        public void WriteStudioMdl(StringWriter fileBuffer, List <BoneKeyframe> skeleton)
            Contract.Requires(fileBuffer != null && skeleton != null);
            fileBuffer.WriteLine("time " + Time);

            foreach (StudioBone bone in Bones)
                int boneIndex = Bones.IndexOf(bone);
                fileBuffer.Write(boneIndex + " ");

                int    parentIndex = bone.Node.ParentIndex;
                CFrame boneCFrame  = bone.C0;

                if (DeltaSequence)
                    StudioBone refBone = BaseRig[boneIndex];
                    boneCFrame = refBone.C0 * boneCFrame;

                    Node refNode        = refBone.Node;
                    int  refParentIndex = refNode.ParentIndex;

                    if (refParentIndex >= 0)
                        StudioBone refParent = BaseRig[refParentIndex];
                        boneCFrame = refParent.C1.Inverse() * boneCFrame;
                else if (parentIndex >= 0)
                    StudioBone parentBone = Bones[parentIndex];
                    boneCFrame *= parentBone.C1.Inverse();

                Vector3 pos = boneCFrame.Position * Rbx2Source.MODEL_SCALE;
                Vector3 rot = new Vector3(boneCFrame.ToEulerAnglesXYZ());

                                     pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z,
                                     rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z

        public static string Assemble(KeyframeSequence sequence, List <Bone> rig)
            StudioMdlWriter animWriter = new StudioMdlWriter();
            List <Keyframe> keyframes  = new List <Keyframe>();

            var boneLookup = new Dictionary <string, Bone>();
            var nodes      = animWriter.Nodes;

            foreach (Bone bone in rig)
                Node node = bone.Node;

                if (node != null)
                    string boneName = node.Name;

                    if (!boneLookup.ContainsKey(boneName))
                        boneLookup.Add(boneName, bone);


            foreach (Keyframe kf in sequence.GetChildrenOfClass <Keyframe>())
                Pose rootPart = kf.FindFirstChild <Pose>("HumanoidRootPart");

                if (rootPart != null)
                    // We don't need the rootpart for this.
                    foreach (Pose subPose in rootPart.GetChildrenOfClass <Pose>())
                        subPose.Parent = kf;


                kf.Time /= sequence.TimeScale;

            keyframes.Sort(0, keyframes.Count, sorter);

            Keyframe lastKeyframe = keyframes[keyframes.Count - 1];

            float fLength    = lastKeyframe.Time;
            int   frameCount = ToFrameRate(fLength);

            // As far as I can tell, models in Source require you to store poses for every
            // single frame, so I need to fill in the gaps with interpolated pose CFrames.

            var keyframeMap = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, Pose> >();

            foreach (Keyframe kf in keyframes)
                int frame = ToFrameRate(kf.Time);
                var poses = GatherPoses(kf);

                var poseMap = poses.ToDictionary(pose => pose.Name);
                keyframeMap[frame] = poseMap;

            // Make sure there are no holes in the data.
            for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
                if (!keyframeMap.ContainsKey(i))
                    var emptyState = new Dictionary <string, Pose>();
                    keyframeMap.Add(i, emptyState);

            List <BoneKeyframe> boneKeyframes = animWriter.Skeleton;

            for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
                BoneKeyframe frame = new BoneKeyframe(i);
                List <Bone>  bones = frame.Bones;

                if (sequence.AvatarType == AvatarType.R15)
                    frame.BaseRig       = rig;
                    frame.DeltaSequence = true;

                foreach (Node node in nodes)
                    PosePair closestPoses = GetClosestPoses(keyframeMap, i, node.Name);

                    float min = closestPoses.Min.Frame;
                    float max = closestPoses.Max.Frame;

                    float alpha = (min == max ? 0 : (i - min) / (max - min));

                    Pose pose0 = closestPoses.Min.Pose;
                    Pose pose1 = closestPoses.Max.Pose;

                    CFrame lastCFrame = pose0.CFrame;
                    CFrame nextCFrame = pose1.CFrame;

                    Bone   baseBone = boneLookup[node.Name];
                    CFrame interp   = lastCFrame.Lerp(nextCFrame, alpha);

                    // Make some patches to the interpolation offsets. Unfortunately I can't
                    // identify any single fix that I can apply to each joint, so I have to get crafty.
                    // At some point in the future, I want to find a more practical solution for this problem,
                    // but it is extremely difficult to isolate if any single solution exists.

                    if (sequence.AvatarType == AvatarType.R6)
                        Vector3 pos = interp.Position;
                        CFrame  rot = interp - pos;

                        if (node.Name == "Torso")
                            // Flip the YZ axis of the Torso.
                            float[] ang = interp.ToEulerAnglesXYZ();
                            rot = CFrame.Angles(ang[0], ang[2], ang[1]);
                            pos = new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Z, pos.Y);
                        else if (node.Name.StartsWith("Right"))
                            // X-axis is inverted for the right arm/leg.
                            pos *= new Vector3(-1, 1, 1);

                        if (node.Name.EndsWith("Arm") || node.Name.EndsWith("Leg"))
                            // Rotate position offset of the arms & legs 90* counter-clockwise.
                            pos = new Vector3(-pos.Z, pos.Y, pos.X);

                        if (node.Name != "Head")
                            rot = rot.Inverse();

                        interp = new CFrame(pos) * rot;
                    else if (sequence.AvatarType == AvatarType.R15)
                        float[] ang = interp.ToEulerAnglesXYZ();

                        // Cancel out the rotations
                        interp *= CFrame.Angles(-ang[0], -ang[1], -ang[2]);

                        // Patch the Y-axis
                        PatchAngles(ref interp, 1, ang);

                        // Patch the Z-axis
                        PatchAngles(ref interp, 2, ang);

                        // Patch the X-axis
                        PatchAngles(ref interp, 0, ang);

                    Bone bone = new Bone(node, interp);

