public override void Update(float dt) { elapsed += dt; if (elapsed > 1f) { elapsed = 0f; // CCLabelBMFont if (label1 != null) { RemoveChild(label1); } CCNode node = new CCNode(); CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize; float x = s.Width * CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1(); float y = s.Height * CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1(); label1 = new CCLabelBMFont(string.Format("{0:N2},{1:N2} @ Mem Leak Ctor", x, y), "fonts/konqa32.fnt", 255f, CCTextAlignment.Right, CCPoint.Zero); node.AddChild(label1); label1.Position = new CCPoint(x, y); AddChild(node); label1 = node; // Start - test case for memory leak mentioned at node.Scale = 2f; //--> This action causes the leak CCScaleTo acScale = new CCScaleTo(0.1f, 1); CCDelayTime acShow = new CCDelayTime(0.1f); CCSplitRows acFadeOut = new CCSplitRows(0.1f, 20); CCRemoveSelf acRemove = new CCRemoveSelf(true); CCSequence seq = new CCSequence(acScale, acShow, acFadeOut, acRemove); node.RunAction(seq); } }
/********************************************************************** *********************************************************************/ //Receiver sends ACK public static void SendACKFor(int seqnum) { if (!stopEverything) { //define object float yPos = 15 + (65 * (28 - seqnum)); //where the box !starts! OldPipelineProtocolsACK pp; //smaller rectangle at -- switch (seqnum) { case -1: pp = new OldPipelineProtocolsACK(seqnum, 5, 1); yPos = yPos + 12; //since it's smaller, it has to be a little further up, in order to look pretty break; default: pp = new OldPipelineProtocolsACK(seqnum, 0); break; } pp.Position = new CCPoint(280, yPos); layer.AddChild(pp); //define action float timeToTake = 5f; var distance = new CCPoint(80, yPos); //82 to 278 = 278-82 = 196 var sendPackageAction = new CCMoveTo(timeToTake, distance); //this action moves the object 196 in x-direction within 5 seconds var removeAction = new CCRemoveSelf(); //this action removes the object*/ //define sequence of actions and apply to object var cc_seq1 = new CCSequence(sendPackageAction, removeAction); pp.RunAction(cc_seq1); } }
/********************************************************************** *********************************************************************/ //this method imitates the sender of a packet. It is called by the method invoke public static void SendPackageAt(int seqnum) { if (!stopEverything) { if (seqnum == nextSeqnum) { DrawFillLeft(seqnum); } //pending if not already acknowledged . Add to list only once if (!arrivedAck.Any() && !pendingAck.Contains(seqnum) || arrivedAck.Any() && !arrivedAck.Contains(seqnum) && !pendingAck.Contains(seqnum)) { pendingAck.Add(seqnum); } //define object float yPos = 15 + (65 * (28 - seqnum)); //calculate where the box !starts! in the coordinate system var pp = new OldPipelineProtocolsPack(seqnum, 0); pp.Position = new CCPoint(80, yPos); layer.AddChild(pp); //define actions float timeToTake = 5f; var distance = new CCPoint(280, yPos); //82 to 278 = 278-82 = 196 var sendPackageAction = new CCMoveTo(timeToTake, distance); //this action moves the object 196 in x-direction within 5 seconds var removeAction = new CCRemoveSelf(); //this action removes the object //define sequence of actions and apply to object var cc_seq1 = new CCSequence(sendPackageAction, removeAction); pp.RunAction(cc_seq1); } }
public void ConveyorShushiLeftToRight() { var sushi = new CCSprite(sushiTexture); sushi.PositionX = -50f; sushi.PositionY = 210f; var moveBy = new CCMoveBy(4f, new CCPoint(500f, 0)); var remove = new CCRemoveSelf(); var sequence = new CCSequence(moveBy, remove); sushi.RunAction(sequence); AddChild(sushi); }
/********************************************************************** *********************************************************************/ public static void SlowDownPack(OldPipelineProtocolsPack pp, int xPos) { //stop running actions pp.StopAllActions(); //define actions float yPos = 15 + (65 * (28 - pp.seqnum)); float timeToTake = 8f; var distance = new CCPoint(280, yPos); var sendPackageAction = new CCMoveTo(timeToTake, distance); //this action moves the Object to the CCPoint var removeAction = new CCRemoveSelf(); //this action removes the object*/ //define sequence of actions and apply to object var cc_seq1 = new CCSequence(sendPackageAction, removeAction); pp.RunAction(cc_seq1); }
