        public void Funcmain(string argv1, CCfgtype cfg)
            path = argv1;
            //err_code = 9; /* no error */


            pathfile = Path.Combine(path, "DETAILS2.TMP");

            fp2 = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(pathfile, FileMode.Create), Encoding.Default);

            if (rotn != 0.0)
                textstring = "DRG not by 'Draw String', use 'Minor option(s) 1103 / 1104'...";

            pathfile = Path.Combine(path, "VALIGN.TMP");
            if (File.Exists(pathfile) == false)
                pathfile = Path.Combine(path, "VALIGN.FIL");
            fp1 = new StreamReader(pathfile);

            index = false;

            while (fp1.EndOfStream == false)

                if (flag == 0)

                if (stchn == last_stchn && endchn == last_endchn)


                last_stchn  = stchn;
                last_endchn = endchn;
                index       = true;
            } // end while(fp1.EndOfStream == false)


        void ApplyValign()
            if (this.ValidateData())
                this.app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam.XMetric = 1;
                this.app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam.YMetric = 10;
                CCfgtype cfg = new CCfgtype();

                IHdEntity entity = this.app.ActiveDocument.GetObjectById(this.LastAppliedPolyLineID);
                if (entity != null)

                //Erase the selected polyline on screen
                //this is because user may modify the X, Y
                //co-ordinates using this dialog
                entity = this.app.ActiveDocument.GetObjectById(this.MainPolyLineID);
                if (entity != null)

                List <VVIP>     listParams = GetParamData();
                List <CPoint3D> polypts    = new List <CPoint3D>();

                foreach (VVIP vdata in listParams)
                    polypts.Add(new CPoint3D(vdata.chainx * cfg.XMetric, vdata.chainy * cfg.YMetric, 0));

                this.MainPolyLineID = this.app.ActiveDocument.DrawPolyline3D(polypts).ObjectID;


                ViewerUtils.DeleteFileIfExists(Path.Combine(this.app.AppDataPath, "VAL2.TMP"));

                CValignUtil util = new CValignUtil();
                if (util.Funcmain(this.app.AppDataPath))
                    DrawingUtil.DrawData(this.app, Path.Combine(this.app.AppDataPath, "VAL2.TMP"), "PVR", true);

        private void PopulateData(CCfgtype cfgparam)
            this.tbXFactor_.Text      = cfgparam.XMetric.ToString();
            this.tbYFactor_.Text      = cfgparam.YMetric.ToString();
            this.tbRotatonAngle_.Text = cfgparam.xfa.ToString();

            this.tbXOrigin_.Text         = cfgparam.XLate_X.ToString();
            this.tbYOrigin_.Text         = cfgparam.XLate_Y.ToString();
            this.tbHorizontalScale_.Text = cfgparam.hs.ToString();

            this.tbMarginTop_.Text    = cfgparam.tm.ToString();
            this.tbMarginBottom_.Text = cfgparam.bm.ToString();
            this.tbMarginLeft_.Text   = cfgparam.lm.ToString();
            this.tbMarginRight_.Text  = cfgparam.rm.ToString();

            this.tbSheetLength_.Text = cfgparam.sl.ToString();
            this.tbSheetWidth_.Text  = cfgparam.sw.ToString();
        void GetDataFromPolyLine(IHdPolyline3D polyline, ref List <VVIP> listVipData)
            CCfgtype cfg = this.app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam;

            if (polyline != null)
                CPoint3D[] ptCords = polyline.Coordinates;
                for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < ptCords.Length; iIndex++)
                    VVIP data = new VVIP();
                    data.chainx = ptCords[iIndex].X / cfg.XMetric;
                    data.chainy = ptCords[iIndex].Y / cfg.YMetric;

        void draw_hips(CCfgtype cfg)
            //zt = 0.0;
            textrotn = 0.0;

            double dVcl, dK;

            double dLead = 1.2; // gap between lines

            if (IPX != last_IPX && IPY != last_IPY)
                if (index == false) // Start HIP
                    xt = xst - xlate_x;
                    yt = yst - xlate_y;

                    plan_form(ref xt, ref yt);
                    textstring = "Start chainage / Level: " + xst.ToString("0.000") + ", " + yst.ToString("0.000") + " m.";
            if (eltype == 3)
                xt = IPX - xlate_x;
                yt = IPY - xlate_y;
                plan_form(ref xt, ref yt);

                textstring = "VIP Chainage = " + IPX.ToString("0.000") + " m";
                xstor      = xt;
                ystor      = yt;
                xt = xstor;
                yt = ystor;

                yt -= textsize / cfg.YMetric * dLead;

                textstring = "VIP Level = " + IPY.ToString("0.000") + " m";
                xstor      = xt;
                ystor      = yt;
                xt = xstor;
                yt = ystor;

                yt -= textsize / cfg.YMetric * dLead;

                dVcl = R + L;
                if (Math.Abs(R - L) < 0.001)
                    textstring = "VCL = " + dVcl.ToString("0.000") + " m";
                    textstring = "VCL1 = " + R.ToString("0.000") + " m, VCL2 = " + L.ToString("0.000") + " m";

