    /// <summary>
    /// US:1945 US:852 US:1883 US:834 helper to process checklist items, called from multiple places
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="conn"></param>
    /// <param name="data"></param>
    /// <param name="dsChecklistItems"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public CStatus RefreshPatientCheckList(CDataConnection conn,
                                           CData data,
                                           DataSet dsChecklistItems)
        CStatus status = new CStatus();

        //this class is used to do all transfers
        //from MDWS to the VAPPCT database
        CMDWSTransfer xfer = new CMDWSTransfer(data);

        //2.loop over all items and process each one
        foreach (DataTable table in dsChecklistItems.Tables)
            foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                if (dr["item_type_id"] != null)
                    switch (Convert.ToInt32(dr["item_type_id"]))
                    case (int)k_ITEM_TYPE_ID.Collection:
                        //WriteEvent(data, "Collection", "Collection");

                    case (int)k_ITEM_TYPE_ID.Laboratory:
                        //WriteEvent(data, "Laboratory", "Laboratory");
                        status = ProcessLab(data, xfer, dr);
                        if (!status.Status)
                            //write the start event to the event table
                            WriteEvent(data, "ProcessLab", status.StatusComment);

                    case (int)k_ITEM_TYPE_ID.QuestionFreeText:
                        //WriteEvent(data, "QuestionFreeText", "QuestionFreeText");

                    case (int)k_ITEM_TYPE_ID.QuestionSelection:
                        //WriteEvent(data, "QuestionSelection", "QuestionSelection");

                    case (int)k_ITEM_TYPE_ID.NoteTitle:
                        status = ProcessNoteTitle(data, xfer, dr);
                        if (!status.Status)
                            //write the start event to the event table
                            WriteEvent(data, "ProcessNoteTitle", status.StatusComment);

    /// <summary>
    /// US:1883 US:834 refresh a patient checklist
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="strPatientID"></param>
    /// <param name="strPatChecklistID"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public CStatus RefreshPatientCheckList(CDataConnection conn,
                                           CData data,
                                           string strPatientID,
                                           long lPatChecklistID)
        //todo: check conn and data before continuing

        //get all the items for this patient checklist
        DataSet         dsChecklistItems = null;
        CVAPPCTCommData commData         = new CVAPPCTCommData(data);
        CStatus         status           = commData.GetPatChecklistItemDS(lPatChecklistID, out dsChecklistItems);

        if (!status.Status)
            //write the event to the event table
            WriteEvent(data, "GetPatChecklistItemDS", status.StatusComment);

        //refresh the checklist items
        status = RefreshPatientCheckList(
        if (!status.Status)
            //write the event to the event table
            WriteEvent(data, "RefreshPatientCheckList", status.StatusComment);

        //refresh the checklist collection items
        DataSet dsCLCollectionItems = null;

        status = commData.GetPatientCLCollectionItemDS(lPatChecklistID, out dsCLCollectionItems);
        if (!status.Status)
            //write the event to the event table
            WriteEvent(data, "GetPatientCLCollectionItemDS", status.StatusComment);

        //refresh the checklist items
        status = RefreshPatientCheckList(
        if (!status.Status)
            //write the event to the event table
            WriteEvent(data, "RefreshPatientCheckList", status.StatusComment);

    /// <summary>
    /// constructor
    /// </summary>
    public BaseMaster()
        //create a new dataconnection object
        m_DBConnection = new CDataConnection();

        //clear status
        m_strStatusComment = string.Empty;
        m_lStatusCode      = -1;
        FXUserID           = 0;
    /// <summary>
    /// get a data connection
    /// </summary>
    public CDataConnection GetDataConnection()
        //get the connection string from the web.config file
        //connection string is encrypted in the file using MS recommended procedures
        //cd windows
        //cd microsoft.net
        //cd framework
        //cd v2.0.50727
        //aspnet_regiis -pe "connectionStrings" -app "/PrimeCarePlus" -prov "RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider"
        //look for connection strings in connection strings and app settings
        string strConnectionString = "";

