public int GetReadState() { ReloadSource(); ReadState iState = ReadState.Initial; // EndOfFile State if ((IntegrityVer == EINTEGRITY.AFTER_READ_FALSE)) { iState = ReadState.EndOfFile; } // Closed State if ((IntegrityVer == EINTEGRITY.AFTER_CLOSE) || (IntegrityVer == EINTEGRITY.CLOSE_IN_THE_MIDDLE)) { iState = ReadState.Closed; } CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadState, iState, CurVariation.Desc); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadState, iState, CurVariation.Desc); return(TEST_PASS); }
public int TestReadBinHex_27() { byte[] buffer = new byte[1]; string strxml = "<abc>1=2</abc>"; ReloadSource(new StringReader(strxml)); DataReader.PositionOnElement("abc"); if (CheckCanReadBinaryContent()) { return(TEST_PASS); } try { DataReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(buffer, 0, 1); CError.Compare(false, "ReadBinHex with = in the middle succeeded"); } catch (XmlException) { return(TEST_PASS); } finally { DataReader.Close(); } return(TEST_FAIL); }
public int TestReadStartElement3() { ReloadSource(); DataReader.PositionOnElement(ST_TEST_ELEM_NS); DataReader.PositionOnElement("bar:check"); CError.WriteLine(DataReader.NamespaceURI); DataReader.ReadStartElement(); ReloadSource(); DataReader.PositionOnElement(ST_TEST_ELEM_NS); DataReader.PositionOnElement("bar:check"); CError.WriteLine(DataReader.NamespaceURI); DataReader.ReadStartElement("check", "1"); ReloadSource(); DataReader.PositionOnElement(ST_TEST_ELEM_NS); DataReader.PositionOnElement("bar:check"); DataReader.ReadStartElement("bar:check"); return(TEST_PASS); }
//[Variation(Desc = "write start element and then close when the WriteEndDocumentOnClose = false", Pri = 1, Params = new object[] { false, "<root>" })] //[Variation(Desc = "write start element and then close when the WriteEndDocumentOnClose = true", Pri = 1, Params = new object[] { true, "<root />" })] public int TestWriteEndDocumentOnCoseForOneElement() { bool writeEndDocument = (bool)CurVariation.Params[0]; string expected = (string)CurVariation.Params[1]; StringWriter output = new StringWriter(); XmlWriterSettings ws = new XmlWriterSettings(); ws.OmitXmlDeclaration = true; ws.WriteEndDocumentOnClose = writeEndDocument; XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(output, ws); writer.WriteStartElement("root"); writer.Dispose(); string act = output.ToString(); CError.Compare(act, expected, "FAILED: when one start element and WriteEndDocumentOnClose = " + ws.WriteEndDocumentOnClose + ", expected: " + expected + ", received: " + act); return(TEST_PASS); }
public int v17() { ReloadSource(new StringReader("<root><child1 xmlns='foo'/>blah<child1 xmlns='bar'>blah</child1></root>")); DataReader.Read(); if (IsBinaryReader()) { DataReader.Read(); } DataReader.ReadToDescendant("child1", "bar"); CError.Compare(DataReader.IsEmptyElement, false, "Not on the correct node"); while (DataReader.Read()) { ; } DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); }
//[Variation("ReadBinHex runs into an Overflow", Params = new object[] { "1000000" })] //[Variation("ReadBinHex runs into an Overflow", Params = new object[] { "10000000" })] public int TestReadBinHex_105376() { int totalfilesize = Convert.ToInt32(CurVariation.Params[0].ToString()); CError.WriteLine(" totalfilesize = " + totalfilesize); string ascii = new string('c', totalfilesize); byte[] bits = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(ascii); CError.WriteLineIgnore("Count = " + bits.Length); string base64str = Convert.ToBase64String(bits); string fileName = "bug105376c_" + CurVariation.Params[0].ToString() + ".xml"; MemoryStream mems = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(mems); sw.Write("<root><base64>"); sw.Write(base64str); sw.Write("</base64></root>"); sw.Flush();//sw.Close(); FilePathUtil.addStream(fileName, mems); ReloadSource(fileName); int SIZE = (totalfilesize - 30); int SIZE64 = SIZE * 3 / 4; DataReader.PositionOnElement("base64"); if (CheckCanReadBinaryContent()) { return(TEST_PASS); } byte[] base64 = new byte[SIZE64]; try { DataReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(base64, 0, 4096); return(TEST_FAIL); } catch (XmlException) { DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); } finally { DataReader.Close(); } }
public int TestReadBinHex_16() { ReloadSource(EREADER_TYPE.BINHEX_TEST); DataReader.PositionOnElement("ElemNum"); DataReader.Read(); if (CheckCanReadBinaryContent()) { return(TEST_PASS); } byte[] buffer = new byte[10]; int nRead = DataReader.ReadContentAsBinHex(buffer, 0, 8); CError.Compare(nRead, 8, "0"); DataReader.Read(); CError.Compare(DataReader.VerifyNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ElemText", String.Empty), "1vn"); return(TEST_PASS); }
public int XmlSubtreeReaderDoesntAddMultipleNamespaceDeclarations() { ReloadSource(new StringReader("<r xmlns:a='X'><a:e/></r>")); DataReader.Read(); DataReader.Read(); if (IsBinaryReader()) { DataReader.Read(); } XmlReader r1 = DataReader.ReadSubtree(); r1.Read(); XmlReader r2 = r1.ReadSubtree(); r2.Read(); string xml = r2.ReadOuterXml(); CError.Compare(xml, "<a:e xmlns:a=\"X\" />", "Mismatch"); return(TEST_PASS); }
public int TestTextReadInnerXml18() { String strp = "a "; strp += strp; strp += strp; strp += strp; strp += strp; strp += strp; strp += strp; strp += strp; string strxml = "<Name a=\"b\">" + strp + "</Name>"; ReloadSourceStr(strxml); DataReader.Read(); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadInnerXml(), strp, "rix"); return(TEST_PASS); }
public int v5() { ReloadSource(new StringReader(_xmlStr)); DataReader.PositionOnElement("child3"); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToNextSibling("child1"), false, "Reader returned true for an invalid name"); CError.Compare(DataReader.NodeType, XmlNodeType.EndElement, "Wrong node type"); DataReader.PositionOnElement("child3"); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToNextSibling("child2", "child2"), false, "Reader returned true for an invalid name,ns"); CError.Compare(DataReader.NodeType, XmlNodeType.EndElement, "Wrong node type for name,ns"); while (DataReader.Read()) { ; } DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); }
public int SubtreeReaderReadsProperlyNodeTypeOfAttributes() { string xmlStr = "<root xmlns='foo'><b blah='blah'/><b/></root>"; ReloadSource(new StringReader(xmlStr)); DataReader.PositionOnElement("root"); XmlReader xxr = DataReader.ReadSubtree(); xxr.Read(); //Now on root. CError.Compare(xxr.Name, "root", "Root Elem"); CError.Compare(xxr.MoveToNextAttribute(), true, "MTNA 1"); CError.Compare(xxr.NodeType, XmlNodeType.Attribute, "XMLNS NT"); CError.Compare(xxr.Name, "xmlns", "XMLNS Attr"); CError.Compare(xxr.Value, "foo", "XMLNS Value"); CError.Compare(xxr.MoveToNextAttribute(), false, "MTNA 2"); xxr.Read(); //Now on b. CError.Compare(xxr.Name, "b", "b Elem"); CError.Compare(xxr.MoveToNextAttribute(), true, "MTNA 3"); CError.Compare(xxr.NodeType, XmlNodeType.Attribute, "blah NT"); CError.Compare(xxr.Name, "blah", "blah Attr"); CError.Compare(xxr.Value, "blah", "blah Value"); CError.Compare(xxr.MoveToNextAttribute(), false, "MTNA 4"); xxr.Read(); //Now on /b. CError.Compare(xxr.Name, "b", "b EndElem"); CError.Compare(xxr.NodeType, XmlNodeType.Element, "b Elem NT"); CError.Compare(xxr.MoveToNextAttribute(), false, "MTNA 5"); xxr.Read(); //Now on /root. CError.Compare(xxr.Name, "root", "root EndElem"); CError.Compare(xxr.NodeType, XmlNodeType.EndElement, "root EndElem NT"); CError.Compare(xxr.MoveToNextAttribute(), false, "MTNA 6"); DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); }