                xstor = xt;
                ystor = yt;
                xt = xstor;
                yt = ystor;

                yt -= textsize / cfg.YMetric * dLead;

                textstring = "g1 = " + B1.ToString("0.000") + " %, g2 = " + B2.ToString("0.000") + " % ";
                xstor      = xt;
                ystor      = yt;
                yt = ystor;
                xt = xstor;

                yt -= textsize / cfg.YMetric * dLead;

                if (turn1 == 1)
                    R = 0.0 - R;
                textstring = "Grade Difference = " + DEL.ToString("0.000") + " %";

                xstor = xt;
                ystor = yt;
                xt = xstor;
                yt = ystor;

                yt -= textsize / cfg.YMetric * dLead;

                dK = Math.Abs(dVcl / (B2 - B1));

                if (turn1 == 2)
                    dK *= -1;

                textstring = "K = " + dK.ToString("0.000");
                xstor      = xt;
                ystor      = yt;
                xt = xstor;
                yt = ystor;
            last_IPX = IPX;
            last_IPY = IPY;
        void ShowItemEntities(List <CLabtype> entities, string strModelName, string stgLabel)
            int           NumPts   = 0;
            CPoint3D      ptStart  = new CPoint3D();
            CPoint3D      ptEnd    = new CPoint3D();
            CPoint3D      ptLast   = new CPoint3D();
            CTXTtype      txt      = new CTXTtype();
            CLinetype     uline    = new CLinetype();
            IHdPolyline3D polyline = null;
            string        str1     = "";

            IHdPoint aPoint = null;
            CPTStype pts    = new CPTStype();

            this.App.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam.XMetric = 1.0;
            this.App.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam.YMetric = 1.0;

            CCfgtype cfg = this.App.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam;

            eHEADS_COLOR entitycolor = (stgLabel.StartsWith("member")) ? FormLoadDeflection.MemberColor : FormLoadDeflection.LoadColor;

            double dTextHeight = (this.App.ActiveDocument.ActiveTextHeight > 0) ? this.App.ActiveDocument.ActiveTextHeight : 1.0;

            for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < entities.Count; iIndex++)
                CLabtype labtype = entities[iIndex];

                if (labtype.attr == CLabtype.Type.Point)
                    pts = (CPTStype)labtype.Tag;

                    ptEnd = new CPoint3D(pts.mx * cfg.XMetric, pts.my * cfg.YMetric, pts.mz);

                    ptStart = ptLast;
                    ptLast  = ptEnd;

                    uline.StartPoint = new CPoint3D(ptStart);
                    uline.EndPoint   = new CPoint3D(ptEnd);

                    str1 = stgLabel;

                    if (NumPts == 1)
                        aPoint = this.App.ActiveDocument.DrawPoint(ptEnd);

                        aPoint.color = entitycolor;
                    else if (NumPts == 2)
                        uline.Layer  = this.App.ActiveDocument.GetActiveLayer().Name;
                        uline.elatt  = 1;
                        uline.laatt  = 1;
                        uline.Label  = strModelName;
                        uline.Label += ":";
                        uline.Label += stgLabel;
                        uline.scatt  = 1;

                        polyline = DrawingUtil.DrawPolyline3DDx(this.App.ActiveDocument, true, uline);

                        polyline.color = entitycolor;

                    else if (NumPts > 2)
                else if (labtype.attr == CLabtype.Type.Text)
                    txt = (CTXTtype)labtype.Tag;

                    ptEnd = new CPoint3D(txt.tx * cfg.XMetric, txt.ty * cfg.YMetric, txt.tz);
                    str1  = txt.tg;
                    IHdText textobj = this.App.ActiveDocument.DrawText(ptEnd, str1, dTextHeight);
                    textobj.color = entitycolor;
                    aPoint        = this.App.ActiveDocument.DrawPoint(ptEnd);
                    aPoint.color  = entitycolor;
                else if (labtype.attr == CLabtype.Type.EndCode)
                    NumPts = 0;
        public static void ExportToDRG(IHeadsApplication app, string strPath)
            CCfgtype cfg = app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam;

            CBox box = app.ActiveDocument.BoundingBox;

            double[] Arr = new double[] { box.BottomRight.X, box.BottomRight.Y, box.TopLeft.X, box.TopLeft.Y };

            cfg.XLate_X = Arr[0];
            cfg.XLate_Y = Arr[1];
            cfg.hs      = (297 / (Arr[2] - cfg.XLate_X));

            BinaryWriter bw  = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(strPath, FileMode.Create), Encoding.Default);
            Eldtype      eld = new Eldtype();

            eld.Code = 99;
            IHdEntity[] allEntities = app.ActiveDocument.Entities;
            foreach (IHdEntity entity in allEntities)
                if (entity.EntityName == "LINE")
                    IHdLine hdline = (IHdLine)entity;
                    eld.Code = (short)((Constants.BuildType == eHEADS_RELEASE_TYPE.DEMO) ? 91 : 1);