            //try to get the connection string from the encrypted connectionstrings section
            strConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConnString"].ConnectionString;
        catch (Exception eee)
            //pull from appsettings if failed, this lets developers connect from local boxes.
            //strConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DBConnString"];
            string strStatus = eee.Message;

        bool   bAudit   = false;
        string strAudit = "";

        if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AUDIT"] != null)
            strAudit = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AUDIT"].ToString();
            if (strAudit == "1")
                bAudit = true;

        CDataConnection DBConnection;

        //create a new dataconnection object
        DBConnection = new CDataConnection();

        //Connect to the database, connection is housed in the master page
        //so that all pages that use the master have access to it.
        if (!DBConnection.Connect(strConnectionString, (int)DataConnectionType.Oracle, bAudit))

    /// <summary>
    /// constructor
    /// </summary>
    public BaseMaster()
        //this puts us into a developer mode so
        //that CAC stuff is bypassed

        //TODO: comment out before depoloying!!!
        DEV_MODE = true;

        //create a new dataconnection object
        m_DBConnection = new CDataConnection();

        //clear status
        m_strStatusComment = "";
        m_lStatusCode      = -1;
        FXUserID           = 0;

        m_lModuleID = 0;
        m_lPageID   = 0;
        m_strRDS    = "";
    public bool GenerateProviderHTMLReport(CDataConnection DBConn,
                                           BaseMaster Mastr,
                                           string strPatientID,
                                           string strEncounterID,
                                           int nReportType,
                                           bool bAltLang,
                                           HtmlGenericControl divFlagReview)
        CPatientPP cpt = new CPatientPP();
        DataSet    ds  = cpt.GetReportDS(Mastr, strEncounterID, strPatientID, nReportType);

        //this div holds all the flag info for the report
        divFlagReview.InnerHtml = "";

        if (this.HasProviderReportFlags(ds))//do not show flag stuff if no flags
            #region build a header
            //build a header.........
            string strHeader = "";

            //strHeader += "Report for " + strPatInfo;
            strHeader += "This report is provided for your attention. ";
            strHeader += "The HRA has gathered, scored, interpreted and is now reporting ";
            strHeader += "your participant's self-reported responses. The patient reports the following:";
            strHeader += "<br><br>";

            divFlagReview.InnerHtml += strHeader;

            //critical - only show if we have good flags
            //this will let us use the same report for all types
            //of flags fired by assessments
            #region Critical flags
            string strCritFlags = GetFlags(ds, nReportType, 3);
            if (strCritFlags.Length > 2)
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += GetProviderCriticalPara(bAltLang);
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<br><br><br>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<ul>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<li>" + strCritFlags + "</li>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "</ul>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<br><br>";

            //cardiovasc - only show if we have good flags
            //this will let us use the same report for all types
            //of flags fired by assessments
            #region Cardio flags
            string strCVFlags = GetFlags(ds, nReportType, 4);
            if (strCVFlags.Length > 2)
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += GetProviderCardiovascularRiskPara(bAltLang);
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<br><br><br>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<ul>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<li>" + strCVFlags + "</li>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "</ul>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<br><br>";

            //high - only show if we have good flags
            //this will let us use the same report for all types
            //of flags fired by assessments
            #region High flags
            string strHIGHFlags = GetFlags(ds, nReportType, 2);
            if (strHIGHFlags.Length > 2)
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += GetProviderHighPara(bAltLang);
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<br><br><br>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<ul>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<li>" + strHIGHFlags + "</li>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "</ul>";
                divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<br><br>";

            //all flags by topic
            divFlagReview.InnerHtml += GetProviderTopicFlags(ds, nReportType, bAltLang);

            #region Privacy statement
            divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "<font size=\"-2\"><br/>";
            divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C 552a, \"No agency shall disclose any record which is ";
            divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "contained in a system of records by any means of communication to any person, or to ";
            divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "another agency, except pursuant to a written request by, or with the prior written ";
            divFlagReview.InnerHtml += "consent of, the individual to whom the record pertains.\"</font>";

