/// <summary>
        /// Attempts to connect to a device using the specified COM port.
        /// </summary>
        public CSerialSimulator(string port, CBaseSimulator.SimulatorSetupTypes setupType, bool isDemoVersion, bool isDebugModeActivated)
            this.myComPort   = port;
            this.isDemo      = isDemoVersion;
            this.isDebugMode = isDebugModeActivated;
            this.setupType   = setupType;

            if (setupType == SimulatorSetupTypes.OneDevice)
                myStatusDisplayInstance = SimulatorInterfaces.StatusDisplay.Instance;

            if (!isDemo && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(port) && port.Contains("COM"))
            else //only register error events
                #region ErrorEventHandlers //Error Handlers are initialized here
                myDevice.NoConnectionError      += new EventHandler(MyDevice_NoConnectionError);
                myDevice.PressureDeviceLibError += new EventHandler <DeviceEventArgs>(Simulator_PressureDeviceLibError);
                myDevice.Com.ComLibError        += new EventHandler <ComLib.ErrorEventArgs>(Com_ComLibError);
                myDevice.Com.DeviceError        += new EventHandler(Com_DeviceError);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the events and the timers needed for observation of the system.
        /// </summary>
        public void StartWatching(CBaseSimulator.SimulatorSetupTypes setupType)
            this.simulatorSetupType = setupType;

            if (!bWatching)
                Logger.AddLogEntry(Logger.LogEntryCategories.Debug, "Watchdog.StartWatching() called.");
                SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged += new PowerModeChangedEventHandler(SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged); //detect standby, hibernate, wake up, ...

                ScreenSaverStateCheckTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(ScreenSaverStateCheckTimer_Tick);   //periodically checks if screensaver was activated
                ScreenSaverStateCheckTimer.Interval = 2000;

                SimulatorPingTimer.Elapsed += SimulatorPingTimer_Elapsed;
                SimulatorPingTimer.Interval = 30000;

            bWatching = true;
            /// <summary>
            /// Starts search for connected usb/bluetooth devices and prepares all connected simulators for use.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>True if startup was successful, false otherwise.</returns>
            public bool Initialize(bool useQuickConnect, string quickConnectComPorts, CBaseSimulator.SimulatorSetupTypes type, bool isDebugMode)
                var devices = CSerialServer.Instance.SearchDevices(1, useQuickConnect, quickConnectComPorts, type, isDebugMode);

                return(devices?.Count > 0);
            /// <summary>
            /// Starts search for connected usb/bluetooth devices and prepares all connected simulators for use.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>True if startup was successful, false otherwise.</returns>
            public bool Initialize(int numberOfRequiredDevices, bool useQuickConnect, string quickConnectComPorts, CBaseSimulator.SimulatorSetupTypes type, bool isDebugMode)
                if (bInitialized)

                while (CSerialServer.Instance.SearchIsRunning) //if this method is called more than once before the first call has finished, the server is already searching for the devices --> wait for the search to finish

                var devices = CSerialServer.Instance.SearchDevices(numberOfRequiredDevices, useQuickConnect, quickConnectComPorts, type, isDebugMode);

                if (devices.Count > 0)
                    bSimulatorConncted = true;
                    List <string> connectedIds = new List <string>();

                    foreach (var client in devices)

                    if (SimulatorConnectionChanged != null)

                return(devices.Count == numberOfRequiredDevices);
        public List <CSerialSimulator> SearchDevices(int requiredNumberOfDevices, bool useQuickConnect, string quickConnectComPorts, CBaseSimulator.SimulatorSetupTypes type, bool isDebugMode)
                if (bSearchRunning)

                bSearchRunning = true;

                //first, try the last used COM port if we only need one simulator device
                if (useQuickConnect && type == SimulatorInterfaces.CBaseSimulator.SimulatorSetupTypes.OneDevice)
                    #region Quick connect single simulator

                    string comPortDeluxe = "";

                    if (!quickConnectComPorts.Contains('|')) //this may contain more than one COM port, separated by '|'
                        comPortDeluxe = quickConnectComPorts;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comPortDeluxe))
                            CSerialSimulator newSim = new CSerialSimulator(comPortDeluxe, type, false, isDebugMode); //try to connect to a simulator device

                            if (newSim.IsConnected)                                                                  //bingo!
                                Logger.AddLogEntry(Logger.LogEntryCategories.Debug, "Quick connect found a simulator at COM port: " + newSim.ComPort);
                                goto Finish;
                        catch { }
                else if (useQuickConnect && type == SimulatorInterfaces.CBaseSimulator.SimulatorSetupTypes.MultipleDevices)
                    #region Quick connect multiple simulators

                    string[] comPorts = null;

                    if (quickConnectComPorts.Contains('|')) //this may contain more than one COM port, separated by '|'
                        comPorts = quickConnectComPorts.Split('|');

                    if (comPorts != null && comPorts.Length > 1)
                            foreach (string comPort in comPorts)
                                CSerialSimulator newSim = new CSerialSimulator(comPort, type, false, isDebugMode); //try to connect to a simulator device

                                if (newSim.IsConnected)                                                            //bingo!