                    Linetype line = new Linetype();

                    line.elatt = 0;
                    line.scatt = 1;
                    line.layer = hdline.Layer;
                    line.laatt = 1;

                    line.x1 = hdline.StartPoint.X;
                    line.y1 = hdline.StartPoint.Y;
                    line.z1 = hdline.StartPoint.Z;

                    line.x1 = line.x1 / cfg.XMetric;
                    line.y1 = line.y1 / cfg.YMetric;

                    line.x2 = hdline.EndPoint.X;
                    line.y2 = hdline.EndPoint.Y;
                    line.z2 = hdline.EndPoint.Z;

                    line.x2 = line.x2 / cfg.XMetric;
                    line.y2 = line.y2 / cfg.YMetric;

                    line.color = entity.ColorIndex;

                    if (hdline.Label == "")
                        line.label = "$$$$$$$$:****";
                        line.label = hdline.Label;

                else if (entity.EntityName == "ELLIPSE")
                    IHdEllipse hdEllipse = (IHdEllipse)entity;
                    eld.Code = (short)((Constants.BuildType == eHEADS_RELEASE_TYPE.DEMO) ? 93 : 3);

                    Circletype circle1 = new Circletype();

                    circle1.elatt = 0;
                    circle1.scatt = 1;
                    circle1.Layer = hdEllipse.Layer;
                    circle1.laatt = 1;

                    circle1.xc = hdEllipse.CenterPoint.X;
                    circle1.yc = hdEllipse.CenterPoint.Y;

                    circle1.xc     = circle1.xc / cfg.XMetric;
                    circle1.yc     = circle1.yc / cfg.YMetric;
                    circle1.Radius = hdEllipse.Radius;

                    circle1.color = entity.ColorIndex;

                    if (hdEllipse.Label == "")
                        circle1.Label = "$$$$$$$$:****";
                        circle1.Label = hdEllipse.Label;

                else if (entity.EntityName == "ARC")
                    IHdArc hdArc = (IHdArc)entity;
                    eld.Code = (short)((Constants.BuildType == eHEADS_RELEASE_TYPE.DEMO) ? 94 : 4);

                    Arctype arc = new Arctype();

                    arc.elatt = 0;
                    arc.scatt = 1;
                    arc.Layer = hdArc.Layer;
                    arc.laatt = 1;

                    arc.xc = hdArc.CenterPoint.X;
                    arc.yc = hdArc.CenterPoint.Y;
                    arc.xc = arc.xc / cfg.XMetric;
                    arc.yc = arc.yc / cfg.YMetric;

                    arc.xs     = (arc.xc + hdArc.Radius * Math.Cos(hdArc.StartAngle)) / cfg.XMetric;
                    arc.ys     = (arc.yc + hdArc.Radius * Math.Sin(hdArc.StartAngle)) / cfg.YMetric;
                    arc.xe     = (arc.xc + hdArc.Radius * Math.Cos(hdArc.EndAngle)) / cfg.XMetric;
                    arc.ye     = (arc.yc + hdArc.Radius * Math.Sin(hdArc.EndAngle)) / cfg.YMetric;
                    arc.Radius = hdArc.Radius;

                    arc.Color = entity.ColorIndex;
                    if (hdArc.Label == "")
                        arc.Label = "$$$$$$$$:****";
                        arc.Label = hdArc.Label;
                else if (entity.EntityName == "POLYLINE3D")
                    IHdPolyline3D hdPline      = (IHdPolyline3D)entity;
                    CPoint3D[]    Coord        = hdPline.Coordinates;
                    int           NumVerticies = Coord.Length - 2;
                    for (int j = 0; j <= NumVerticies; j++)
                        eld.Code = (short)((Constants.BuildType == eHEADS_RELEASE_TYPE.DEMO) ? 91 : 1);

                        Linetype line = new Linetype();

                        if (j == 0)
                            line.elatt = 0;
                            line.elatt = 1;

                        //line.elatt = X;
                        line.scatt = 1;
                        line.layer = hdPline.Layer;
                        line.laatt = 1;

                        line.x1 = Coord[j].X;
                        line.y1 = Coord[j].Y;
                        line.z1 = Coord[j].Z;

                        line.x1 = line.x1 / cfg.XMetric;
                        line.y1 = line.y1 / cfg.YMetric;

                        line.x2 = Coord[j + 1].X;
                        line.y2 = Coord[j + 1].Y;
                        line.z2 = Coord[j + 1].Z;

                        line.x2    = line.x2 / cfg.XMetric;
                        line.y2    = line.y2 / cfg.YMetric;
                        line.color = entity.ColorIndex;

                        if (hdPline.Label == "")
                            line.label = "$$$$$$$$:****";
                            line.label = hdPline.Label;

                else if (entity.EntityName == "TEXT")
                    IHdText hdTxt = (IHdText)entity;
                    eld.Code = (short)((Constants.BuildType == eHEADS_RELEASE_TYPE.DEMO) ? 90 : 9);