    /// <summary>
    /// US:1883 US:834 refresh multipatient view
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="plistPatChecklistIDs"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public CStatus RefreshMultiPatientChecklists(CDataConnection conn,
                                                 CData data,
                                                 DateTime dtFrom,
                                                 DateTime dtTo,
                                                 long lChecklistID,
                                                 long lServiceID,
                                                 long lChecklistStatus)
        //this class is used to do all transfers
        //from MDWS to the VAPPCT database
        CMDWSTransfer xfer = new CMDWSTransfer(data);

        //get the multi patient checklist ds, uses the same filters
        // as the website form does
        DataSet      dsMulti = null;
        CPatientData pd      = new CPatientData(data);
        CStatus      status  = pd.GetMultiPatientSearchDS(
            out dsMulti);

        if (!status.Status)
            //write the event to the event table
            WriteEvent(data, "GetMultiPatientSearchDS", status.StatusComment);

        foreach (DataTable table in dsMulti.Tables)
            foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                //checklist ID
                long lPatChecklistID = Convert.ToInt64(dr["pat_cl_id"].ToString());

                //get the items for this pat checklist id
                DataSet         dsChecklistItems = null;
                CVAPPCTCommData commData         = new CVAPPCTCommData(data);
                status = commData.GetPatChecklistItemDS(lPatChecklistID,
                                                        out dsChecklistItems);
                if (!status.Status)
                    //write the event to the event table
                    WriteEvent(data, "GetPatChecklistItemDS", status.StatusComment);

                //refresh the checklist items
                status = RefreshPatientCheckList(
                if (!status.Status)
                    //write the event to the event table
                    WriteEvent(data, "RefreshPatientCheckList", status.StatusComment);

                //refresh the checklist collection items
                DataSet dsCLCollectionItems = null;
                status = commData.GetPatientCLCollectionItemDS(lPatChecklistID,
                                                               out dsCLCollectionItems);
                if (!status.Status)
                    //write the event to the event table
                    WriteEvent(data, "GetPatientCLCollectionItemDS", status.StatusComment);

                //refresh the checklist items
                status = RefreshPatientCheckList(
                if (!status.Status)
                    //write the event to the event table
                    WriteEvent(data, "RefreshPatientCheckList", status.StatusComment);

        /// <summary>
        /// append all the columns and data from one ds (dsfrom) to another ds (dsto)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn"></param>
        /// <param name="dsFrom"></param>
        /// <param name="dsTo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool AppendData(CDataConnection conn,
                               DataSet dsFrom,
                               DataSet dsTo)
            //keep the offeset of where the new columns start
            int nStartIndex = dsTo.Tables[0].Columns.Count;

            //loop over all the tables in the new ds and the cols to the original ds
            foreach (System.Data.DataTable table in dsFrom.Tables)
                foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in table.Columns)
                        //add the new cols to the original dataset
                        System.Data.DataColumn colnew = new System.Data.DataColumn();

                        colnew.AllowDBNull       = col.AllowDBNull;
                        colnew.AutoIncrement     = col.AutoIncrement;
                        colnew.AutoIncrementSeed = col.AutoIncrementSeed;
                        colnew.AutoIncrementStep = col.AutoIncrementStep;
                        colnew.Caption           = col.Caption;
                        colnew.ColumnMapping     = col.ColumnMapping;
                        colnew.ColumnName        = col.ColumnName;
                        //colnew.Container = col.Container;
                        colnew.DataType     = col.DataType;
                        colnew.DateTimeMode = col.DateTimeMode;
                        colnew.DefaultValue = col.DefaultValue;
                        //colnew.DesignMode = col.DesignMode;
                        colnew.Expression = col.Expression;
                        //colnew.ExtendedProperties = col.ExtendedProperties;
                        colnew.MaxLength = col.MaxLength;
                        colnew.Namespace = col.Namespace;
                        //colnew.Ordinal = col.Ordinal;
                        colnew.Prefix   = col.Prefix;
                        colnew.ReadOnly = col.ReadOnly;
                        colnew.Site     = col.Site;
                        //colnew.Table = col.Table;
                        colnew.Unique = col.Unique;

