        ////Entity Framework Data Access Approaches / utilizing Database First Implementations
        //public void GenericDataAccessApproaches()
        //    EFDFEntities dbctx = new EFDFEntities();

        //    //Native SQL using SqlQuery()
        //    var stud1 = dbctx.Students.SqlQuery("Select studentid, studentname, standardId from Student where studentname='Bill'").FirstOrDefault<Student>();
        // Using Parameterized query.
        //string query = "SELECT * FROM Department WHERE DepartmentID = @p0";
        //Department department = await db.Departments.SqlQuery(query, id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
        //IQueryable<EnrollmentDateGroup> = from student in db.Students
        //           group student by student.EnrollmentDate into dateGroup
        //           select new EnrollmentDateGroup()
        //           {
        //               EnrollmentDate = dateGroup.Key,
        //               StudentCount = dateGroup.Count()
        //           };
        // SQL version of the above LINQ code.
        //string query = "SELECT EnrollmentDate, COUNT(*) AS StudentCount "
        //    + "FROM Person "
        //    + "WHERE Discriminator = 'Student' "
        //    + "GROUP BY EnrollmentDate";
        //IEnumerable<EnrollmentDateGroup> data = db.Database.SqlQuery<EnrollmentDateGroup>(query);
        //    ViewBag.RowsAffected = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE Course SET Credits = Credits * {0}", multiplier);

        //    //ExecuteSqlCommnad() method is useful in sending non-query commands to the database
        //    int noOfRowUpdated = dbctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Update student set studentname = 'changed student by command' where studentid = 1");
        //    int noOfRowInserted = dbctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("insert into student(studentname) values('New Student')");
        //    int noOfRowDeleted = dbctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from student where studentid = 1");

        //    var stud2 = dbctx.Students.Find(1);
        //    dbctx.Students.Add(stud2);
        //    dbctx.Students.Remove(stud2);

        //    //Can get DBEntityEntry object of a particular entity by using Entry method of DBContext
        //    //to retrieve informations about the Entity
        //    //-- Primarily usefull in Disconnected scenario[using same Dbcontext instance throughout the operation]
        //    stud1.StudentName = "UpdatedName";
        //    dbctx.Entry(stud1).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
        //    dbctx.Entry(stud1).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
        //    dbctx.Entry(stud1).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted;
        //    //Parent Entity State              Entity State of child entities
        //    //Added                            Added
        //    //Modified                         Unchanged
        //    //Deleted                          All child entities will be null
        //    dbctx.SaveChanges();

        //    //We can add properties in entity with attribute [NotMapped] which wont have impact on DBTable
        //    //[NotMapped]
        //    //public int NoteMappedpropertyinEntity { get; set; }

        //    //RowVersion property /column in table generates unique binary number whenever the insert or update operation is performed in a table
        //    //[Timestamp]
        //    //public byte[] RowVersion { get; set; }
        //    //For concurrent update , if there is conflict , it will throw DbUpdateConcurrencyException
        //    //If Table created through Model , set concurrecy property to false

        //    //Enum properties can be used
        //    //public int GrnderEnumType{ Male=1,Female=2 };
        //    //public GrnderEnumType Gender {get;set;}

        //    //Table - valued functions are similar to stored procedure with one key difference:
        //    //the result of TVF is composable which means that it can be used in a LINQ query.
        //    // USE[SchoolDB]
        //    // GO
        //    // /****** Object:  UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[GetCourseListByStudentID]  */
        //    // SET ANSI_NULLS ON
        //    // GO
        //    // GO
        //    // CREATE FUNCTION[dbo].[GetCourseListByStudentID]
        //    // (
        //    //     --Add the parameters for the function here
        //    //     @studentID int
        //    //)
        //    //             RETURNS TABLE
        //    // AS
        //    // RETURN
        //    // (
        //    //     --Add the SELECT statement with parameter references here
        //    //     select c.courseid, c.coursename, c.Location, c.TeacherId
        //    // from student s left outer join studentcourse sc on sc.studentid = s.studentid left outer join course c on c.courseid = sc.courseid
        //    // where s.studentid = @studentID
        //    // )
        //    //Execute TVF and filter result
        //    //var courseList = ctx.GetCourseListByStudentID(1).Where(c => c.Location.SpatialEquals(DbGeography.FromText("POINT(-122.360 47.656)"))))
        //    //                .ToList<GetCourseListByStudentID_Result>();