                    TEXTtype text = new TEXTtype();

                    text.Length = 1;
                    text.scatt  = 1;
                    text.Layer  = hdTxt.Layer;
                    text.laatt  = 1;

                    text.x1 = hdTxt.InsertionPoint.X;
                    text.y1 = hdTxt.InsertionPoint.Y;

                    text.x1    = text.x1 / cfg.XMetric;
                    text.y1    = text.y1 / cfg.YMetric;
                    text.Size  = hdTxt.Height;
                    text.rotn  = hdTxt.Rotation * 180 / Math.PI;
                    text.text  = hdTxt.Text;
                    text.Color = entity.ColorIndex;
                    if (hdTxt.Label == "")
                        text.Label = "$$$$$$$$:****";
                        text.Label = hdTxt.Label;

        public static void DrawDrg(IHeadsApplication app, string szFileName, string sType, bool bEngFunc)
            if (File.Exists(szFileName) == false)

            Eldtype    eld     = new Eldtype();
            Linetype   line    = new Linetype();
            Boxtype    box     = new Boxtype();
            Circletype circle1 = new Circletype();
            Arctype    arc     = new Arctype();
            TEXTtype   text    = new TEXTtype();
            CCfgtype   cfg     = new CCfgtype();
            //	Cfgtype						cfg1;

            double       last_x1;
            double       last_y1;
            double       last_x2;
            double       last_y2;
            BinaryReader fhandle;                               //int fhandle;
            double       LWidthDbl = 0;                         //'/l->line
            double       BWidthDbl;                             //'/b->box
            double       AWidthDbl;                             //'/ a->text
            double       CWidthDbl;                             //'/c->circle
            //double RotAngle = 0;
            IHdPolyline3D pLine;

            //DrgReturn Retval;
            //int i = 0;
            CCfgtype tempcfg = new CCfgtype();
            //	CWaitCursor					wait;
            long NumPts = 0;

            //if (!bEngFunc)
            //    CDocument* pDocument = theApp.m_pDocTemplate->CreateNewDocument();

            //    BOOL bAutoDelete = pDocument->m_bAutoDelete;
            //    pDocument->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;   // don't destroy if something goes wrong
            //    CFrameWnd* pFrame = theApp.m_pDocTemplate->CreateNewFrame(pDocument, NULL);
            //    pDocument->m_bAutoDelete = bAutoDelete;

            //    pDocument->SetPathName(szFileName);
            //    theApp.m_pDocTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, pDocument, TRUE);

            fhandle = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(szFileName, FileMode.Open), Encoding.Default);

            pLine = null;

            cfg = app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam;

            while (fhandle.BaseStream.Position < fhandle.BaseStream.Length)
                eld.Code = 0;
                eld.Code = fhandle.ReadInt16();

                if (eld.Code == 99)
                    if (sType == "PVR" && (!bEngFunc))
                        cfg = CCfgtype.FromStream(fhandle);
                        app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam = cfg;
                        tempcfg = CCfgtype.FromStream(fhandle);
                    //RotAngle = 0;
                    NumPts = 0;
                else if (eld.Code == 1)
                    line = Linetype.FromStream(fhandle);

                    XlateNmat(ref line.x1, ref line.y1, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref line.x2, ref line.y2, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    LWidthDbl = (double)(line.width);                   //Convert result into double
                    NumPts    = NumPts + 1;
                    if (line.scatt == 1)
                        line.style = (short)(line.style - 1); // to check this  d deb 30/aug/01
                        if (pLine == null)
                            List <CPoint3D> listpt = new List <CPoint3D>();
                            listpt.Add(new CPoint3D(line.x1, line.y1, line.z1));
                            listpt.Add(new CPoint3D(line.x2, line.y2, line.z2));

                            pLine = app.ActiveDocument.DrawPolyline3D(listpt);

                            DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, pLine, app.ActiveDocument, line.layer);

                            pLine.Label = sType;
                            pLine.AppendVertex(new CPoint3D(line.x2, line.y2, line.z2));
                    last_x1 = line.x1;
                    last_y1 = line.y1;
                    last_x2 = line.x2;
                    last_y2 = line.y2;
                else if (eld.Code == 2)
                    box       = Boxtype.FromStream(fhandle);
                    box.style = (short)(box.style - 1);

                    XlateNmat(ref box.x1, ref box.y1, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref box.x2, ref box.y2, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    BWidthDbl = (double)(box.Width);
                    if (box.scatt == 1)
                        IHdPolyline3D polyRect = DrawingUtil.DrawRect(app.ActiveDocument
                                                                      , new CPoint3D(box.x1, box.y1, 0)
                                                                      , new CPoint3D(box.x2, box.y2, 0));

                        DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, polyRect, app.ActiveDocument, box.Layer);

                        polyRect.Label = sType;
                else if (eld.Code == 3)
                    circle1 = Circletype.FromStream(fhandle);

                    circle1.style = (short)(circle1.style - 1);
                    XlateNmat(ref circle1.xc, ref circle1.yc, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    CWidthDbl = (double)(circle1.Width);

                    if (circle1.scatt == 1)
                        IHdEllipse hdellipse = app.ActiveDocument.DrawEllipse(new CPoint3D(circle1.xc, circle1.yc, 0), circle1.Radius);
                        DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, hdellipse, app.ActiveDocument, circle1.Layer);

