} ({chosenDevice.Vendor})"); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Unable to select OpenCL device {deviceID} on platform {platformID} "); Task.Delay(500).Wait(); Comms.Close(); return; } var assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); var resourceStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(""); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resourceStream)) { using (Context context = Context.CreateContext(chosenDevice)) { /* * Once the program has been created you can use clGetProgramInfo with CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES and then CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES, storing the resulting binary programs (one for each device of the context) into a buffer you supply. You can then save this binary data to disk for use in later runs. * Not all devices might support binaries, so you will need to check the CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES result (it returns a zero size for that device if binaries are not supported). */ using (OpenCl.DotNetCore.Programs.Program program = context.CreateAndBuildProgramFromString(reader.ReadToEnd())) { using (CommandQueue commandQueue = CommandQueue.CreateCommandQueue(context, chosenDevice)) { IntPtr clearPattern = IntPtr.Zero; uint[] edgesCount; int[] edgesLeft; int trims = 0; try { clearPattern = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4); Marshal.Copy(new byte[4] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 0, clearPattern, 4); try { bufferA1 = context.CreateBuffer <uint>(MemoryFlag.ReadWrite, BUFFER_SIZE_A1); bufferA2 = context.CreateBuffer <uint>(MemoryFlag.ReadWrite, BUFFER_SIZE_A2); bufferB = context.CreateBuffer <uint>(MemoryFlag.ReadWrite, BUFFER_SIZE_B); bufferI1 = context.CreateBuffer <uint>(MemoryFlag.ReadWrite, INDEX_SIZE); bufferI2 = context.CreateBuffer <uint>(MemoryFlag.ReadWrite, INDEX_SIZE); bufferR = context.CreateBuffer <uint>(MemoryFlag.ReadOnly, 42 * 2); } catch (Exception ex) { Task.Delay(500).Wait(); Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Unable to allocate buffers, out of memory?"); Task.Delay(500).Wait(); Comms.Close(); return; } using (Kernel kernelSeedA = program.CreateKernel("FluffySeed2A")) using (Kernel kernelSeedB1 = program.CreateKernel("FluffySeed2B")) using (Kernel kernelSeedB2 = program.CreateKernel("FluffySeed2B")) using (Kernel kernelRound1 = program.CreateKernel("FluffyRound1")) using (Kernel kernelRoundO = program.CreateKernel("FluffyRoundNO1")) using (Kernel kernelRoundNA = program.CreateKernel("FluffyRoundNON")) using (Kernel kernelRoundNB = program.CreateKernel("FluffyRoundNON")) using (Kernel kernelTail = program.CreateKernel("FluffyTailO")) using (Kernel kernelRecovery = program.CreateKernel("FluffyRecovery")) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(0, currentJob.k0); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(1, currentJob.k1); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(2, currentJob.k2); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(3, currentJob.k3); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgument(4, bufferB); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgument(5, bufferA1); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgument(6, bufferI1); kernelSeedB1.SetKernelArgument(0, bufferA1); kernelSeedB1.SetKernelArgument(1, bufferA1); kernelSeedB1.SetKernelArgument(2, bufferA2); kernelSeedB1.SetKernelArgument(3, bufferI1); kernelSeedB1.SetKernelArgument(4, bufferI2); kernelSeedB1.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(5, (uint)32); kernelSeedB2.SetKernelArgument(0, bufferB); kernelSeedB2.SetKernelArgument(1, bufferA1); kernelSeedB2.SetKernelArgument(2, bufferA2); kernelSeedB2.SetKernelArgument(3, bufferI1); kernelSeedB2.SetKernelArgument(4, bufferI2); kernelSeedB2.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(5, (uint)0); kernelRound1.SetKernelArgument(0, bufferA1); kernelRound1.SetKernelArgument(1, bufferA2); kernelRound1.SetKernelArgument(2, bufferB); kernelRound1.SetKernelArgument(3, bufferI2); kernelRound1.SetKernelArgument(4, bufferI1); kernelRound1.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(5, (uint)DUCK_SIZE_A * 1024); kernelRound1.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(6, (uint)DUCK_SIZE_B * 1024); kernelRoundO.SetKernelArgument(0, bufferB); kernelRoundO.SetKernelArgument(1, bufferA1); kernelRoundO.SetKernelArgument(2, bufferI1); kernelRoundO.SetKernelArgument(3, bufferI2); kernelRoundNA.SetKernelArgument(0, bufferB); kernelRoundNA.SetKernelArgument(1, bufferA1); kernelRoundNA.SetKernelArgument(2, bufferI1); kernelRoundNA.SetKernelArgument(3, bufferI2); kernelRoundNB.SetKernelArgument(0, bufferA1); kernelRoundNB.SetKernelArgument(1, bufferB); kernelRoundNB.SetKernelArgument(2, bufferI2); kernelRoundNB.SetKernelArgument(3, bufferI1); kernelTail.SetKernelArgument(0, bufferB); kernelTail.SetKernelArgument(1, bufferA1); kernelTail.SetKernelArgument(2, bufferI1); kernelTail.SetKernelArgument(3, bufferI2); kernelRecovery.