public virtual void Method()
        //Console.WriteLine ("sc class");
        CClass cc = new CClass();

    public static int Main()

        try {
            error("static critical method called");
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        SCClass sc = new SCClass();


        try {
            CClass c = new CClass();    // Illegal
            error("critical object instantiated");
            c.Method();                 // Illegal
            error("critical method called");
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        try {
            error("security-critical-derived class error");
        } catch (TypeLoadException) {

        try {
        } catch (TypeLoadException) {

        try {
            error("pinvoke called");
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        try {
            MethodDelegate md = new MethodDelegate(CClass.StaticMethod);
            error("critical method called via delegate");
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        try {
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        try {
        } catch (TypeLoadException) {

         * try {
         *      unsafeMethod ();
         * } catch (VerificationException) {
         * }

        try {
            Type       type   = Type.GetType("Test");
            MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("TransparentReflectionCMethod");

            method.Invoke(null, null);
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {
            error("transparent method not called via reflection");

        try {
            Type       type   = Type.GetType("Test");
            MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("ReflectionCMethod");

            method.Invoke(null, null);
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        try {
            Type           type   = Type.GetType("Test");
            MethodInfo     method = type.GetMethod("TransparentReflectionCMethod");
            InvokeDelegate id     = new InvokeDelegate(method.Invoke);

            id(null, null);
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {
            error("transparent method not called via reflection delegate");

        try {
            Type           type   = Type.GetType("Test");
            MethodInfo     method = type.GetMethod("ReflectionCMethod");
            InvokeDelegate id     = new InvokeDelegate(method.Invoke);

            id(null, null);
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        // wrapper 7
        try {
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {
            error("string test failed");

        try {
            error("BadTransparentOverrideClass error");
        } catch (TypeLoadException) {

        try {
            error("BadSafeCriticalOverrideClass error");
        } catch (TypeLoadException) {

        try {
            error("BadCriticalOverrideClass error");
        } catch (TypeLoadException) {

        new TransparentClassWithSafeCriticalDefaultConstructor();
        try {
            new TransparentInheritFromSafeCriticalDefaultConstructor();
        } catch (TypeLoadException) {
        new SafeInheritFromSafeCriticalDefaultConstructor();

        // arrays creation tests
        // the above also calls ArraysCreatedBySafeCriticalCaller since (Transparent) Main cannot call it directly

        if (haveError)

//		Console.WriteLine ("ok");
    public static int Main()
        SCMethod ();

        try {
            CMethod ();
            error ("static critical method called");
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        SCClass sc = new SCClass ();
        sc.Method ();

        try {
            CClass c = new CClass (); // Illegal
            error ("critical object instantiated");
            c.Method ();	// Illegal
            error ("critical method called");
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        try {
            doSCDev ();
            error ("security-critical-derived class error");
        } catch (TypeLoadException) {

        try {
            doCMethodDev ();
        } catch (TypeLoadException) {

        try {
            getpid ();
            error ("pinvoke called");
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        try {
            MethodDelegate md = new MethodDelegate (CClass.StaticMethod);
            md ();
            error ("critical method called via delegate");
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        try {
            CriticalClass.NestedClassInsideCritical.Method ();
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        try {
            doSCInterfaceDev ();
        } catch (TypeLoadException) {

        try {
            unsafeMethod ();
        } catch (VerificationException) {

        try {
            Type type = Type.GetType ("Test");
            MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("TransparentReflectionCMethod");

            method.Invoke(null, null);
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {
            error ("transparent method not called via reflection");

        try {
            Type type = Type.GetType ("Test");
            MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("ReflectionCMethod");

            method.Invoke(null, null);
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        try {
            Type type = Type.GetType ("Test");
            MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("TransparentReflectionCMethod");
            InvokeDelegate id = new InvokeDelegate (method.Invoke);

            id (null, null);
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {
            error ("transparent method not called via reflection delegate");

        try {
            Type type = Type.GetType ("Test");
            MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("ReflectionCMethod");
            InvokeDelegate id = new InvokeDelegate (method.Invoke);

            id (null, null);
        } catch (MethodAccessException) {

        //Console.WriteLine ("ok");

        if (haveError)
            return 1;

        return 0;
 public virtual void Method()
     //Console.WriteLine ("sc class");
     CClass cc = new CClass ();
     cc.Method ();
 public virtual void Method()
	public static int Main ()
		SCMethod ();

		try {
			CMethod ();
			error ("static critical method called");
		} catch (MethodAccessException) {

		SCClass sc = new SCClass ();
		sc.Method ();

		try {
			CClass c = new CClass (); // Illegal
			error ("critical object instantiated");
			c.Method ();	// Illegal
			error ("critical method called");
		} catch (MethodAccessException) {

		try {
			doSCDev ();
			error ("security-critical-derived class error");
		} catch (TypeLoadException) {

		try {
			doCMethodDev ();
		} catch (TypeLoadException) {

		try {
			getpid ();
			error ("pinvoke called");
		} catch (MethodAccessException) {

		try {
			MethodDelegate md = new MethodDelegate (CClass.StaticMethod);
			md ();
			error ("critical method called via delegate");
		} catch (MethodAccessException) {

		try {
			CriticalClass.NestedClassInsideCritical.Method ();
		} catch (MethodAccessException) {

		try {
			doSCInterfaceDev ();
		} catch (TypeLoadException) {

		try {
			unsafeMethod ();
		} catch (VerificationException) {

		try {
			Type type = Type.GetType ("Test");
			MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("TransparentReflectionCMethod");

			method.Invoke(null, null);
		} catch (MethodAccessException) {
			error ("transparent method not called via reflection");

		try {
			Type type = Type.GetType ("Test");
			MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("ReflectionCMethod");

			method.Invoke(null, null);
		} catch (MethodAccessException) {

		try {
			Type type = Type.GetType ("Test");
			MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("TransparentReflectionCMethod");
			InvokeDelegate id = new InvokeDelegate (method.Invoke);

			id (null, null);
		} catch (MethodAccessException) {
			error ("transparent method not called via reflection delegate");

		try {
			Type type = Type.GetType ("Test");
			MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("ReflectionCMethod");
			InvokeDelegate id = new InvokeDelegate (method.Invoke);

			id (null, null);
		} catch (MethodAccessException) {

		// wrapper 7
		try {
			CallStringTest ();
		} catch (MethodAccessException) {
			error ("string test failed");

		try {
			doBadTransparentOverrideClass ();
			error ("BadTransparentOverrideClass error");
		} catch (TypeLoadException) {

		try {
			doBadSafeCriticalOverrideClass ();
			error ("BadSafeCriticalOverrideClass error");
		} catch (TypeLoadException) {

		try {
			doBadCriticalOverrideClass ();
			error ("BadCriticalOverrideClass error");
		} catch (TypeLoadException) {

		new TransparentClassWithSafeCriticalDefaultConstructor ();
		try {
			new TransparentInheritFromSafeCriticalDefaultConstructor ();
		} catch (TypeLoadException) {
		new SafeInheritFromSafeCriticalDefaultConstructor ();

		// arrays creation tests
		ArraysCreatedByTransparentCaller ();
		ArraysCreatedBySafeCriticalCaller ();
		// the above also calls ArraysCreatedBySafeCriticalCaller since (Transparent) Main cannot call it directly

		if (haveError)
			return 1;

//		Console.WriteLine ("ok");
		return 0;