public int TestReadBinHex_33() { string xml = "<elem0>123 $^ 56789 abcdefg hij klmn opqrst 12345 uvw xy ^ z</elem0>"; ReloadSource(new StringReader(xml)); byte[] buffer = new byte[5]; DataReader.Read(); DataReader.Read(); try { CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadContentAsBinHex(buffer, 0, 5), 5, "size"); DataReader.Read(); } catch (XmlException) { return(TEST_PASS); } catch (NotSupportedException) { return(TEST_PASS); } finally { DataReader.Close(); } return(TEST_FAIL); }
public int v8() { ReloadSource(new StringReader(_xmlStr)); DataReader.PositionOnElement("root"); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToDescendant("e:elem"), true, "Cant find elem"); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToDescendant("e:child1"), true, "Cant find child1"); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToDescendant("e:child2"), true, "Cant find child2"); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToDescendant("e:child3"), true, "Cant find child3"); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToDescendant("e:child4"), false, "shouldnt find child4"); CError.Compare(DataReader.NodeType, XmlNodeType.Element, "Not on EndElement"); DataReader.Read(); CError.Compare(DataReader.NodeType, XmlNodeType.Text, "Not on Element"); while (DataReader.Read()) { ; } DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); }
public int TestReadInnerXml11() { XmlNodeType nt; string name; string value; ReloadSource(); DataReader.PositionOnNodeType(XmlNodeType.Text); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadInnerXml(), String.Empty, CurVariation.Desc); // save status and compare with Read nt = DataReader.NodeType; name = DataReader.Name; value = DataReader.Value; ReloadSource(); DataReader.PositionOnNodeType(XmlNodeType.Text); DataReader.Read(); CError.Compare(DataReader.VerifyNode(nt, name, value), "vn"); return(TEST_PASS); }
public int pi00() { XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); if (settings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions == true) { CError.WriteLineIgnore("RS default value = true"); return(TEST_FAIL); } if (settings.IgnoreComments == true) { CError.WriteLineIgnore("RS Comm default value = true"); return(TEST_FAIL); } if (settings.IgnoreWhitespace == true) { CError.WriteLineIgnore("RS WS default value = true"); return(TEST_FAIL); } return(TEST_PASS); }
/// <summary> /// Similar to the XmlWriter WriteDocType /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Doctype name</param> /// <param name="sysid">System ID</param> /// <param name="pubid">Public ID</param> /// <param name="subset">Content Model</param> public void WriteDocType(string name, string sysid, string pubid, string subset) { StringBuilder dt = new StringBuilder(); dt.Append("<!DOCTYPE "); dt.Append(name); if (pubid == null) { if (sysid != null) { dt.Append(" SYSTEM " + sysid); } } else { dt.Append(" PUBLIC " + pubid); if (sysid != null) { dt.Append(" " + sysid); } } dt.Append("["); if (subset != null) { dt.Append(subset); } dt.Append("]>"); if (DEBUG) { CError.WriteLine(dt.ToString()); } _q.Append(dt.ToString()); }
