private void PrepareZoom(int masterCopySeparationSet, string pageName, int approve, int version, bool isMono, bool forcePDF)
            Session["CurrentPageName"]          = pageName;
            Session["CurrentPageFormat"]        = "";
            Session["CurrentCopySeparationSet"] = masterCopySeparationSet;
            Session["CurrentApprovalState"]     = approve;
            Session["CurrentVersion"]           = version;
            Session["ImagePath"]       = "";
            Session["ImagePathMask"]   = "";
            Session["ImagePathRaster"] = "";
            Session["RealImagePath"]   = "";
            Session["HasTiles"]        = false;
            Session["HasRaster"]       = false;
            double     xdim           = 0.0;
            double     ydim           = 0.0;
            double     bleed          = 0.0;
            string     currentComment = "";
            int        publicationID  = 0;
            DateTime   pubDate        = DateTime.MinValue;
            bool       hasMask        = false;
            bool       hasTiles       = false;
            bool       hasRaster      = false;
            string     errmsg         = "";
            CCDBaccess db             = new CCDBaccess();

            string pagesizeinfo = "";

            db.GetSizeInfoForPage(masterCopySeparationSet, ref pagesizeinfo, out errmsg);
            if (pagesizeinfo != "")
                Session["CurrentPageFormat"] = pagesizeinfo;
                db.GetPageFormatForPage(masterCopySeparationSet, ref xdim, ref ydim, ref bleed, out errmsg);
                if (xdim > 0.0 && ydim > 0.0)
                    string s = string.Format("{0:F1} x {1:F1}", xdim, ydim);
                    if (bleed > 0)
                        s += string.Format(" bleed {0:F1}", bleed);
                    Session["CurrentPageFormat"] = s;


            bool showSep = (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "C" ||
                           (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "M" ||
                           (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "Y" ||
                           (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "K" ||
                           (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "DNS";

            db.GetComment(masterCopySeparationSet, out currentComment, out publicationID, out pubDate, out errmsg);
            if ((bool)Application["SetCommentInPrePollPageTable"])
                currentComment = db.GetPrePollMessage(masterCopySeparationSet, 350, out errmsg);

            string previewGUID = Globals.MakePreviewGUID(publicationID, pubDate);

            Session["CurrentComment"] = (bool)Session["SetCommentOnDisapproval"] ? currentComment : "";

            if ((bool)Application["ThumbnailShowMask"])
                hasMask = db.HasMask(masterCopySeparationSet, out errmsg);

            string realRasterPath    = "";
            string virtualRasterPath = "";

            if ((bool)Application["ShowRasterImage"])
                if (Globals.HasRasterTileFolder(masterCopySeparationSet, version, publicationID, pubDate, ref realRasterPath, ref virtualRasterPath))
                    hasRaster = true;
                    Session["ImagePathRaster"] = virtualRasterPath;
                    Session["HasRaster"]       = true;

            string realPath    = "";
            string virtualPath = "";

            if (Globals.HasTileFolder(masterCopySeparationSet, version, publicationID, pubDate, false, ref realPath, ref virtualPath))
                hasTiles             = true;
                Session["ImagePath"] = virtualPath;
                Session["HasTiles"]  = true;

            if (hasMask && hasTiles)
                if (Globals.HasTileFolder(masterCopySeparationSet, version, publicationID, pubDate, true, ref realPath, ref virtualPath))
                    Session["ImagePathMask"] = virtualPath;
                    hasMask = false;

            bool hasGUIDname = realPath.IndexOf("====") != -1;
            bool hasCyan, hasMagenta, hasYellow, hasBlack, hasDNS;