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(0, currentJob.k0); kernelRecovery.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(1, currentJob.k1); kernelRecovery.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(2, currentJob.k2); kernelRecovery.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(3, currentJob.k3); kernelRecovery.SetKernelArgument(4, bufferR); kernelRecovery.SetKernelArgument(5, bufferI2); int loopCnt = 0; //for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) while (!Comms.IsTerminated) { try { if (!TEST && (Comms.nextJob.pre_pow == null || Comms.nextJob.pre_pow == "" || Comms.nextJob.pre_pow == TestPrePow)) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Waiting for job....")); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); continue; } if (!TEST && ((currentJob.pre_pow != Comms.nextJob.pre_pow) || (currentJob.origin != Comms.nextJob.origin))) { currentJob = Comms.nextJob; currentJob.timestamp = DateTime.Now; } if (!TEST && (currentJob.timestamp.AddMinutes(30) < DateTime.Now) && Comms.lastIncoming.AddMinutes(30) < DateTime.Now) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Job too old...")); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); continue; } // test runs only once if (TEST && loopCnt++ > 100000) { Comms.IsTerminated = true; } Logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("GPU AMD{4}:Trimming #{4}: {0} {1} {2} {3}", currentJob.k0, currentJob.k1, currentJob.k2, currentJob.k3, currentJob.jobID, deviceID)); //Stopwatch srw = new Stopwatch(); //srw.Start(); Solution s; while (graphSolutions.TryDequeue(out s)) { kernelRecovery.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(0, s.job.k0); kernelRecovery.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(1, s.job.k1); kernelRecovery.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(2, s.job.k2); kernelRecovery.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(3, s.job.k3); commandQueue.EnqueueWriteBufferEdges(bufferR, s.GetLongEdges()); commandQueue.EnqueueClearBuffer(bufferI2, 64 * 64 * 4, clearPattern); commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(kernelRecovery, 1, 2048 * 256, 256, 0); s.nonces = commandQueue.EnqueueReadBuffer <uint>(bufferI2, 42); OpenCl.DotNetCore.Interop.CommandQueues.CommandQueuesNativeApi.Finish(commandQueue.Handle); s.nonces = s.nonces.OrderBy(n => n).ToArray(); Comms.graphSolutionsOut.Enqueue(s); Comms.SetEvent(); } //srw.Stop(); //Console.WriteLine("RECOVERY " + srw.ElapsedMilliseconds); currentJob = currentJob.Next(); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(0, currentJob.k0); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(1, currentJob.k1); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(2, currentJob.k2); kernelSeedA.SetKernelArgumentGeneric(3, currentJob.k3); sw.Restart(); commandQueue.EnqueueClearBuffer(bufferI2, 64 * 64 * 4, clearPattern); commandQueue.EnqueueClearBuffer(bufferI1, 64 * 64 * 4, clearPattern); commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(kernelSeedA, 1, 2048 * 128, 128, 0); commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(kernelSeedB1, 1, 1024 * 128, 128, 0); commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(kernelSeedB2, 1, 1024 * 128, 128, 0); commandQueue.EnqueueClearBuffer(bufferI1, 64 * 64 * 4, clearPattern); commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(kernelRound1, 1, 4096 * 1024, 1024, 0); commandQueue.EnqueueClearBuffer(bufferI2, 64 * 64 * 4, clearPattern); commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(kernelRoundO, 1, 4096 * 1024, 1024, 0); commandQueue.EnqueueClearBuffer(bufferI1, 64 * 64 * 4, clearPattern); commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(kernelRoundNB, 1, 4096 * 1024, 1024, 0); for (int r = 0; r < trimRounds; r++) { commandQueue.EnqueueClearBuffer(bufferI2, 64 * 64 * 4, clearPattern); commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(kernelRoundNA, 1, 4096 * 1024, 1024, 0); commandQueue.EnqueueClearBuffer(bufferI1, 64 * 64 * 4, clearPattern); commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(kernelRoundNB, 1, 4096 * 1024, 1024, 0); } commandQueue.EnqueueClearBuffer(bufferI2, 64 * 64 * 4, clearPattern); commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(kernelTail, 1, 4096 * 1024, 1024, 0); edgesCount = commandQueue.EnqueueReadBuffer <uint>(bufferI2, 1); edgesCount[0] = edgesCount[0] > 1000000 ? 