                        circle1.Label = sType;
                else if (eld.Code == 4)
                    arc = Arctype.FromStream(fhandle);

                    arc.style = (short)(arc.style - 1);

                    XlateNmat(ref arc.xc, ref arc.yc, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref arc.xs, ref arc.ys, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref arc.xe, ref arc.ye, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    AWidthDbl = (double)(arc.Width);
                    if (arc.scatt != 0)
                        IHdArc hdarc = DrawingUtil.DrawArc(app.ActiveDocument, arc.xs, arc.ys, arc.xe, arc.ye, arc.xc, arc.yc, arc.Radius);
                        DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, hdarc, app.ActiveDocument, arc.Layer);
                        hdarc.Label = sType;
                else if (eld.Code == 9)
                    text       = TEXTtype.FromStream(fhandle);
                    text.style = (short)(text.style - 1);

                    XlateNmat(ref text.x1, ref text.y1, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    if (text.scatt != 0)
                        IHdText hdtext = app.ActiveDocument.DrawText(new CPoint3D(text.x1, text.y1, 0), text.text, text.Size);
                        DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, hdtext, app.ActiveDocument, text.Layer);

                        hdtext.Rotate(new CPoint3D(text.x1, text.y1, 0), text.rotn);

                        hdtext.Label = sType;
        public static void DrawChainage(IHeadsApplication app, string szFileName, string sType, bool bEngFunc)
            // 11/09/01
            Eldtype    eld     = new Eldtype();
            Linetype   line    = new Linetype();
            Boxtype    box     = new Boxtype();
            Circletype circle1 = new Circletype();
            Arctype    arc     = new Arctype();
            TEXTtype   text    = new TEXTtype();
            CCfgtype   cfg     = new CCfgtype();

            BinaryReader fhandle;                               //int fhandle;
            double       LWidthDbl = 0;                         //'/l->line
            double       BWidthDbl;                             //'/b->box
            double       AWidthDbl;                             //'/ a->text
            double       CWidthDbl;                             //'/c->circle
            //double						RotAngle = 0;

            //IHdPolyline3D		pLine;    // no plines req d deb
            //CvdSelection	MySelSet; // renentry d deb 11/09/01
            //CVdView						*drawing = NULL;	//frmDrawing drawing;
            //DrgReturn					Retval;
            //int							i = 0;
            CCfgtype tempcfg = new CCfgtype();
            long     NumPts  = 0;

            //    CDocument* pDocument = theApp.m_pDocTemplate->CreateNewDocument();

            //    BOOL bAutoDelete = pDocument->m_bAutoDelete;
            //    pDocument->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;   // don't destroy if something goes wrong
            //    CFrameWnd* pFrame = theApp.m_pDocTemplate->CreateNewFrame(pDocument, NULL);
            //    pDocument->m_bAutoDelete = bAutoDelete;

            //    pDocument->SetPathName(szFileName);
            //    theApp.m_pDocTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, pDocument, TRUE);

            //drawing = (CVdView*)GetCurrentView();

            if (File.Exists(szFileName) == false)
            fhandle = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(szFileName, FileMode.Open), Encoding.Default);

            //	if(bEngFunc)
            cfg = app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam;

            while (fhandle.BaseStream.Position < fhandle.BaseStream.Length)
                eld.Code = fhandle.ReadInt16();

                if (eld.Code == 99)
                    if (sType == "PVR" && (!bEngFunc))
                        cfg = CCfgtype.FromStream(fhandle);
                        app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam = cfg;
                        tempcfg = CCfgtype.FromStream(fhandle);
                    //RotAngle = 0;
                    NumPts = 0;
                else if (eld.Code == 1) // line
                    line = Linetype.FromStream(fhandle);

                    XlateNmat(ref line.x1, ref line.y1, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref line.x2, ref line.y2, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    LWidthDbl = (double)(line.width);                   //Convert to double
                    NumPts    = NumPts + 1;

                    if (line.scatt == 1)
                        IHdLine Entity = app.ActiveDocument.DrawLine(new CPoint3D(line.x1, line.y1, line.z1), new CPoint3D(line.x2, line.y2, line.z2));

                        if (Entity != null)
                            if (!bEngFunc)
                                string layerName = line.layer;
                                DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, Entity, app.ActiveDocument, layerName);


                        Entity.Label = sType;
                else if (eld.Code == 2)
                    box = Boxtype.FromStream(fhandle);

                    box.style = (short)(box.style - 1);

                    XlateNmat(ref box.x1, ref box.y1, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref box.x2, ref box.y2, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    BWidthDbl = (double)(box.Width);

                    if (box.scatt == 1)
                        IHdPolyline3D polyRect = DrawingUtil.DrawRect(app.ActiveDocument
                                                                      , new CPoint3D(box.x1, box.y1, 0)
                                                                      , new CPoint3D(box.x2, box.y2, 0));

                        DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, polyRect, app.ActiveDocument, box.Layer);