                        //add the new column to the table
                    catch (Exception ee)
                        string strError = ee.Message;
                        //ignore is already there

                //accept any changes made

            //loop over all the rows in the table of the new ds
            //and add to original dataset
            foreach (System.Data.DataTable table in dsFrom.Tables)
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in table.Rows)
                    //loop over all the column values
                    for (int i = 0; i < row.ItemArray.Length; i++)
                        //loop over the "to" table and set the new col value = this col value
                        foreach (System.Data.DataTable table1 in dsTo.Tables)
                            foreach (System.Data.DataRow row1 in table1.Rows)
                                //loop over all the rows in the "to" table to find the new one
                                for (int ii = nStartIndex; ii < row1.ItemArray.Length; ii++)
                                    if (row1.Table.Columns[ii].ColumnName == row.Table.Columns[i].ColumnName)
                                        //set the rows value
                                        row1[ii] = row[i];

                                        //increment the start index to make the loop execute faster

                                        //break the for

                        //accept any changes made

        /// <summary>
        /// get a dataset from the connection and a stored proc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn"></param>
        /// <param name="strSPName"></param>
        /// <param name="ParamList"></param>
        /// <param name="lStatusCode"></param>
        /// <param name="strStatus"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        /*  public DataSet GetOracleDataSet(CDataConnection conn,
         *                                string strSPName,
         *                                CDataParameterList ParamList,
         *                                out long lStatusCode,
         *                                out string strStatus)
         * {
         *    lStatusCode = 0;
         *    strStatus = "";
         *    m_lStatusCode = 0;
         *    m_strStatus = "";
         *    CDataUtils utils = new CDataUtils();
         *    string strAuditXML = "";
         *    strAuditXML += "<sp_name>" + strSPName + "</sp_name>";
         *    //return null if no conn
         *    if (conn == null)
         *    {
         *        m_lStatusCode = 1;
         *        m_strStatus = "Unable to connect to data source, CDataConnection is null";
         *        lStatusCode = m_lStatusCode;
         *        strStatus = m_strStatus;
         *        return null;
         *    }
         *    //create a new command object and set the command objects connection, text and type
         *    //must use OracleCommand or you cannot get back a ref cur out param which is how
         *    //we do things in medbase
         *    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // OleDbCommand();
         *    cmd.Connection = conn.GetOracleConnection();
         *    cmd.CommandText = strSPName;
         *    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
         *    //add the parameters from the parameter list to the command parameter list
         *    for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Count; i++)
         *    {
         *        CDataParameter parameter = ParamList.GetItemByIndex(i);
         *        if (parameter != null)
         *        {
         *            //create a new oledb param from our param and add it to the list
         *            //this follows how we currently do it in medbase
         *            //TODO: get direction, length etc from the parameter not hard coded below
         *            OracleParameter oraParameter = new OracleParameter();
         *            oraParameter.ParameterName = parameter.ParameterName;
         *            strAuditXML += "<" + oraParameter.ParameterName + ">";
         *            //set the parameter value, default to string. Probably a better way than the
         *            //if then else, but this works and we can find it later,
         *            if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.StringParameter)
         *            {
         *                oraParameter.Value = parameter.StringParameterValue;
         *                //audit value
         *                strAuditXML += parameter.StringParameterValue;
         *            }
         *            else if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.LongParameter)
         *            {
         *                oraParameter.Value = parameter.LongParameterValue;
         *                //audit value
         *                strAuditXML += Convert.ToString(parameter.LongParameterValue);
         *            }
         *            else if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.DateParameter)
         *            {
