public void Clear(bool reconnectToServer = false) { for (int i = 0; i < uis.Length; ++i) { if (uis[i] != null) { if (!uis[i].dontDestoryOnLoad) { Remove(uis[i]); } else { if (!reconnectToServer) { uis[i].OnLoadLevelBegin(); } } } } ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(loading.Keys); foreach (var k in keys) { string key = k as string; CGameUIAsset asset = loading[key]; if (asset != null && !asset.dontDestoryOnLoad) { CClientCommon.DestroyImmediate(ref asset); } loading.Remove(key); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void Initialize(List <string> categoryList) { m_CategoryMap.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < categoryList.Count; ++i) { string category = categoryList[i]; CreateObject(category); } GameObject UnknownObject = GameObject.Find("Unknowns"); if (UnknownObject == null) { UnknownObject = new GameObject(); //UnknownObject.AddComponent<ImmortalComponent>(); UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(UnknownObject); = "Unknowns"; } m_UnknownParent = UnknownObject.transform; m_CategoryMap[] = m_UnknownParent; foreach (var category in m_CategoryMap) { Transform categoryTrans = category.Value; CClientCommon.NormalizeTransform(categoryTrans); } m_IsInitialize = true; }
public void Remove(CGameUI ui) { if (!ui || ui.disposed) { return; } if (ui.index < 0) { return; } uis[ui.index] = null; ui.Close(); names.Remove(ui.Name); index_pool.Free(ui.index); ui.index = -1; if (loading.ContainsKey(ui.Name)) { CGameUIAsset asset = loading[ui.Name] as CGameUIAsset; CClientCommon.DestroyImmediate(ref asset); loading.Remove(ui.Name); } ui.Dispose(); ui = null; }
protected void ApplyParticleScale(float scale) { if (this.gameObject == null) { return; } CClientCommon.ApplyParticleScale(this.gameObject.transform, scale); }
public virtual void Dispose() { if (disposed) { return; } disposed = true; CClientCommon.DestroyImmediate(this); }
protected override void OnUpdate() { base.OnUpdate(); if (start_time + duration_time <= GameTimer.time && start_time != 0) { CClientCommon.DestroyImmediate(this); start_time = duration_time = 0; } }
public override void Initialize() { image = CClientCommon.AddComponent <CImage>(this.gameObject); this.CreateSprite(image, "newmainface", "xiaohongdian"); image.raycastTarget = false; m_rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); m_rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); m_rectTransform.anchorMin =; m_rectTransform.anchorMax =; image.SetNativeSize(); }
public void SetUI(GameObject parent, Vector2 pos) { if (redPointUI == null) { GameObject gameObject2 = new GameObject(CString.Concat(, "_redPoint")); CClientCommon.SetActiveOverload(gameObject2, true); gameObject2.transform.parent = parent.transform; redPointUI = gameObject2.AddComponent <RedDotUI2>(); redPointUI.Arg = new object[] { pos }; } ShowDot(); }
protected virtual void Update() { if (BindObject == null || BindObject.disposed) { return; } if (Time.frameCount % 3 != 0) { return; } isCameravisible = CClientCommon.isCameraWithinScreen(Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(BindObject.Transform.position)); }
// 加载资源 protected virtual void OnCreate(AssetBundle asset_bundle) { if (asset_bundle != null) { Object[] objs = asset_bundle.LoadAllAssets(); if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0) { this.asset = objs[0]; } renders = CClientCommon.ReplaceShader(this.asset, string.Empty); IResourceFactory.Cookie cookie = factory.GetCookie(name); cookie.RecordMemory(UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySizeLong(asset), asset is GameObject); } }
protected override void OnDestroy() { DestroyComponent(); if (this.gameObject) { CClientCommon.DestroyImmediate(gameObject); } if (!Application.isEditor) { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- public static Transform GetObject(string categoryName) { if (!IsInitialize()) { return(null); } // Find path or name if (m_CategoryMap.ContainsKey(categoryName)) { return(m_CategoryMap[categoryName]); } // Not Path if (categoryName.Contains("/")) { CreateObject(categoryName); return(m_CategoryMap[categoryName]); } // Find any contains the name foreach (var category in m_CategoryMap) { if (category.Key.Contains(categoryName)) { return(category.Value); } } // Lookup unknown node Transform categoryObject = m_UnknownParent.Find(categoryName); if (categoryObject != null) { return(categoryObject); } // Create to unknown child GameObject newObject = new GameObject(); = categoryName; CClientCommon.AttachChild(m_UnknownParent, newObject.transform, true); newObject.transform.position =; newObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; CClientCommon.NormalizeTransform(newObject); return(newObject.transform); }
public void UIDispose() { for (int i = 0; i < uis.Length; ++i) { if (uis[i] != null) { Remove(uis[i]); } } names.Clear(); foreach (var e in loading.Values) { CGameUIAsset asset = e as CGameUIAsset; CClientCommon.DestroyImmediate(ref asset); } loading.Clear(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- public static bool Attach(Transform transform, string category, bool inheritLayer) { Transform categoryObject = GetObject(category); if (categoryObject == null) { return(false); } CClientCommon.SaveTransform(transform); CClientCommon.AttachChild(categoryObject, transform, inheritLayer); CClientCommon.RevertTransform(transform); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { UpdateCategoryCount(transform, categoryObject, category); } return(true); }
protected override void OnCreate() { this.gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(this.GetOwner().GetAsset()) as GameObject; DestoryByTime timeDesCompoment = gameObject.GetComponent <DestoryByTime>(); if (timeDesCompoment != null) { start_time = GameTimer.time; duration_time = timeDesCompoment.time; CClientCommon.DestroyImmediate(timeDesCompoment); } if (delayShow) { DelayShow(); } SetParticleScale(ParticleScale); isDone = true; }
protected override void OnDestroy() { CClientCommon.DestroyImmediate(this.gameObject); foreach (var sp in spriteDic.Values) { if (sp != null) { sp.Destroy(); } } spriteDic.Clear(); foreach (var tex in imageDic) { if (tex != null) { tex.Destroy(); } } imageDic.Clear(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- private static GameObject CreateObjectImpl(string category) { string[] pathItems = category.Split('/'); if (pathItems.Length == 0) { return(null); } GameObject categoryObject = null; GameObject parentObject = null; string currentPath = ""; for (int index = 0; index < pathItems.Length; ++index) { string itemName = pathItems[index]; if (currentPath.Length == 0) { currentPath += itemName; Transform[] transforms = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType( typeof(Transform)) as Transform[]; for (int i = 0; i < transforms.Length; ++i) { Transform child = transforms[i]; if (child.parent != null) { continue; } if ( == itemName) { categoryObject = child.gameObject; break; } } } else { currentPath += "/" + itemName; categoryObject = GameObject.Find(currentPath); } if (categoryObject == null) { categoryObject = new GameObject(); = itemName; if (parentObject != null) { CClientCommon.AttachChild( parentObject.transform, categoryObject.transform, true); } else { //categoryObject.AddComponent<ImmortalComponent>(); UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(categoryObject); } } parentObject = categoryObject; } if (categoryObject != null) { m_CategoryMap.Add(category, categoryObject.transform); } return(categoryObject); }