public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> GetWarnings(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var instance = validationContext.ObjectInstance as AppBudget;

            if (instance.App != null && instance.AppBudgetServices != null)
                if (CCDecimals.Truncate(instance.App.CcGrant - instance.AppBudgetServices.Sum(f => f.CcGrant), CCDecimals.CompareDigits) < 0)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("\"Total Grant as specified by agency\" must be equal-or-lower than \"Total CC Grant\""));
                if (instance.App.RequiredMatch > 0)
                    if (CCDecimals.Truncate(instance.App.RequiredMatch - instance.AppBudgetServices.Sum(f => f.RequiredMatch), CCDecimals.CompareDigits) > 0)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("\"Total Required Match as specified by agency\" must be equal-or-greater than \"Total Required match\""));
                if (instance.App.AgencyContribution)
                    if (instance.AppBudgetServices.Sum(f => f.AgencyContribution) <= 0)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("\"The total Agency’s Contribution is 0, Are you sure?"));
                if (instance.App.InterlineTransfer && instance.Revised)
                    if (ValidateInterlineTranfer(instance.Id) != null)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Warning: This budget content does not meet validation requirements for automatic approval. After you hit submit the budget will go to the Program Officer for review."));
                if (instance.Revised)
                    using (var db = new ccEntities())
                        var ytdYear       = DateTime.Now.Year;
                        var servicetotals = (from a in
                                             (from item in db.viewSubreportAmounts
                                              join innerabs in db.AppBudgetServices.Where(f => f.AppBudgetId == this.Id) on item.AppBudgetServiceId equals innerabs.Id
                                              join mr in db.MainReports.Where(f => f.StatusId == (int)MainReport.Statuses.Approved) on item.MainReportId equals mr.Id
                                              where mr.Start.Year == ytdYear
                                              select new
                            ServiceId = innerabs.ServiceId,
                            AgencyId = innerabs.AgencyId,
                            Amount = item.Amount
                                             group a by new { a.ServiceId, a.AgencyId } into g
                                             select new
                            ServiceId = g.Key.ServiceId,
                            AgencyId = g.Key.AgencyId,
                            Amount = g.Sum(f => f.Amount),
                        var q = (from abs in instance.AppBudgetServices
                                 join abst in servicetotals on new { abs.ServiceId, abs.AgencyId } equals new { abst.ServiceId, abst.AgencyId }
                                 where abs.CcGrant < abst.Amount
                                 select new
                            ServiceId = abst.ServiceId,
                            Amount = abst.Amount,
                            ServiceName = abs.Service.Name
                        }).Distinct().OrderBy(f => f.ServiceId).ToList();

                        if (q.Any())
                            string error = "The revised Budget for service(s) ";
                            foreach (var item in q)
                                error += item.ServiceName;
                                if (q.Last().ServiceId != item.ServiceId)
                                    error += ", ";
                            error += " is less than the amount already reported for the year.  Budgeted amounts must be equal to or greater than the reported amount for each service.";
                            yield return(new ValidationResult(error));
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var instance = validationContext.ObjectInstance as AppBudget;

            if (instance.ValidUntill.HasValue)
                if (instance.ValidUntill.Value == instance.App.StartDate || instance.ValidUntill.Value == instance.App.EndDate)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Valid Until date can not be equal to app start date or app end date"));
                else if (instance.ValidUntill.Value <= instance.App.StartDate || instance.App.EndDate <= instance.ValidUntill.Value)
                    var message = string.Format("Valid Until date must be between app start date ({0}) and app end date ({1}).", instance.App.StartDate, instance.App.EndDate);
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(message, new string[] { instance.GetPropertyInfo((AppBudget f) => f.ValidUntill).Name }));

            if (this.Id != default(int) && AppBudget.EditableStatuses.Contains((AppBudgetApprovalStatuses)this.StatusId))
                //validate total cc grant
                using (var db = new ccEntities())
                    var ccGrant = db.AppBudgetServices.Where(f => f.AppBudgetId == this.Id).Sum(f => (decimal?)f.CcGrant);
                    if (ccGrant.HasValue)
                        var appgrant = db.AppBudgets.Where(f => f.Id == this.Id).Select(f => f.App.CcGrant).SingleOrDefault();
                        if (CCDecimals.Truncate(ccGrant - appgrant, CCDecimals.CompareDigits) > 0)
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Total CC Grant requested exceeded CC Grant for this budget."));

                using (var db = new ccEntities())
                    var appbs = db.AppBudgetServices.Where(f => f.AppBudgetId == this.Id);

                    var totalAmount = appbs.Sum(f => (decimal?)f.CcGrant);

                    var excHours = from c in Queries.GetServiceConstraints(db, this.AppId)
                                   join s in db.Services on c.ServiceId equals s.Id
                                   where s.ExceptionalHomeCareHours
                                   join a in
                                   (from appbudgetService in appbs
                                    group appbudgetService by appbudgetService.ServiceId into appBudgetServiceGroup
                                    select new
                        ServiceTypeId = appBudgetServiceGroup.Key,
                        Amount = (decimal?)appBudgetServiceGroup.Sum(f => f.CcGrant) ?? 0
                    }) on c.ServiceId equals a.ServiceTypeId into ag
                                   from a in ag.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                   select new
                        ServiceId = c.ServiceId,
                        Name      = s.Name,
                        Max       = c.MaxExpPercentage,
                        Min       = c.MinExpPercentage,
                        Amount    = (decimal?)a.Amount ?? 0
                    foreach (var item in excHours.Where(f => EntityFunctions.Truncate(f.Amount - totalAmount * f.Max, CCDecimals.CompareDigits) > 0))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format("CC Grant requested for \"{0}\" service exceeded maximum {1} of total CC Grant for this budget.",
                                                                        (item.Max ?? 0).FormatPercentage())));

                    var appbudgetServices = from ab in db.AppBudgetServices
                                            where ab.AppBudgetId == this.Id
                                            select ab;

                    var appBudget = db.AppBudgets.Where(f => f.Id == this.Id).Single();