            if (hasGUIDname)
                hasCyan    = System.IO.File.Exists(Global.sRealImageFolder + "\\" + previewGUID + "====" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_C.jpg");
                hasMagenta = System.IO.File.Exists(Global.sRealImageFolder + "\\" + previewGUID + "====" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_M.jpg");
                hasYellow  = System.IO.File.Exists(Global.sRealImageFolder + "\\" + previewGUID + "====" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_Y.jpg");
                hasBlack   = System.IO.File.Exists(Global.sRealImageFolder + "\\" + previewGUID + "====" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_K.jpg");
                hasDNS     = System.IO.File.Exists(Global.sRealImageFolder + "\\" + previewGUID + "====" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_dns.jpg");
                hasCyan    = System.IO.File.Exists(Global.sRealImageFolder + "\\" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_C.jpg");
                hasMagenta = System.IO.File.Exists(Global.sRealImageFolder + "\\" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_M.jpg");
                hasYellow  = System.IO.File.Exists(Global.sRealImageFolder + "\\" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_Y.jpg");
                hasBlack   = System.IO.File.Exists(Global.sRealImageFolder + "\\" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_K.jpg");
                hasDNS     = System.IO.File.Exists(Global.sRealImageFolder + "\\" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_dns.jpg");

            string realPdfPagePath;
            string virtualPdfPagePath;

            bool hasPDF = Globals.HasPdfPage(masterCopySeparationSet, out realPdfPagePath, out virtualPdfPagePath, (bool)Application["ShowAnnotatedPDF"]);

            bool hasPDFCMYKSplit = hasPDF && hasTiles;

            SetRadToolbarVisible2("C", isMono == false && hasCyan && forcePDF == false);
            SetRadToolbarVisible2("M", isMono == false && hasMagenta && forcePDF == false);
            SetRadToolbarVisible2("Y", isMono == false && hasYellow && forcePDF == false);
            SetRadToolbarVisible2("K", isMono == false && hasBlack && forcePDF == false);
            SetRadToolbarVisible2("Dns", isMono == false && hasDNS && forcePDF == false);
            SetRadToolbarVisible2("PDF", hasPDF);
            SetRadToolbarVisible2("CMYK", forcePDF == false);
            SetRadToolbarVisible2("PDFCMYK", hasPDFCMYKSplit);
            SetRadToolbarVisible2("Raster", hasRaster);

            if (hasTiles == false || showSep)
                if (Globals.HasPreview(masterCopySeparationSet, version, publicationID, pubDate, false, ref realPath, ref virtualPath, showSep ? (string)Session["ShowSep"] : ""))
                    Session["ImagePath"] = virtualPath;
                if (hasMask)
                    if (Globals.HasPreview(masterCopySeparationSet, version, publicationID, pubDate, true, ref realPath, ref virtualPath, showSep ? (string)Session["ShowSep"] : ""))
                        Session["ImagePathMask"] = virtualPath;
                        hasMask = false;

            SetRadToolbarVisible2("Mask", forcePDF == false && hasMask && (string)Session["ImagePathMask"] != "" && (bool)Application["ThumbnailShowMask"]);

            if (forcePDF && hasPDF)
                simpleFlash          = 2;
                Session["ShowSep"]   = "PDF";
                Session["ImagePath"] = virtualPdfPagePath;
                SetRadToolbarVisible2("Forward", false);
                SetRadToolbarVisible2("Backward", false);
                SetRadToolbarVisible2("ForwardOnly", false);
                SetRadToolbarVisible2("BackwardOnly", false);
                SetRadToolbarVisible2("ForwardDis", false);
                SetRadToolbarVisible2("BackwardDis", false);
                SetRadToolbarVisible2("PDF", false);
                SetRadToolbarVisible2("PDFCMYK", false);
                SetRadToolbarVisible2("Raster", false);

            if ((string)Session["ImagePath"] == "")
                // Display error message..

            if ((string)Session["ImagePath"] != "")
                Session["RealImagePath"] = realPath;    // For mail attachment only
            // Finally - set the global sImagePath var used by flash module

            sImagePath = (string)Session["ImagePath"] + "/";