                        polyRect.Label = sType;
                else if (eld.Code == 3)
                    circle1 = Circletype.FromStream(fhandle);

                    circle1.style = (short)(circle1.style - 1);
                    XlateNmat(ref circle1.xc, ref circle1.yc, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    CWidthDbl = (double)(circle1.Width);

                    if (circle1.scatt == 1)
                        IHdEllipse hdellipse = app.ActiveDocument.DrawEllipse(new CPoint3D(circle1.xc, circle1.yc, 0), circle1.Radius);
                        DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, hdellipse, app.ActiveDocument, circle1.Layer);

                        hdellipse.Label = sType;
                else if (eld.Code == 4)
                    arc = Arctype.FromStream(fhandle);

                    arc.style = (short)(arc.style - 1);

                    XlateNmat(ref arc.xc, ref arc.yc, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref arc.xs, ref arc.ys, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref arc.xe, ref arc.ye, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    AWidthDbl = (double)(arc.Width);

                    if (arc.scatt != 0)
                        IHdArc hdarc = DrawingUtil.DrawArc(app.ActiveDocument, arc.xs, arc.ys, arc.xe, arc.ye, arc.xc, arc.yc, arc.Radius);
                        DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, hdarc, app.ActiveDocument, arc.Layer);

                        hdarc.Label = sType;
                else if (eld.Code == 9)
                    text = TEXTtype.FromStream(fhandle);

                    text.style = (short)(text.style - 1);

                    XlateNmat(ref text.x1, ref text.y1, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    if (text.scatt != 0)
                        IHdText hdtext = app.ActiveDocument.DrawText(new CPoint3D(text.x1, text.y1, 0), text.text, text.Size);
                        DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, hdtext, app.ActiveDocument, text.Layer);

                        hdtext.Rotate(new CPoint3D(text.x1, text.y1, 0), ViewerUtils.DegreeToRadian(text.rotn));
                        hdtext.Label = sType;
                        //DrawText(bEngFunc, text.text, text.x1, text.y1, text.Size, text.Color, text.style, text.Label, text.Layer, text.rotn, sType);

        public static void ImportFromDRG(IHeadsApplication app, string strPath, string sType, bool bEngFunc)

            CCfgtype     cfg     = app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam;
            Linetype     line    = null;
            Circletype   circle1 = null;
            TEXTtype     text    = null;
            Arctype      arc     = null;
            BinaryReader br      = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(strPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), Encoding.Default);
            Eldtype      eld     = new Eldtype();

            while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length)
                eld.Code = br.ReadInt16();
                if (GetDrgEleType(eld.Code) == DrgEleType.CONFIG)
                    if (sType == "PVR" && (!bEngFunc))
                        cfg = CCfgtype.FromStream(br);
                        app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam = cfg;
                        CCfgtype tempcfg = CCfgtype.FromStream(br);
                else if (GetDrgEleType(eld.Code) == DrgEleType.LINE)
                    line = Linetype.FromStream(br);

                    XlateNmat(ref line.x1, ref line.y1, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref line.x2, ref line.y2, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    //LWidthDbl = (double)(line.Width);			//Convert result into double :::why?
                    //NumPts = NumPts + 1;
                    if (line.scatt == 1)
                        line.style = (short)(line.style - 1);
                        IHdLine aLine = app.ActiveDocument.DrawLine(line.StartPoint, line.EndPoint);
                        aLine.ColorIndex = line.color;
                        SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, aLine, app.ActiveDocument, line.layer);
                    }//end if(line.scatt == 1)
                else if (GetDrgEleType(eld.Code) == DrgEleType.ELLIPSE)
                    circle1 = Circletype.FromStream(br);

                    circle1.style = (short)(circle1.style - 1);
                    //			circle1.Color = HeadsToVDraw(circle1.Color);
                    XlateNmat(ref circle1.xc, ref circle1.yc, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    //CWidthDbl = (double)(circle1.Width);

                    if (circle1.scatt == 1)
                        IHdEllipse ellipse = app.ActiveDocument.DrawEllipse(new CPoint3D(circle1.xc, circle1.yc, 0), circle1.Radius);
                        //DrawCircle(bEngFunc, circle1.xc, circle1.yc, circle1.Radius, circle1.Color, circle1.style, CWidthDbl, circle1.Label, circle1.Layer, RotAngle, sType);

                        SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, ellipse, app.ActiveDocument, circle1.Layer);

                        ellipse.Label      = circle1.Label;
                        ellipse.ColorIndex = circle1.color;
                else if (GetDrgEleType(eld.Code) == DrgEleType.ARC)
                    arc = Arctype.FromStream(br);

                    arc.style = (short)(arc.style - 1);
                    //			arc.Color = HeadsToVDraw(arc.Color);
                    XlateNmat(ref arc.xc, ref arc.yc, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref arc.xs, ref arc.ys, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);
                    XlateNmat(ref arc.xe, ref arc.ye, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    //AWidthDbl = (double)(arc.Width);
                    if (arc.scatt == 1)
                        IHdArc hdarc = DrawArc(app.ActiveDocument, arc.xs, arc.ys, arc.xe, arc.ye, arc.xc, arc.yc, arc.Radius);
                        SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, hdarc, app.ActiveDocument, arc.Layer);