         *                oraParameter.Value = parameter.DateParameterValue;
         *                //audit value
         *                strAuditXML += utils.GetDateAsString(parameter.DateParameterValue);
         *            }
         *            else if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.CLOBParameter)
         *            {
         *                oraParameter.Value = parameter.CLOBParameterValue;
         *                //audit value
         *                strAuditXML += parameter.CLOBParameterValue;
         *            }
         *            else
         *            {
         *                oraParameter.Value = parameter.StringParameterValue;
         *                //audit value
         *                strAuditXML += parameter.StringParameterValue;
         *            }
         *            strAuditXML += "</" + oraParameter.ParameterName + ">";
         *            oraParameter.Direction = parameter.Direction;
         *            cmd.Parameters.Add(oraParameter);
         *        }
         *    }
         *    //add in out params for stored proc, all sp's will return a status 1 = good, 0 = bad
         *    //status
         *    ParamList.AddParameter("po_nStatusCode", 0, ParameterDirection.Output);
         *    OracleParameter oraStatusParameter = new OracleParameter("po_nStatusCode",
         *                                                               OracleType.Int32);
         *    oraStatusParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
         *    cmd.Parameters.Add(oraStatusParameter);
         *    //
         *    //comment
         *    ParamList.AddParameter("po_vStatusComment", "", ParameterDirection.Output);
         *    OracleParameter oraCommentParameter = new OracleParameter("po_vStatusComment",
         *                                                                OracleType.VarChar,
         *                                                                4000);
         *    oraCommentParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
         *    cmd.Parameters.Add(oraCommentParameter);
         *    //
         *    //now add an out parameter to hold the ref cursor to the commands parameter list
         *    //returned ref cursor must always be named "RS" because OracleClient binds these
         *    //parameters by name, so you must name your parameter correctly
         *    //so the OracleParameter must be named the same thing.
         *    OracleParameter oraRSParameter = new OracleParameter( "RS",
         *                                                            OracleType.Cursor);
         *                                                           //OracleType.Cursor
         *    oraRSParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
         *    cmd.Parameters.Add(oraRSParameter);
         *    //create a new dataset to hold the conntent of the reference cursor
         *    m_DataSet = new DataSet();
         *    //now audit the call.... ignore audit and get/set session values or
         *    //login is audited seperately
         *    if (conn.Audit)
         *    {
         *        if (strSPName.ToUpper().IndexOf("AUDIT") > -1 ||
         *            strSPName.ToUpper().IndexOf("GETSESSIONVALUE") > -1 ||
         *            strSPName.ToUpper().IndexOf("SETSESSIONVALUE") > -1 ||
         *            strSPName.ToUpper().IndexOf("LOGIN") > -1)
         *        {
         *            //ignore the audit
         *        }
         *        else
         *        {
         *            //audit the transaction
         *            CDataParameterList plistAudit = new CDataParameterList();
         *            plistAudit.AddInputParameter("pi_vSessionID", ParamList.GetItemByName("pi_vSessionID").StringParameterValue);
         *            plistAudit.AddInputParameter("pi_vSessionClientIP", ParamList.GetItemByName("pi_vSessionClientIP").StringParameterValue);
         *            plistAudit.AddInputParameter("pi_nUserID", ParamList.GetItemByName("pi_nUserID").LongParameterValue);
         *            plistAudit.AddInputParameter("pi_vSPName", strSPName);
         *            plistAudit.AddInputParameterCLOB("pi_clAuditXML", strAuditXML);
         *            long lStat = 0;
         *            string strStat = "";
         *            conn.ExecuteOracleSP("PCK_FX_SEC.AuditTransaction",
         *                            plistAudit,
         *                            out lStat,
         *                            out strStat);
         *        }
         *    }
         *    //create an adapter and fill the dataset. I like datasets because they are completely
         *    //disconnected and provide the most flexibility for later porting to a web service etc.
         *    //It could be argued that a data reader is faster and offers easier movement back and forth
         *    //through a dataset. But for the web and the fact that we work from lists
         *    //I think a dataset is best. Concept is similar to current medbase architecture
         *    try