            // Default to CMYK if missing file(s)
            if ((string)Session["ShowSep"] == "C" && hasCyan == false ||
                (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "M" && hasMagenta == false ||
                (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "Y" && hasYellow == false ||
                (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "K" && hasBlack == false ||
                (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "DNS" && hasDNS == false ||
                (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "PDF" && hasPDF == false ||
                (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "PDFCMYK" && (hasPDF == false || hasTiles == false) ||
                (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "MASK" && (string)Session["ImagePathMask"] == "" ||
                (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "RASTER" && (string)Session["ImagePathRaster"] == "")
                Session["ShowSep"] = "CMYK";

            /*        if ((bool)Application["NoCache"])
             *      {
             *          string randomnumber = "&randowm_number=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
             *       sFlashVars += randomnumber;
             *      }

            if (hasGUIDname)
                printimagepath = (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "MASK" ?
                                 Global.sVirtualImageFolder + "/" + previewGUID + "====" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_mask.jpg" :
                                 Global.sVirtualImageFolder + "/" + previewGUID + "====" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + ".jpg";
                printimagepath = (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "MASK" ?
                                 Global.sVirtualImageFolder + "/" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + "_mask.jpg" :
                                 Global.sVirtualImageFolder + "/" + masterCopySeparationSet.ToString() + ".jpg";

            printimagepath = Globals.EncodePreviewName(printimagepath);

            if ((bool)Application["LogUserAccess"] == true)
                LogUserView(masterCopySeparationSet, (string)Session["UserName"]);

            if ((string)Session["ShowSep"] == "PDFCMYK" && hasPDF && hasTiles)
                simpleFlash           = 1;
                sImagePath            = (string)Session["ImagePath"] + "/";
                Session["ImagePath2"] = virtualPdfPagePath;

            if ((string)Session["ShowSep"] == "PDF" && hasPDF)
                simpleFlash          = 2;
                Session["ImagePath"] = virtualPdfPagePath;

            SetRadToolbarChecked2("Mask", false);
            if (hasTiles && (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "MASK")
                simpleFlash = 0;
                sImagePath  = (string)Session["ImagePathMask"] + "/";
                SetRadToolbarChecked2("Mask", true);

            SetRadToolbarChecked2("Raster", false);
            if (hasRaster && (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "RASTER" && (bool)Application["ShowRasterImage"])
                simpleFlash = 0;
                sImagePath  = (string)Session["ImagePathRaster"] + "/";
                SetRadToolbarChecked2("Raster", true);

            if (hasTiles && (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "CMYK")
                simpleFlash = 0;
                sImagePath  = (string)Session["ImagePath"] + "/";

            // All other images are shown without tiles
            simpleFlash = 3; // (bool)Session["mobiledevice"] || (bool)Session["UseHTML5"] ? 3 : 1;
            sImagePath  = (string)Session["ImagePath"];
        private void PrepareZoom(int masterCopySeparationSetLeft, int masterCopySeparationSetRight, string pageNameLeft, string pageNameRight, int approve)
            Session["CurrentPageName"]           = pageNameLeft;
            Session["CurrentPageName2"]          = pageNameRight;
            Session["CurrentCopySeparationSet"]  = masterCopySeparationSetLeft;
            Session["CurrentCopySeparationSet2"] = masterCopySeparationSetRight;
            Session["CurrentApprovalState"]      = approve;
            Session["ImagePath"]     = "";
            Session["ImagePathMask"] = "";
            Session["RealImagePath"] = "";
            Session["HasTiles"]      = false;


            string     currentComment = "";
            int        publicationID  = 0;
            DateTime   pubDate        = DateTime.MinValue;
            bool       hasMask        = false;
            bool       hasTiles       = false;
            string     errmsg         = "";
            CCDBaccess db             = new CCDBaccess();

            db.GetComment(masterCopySeparationSetLeft > 0 ? masterCopySeparationSetLeft : masterCopySeparationSetRight, out currentComment, out publicationID, out pubDate, out errmsg);
            if ((bool)Application["SetCommentInPrePollPageTable"])
                currentComment = db.GetPrePollMessage(masterCopySeparationSetLeft > 0 ? masterCopySeparationSetLeft : masterCopySeparationSetRight, 350, out errmsg);