public int v2_1() { ManagedNodeWriter mnw = new ManagedNodeWriter(); mnw.PutPattern("X"); int count = 0; do { mnw.PutPattern("E/"); count++; } while (count < 65536); mnw.PutText("<a/><b/>"); mnw.Finish(); CError.WriteIgnore(mnw.GetNodes() + "\n"); ReloadSource(new StringReader(mnw.GetNodes())); DataReader.PositionOnElement("ELEMENT_0"); CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToDescendant("a"), "Couldnt go to Descendant"); int depth = DataReader.Depth; CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToNextSibling("b"), "Couldnt go to NextSibling"); CError.Compare(DataReader.Depth, depth, "Depth is not correct"); CError.Compare(DataReader.NodeType, XmlNodeType.Element, "Nodetype is not correct"); while (DataReader.Read()) { ; } DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); }
public int v101() { string xml = @"<a xmlns:f='urn:foobar' xmlns:xsi=''>" + "<b><c xsi:type='f:mytype'>some content</c></b></a>"; ReloadSourceStr(xml); DataReader.Read(); CError.Compare(DataReader.Name, "a", "a"); DataReader.Read(); CError.Compare(DataReader.Name, "b", "b"); using (XmlReader subtree = DataReader.ReadSubtree()) { subtree.Read(); CError.Compare(subtree.Name, "b", "b2"); subtree.Read(); CError.Compare(subtree.Name, "c", "c"); subtree.MoveToAttribute("type", ""); CError.Compare(subtree.Value, "f:mytype", "value"); string ns = subtree.LookupNamespace("f"); if (ns == null) { return(TEST_PASS); } } return(TEST_FAIL); }
protected void TestInvalidNodeType(XmlNodeType nt) { ReloadSource(); PositionOnNodeType(nt); string name = DataReader.Name; string value = DataReader.Value; byte[] buffer = new byte[1]; if (CheckCanReadBinaryContent()) { return; } try { int nBytes = DataReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(buffer, 0, 1); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return; } CError.Compare(false, "Invalid OP exception not thrown on wrong nodetype"); }
public int c03() { ManagedNodeWriter mn = new ManagedNodeWriter(); mn.PutPattern("XE/"); mn.PutText("-->"); mn.PutPattern("e"); CError.WriteLineIgnore(mn.GetNodes()); XmlReaderSettings rs = new XmlReaderSettings(); XmlReader reader = null; rs.IgnoreComments = true; reader = ReaderHelper.Create(new StringReader(mn.GetNodes()), rs, (string)null); while (reader.Read()) { ; } reader.Dispose(); return(TEST_PASS); }
public bool CompareString(string strExpected) { string strActual = this.GetString(); if (strExpected != strActual) { int expLen = (strExpected == null ? 0 : strExpected.Length); int actLen = (strActual == null ? 0 : strActual.Length); int minLen = (expLen < actLen ? expLen : actLen); // find the first different character int i; for (i = 0; i < minLen; i++) { if (strExpected[i] != strActual[i]) { CError.WriteLine("Position:" + i); CError.WriteLine("Expected char:'" + strExpected[i] + "'(" + Convert.ToInt32(strExpected[i]) + ")"); CError.WriteLine("Actual char:'" + strActual[i] + "'(" + Convert.ToInt32(strActual[i]) + ")"); break; } } if (i == minLen) { // one string contains the other CError.WriteLine("Expected length:" + expLen + " Actual length:" + actLen); return(false); } CError.WriteLine("Expected string:" + strExpected); CError.WriteLine("Actual string:" + strActual); CError.Compare(false, "CompareString failed"); return(false); } return(true); }
public int TestTextReadInnerXml16() { if (IsXsltReader() || IsXPathNavigatorReader() || IsSubtreeReader()) { return(TEST_SKIPPED); } ReloadSource(); DataReader.PositionOnNodeType(XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration); DataReader.MoveToAttribute(DataReader.AttributeCount / 2); if (IsBinaryReader()) { CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadInnerXml(), "utf-8", "inner"); CError.Compare(DataReader.VerifyNode(XmlNodeType.Attribute, "encoding", "utf-8"), true, "vn"); } else { CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadInnerXml(), "UTF-8", "inner"); CError.Compare(DataReader.VerifyNode(XmlNodeType.Attribute, "encoding", "UTF-8"), true, "vn"); } return(TEST_PASS); }