         *    {
         *        OracleDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
         *        dataAdapter.Fill(m_DataSet);
         *    }
         *    catch (InvalidOperationException e)
         *    {
         *        m_strStatus = e.Message;
         *        m_lStatusCode = 1;
         *        m_DataSet = null;
         *        lStatusCode = m_lStatusCode;
         *        strStatus = m_strStatus;
         *    }
         *    catch (OracleException e)
         *    {
         *        m_strStatus = e.Message;
         *        m_lStatusCode = 1;
         *        m_DataSet = null;
         *        lStatusCode = m_lStatusCode;
         *        strStatus = m_strStatus;
         *    }
         *    if (m_lStatusCode == 0)
         *    {
         *        //now read back out params into our list
         *        for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Count; i++)
         *        {
         *            CDataParameter parameter = ParamList.GetItemByIndex(i);
         *            if (parameter != null)
         *            {
         *                if (parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output ||
         *                    parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
         *                {
         *                    foreach (OracleParameter oP in cmd.Parameters)
         *                    {
         *                        if (oP.ParameterName.Equals(parameter.ParameterName))
         *                        {
         *                            if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.StringParameter)
         *                            {
         *                                if (oP.Value != null)
         *                                {
         *                                    parameter.StringParameterValue = oP.Value.ToString();
         *                                }
         *                            }
         *                            else if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.LongParameter)
         *                            {
         *                                if (oP.Value != null)
         *                                {
         *                                    if (!oP.Value.ToString().Equals(""))
         *                                    {
         *                                        parameter.LongParameterValue = Convert.ToInt64(oP.Value);
         *                                    }
         *                                }
         *                            }
         *                            else if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.DateParameter)
         *                            {
         *                                if (oP.Value != null)
         *                                {
         *                                    if (!oP.Value.ToString().Equals(""))
         *                                    {
         *                                        parameter.DateParameterValue = Convert.ToDateTime(oP.Value);
         *                                    }
         *                                }
         *                            }
         *                            else
         *                            {
         *                                parameter.StringParameterValue = oP.Value.ToString();
         *                            }
         *                        }
         *                    }
         *                }
         *            }
         *        }
         *        //set status code and text
         *        CDataParameter pStatusCode = ParamList.GetItemByName("po_nStatusCode");
         *        if (pStatusCode != null)
         *        {
         *            m_lStatusCode = pStatusCode.LongParameterValue;
         *        }
         *        CDataParameter pStatusComment = ParamList.GetItemByName("po_vStatusComment");
         *        if (pStatusComment != null)
         *        {
         *            m_strStatus = pStatusComment.StringParameterValue;
         *        }
         *    }
         *    lStatusCode = m_lStatusCode;
         *    strStatus = m_strStatus;
         *    return m_DataSet;
         * }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// get a dataset from the connection and a stored proc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn"></param>
        /// <param name="strSPName"></param>
        /// <param name="ParamList"></param>
        /// <param name="lStatusCode"></param>
        /// <param name="strStatus"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet GetOracleDataSet(CDataConnection conn,
                                        string strSPName,
                                        CDataParameterList ParamList,
                                        out long lStatusCode,
                                        out string strStatus)
            lStatusCode   = 0;
            strStatus     = "";
            m_lStatusCode = 0;
            m_strStatus   = "";