1000000 : edgesCount[0]; edgesLeft = commandQueue.EnqueueReadBuffer(bufferA1, (int)edgesCount[0] * 2); OpenCl.DotNetCore.Interop.CommandQueues.CommandQueuesNativeApi.Flush(commandQueue.Handle); OpenCl.DotNetCore.Interop.CommandQueues.CommandQueuesNativeApi.Finish(commandQueue.Handle); sw.Stop(); currentJob.trimTime = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; currentJob.solvedAt = DateTime.Now; Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("GPU AMD{2}: Trimmed in {0}ms to {1} edges", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, edgesCount[0], deviceID)); CGraph cg = new CGraph(); cg.SetEdges(edgesLeft, (int)edgesCount[0]); cg.SetHeader(currentJob); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { if (edgesCount[0] < 200000) { try { if (findersInFlight++ < 3) { Stopwatch cycleTime = new Stopwatch(); cycleTime.Start(); cg.FindSolutions(graphSolutions); cycleTime.Stop(); AdjustTrims(cycleTime.ElapsedMilliseconds); if (TEST) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Finder completed in {0}ms on {1} edges with {2} solution(s) and {3} dupes", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, edgesCount[0], graphSolutions.Count, cg.dupes)); if (++trims % 50 == 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("SOLS: {0}/{1} - RATE: {2:F1}", solutions, trims, (float)trims / solutions); Console.ResetColor(); } } if (graphSolutions.Count > 0) { solutions++; } } else { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "CPU overloaded!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Cycle finder crashed " + ex.Message); } finally { findersInFlight--; } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Critical error in main ocl loop " + ex.Message); Task.Delay(5000).Wait(); } } //uint[] resultArray = commandQueue.EnqueueReadBuffer<uint>(bufferI1, 64 * 64); //uint[] resultArray2 = commandQueue.EnqueueReadBuffer<uint>(bufferI2, 64 * 64); //Console.WriteLine("SeedA: " + resultArray.Sum(e => e) + " in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / runs); //Console.WriteLine("SeedB: " + resultArray2.Sum(e => e) + " in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / runs); //Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); //Console.WriteLine(""); } } finally { // clear pattern if (clearPattern != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(clearPattern); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Critical error in OCL Init " + ex.Message); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.ResetColor(); Task.Delay(500).Wait(); } finally { Task.Delay(500).Wait(); try { Comms.Close(); bufferA1.Dispose(); bufferA2.Dispose(); bufferB.Dispose(); bufferI1.Dispose(); bufferI2.Dispose(); bufferR.Dispose(); if (OpenCl.DotNetCore.CommandQueues.CommandQueue.resultValuePointer != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(OpenCl.DotNetCore.CommandQueues.CommandQueue.resultValuePointer); } } catch { } } //Console.ReadKey(); }
public CGraphVizPrinter(CGraph graph, CGraphLabeling <CGraphNode> nodeLabeling = null, CGraphLabeling <CGraphEdge> edgeLabeling = null) : base(graph, nodeLabeling, edgeLabeling) { }
public static void TestCase3x3() { // 1. Create a graph CGraph mgraph = CGraph.CreateGraph(); CGraphNode x1 = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("1"); CGraphNode x2 = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("2"); CGraphNode x3 = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("3"); CGraphNode x4 = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("4"); CGraphNode x5 = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("5"); CGraphNode x6 = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("6"); CGraphNode x7 = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("7"); CGraphNode x8 = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("8"); CGraphNode x9 = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("9"); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x1, x2, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x2, x1, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x1, x5, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x5, x1, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x1, x4, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x4, x1, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x2, x4, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x4, x2, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x2, x3, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x3, x2, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x2, x6, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x6, x2, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x2, x5, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x5, x2, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x3, x5, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x5, x3, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x3, x6, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x6, x3, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x4, x5, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x5, x4, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x4, x7, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x7, x4, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x4, x8, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x8, x4, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x5, x6, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x6, x5, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x5, x7, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x7, x5, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x5, x8, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x8, x5, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x5, x9, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x9, x5, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x6, x8, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x8, x6, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x6, x9, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x9, x6, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x7, x8, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x8, x7, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x8, x9, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x9, x8, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); // 2. Associate weights with the edges of the graph CGraphQueryInfo <int, int, int> weights = new CGraphQueryInfo <int, int, int>(mgraph, 255); weights.CreateInfo(x1, x2, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x2, x1, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x1, x5, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x5, x1, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x1, x4, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x4, x1, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x2, x4, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x4, x2, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x2, x3, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x3, x2, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x2, x6, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x6, x2, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x2, x5, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x5, x2, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x3, x5, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x5, x3, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x3, x6, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x6, x3, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x4, x5, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x5, x4, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x4, x7, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x7, x4, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x4, x8, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x8, x4, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x5, x6, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x6, x5, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x5, x7, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x7, x5, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x5, x8, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x8, x5, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x5, x9, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x9, x5, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x6, x8, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x8, x6, 3); weights.CreateInfo(x6, x9, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x9, x6, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x7, x8, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x8, x7, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x8, x9, 1); weights.CreateInfo(x9, x8, 1); // 3. Run the BellmanFord algorithm BellmanFord bl = new BellmanFord(mgraph, x1, 255); bl.FindAllPairsShortestPaths(); // 4. Print Paths BellmanFordQueryInfo shortestPath = new BellmanFordQueryInfo(mgraph, bl); CIt_GraphNodes i = new CIt_GraphNodes(mgraph); CIt_GraphNodes j = new CIt_GraphNodes(mgraph); Dictionary <CGraphNode, Dictionary <CGraphNode, Path> > paths = shortestPath.ShortestPaths(); for (i.Begin(); !i.End(); i.Next()) { Console.WriteLine(); for (j.Begin(); !j.End(); j.Next()) { Console.WriteLine(); if (i.M_CurrentItem != j.M_CurrentItem) { Console.Write(paths[i.M_CurrentItem][j.M_CurrentItem]); } } } }
public static void BookExampleTestcase() { // 1. Create a graph CGraph mgraph = CGraph.CreateGraph(); CGraphNode x = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("x"); CGraphNode y = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("y"); CGraphNode z = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("z"); CGraphNode t = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("t"); CGraphNode s = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("s"); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(t, x, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(t, y, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(t, z, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x, t, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(y, x, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(y, z, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(z, x, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(z, s, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(s, t, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(s, y, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); // 