public int TestReadBinHex_13() { int BinHexlen = 10; byte[] BinHex = new byte[BinHexlen]; ReloadSource(EREADER_TYPE.BINHEX_TEST); DataReader.PositionOnElement(ST_ELEM_NAME4); if (CheckCanReadBinaryContent()) { return(TEST_PASS); } string strActbinhex = ""; for (int i = 0; i < BinHexlen; i = i + 2) { DataReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(BinHex, i, 2); strActbinhex = (System.BitConverter.ToChar(BinHex, i)).ToString(); CError.WriteLine("Actual: " + strActbinhex + " Exp: " + strTextBinHex); CError.Compare(String.Compare(strActbinhex, 0, strTextBinHex, i / 2, 1), 0, "Compare All Valid Base64"); } return(TEST_PASS); }
public int TestTextReadBinHex_22() { byte[] buffer = new byte[1]; string strxml = "<abc>11B</abc>"; ReloadSource(new StringReader(strxml)); DataReader.PositionOnElement("abc"); if (CheckCanReadBinaryContent()) { return(TEST_PASS); } int result = 0; int nRead; while ((nRead = DataReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(buffer, 0, 1)) > 0) { result += nRead; } CError.Compare(result, 1, "res"); CError.Compare(buffer[0], (byte)17, "buffer[0]"); return(TEST_PASS); }
public bool CompareStringWithPrefixes(string strExpected) { MyDict <string, object> AutoIDs = new MyDict <string, object>(); List <string> AttNames = new List <string>(); List <string> AttScopes = new List <string>(); string strActual = this.GetString(); int expLen = (strExpected == null ? 0 : strExpected.Length); int actLen = (strActual == null ? 0 : strActual.Length); int minLen = (expLen < actLen ? expLen : actLen); // find the first different character int i, j = 0; for (i = 0; i < actLen; i++) { if (j >= expLen) { CError.WriteLine("Output longer than expected!"); CError.WriteLine("Actual string: '" + strActual + "'"); return(false); } if (strExpected[j] != strActual[i]) { if (strExpected[j] != PREFIX_CHAR) { CError.WriteLine("Position:" + i); CError.WriteLine("Expected char:'" + strExpected[i] + "'(" + Convert.ToInt32(strExpected[i]) + ")"); CError.WriteLine("Actual char:'" + strActual[i] + "'(" + Convert.ToInt32(strActual[i]) + ")"); return(false); } bool AutoGenerated = strExpected[++j] == AUTOGENERATED; j += 2; string ActName = ""; string ExpName = ""; string Scope = ""; while (i <= actLen) { if (strActual[i] == '=' || strActual[i] == ' ' || strActual[i] == ':') { i--; break; } else { ActName += strActual[i]; } i++; } while (strExpected[j] != ' ') { ExpName += strExpected[j++]; } j++; while (strExpected[j] != PREFIX_CHAR) { Scope += strExpected[j++]; } if (AutoGenerated) { if (AutoIDs.ContainsKey(ExpName)) { if ((string)AutoIDs[ExpName] != ActName) { CError.WriteLine("Invalid Prefix: '" + ActName + "'"); return(false); } } else { AutoIDs.Add(ExpName, ActName); } } else { if (ExpName != ActName) { CError.WriteLine("Invalid Prefix: '" + ActName + "'"); return(false); } } for (int k = 0; k < AttNames.Count; k++) { if ((string)AttNames[k] == ActName) { for (int m = 0; m < ((string)AttScopes[k]).Length; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < Scope.Length; n++) { if (((string)AttScopes[k])[m] == Scope[n]) { CError.WriteLine("Invalid Prefix: '" + ActName + "'"); return(false); } } } } } AttNames.Add(ActName); AttScopes.Add(Scope); } j++; } if (j != expLen) { CError.WriteLine("Output shorter than expected!"); CError.WriteLine("Actual string: '" + strActual + "'"); return(false); } return(true); }