            /*Session["CurrentComment"] = (bool)Session["SetCommentOnDisapproval"] ? currentComment : "";
             * Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebToolbar.TBTextBox commentbox = (Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebToolbar.TBTextBox)UltraWebToolbar1.Items.FromKey("Comment");
             * if (commentbox != null)
             *  commentbox.Text = currentComment;
            if ((bool)Application["ThumbnailShowMask"])
                hasMask = db.HasMask(masterCopySeparationSetLeft > 0 ? masterCopySeparationSetLeft : masterCopySeparationSetRight, out errmsg);

            string realPath    = "";
            string virtualPath = "";

            if (Globals.HasTileFolderReadview(masterCopySeparationSetLeft, masterCopySeparationSetRight, publicationID, pubDate, false, ref realPath, ref virtualPath))
                hasTiles             = true;
                Session["ImagePath"] = virtualPath;
                Session["HasTiles"]  = true;

            if (hasMask)
                if (Globals.HasTileFolderReadview(masterCopySeparationSetLeft, masterCopySeparationSetRight, publicationID, pubDate, true, ref realPath, ref virtualPath))
                    Session["ImagePathMask"] = virtualPath;

            string folderToTest = Global.sRealReadViewImageFolder + "\\" + masterCopySeparationSetLeft.ToString() + "_" + masterCopySeparationSetRight.ToString() + "\\";

            if (hasTiles == false)
                if (Globals.HasPreviewReadview(masterCopySeparationSetLeft, masterCopySeparationSetRight, publicationID, pubDate, false, ref realPath, ref virtualPath))
                    Session["ImagePath"] = virtualPath;
                if (hasMask)
                    if (Globals.HasPreviewReadview(masterCopySeparationSetLeft, masterCopySeparationSetRight, publicationID, pubDate, true, ref realPath, ref virtualPath))
                        Session["ImagePathMask"] = virtualPath;

            if ((string)Session["ImagePath"] == "")
                // Display error message..

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarButton maskbutton = (Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarButton)RadToolBar1.FindItemByValue("Mask");
            if (maskbutton != null)
                maskbutton.Visible = hasMask && (string)Session["ImagePathMask"] != "" && (bool)Application["ThumbnailShowMask"];

            if ((string)Session["ImagePath"] != "")
                Session["RealImagePath"] = realPath;    // For mail attachment only
            // Finally - set the global sImagePath var used by flash module

            sImagePath = (string)Session["ImagePath"];

            // Default to CMYK if missing file(s)
            if ((string)Session["ShowSep"] == "MASK" && (string)Session["ImagePathMask"] == "")
                Session["ShowSep"] = "CMYK";

            printimagepath = (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "MASK" ?
                             Global.sVirtualImageFolder + "/" + masterCopySeparationSetLeft.ToString() + "_" + masterCopySeparationSetRight.ToString() + "_mask.jpg" :
                             Global.sVirtualImageFolder + "/" + masterCopySeparationSetLeft.ToString() + "_" + masterCopySeparationSetRight.ToString() + ".jpg";

            if ((bool)Application["LogUserAccess"] == true)
                LogUserView(masterCopySeparationSetLeft > 0 ? masterCopySeparationSetLeft : masterCopySeparationSetRight, (string)Session["UserName"]);

            maskbutton.Checked = false;
            if (hasTiles && (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "MASK")
                simpleFlash        = 0;
                sImagePath         = (string)Session["ImagePathMask"] + "/";
                maskbutton.Checked = true;
            if (hasTiles && (string)Session["ShowSep"] == "CMYK")
                simpleFlash = 0;
                sImagePath += "/";

            // All other images are shown without tiles
            simpleFlash = 1;
            sImagePath += ".jpg";