        //    //Eager Loading - Loads Child Entities by using Include() method on entity
        //    //can also use linq lambda expression in Include method. For this, take a reference of System.Data.Entity namespace or else as string "Standard.Teachers"
        //    var stud4 = dbctx.Students.Include(s => s.Standard.Teachers)
        //                            .Where(s => s.StudentName == "Student1")
        //                            .FirstOrDefault<Student>();

        //    //Lazy Loading - Loads Child Entities only when it is required through separate query
        //    dbctx.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;//Can be disabled and its subset of dbctx.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
        //    //Loading students only
        //    IList<Student> studList = dbctx.Students.ToList<Student>();
        //    //Loads Student address for particular Student only (seperate SQL query)
        //    StudentAddress add = studList.ElementAtOrDefault<Student>(0).StudentAddress;

        //    //Even with lazy loading disabled, it is still possible to lazily load related entities using Reference()/Collection() and Load() method
        //    dbctx.Entry(stud4).Collection(s => s.Courses).Load();

        //    //Custom Entity validation at server side by override ValidateEntity method of DBContext - Reference Link http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/EntityFramework4.3/validate-entity-in-entity-framework.aspx
        //    try
        //    {
        //        using (var ctx = new EFDFEntities())
        //        {
        //            ctx.Students.Add(new Student() { StudentName = "" });
        //            ctx.Standards.Add(new Standard() { StandardName = "" });

        //            ctx.SaveChanges();
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
        //    {
        //        foreach (DbEntityValidationResult entityErr in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
        //        {
        //            foreach (DbValidationError error in entityErr.ValidationErrors)
        //            {
        //                Console.WriteLine("Error Property Name {0} : Error Message: {1}",
        //                                    error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }


        //We can take advantage of asynchronous execution of.Net 4.5 with Entity Framework.EF 6 has the ability to execute a query and command asynchronously using DbContext.
        //Asynchronous Query:
        private static async Task <CFStudent> GetStudent()
            CFStudent myStudent = null;

            using (var context = new CFDbContext())
                Console.WriteLine("Start GetStudent...");
                myStudent = await(context.CFStudents.Where(s => s.StudentID == 1).FirstOrDefaultAsync <CFStudent>());
                Console.WriteLine("Finished GetStudent...");
            //student.wait().This means that the calling thread should wait until the asynchronous method completes, so we can do another process, until we get the result from the asynchronous method.
        //Code First
        //Domain Driven Design
        public void CodeFirstHandler()
            //Once Domain class and Context class is created ,
            //if we instantiate the context class for any CRUD  then the DB Objects will be created at first
            using (var ctx = new CFDbContext())
                CFStudent stud = new CFStudent()
                    StudentName = "New Student"


            //Refer default Entity framework conventions on DB Object mapping - http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/code-first/code-first-conventions.aspx

            //EF logs all the activity[Command queries] performed by EF using context.database.Log
            //Context.Database.Log is an Action<string> so that you can attach any method which has one string parameter and void return type.For example:
            //public class Logger
            //    public static void Log(string message)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("EF Message: {0} ", message);
            //    }
            //using (var context = new CFDbContext())
            //    context.Database.Log = Logger.Log;
            //public class MyLogger
            //    public void Log(string component, string message)
            //    {
            //        //Can pass on the same to Log4Net as Info
            //        Console.WriteLine("Component: {0} Message: {1} ", component, message);
            //    }
            //using (var context = new BlogContext())
            //    var logger = new MyLogger();
            //    context.Database.Log = s => logger.Log("EFApp", s);
            //    var blog = context.Blogs.First(b => b.Title == "One Unicorn");
            //    blog.Posts.First().Title = "Green Eggs and Ham";
            //    blog.Posts.Add(new Post { Title = "I do not like them!" });
            //    context.SaveChangesAsync().Wait();

            //Transaction Support
            //using (System.Data.Entity.DbContextTransaction dbTran = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
            //    try
            //    {

            //DbSet.AddRange/RemoveRange adds/remove collection(IEnumerable) of entities to the DbContext

            //CodeFirst SPROC

            //Inheritance Strategy in Code - First: not discissed in detail - http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/code-first/inheritance-strategy-in-code-first.aspx