                            if (connectedSimulators.Count == requiredNumberOfDevices)
                                goto Finish;
                        catch { }

                List <string> portDescrList = new List <string>();

                using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT DeviceID,Caption FROM WIN32_SerialPort")) //get descriptions for each serial port so that we can pre-filter the port list
                    string[] portnames = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
                    var      ports     = searcher.Get().Cast <ManagementBaseObject>().ToList();
                    var      tList     = (from n in portnames
                                          join p in ports on n equals p["DeviceID"].ToString()
                                          select n + " - " + p["Caption"]).ToList();


                List <string> filteredComPorts = new List <string>();

                //filter the serial port list to only have usb and bluetooth ports
                foreach (string port in new List <string>(portDescrList))
                    if (!port.Contains("USB") && !port.Contains("Bluetooth"))

                //now remove the descriptions to have a list that contains only items in the form "COM1", "COM7", ...
                Regex         comPortRegex  = new Regex(@"COM\d{1,3}");
                List <string> filteredPorts = new List <string>();
                foreach (string port in portDescrList)
                    if (comPortRegex.Match(port).Success)

                //on Windows 10, COM ports sometimes contain invalid characters due to a bug in SerialPort.GetPortNames() --> validate these ports (although they shouldn't be possible at this point anymore)
                foreach (string port in new List <string>(filteredPorts))
                    string number = Regex.Replace(port, @"\D*(\d+)\D*", "$1"); //only gets the number of the COM port (e.g. "12" in "COM12")

                    if (!port.EndsWith(number))
                        Logger.AddLogEntry(Logger.LogEntryCategories.Warning, "Warning in CSerialServer.SearchDevices(): invalid COM port was found and replaced: " + port);
                        filteredPorts.Add("COM" + number);

                //the variable "filteredPorts" now only contains ports that most likely are not being used by another device, now remove ports that are already used by an active simulator
                foreach (CSerialSimulator sim in connectedSimulators)
                    if (filteredPorts.Contains(sim.ComPort))

                //now remove any disconnected simulator
                foreach (CSerialSimulator sim in new List <CSerialSimulator>(connectedSimulators))
                    if (!sim.IsConnected)

                //now build a list of newly connected devices (this does not necessarily only count for simulator devices, but also any other serial port device)
                List <CSerialSimulator> connectedDevices = new List <CSerialSimulator>();
                List <Task>             runningTasks     = new List <Task>();

                Logger.AddLogEntry(Logger.LogEntryCategories.Debug, "Attempting to find simulators on the following ports: " + string.Join(", ", filteredComPorts));

                foreach (string port in filteredPorts)
                        Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            CSerialSimulator newSim = new CSerialSimulator(port, type, false, isDebugMode); //try to connect to a simulator device

                            lock (connectedDevices)
                                connectedDevices.Add(newSim); //doing this asynchronously causes errors

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.AddLogEntry(Logger.LogEntryCategories.Error, "Exception in CSerialServer.SearchDevices() while trying to find simulator devices on all ports", ex);

                bool waitSuccess = Task.WaitAll(runningTasks.ToArray(), 30000);

                if (!waitSuccess)
                    Logger.AddLogEntry(Logger.LogEntryCategories.Warning, "The tasks to find the simulators was aborted after 30s!");

                //now add any connected simulator to the global list
                foreach (CSerialSimulator simulator in connectedDevices)
                    if (simulator.IsConnected) //if connected == false, this means that the device was not a simulator

                //now check if those that were already connected are still connected
                foreach (CSerialSimulator simulator in new List <CSerialSimulator>(connectedSimulators))
                    if (!portDescrList.Contains(simulator.ComPort) && !CheckConnectionToDeviceAsync(simulator))

                bSearchRunning = false;

                //    if (bConnectionChanged && this.OnSimulatorConnectionChanged != null)
                //     this.OnSimulatorConnectionChanged(connectedSimulators);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.AddLogEntry(Logger.LogEntryCategories.Error, "Exception in CSerialServer.SearchDevices()", ex);