//[Variation("Simple positive test", Pri = 0, Params = new object[] { "NNS" })] //[Variation("Simple positive test", Pri = 0, Params = new object[] { "DNS" })] //[Variation("Simple positive test", Pri = 0, Params = new object[] { "NS" })] public int v() { string type = CurVariation.Params[0].ToString(); CError.WriteLine("Test Type : " + type); ReloadSource(new StringReader(_xmlStr)); DataReader.PositionOnElement("root"); switch (type) { case "NNS": DataReader.ReadToDescendant("elem"); if (DataReader.HasAttributes) { CError.WriteLine("Positioned on wrong element"); CError.WriteIgnore(DataReader.ReadInnerXml() + "\n"); return(TEST_FAIL); } while (DataReader.Read()) { ; } DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); case "DNS": DataReader.ReadToDescendant("elem", "elem"); if (DataReader.HasAttributes) { if (DataReader.GetAttribute("xmlns") == null) { CError.WriteLine("Positioned on wrong element, not on DNS"); return(TEST_FAIL); } } while (DataReader.Read()) { ; } DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); case "NS": DataReader.ReadToDescendant("e:elem"); if (DataReader.HasAttributes) { if (DataReader.GetAttribute("xmlns:e") == null) { CError.WriteLine("Positioned on wrong element, not on NS"); return(TEST_FAIL); } } while (DataReader.Read()) { ; } DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); default: throw new CTestFailedException("Error in Test type"); } }
public CError CreateError(ErrorCode iErrorIndex, params string[] args) { CError output = new CError(); output.Initialize(iErrorIndex, args); return output; }
//[Variation("Read on descendant with same names", Pri = 1, Params = new object[] { "NNS" })] //[Variation("Read on descendant with same names", Pri = 1, Params = new object[] { "DNS" })] //[Variation("Read on descendant with same names", Pri = 1, Params = new object[] { "NS" })] public int v3() { string type = CurVariation.Params[0].ToString(); CError.WriteLine("Test Type : " + type); ReloadSource(new StringReader(_xmlStr)); DataReader.PositionOnElement("root"); //Doing a sequential read. switch (type) { case "NNS": DataReader.ReadToDescendant("elem"); int depth = DataReader.Depth; if (DataReader.HasAttributes) { CError.WriteLine("Positioned on wrong element"); return(TEST_FAIL); } CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToDescendant("elem"), false, "There are no more descendants"); CError.Compare(DataReader.NodeType, XmlNodeType.EndElement, "Wrong node type"); while (DataReader.Read()) { ; } DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); case "DNS": DataReader.ReadToDescendant("elem", "elem"); if (DataReader.HasAttributes) { if (DataReader.GetAttribute("xmlns") == null) { CError.WriteLine("Positioned on wrong element, not on DNS"); return(TEST_FAIL); } } CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToDescendant("elem", "elem"), false, "There are no more descendants"); CError.Compare(DataReader.NodeType, XmlNodeType.EndElement, "Wrong node type"); while (DataReader.Read()) { ; } DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); case "NS": DataReader.ReadToDescendant("e:elem"); if (DataReader.HasAttributes) { if (DataReader.GetAttribute("xmlns:e") == null) { CError.WriteLine("Positioned on wrong element, not on DNS"); return(TEST_FAIL); } } CError.Compare(DataReader.ReadToDescendant("e:elem"), false, "There are no more descendants"); CError.Compare(DataReader.NodeType, XmlNodeType.EndElement, "Wrong node type"); while (DataReader.Read()) { ; } DataReader.Close(); return(TEST_PASS); default: throw new CTestFailedException("Error in Test type"); } }
public void Log(string str) { CError.WriteLineIgnore(str); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This function places a fully-constructed CError object into an error container // and sends it to the compiler host (this would be the place to batch these guys // up if we decide to. // // Note that if the error can't be put into a container (if, for example, we // can't create a container) the error is destroyed and the host is notified via // exception. public abstract void SubmitError(CError pError);