2. Associate weights with the edges of the graph CGraphQueryInfo <int, int, int> weights = new CGraphQueryInfo <int, int, int>(mgraph, 255); weights.CreateInfo(y, x, -3); weights.CreateInfo(x, t, -2); weights.CreateInfo(t, x, 5); weights.CreateInfo(z, x, 7); weights.CreateInfo(y, z, 9); weights.CreateInfo(t, y, 8); weights.CreateInfo(t, z, -4); weights.CreateInfo(s, t, 6); weights.CreateInfo(s, y, 7); weights.CreateInfo(z, s, 2); // 3. Run the BellmanFord algorithm BellmanFord bl = new BellmanFord(mgraph, s, 255); bl.FindAllPairsShortestPaths(); // 4. Print Paths CGraphQueryInfo <int, int, Dictionary <CGraphNode, Dictionary <CGraphNode, Path> > > shortestPath = new CGraphQueryInfo <int, int, Dictionary <CGraphNode, Dictionary <CGraphNode, Path> > >(mgraph, bl); CIt_GraphNodes i = new CIt_GraphNodes(mgraph); CIt_GraphNodes j = new CIt_GraphNodes(mgraph); Dictionary <CGraphNode, Dictionary <CGraphNode, Path> > paths = (Dictionary <CGraphNode, Dictionary <CGraphNode, Path> >)(shortestPath.Info()); for (i.Begin(); !i.End(); i.Next()) { Console.WriteLine(); for (j.Begin(); !j.End(); j.Next()) { Console.WriteLine(); if (i.M_CurrentItem != j.M_CurrentItem) { Console.Write(paths[i.M_CurrentItem][j.M_CurrentItem]); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // 1. Create a graph CGraph mgraph = CGraph.CreateGraph(); CGraphNode x = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("x"); CGraphNode y = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("y"); CGraphNode z = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("z"); CGraphNode t = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("t"); CGraphNode s = mgraph.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>("s"); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(t, x, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(t, y, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(t, z, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(x, t, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(y, x, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(y, z, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(z, x, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(z, s, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(s, t, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); mgraph.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(s, y, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED); // 2. Associate weights with the edges of the graph CGraphQueryInfo <int, int, int> weights = new CGraphQueryInfo <int, int, int>(mgraph, 255); weights.CreateInfo(y, x, -3); weights.CreateInfo(x, t, -2); weights.CreateInfo(t, x, 5); weights.CreateInfo(z, x, 7); weights.CreateInfo(y, z, 9); weights.CreateInfo(t, y, 8); weights.CreateInfo(t, z, -4); weights.CreateInfo(s, t, 6); weights.CreateInfo(s, y, 7); weights.CreateInfo(z, s, 2); mgraph.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(mgraph)); // The graph uses the registered printers to print the graph to the specified output mgraph.Generate(@"D:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyApplications\EDUFLEX\GraphLibrary\TestSerialization\bin\Debug\", true); BinaryFormatter saver = new BinaryFormatter(); XmlSerializer xmlsaver = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CGraph)); using (Stream stream = new FileStream("graph.g", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { saver.Serialize(stream, mgraph); } CGraph deserializedGraph; using (Stream stream = new FileStream("graph.g", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { deserializedGraph = (CGraph)saver.Deserialize(stream); } deserializedGraph.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(mgraph)); // The graph uses the registered printers to print the graph to the specified output deserializedGraph.Generate(@"D:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyApplications\EDUFLEX\GraphLibrary\TestSerialization\bin\Debug\", true); using (Stream stream = new FileStream("graph.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { xmlsaver.Serialize(stream, mgraph); } }
protected CGraphPrimitive(GraphElementType etype, CGraph owner = null) { m_algorithmOutput = new Dictionary <object, object>(); M_ElementType = etype; m_graph = owner; }
public CConnection GRAPH(CGraph g) { m_graph = g; return(this); }
// CONTEXT public GAlg_CondensedGraphBuilder(AlgorithmDataRecord input) : base(input) { m_sourceGraph = input.GetIArgumentOriginGraph(); m_condensedNodeContents = m_sourceGraph[input.GetIArgumentGlobalKey()]; }
public CGraphLabeling(CGraph graph) { m_graph = graph; }
public CAlgIO GRAPH(CGraph graph) { m_graph = graph; return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Labels /// </summary> /// <param name="prefix">The label prefix</param> /// <param name="graph">The condensed graph</param> public CCondensedGraphVizLabelling(string prefix, CGraph graph) : base(graph) { m_prefix = prefix; LabelElements(); }