/********************************************************************** *********************************************************************/ public static void SlowDownAck(OldPipelineProtocolsACK aa, int xPos) { //stop running actions aa.StopAllActions(); //define actions float timeToTake = 8f; //SET TIME TO TAKE DEPENDING ON xPos? float yPos = 15 + (65 * (28 - aa.seqnum)); var distance = new CCPoint(80, yPos); var sendPackageAction = new CCMoveTo(timeToTake, distance); //this action moves the Object to the CCPoint var removeAction = new CCRemoveSelf(); //this action removes the object*/ //define sequence of actions and apply to object var cc_seq1 = new CCSequence(sendPackageAction, removeAction); aa.RunAction(cc_seq1); }
void CreatePipesAndCoins() { var pipeNode = new CCNode(); pipeNode.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.Zero; pipeNode.Name = "pipe"; var bottomPipe = new CCSprite("pipe"); bottomPipe.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.Zero; bottomPipe.ScaleX = 0.5f; bottomPipe.FlipY = true; bottomPipe.Name = "bottomPipe"; bottomPipe.Position = new CCPoint(0, 0); var pipeGap = new CCDrawNode(); pipeGap.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.Zero; pipeGap.DrawRect(new CCRect(0, 0, 1, (player.ContentSize.Height * 2.8f) - pipeGapShrink), CCColor4B.Red); pipeGap.Name = "sensorScore"; pipeGap.Position = new CCPoint(bottomPipe.ScaledContentSize.Width, bottomPipe.ContentSize.Height); pipeGap.Visible = false; var topPipe = new CCSprite("pipe"); topPipe.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.Zero; topPipe.ScaleX = 0.5f; topPipe.Name = "topPipe"; topPipe.Position = new CCPoint(0, bottomPipe.ContentSize.Height + pipeGap.ContentSize.Height); pipeNode.AddChild(bottomPipe); pipeNode.AddChild(pipeGap); pipeNode.AddChild(topPipe); AddChild(pipeNode); this.ReorderChild(pipeNode, -20); float xPosition = ContentSize.Width; float yPosition = CCRandom.Next(-530, 5); pipeNode.Position = new CCPoint(xPosition, yPosition); //Create coin var coin = new CCSprite("gold_1"); coin.Name = "coin"; coin.Scale = 0.75f; int coinPos = CCRandom.Next(0, 3); if (coinPos == 0) { coin.Tag = 0; coin.PositionX = topPipe.PositionX + 190; coin.PositionY = topPipe.PositionY + 120; } else if (coinPos == 1) { coin.Tag = 1; coin.PositionX = topPipe.PositionX + coin.ContentSize.Width / 3; coin.PositionY = topPipe.PositionY - pipeGap.ContentSize.Height / 2; } else { coin.Tag = 2; coin.PositionX = topPipe.PositionX + 190; coin.PositionY = topPipe.PositionY - pipeGap.ContentSize.Height - 120; } pipeNode.AddChild(coin); this.ReorderChild(coin, 10); CCAnimation coinAnimation = new CCAnimation(); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { coinAnimation.AddSpriteFrame(new CCSprite(string.Format("gold_{0}", i))); } coinAnimation.DelayPerUnit = 0.1f; var animate = new CCAnimate(coinAnimation); var animationAction = new CCRepeatForever(animate); coin.RunAction(animationAction); float endPosition = ContentSize.Width + (pipeNode.ContentSize.Width * 2) + 190; var moveAction = new CCMoveBy(6.2f, new CCPoint(-endPosition, 0)); var remove = new CCRemoveSelf(); var moveSequence = new CCSequence(moveAction, remove); pipeNode.RunAction(moveSequence); }
protected override void AddedToScene() { base.AddedToScene(); var backGround = new CCSprite("Images/BackGround/space", null) { Position = ContentSize.Center }; AddChild(backGround); if (_mode == GameMode.Replay) { playerPoint = _playData.PlayerPositions; enemyPopPointX = new Queue <int>(_playData.EnemyPopPoints_X); enemyTypes = new Queue <MoverType>(_playData.MoverTypes); var modeLabel = new CCLabel("リプレイモード", "arial", 30) { Color = new CCColor3B(255, 100, 100), Position = new CCPoint(380, GlobalGameData.Window_Height - 20) }; AddChild(modeLabel); } player = _mode == GameMode.Normal ? new Player() : new ReplayPlayer(playerPoint); AddChild(player.Node); enemys = new List <Enemy>(100); playerBullets = new List <IBullet <IShot> >(50); enemyBullets = new List <IBullet <IShot> >(100); if (_mode == GameMode.Normal) { playerPoint = new List <Point>(10000); enemyPopPointX = new Queue <int>(100); enemyTypes = new Queue <MoverType>(100); } brokenMovers = new BrokenMover[2]; brokenMovers[0] = new BrokenMover(new CCPoint(0, 650), (new NormalEnemySkin()).ImgPath, MoverType.NormalEnemy); brokenMovers[1] = new BrokenMover(new CCPoint(0, 620), (new StrongEnemySkin()).ImgPath, MoverType.StrongEnemy); AddChild(brokenMovers[0].Image); AddChild(brokenMovers[1].Image); AddChild(brokenMovers[0].Nodes[1]); AddChild(brokenMovers[1].Nodes[1]); var count3 = new CCSprite("Images/System/Count3"); var count2 = new CCSprite("Images/System/Count2"); var count1 = new CCSprite("Images/System/Count1"); var countGo = new CCSprite("Images/System/CountGo") { Tag = 0x1919 }; var counts = new[] { count3, count2, count1, countGo }; var countAction = new CCMoveTo(1, ContentSize.Center); var countsQueue = new Queue <CCNode>(counts); var remove = new CCRemoveSelf(); foreach (var count in counts) { count.Position = new CCPoint(1000, GlobalGameData.Window_Center_Y); AddChild(count); } void s(float f) { if (!countsQueue.Any()) { CCAudioEngine.SharedEngine.PlayBackgroundMusic(randomBGM, true); Unschedule(s); Schedule(RunGameLogic); Schedule((_) => { if (_mode == GameMode.Normal) { Enemy enemy = new Enemy(new EnemySkinFactory(), this); enemyPopPointX.Enqueue(enemy.InitXPoint); enemyTypes.Enqueue(enemy.Type); AddEnemy(enemy); } else if (_mode == GameMode.Replay) { if (!enemyPopPointX.Any() || !enemyTypes.Any()) { return; } AddEnemy(new ReplayEnemy(this, enemyPopPointX.Dequeue(), enemyTypes.Dequeue())); } }, 1.0f); Schedule((_) => { if (!player.IsEnable) { return; } AddBullets(playerBullets, player.Fire(playerBullets)); }, (1.0f / 6.0f)); Schedule(_ => { if (!player.IsEnable) { return; } Score++; }, 1.0f); AddEventListener(player.TouchListener, this); } else { var count = countsQueue.Dequeue(); count.RunActions(countAction, remove); if (count.Tag == 0x1919) { CCAudioEngine.SharedEngine.PlayEffect("SE/Countdown01-6"); } else { CCAudioEngine.SharedEngine.PlayEffect("SE/Countdown01-5"); } } }; Schedule(s, 1, 4, 1); var button = new CCSprite("Images/System/gear") { Position = new CCPoint(30, 30), }; var buttontouch = new CCEventListenerTouchOneByOne() { IsSwallowTouches = true, OnTouchBegan = (touch, _) => { if (button.BoundingBox.ContainsPoint(touch.Location)) { isbuttontouch = true; return(true); } return(false); }, OnTouchMoved = (touch, _) => { if (!isbuttontouch) { return; } isbuttontouch = false; if (button.BoundingBox.ContainsPoint(touch.Location)) { isbuttontouch = true; } }, OnTouchEnded = (touch, _) => { if (!isbuttontouch) { return; } if (button.BoundingBox.ContainsPoint(touch.Location)) { this.Pause(); //var dialog = new YesNoDialog("停止なう", "再開しますか", // ___ => // { // var _dialog = GetChildByTag(YesNoDialog.TAG) as YesNoDialog; // _dialog.Close(); // RemoveChild(_dialog); // this.Resume(); // }, null); //AddChild(dialog, 1, YesNoDialog.TAG); var pauseMenu = new ModalMenu() { Position = ContentSize.Center, }; var retryGame = new CCMenuItemLabel(new CCLabel("ゲームをやりなおす", "Arials", 50), A => { ChangeScene(new Game(randomBGM)); var dialog = GetChildByTag(ModalMenuDialog.TAG) as ModalMenuDialog; dialog.Close(); }); var goRanking = new CCMenuItemLabel(new CCLabel("ランキングにもどる", "Arial", 50), A => { ChangeScene(new Loading(new RankingAssetsLoader())); var dialog = GetChildByTag(ModalMenuDialog.TAG) as ModalMenuDialog; dialog.Close(); }); var goTitle = new CCMenuItemLabel(new CCLabel("タイトルにもどる", "Arial", 50), A => { ChangeScene(new Loading(new TitleAssetsLoader())); var dialog = GetChildByTag(ModalMenuDialog.TAG) as ModalMenuDialog; dialog.Close(); }); var resumeGame = new CCMenuItemLabel(new CCLabel("ゲームをつづける", "Arial", 50), A => { this.Resume(); var dialog = GetChildByTag(ModalMenuDialog.TAG) as ModalMenuDialog; dialog.Close(); RemoveChild(dialog); }); var menuItems = new[] { retryGame, goTitle, resumeGame }; foreach (var menuItem in menuItems) { pauseMenu.AddChild(menuItem); } pauseMenu.AlignItemsVertically(20); var modalMenuDialog = new ModalMenuDialog(pauseMenu); AddChild(modalMenuDialog, 1, ModalMenuDialog.TAG); } } }; AddChild(button); AddEventListener(buttontouch); }