public override XmlReader Create(MyDict <string, object> options) { string tcDesc = (string)options[ReaderFactory.HT_CURDESC]; string tcVar = (string)options[ReaderFactory.HT_CURVAR]; CError.Compare(tcDesc == "subtreereader", "Invalid testcase"); XmlReaderSettings rs = (XmlReaderSettings)options[ReaderFactory.HT_READERSETTINGS]; Stream stream = (Stream)options[ReaderFactory.HT_STREAM]; string filename = (string)options[ReaderFactory.HT_FILENAME]; object readerType = options[ReaderFactory.HT_READERTYPE]; object vt = options[ReaderFactory.HT_VALIDATIONTYPE]; string fragment = (string)options[ReaderFactory.HT_FRAGMENT]; StringReader sr = (StringReader)options[ReaderFactory.HT_STRINGREADER]; if (rs == null) { rs = new XmlReaderSettings(); } rs.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore; if (sr != null) { CError.WriteLine("SubtreeReader String"); XmlReader r = ReaderHelper.Create(sr, rs, string.Empty); while (r.Read()) { if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { break; } } XmlReader wr = r.ReadSubtree(); return(wr); } if (stream != null) { CError.WriteLine("SubtreeReader Stream"); XmlReader r = ReaderHelper.Create(stream, rs, filename); while (r.Read()) { if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { break; } } XmlReader wr = r.ReadSubtree(); return(wr); } if (fragment != null) { CError.WriteLine("SubtreeReader Fragment"); rs.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment; StringReader tr = new StringReader(fragment); XmlReader r = ReaderHelper.Create(tr, rs, (string)null); while (r.Read()) { if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { break; } } XmlReader wr = r.ReadSubtree(); return(wr); } if (filename != null) { CError.WriteLine("SubtreeReader Filename"); Stream fs = FilePathUtil.getStream(filename); XmlReader r = ReaderHelper.Create(fs, rs, filename); while (r.Read()) { if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { break; } } XmlReader wr = r.ReadSubtree(); return(wr); } throw new CTestFailedException("SubtreeReader not created"); }
/// <summary> /// This method is a conveinience method and a shortcut to create an XML string. Each character in the pattern /// maps to a particular Put/Open function and calls it for you. For e.g. XEAA/ will call PutDecl, OpenElement, /// PutAttribute, PutAttribute and CloseElement for you. /// The following is the list of all allowed characters and their function mappings : /// ///'X' : PutDecl() ///'E' : OpenElement() ///'M' : CloseEmptyElement() ///'/' : CloseElement() ///'e' : PutEndElement() ///'A' : PutAttribute() ///'P' : PutPI() ///'T' : PutText() ///'C' : PutComment() ///'R' : PutRoot() ///'r' : PutEndRoot() ///'B' : PutEndRoot() ///'W' : PutWhiteSpace() /// /// </summary> /// <param name="pattern">String containing the pattern which you want to use to create /// the XML string. Refer to table above for supported chars.</param> public void PutPattern(string pattern) { char[] patternArr = pattern.ToCharArray(); foreach (char ch in patternArr) { switch (ch) { case 'X': PutDecl(); break; case 'E': OpenElement(); break; case 'M': CloseEmptyElement(); break; case '/': CloseElement(); break; case 'e': PutEndElement(); break; case 'A': PutAttribute(); break; case 'P': PutPI(); break; case 'T': PutText(); break; case 'C': PutComment(); break; case 'R': PutRoot(); break; case 'r': PutEndRoot(); break; case 'B': PutEndRoot(); break; case 'W': PutWhiteSpace(); break; default: CError.WriteLine("Skipping Character : " + ch); break; } } }