public DepthFirstSearchQueryInfo(CGraph graph, object key) : base(graph, key) { }
internal DFASerializer(CGraph graph, AbstractGraphLabeling <CGraphNode> nodeLabeller = null, AbstractGraphLabeling <CGraphEdge> edgeLabeller = null) : base(graph, nodeLabeller, edgeLabeller) { }
static void Main(string[] args) { CGraph graph1 = CGraph.CreateGraph(); CGraph graph2 = CGraph.CreateGraph(); CGraph rootGraph = CGraph.CreateGraph(); // CREATE A GRAPH FROM A CSV FILE // We call the CreateGraphFromCSV where the edges are given as comma separated // tuples in curly brackets. Sole nodes can be given inside curle brackets. This // method assigns node labels as given in the file using the native graph labeller CGraph graph3 = CGraph.CreateGraphFromCSV("csvGraph.txt"); CGraph.CCloneGraphOperation cloner = new CGraph.CCloneGraphOperation(); CGraph graph3Clone = cloner.CloneGraph(graph3); CGraph.CMergeGraphOperation joiner = new CGraph.CMergeGraphOperation(); joiner.MergeGraph(graph3); CGraph mergedGraph = joiner.MergeGraph(graph3Clone); Console.WriteLine("{0}", mergedGraph.ToString()); // The graph can be printed using the specified graph printer which optionally can // take a label contructor. If the label contractor is ommited that printer will recieve // labels from the native graph labeller. In this case this what it happens graph3.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph3)); graph3Clone.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph3Clone)); mergedGraph.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(mergedGraph)); // The graph uses the registered printers to print the graph to the specified output graph3.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\", true); graph3Clone.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\", true); mergedGraph.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\", true); /* * AlgorithmDataRecord ioargs = * GAlg_LeaderFinder_Builder.Create(). * Input_SourceGraph(graph3). * End(); * * GAlg_LeaderFinder bbFinder = new GAlg_LeaderFinder(ioargs); * bbFinder.Init(); * /* * GAlg_BasicBlocks bbCreate = new GAlg_BasicBlocks(graph3,bbFinder); * bbCreate.Init(); * * // We call the CreateGraphFromCSV where the edges are given as comma separated * // tuples in curly brackets. Sole nodes can be given inside curle brackets. This * // method assigns node labels as given in the file using the native graph labeller * CGraph graph4 = CGraph.CreateGraphFromCSV("csvGraph1.txt"); * * graph4.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph4)); * // The graph uses the registered printers to print the graph to the specified output * graph4.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\", true); * * GAlg_ExtendedBasicBlockFinder ebbFinder = new GAlg_ExtendedBasicBlockFinder(graph4); * ebbFinder.Init(); * * // We call the CreateGraphFromCSV where the edges are given as comma separated * // tuples in curly brackets. Sole nodes can be given inside curle brackets. This * // method assigns node labels as given in the file using the native graph labeller * CGraph graph5 = CGraph.CreateGraphFromCSV("csvGraph2.txt"); * * graph5.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph5)); * // The graph uses the registered printers to print the graph to the specified output * graph5.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\", true); * * GAlg_DFSSpanningTree dfsSpanningTree = new GAlg_DFSSpanningTree(graph5); * dfsSpanningTree.Init(); * * dfsSpanningTree.m_dfsSpanningTree.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CDFSSpanningTreeGraphvizPrinter(dfsSpanningTree.m_dfsSpanningTree)); * dfsSpanningTree.m_dfsSpanningTree.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\", true); * * // CREATE A GRAPH FROM RANDOM GRAPH GENERATORS * // A random graph with the specified number of nodes and edges can be generated * // using the GenerateGraph_RandomGraph method. The nodes are labelled in the native * // graph labeller using their serial numbers * graph1.GenerateGraph_RandomGraph(10,40,GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); * // The graph can be printed using the specified graph printer which optionally can * // take a label contructor. If the label contractor is ommited that printer will recieve * // labels from the native graph labeller. In this case this what it happens * graph1.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph1)); * // The graph uses the registered printers to print the graph to the specified output * //graph1.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\", true); * * graph2.GenerateGraph_RandomGraph(10,40,GraphType.GT_UNDIRECTED); * graph2.RegisterGraphPrinter(new CGraphVizPrinter(graph2)); * //graph2.Generate(@"E:\MyPrivateWork\MyApps\MyLibraries\GraphLibrary\TestGraphLibrary\bin\Debug\", true);*/ }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GraphVizNodeLabeling"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="graph">The graph.</param> public GraphVizNodeLabeling(CGraph graph) : base(graph) { LabelElements(); }