                        hdarc.Label      = arc.Label;
                        hdarc.ColorIndex = arc.Color;
                else if (GetDrgEleType(eld.Code) == DrgEleType.TEXT)
                    text = TEXTtype.FromStream(br);

                    text.style = (short)(text.style - 1);

                    XlateNmat(ref text.x1, ref text.y1, cfg.XMetric, cfg.YMetric);

                    if (text.scatt != 0)
                        IHdText hdtext = app.ActiveDocument.DrawText(new CPoint3D(text.x1, text.y1, 0), text.text, text.Size);
                        DrawingUtil.SetLayerToEntity(bEngFunc, hdtext, app.ActiveDocument, text.Layer);
                        hdtext.Label = text.Label;
                        hdtext.Rotate(new CPoint3D(text.x1, text.y1, 0), ViewerUtils.DegreeToRadian(text.rotn));
                        hdtext.ColorIndex = text.Color;

        public void ApplyLayout(IHeadsApplication app)
            if (this.LastAppliedLayoutID != 0)
                if (MessageBox.Show("Last applied layout not accepted.\nDo you want to cancel the last applied layout?"
                                    , "Layout", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No)

            //this.LastAppliedLayout = null;
            if (this.LastAppliedLayoutID != 0)
                IHdEntity entity = app.ActiveDocument.GetObjectById(this.LastAppliedLayoutID);
                if (entity != null)
                this.LastAppliedLayoutID = 0;

            Layout.FormLayout formlayout = new Layout.FormLayout();

            if (this.LastAppliedLayout != null)
                formlayout.SelectedLayout = this.LastAppliedLayout;
            if (formlayout.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                CPoint3D ptBottomLeft = app.ActiveDocument.GetUserPoint("Select the bottom-left edge to place the sheet");
                if (ptBottomLeft != null)
                    this.LastAppliedLayout = formlayout.SelectedLayout;

                    CCfgtype cfg = app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam;
                    double   ActualHeight;
                    double   ActualWidth;
                    double   x2, y2, x11, y11, x22, y22;
                    double   x = ptBottomLeft.X;
                    double   y = ptBottomLeft.Y;

                    double Xpos = x * cfg.XMetric;
                    double Ypos = y * cfg.YMetric;
                    ActualHeight = this.LastAppliedLayout.sheetLength * (this.LastAppliedLayout.layOutScale / 1000.00);
                    ActualWidth  = this.LastAppliedLayout.sheetWidth * (this.LastAppliedLayout.layOutScale / 1000.00);
                    x2           = Xpos + ActualWidth;
                    y2           = Ypos + ActualHeight;

                    x11 = Xpos + this.LastAppliedLayout.leftM * (this.LastAppliedLayout.layOutScale / 1000.00);
                    y11 = Ypos + this.LastAppliedLayout.bottomM * (this.LastAppliedLayout.layOutScale / 1000.00);
                    x22 = x2 - this.LastAppliedLayout.rightM * (this.LastAppliedLayout.layOutScale / 1000.00);
                    y22 = y2 - this.LastAppliedLayout.topM * (this.LastAppliedLayout.layOutScale / 1000.00);

                    this.LastAppliedLayoutID = AddPolyLineLayout(app, Xpos, Ypos, x2, y2, x11, y11, x22, y22);

        private void ExecDrawString(BinaryReader br)
            bool bIsModel = false;
            bool bIsLabel = false;

            CPoint3D ptStart      = new CPoint3D();
            CPoint3D ptEnd        = new CPoint3D();
            CPoint3D ptLast       = new CPoint3D();
            CPoint3D ptFirst3dFac = new CPoint3D();
            string   strSeleModel = GetSelectedModelName();

            CTXTtype        txt          = new CTXTtype();
            CLinetype       uline        = new CLinetype();
            string          strModelName = "";
            int             NumPts       = 0;
            string          str1         = "";
            string          stgLabel     = "";
            IHdPoint        aPoint       = null;
            IHdPolyline3D   polyline     = null;
            CPTStype        pts          = new CPTStype();
            List <CPoint3D> pFArray      = new List <CPoint3D>();

            this.m_app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam.XMetric = 1.0;
            this.m_app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam.YMetric = 1.0;

            CCfgtype cfg = this.m_app.ActiveDocument.ConfigParam;

            int iSelectedLineType = this.GetSelectedLineType();

            double dTextHeight = (this.m_app.ActiveDocument.ActiveTextHeight > 0) ? this.m_app.ActiveDocument.ActiveTextHeight : 1.0;

            string strFilePath = m_strpathfilfile;
            //if (File.Exists(strFilePath))
                //BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), Encoding.Default);

                //set the progress bar max value

                while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length)
                    CLabtype labtype = CLabtype.FromStream(br);

                    if (labtype.attr == CLabtype.Type.Model) // Model Name
                        NumPts       = 0;
                        strModelName = ((CModType)labtype.Tag).Name;
                        bIsModel     = (strModelName == strSeleModel) ? true : false;
                    else if (labtype.attr == CLabtype.Type.String)// String Label
                        stgLabel = ((CStgType)labtype.Tag).label;
                        if (bIsModel)
                            bIsLabel = this.lbStringLebels_.CheckedItems.Contains(stgLabel);
                    else if (labtype.attr == CLabtype.Type.Point)
                        pts = (CPTStype)labtype.Tag;