                    //get the total sum of the services
                    var model = (from ab in appbudgetServices
                                 group ab by ab.AppBudgetId into abg
                                 select new
                        AppBudgetId = abg.Key,
                        CcGrant = (decimal?)abg.Sum(f => f.CcGrant) ?? 0,
                        RequiredMatch = (decimal?)abg.Sum(a => a.RequiredMatch) ?? 0,
                        AgencyContribution = (decimal?)abg.Sum(a => a.AgencyContribution) ?? 0,

                    //total amount from financial repoprts

                    var HcCcGrant    = (appbudgetServices.Where(f => f.Service.ServiceType.Name == "HomeCare").Sum(f => (decimal?)f.CcGrant) ?? 0);
                    var AdminCcGrant = (appbudgetServices.Where(f => f.Service.ServiceType.Name == "Administrative Overhead").Sum(f => (decimal?)f.CcGrant) ?? 0);
                    var OtherGrant   = (appbudgetServices.Where(f => f.Service.ServiceType.Name != "HomeCare" && f.Service.ServiceType.Name != "Administrative Overhead").Sum(f => (decimal?)f.CcGrant) ?? 0);

                    var AdminPercentage = model.CcGrant != 0 ? AdminCcGrant / model.CcGrant : 0;
                    var HcPercentage    = model.CcGrant != 0 ? HcCcGrant / model.CcGrant : 0;
                    var OtherPercentage = OtherGrant > 0 ? 1 - HcPercentage - AdminPercentage : 0;

                    var q = (from a in db.Apps.Where(f => f.Id == appBudget.AppId)
                             join fund in db.Funds on a.FundId equals fund.Id
                             select new
                        OtherServicesMax = (a.OtherServicesMax ?? fund.OtherServicesMax ?? 100) / 100,
                        HomecareMin = (a.HomecareMin ?? fund.HomecareMin ?? 0) / 100,
                        AdminMax = (a.AdminMax ?? fund.AdminMax ?? 100) / 100

                    if (AdminPercentage > q.AdminMax)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format("CC Grant requested for \"Administrative Overhead\" services exceeded maximum {0} of total CC Grant for this budget.",
                    if (HcPercentage < q.HomecareMin)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format("\"Homecare\" minimum percentage ({0}) is not met", (q.HomecareMin).FormatPercentage())));
                    if (OtherPercentage > q.OtherServicesMax)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format("CC Grant requested for \"Other\" services exceeded maximum {0} of total CC Grant for this budget.",

                    if (instance.Revised)
                        var ytdYear       = DateTime.Now.Year;
                        var servicetotals = (from a in
                                             (from item in db.viewSubreportAmounts
                                              join innerabs in db.AppBudgetServices.Where(f => f.AppBudgetId == this.Id) on item.AppBudgetServiceId equals innerabs.Id
                                              join mr in db.MainReports.Where(f => f.StatusId == (int)MainReport.Statuses.Approved) on item.MainReportId equals mr.Id
                                              where mr.Start.Year == ytdYear
                                              select new
                            ServiceId = innerabs.ServiceId,
                            Amount = item.Amount
                                             group a by a.ServiceId into g
                                             select new
                            Id = g.Key,
                            Amount = g.Sum(f => f.Amount),
                        var budgetTotalReported = servicetotals != null?servicetotals.Sum(f => f.Amount) : 0;

                        var budgetTotal = instance.AppBudgetServices.Sum(f => f.CcGrant);
                        if (budgetTotal < budgetTotalReported)
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Total Budget must be equal to or greater than total Reported amount."));

                    //AppId can be equal to 0, for example - when updating a budget status
                    if (instance.AppId != default(int))
                        var app = db.Apps.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == instance.AppId);
                        if (app.MaxHcCaseManagementPersonnel.HasValue)
                            const int hcCaseManagementPersonnelServiceId = 442;
                            var       x = ValidateServiceCaps(appbudgetServices
                                                              , new[] { hcCaseManagementPersonnelServiceId }
                                                              , app.MaxHcCaseManagementPersonnel.Value
                                                              , "Agency {0} exceeded Cap for Homecare - Case Management Personnel.");
                            foreach (var item in x)
                                yield return(item);
                        if (app.MaxServicesPersonnelOther.HasValue)
                            var serviceids = new[] { 373, 433 };
                            var x          = ValidateServiceCaps(appbudgetServices
                                                                 , serviceids
                                                                 , app.MaxServicesPersonnelOther.Value
                                                                 //, app.MaxHcCaseManagementPersonnel.Value
                                                                 , "Agency {0} exceeded Cap for Other Services - Personnel - Other / Other Services - Personnel - Other with names.");
                            foreach (var item in x)
                                yield return(item);