            CDataUtils utils = new CDataUtils();

            //return null if no conn
            if (conn == null)
                m_lStatusCode = 1;
                m_strStatus   = "Unable to connect to data source, CDataConnection is null";
                lStatusCode   = m_lStatusCode;
                strStatus     = m_strStatus;

            //create a new command object and set the command objects connection, text and type
            //must use OracleCommand or you cannot get back a ref cur out param which is how
            //we do things in medbase
            OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // OleDbCommand();

            cmd.Connection  = conn.GetOracleConnection();
            cmd.CommandText = strSPName;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            //add the parameters from the parameter list to the command parameter list
            for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Count; i++)
                CDataParameter parameter = ParamList.GetItemByIndex(i);
                if (parameter != null)
                    //create a new oledb param from our param and add it to the list
                    //this follows how we currently do it in medbase
                    //TODO: get direction, length etc from the parameter not hard coded below
                    OracleParameter oraParameter = new OracleParameter();
                    oraParameter.ParameterName = parameter.ParameterName;

                    //set the parameter value, default to string. Probably a better way than the
                    //if then else, but this works and we can find it later,
                    if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.StringParameter)
                        oraParameter.Value = parameter.StringParameterValue;
                    else if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.LongParameter)
                        oraParameter.Value = parameter.LongParameterValue;
                    else if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.DateParameter)
                        oraParameter.Value = parameter.DateParameterValue;
                    else if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.CLOBParameter)
                        oraParameter.Value = parameter.CLOBParameterValue;
                        oraParameter.Value = parameter.StringParameterValue;

                    oraParameter.Direction = parameter.Direction;

            //add in out params for stored proc, all sp's will return a status 1 = good, 0 = bad
            ParamList.AddParameter("po_nStatusCode", 0, ParameterDirection.Output);
            OracleParameter oraStatusParameter = new OracleParameter("po_nStatusCode",

            oraStatusParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
            ParamList.AddParameter("po_vStatusComment", "", ParameterDirection.Output);
            OracleParameter oraCommentParameter = new OracleParameter("po_vStatusComment",

            oraCommentParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
            //now add an out parameter to hold the ref cursor to the commands parameter list
            //returned ref cursor must always be named "RS" because OracleClient binds these
            //parameters by name, so you must name your parameter correctly
            //so the OracleParameter must be named the same thing.
            OracleParameter oraRSParameter = new OracleParameter("RS",

            oraRSParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            //create a new dataset to hold the conntent of the reference cursor
            m_DataSet = new DataSet();

            //create an adapter and fill the dataset. I like datasets because they are completely
            //disconnected and provide the most flexibility for later porting to a web service etc.
            //It could be argued that a data reader is faster and offers easier movement back and forth
            //through a dataset. But for the web and the fact that we work from lists
            //I think a dataset is best. Concept is similar to current medbase architecture
                OracleDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                m_strStatus   = e.Message;
                m_lStatusCode = 1;
                m_DataSet     = null;
                lStatusCode   = m_lStatusCode;
                strStatus     = m_strStatus;
            catch (OracleException e)
                m_strStatus   = e.Message;
                m_lStatusCode = 1;
                m_DataSet     = null;
                lStatusCode   = m_lStatusCode;
                strStatus     = m_strStatus;

            if (m_lStatusCode == 0)
                //now read back out params into our list
                for (int i = 0; i < ParamList.Count; i++)
                    CDataParameter parameter = ParamList.GetItemByIndex(i);
                    if (parameter != null)
                        if (parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output ||
                            parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
                            foreach (OracleParameter oP in cmd.Parameters)
                                if (oP.ParameterName.Equals(parameter.ParameterName))
                                    if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.StringParameter)
                                        if (oP.Value != null)
                                            parameter.StringParameterValue = oP.Value.ToString();
                                    else if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.LongParameter)
                                        if (oP.Value != null)
                                            if (!oP.Value.ToString().Equals(""))
                                                parameter.LongParameterValue = Convert.ToInt64(oP.Value);
                                    else if (parameter.ParameterType == (int)DataParameterType.DateParameter)
                                        if (oP.Value != null)
                                            if (!oP.Value.ToString().Equals(""))
                                                parameter.DateParameterValue = Convert.ToDateTime(oP.Value);
                                        parameter.StringParameterValue = oP.Value.ToString();

                //set status code and text
                CDataParameter pStatusCode = ParamList.GetItemByName("po_nStatusCode");
                if (pStatusCode != null)
                    m_lStatusCode = pStatusCode.LongParameterValue;
                CDataParameter pStatusComment = ParamList.GetItemByName("po_vStatusComment");
                if (pStatusComment != null)
                    m_strStatus = pStatusComment.StringParameterValue;

            lStatusCode = m_lStatusCode;
            strStatus   = m_strStatus;

            //now audit the call if needed....
            if (conn.Audit)
                long   lAuditStatusCode = 0;
                string strAuditStatus   = String.Empty;
                                      out lAuditStatusCode,
                                      out strAuditStatus);