                        ptEnd = new CPoint3D(pts.mx * cfg.XMetric, pts.my * cfg.YMetric, pts.mz);

                        ptStart = ptLast;
                        ptLast  = ptEnd;

                        if (bIsModel && bIsLabel)
                            uline.StartPoint = new CPoint3D(ptStart);
                            uline.EndPoint   = new CPoint3D(ptEnd);

                            str1 = stgLabel;
                            if (str1.ToUpper().StartsWith("P") == true)
                                if (str1.ToUpper().StartsWith("P0") == true)
                                    txt.Point = ptEnd;
                                    //double[] res = ptEnd.GetCordArr();

                                    txt.tr = 0.0;

                                    str1 = ptEnd.Z.ToString("0.000");
                                    this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawText(new CPoint3D(ptEnd.X, ptEnd.Y, dTextHeight), str1, dTextHeight);

                                    this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawLine(new CPoint3D(ptEnd.X - 0.5, ptEnd.Y, ptEnd.Z), new CPoint3D(ptEnd.X + 0.5, ptEnd.Y, ptEnd.Z));
                                    this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawLine(new CPoint3D(ptEnd.X, ptEnd.Y - 0.5, ptEnd.Z), new CPoint3D(ptEnd.X, ptEnd.Y + 0.5, ptEnd.Z));
                                    txt.Point = ptEnd;
                                    txt.tr    = 0.0;
                                    double[] res = ptEnd.GetCordArr();

                                    this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawText(new CPoint3D(ptEnd.X, ptEnd.Y, dTextHeight), str1, dTextHeight);

                                    this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawLine(new CPoint3D(ptEnd.X - 0.5, ptEnd.Y, ptEnd.Z), new CPoint3D(ptEnd.X + 0.5, ptEnd.Y, ptEnd.Z));
                                    this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawLine(new CPoint3D(ptEnd.X, ptEnd.Y - 0.5, ptEnd.Z), new CPoint3D(ptEnd.X, ptEnd.Y + 0.5, ptEnd.Z));
                                if (NumPts == 1)
                                    aPoint = this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawPoint(ptEnd);
                                    if (iSelectedLineType == 4)
                                        ptFirst3dFac = new CPoint3D(ptEnd);
                                else if (NumPts == 2)
                                    uline.Layer  = this.m_app.ActiveDocument.GetActiveLayer().Name;
                                    uline.elatt  = 1;
                                    uline.laatt  = 1;
                                    uline.Label  = strModelName;
                                    uline.Label += ":";
                                    uline.Label += stgLabel;
                                    uline.scatt  = 1;

                                    if (iSelectedLineType == 1)
                                        polyline = DrawingUtil.DrawPolyline3DDx(this.m_app.ActiveDocument, true, uline);
                                    else if (iSelectedLineType == 2)
                                        polyline = DrawingUtil.DrawPolyline3DDx(this.m_app.ActiveDocument, true, uline);
                                    else if (iSelectedLineType == 3)
                                        aPoint = this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawPoint(ptEnd);
                                    else if (iSelectedLineType == 4)

                                else if (NumPts > 2)
                                    if (iSelectedLineType == 1)
                                    else if (iSelectedLineType == 2)
                                        polyline = DrawingUtil.DrawPolyline3DDx(this.m_app.ActiveDocument, true, uline);
                                    else if (iSelectedLineType == 3)
                                        aPoint = this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawPoint(ptEnd);
                                    else if (iSelectedLineType == 4)
                    else if (labtype.attr == CLabtype.Type.Text)
                        txt = (CTXTtype)labtype.Tag;

                        ptEnd = new CPoint3D(txt.tx * cfg.XMetric, txt.ty * cfg.YMetric, txt.tz);
                        if (bIsLabel && bIsModel)
                            str1 = txt.tg;
                            //Display an Elevation
                            //TO DO:
                            this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawText(ptEnd, str1, dTextHeight);
                            aPoint = this.m_app.ActiveDocument.DrawPoint(ptEnd);
                    else if (labtype.attr == CLabtype.Type.EndCode)
                        if ((iSelectedLineType == 4) && (bIsLabel && bIsModel))
                            if ((System.Math.Abs(ptEnd.X - ptFirst3dFac.X) > 0.00001) || (System.Math.Abs(ptEnd.Y - ptFirst3dFac.Y) > 0.00001))
                                if (NumPts < 4)
                                    pFArray.Add(ptFirst3dFac);   //close the face

                            if (pFArray.Count > 3)
                                IHd3DFace face3d = this.m_app.ActiveDocument.Draw3DFace(pFArray[0], pFArray[1], pFArray[2], pFArray[3]);
                        NumPts = 0;
                    int iCurProgressInPercent = (int)(((double)br.BaseStream.Position / (double)br.BaseStream.Length) * 100.00);
