public static void NightModeThread() { while (true) { if (!Globals.NightModeEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } if (!EngineDLL.InGame) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } CBaseEntity tonemapBaseEnt = GlobalLists.entityList[CBasePlayer.TonemapControllerIndex]; CEnvTonemapController tonemapController = tonemapBaseEnt == null ? null : new CEnvTonemapController(tonemapBaseEnt); if (tonemapController == null) { continue; } //Implement Later On Thread.Sleep(Globals.UsageDelay); } }
public static void RadarThread() { while (true) { if (!Globals.RadarEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } if (!EngineDLL.InGame) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } int mp = EngineDLL.MaxPlayer; for (int i = 0; i < mp; i++) { CBaseEntity baseEntity = entityList[i]; if (baseEntity == null) { continue; } CCSPlayer entity = new CCSPlayer(baseEntity); if (entity == null) { continue; } if (entity.Dormant) { continue; } if (entity.Team == CBasePlayer.Team) { continue; } if (!entity.Spotted) { entity.Spotted = true; } } Thread.Sleep(Globals.UsageDelay); } }
public static void RenderColorThread() { while (true) { if (!Globals.RenderEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } if (!EngineDLL.InGame) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } int mp = EngineDLL.MaxPlayer; for (int i = 0; i < mp; i++) { CBaseEntity baseEntity = entityList[i]; if (baseEntity == null) { continue; } CCSPlayer entity = new CCSPlayer(baseEntity); if (entity == null) { continue; } if (entity.Dormant) { continue; } if (entity.Health <= 0) { continue; } if (entity.Team != CBasePlayer.Team) { RenderColor rco = new RenderColor(); rco.r = Globals.RenderColor.R; rco.g = Globals.RenderColor.G; rco.b = Globals.RenderColor.B; rco.a = 255; entity.RenderColor = rco; } if (Globals.RenderEnemyOnly) { continue; } RenderColor rc = new RenderColor(); rc.r = Globals.RenderColor.R; rc.g = Globals.RenderColor.G; rc.b = Globals.RenderColor.B; rc.a = 255; entity.RenderColor = rc; } Thread.Sleep(Globals.UsageDelay); } }
public static void WallHackThread() { while (true) { if (!Globals.WallHackEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } if (!EngineDLL.InGame) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } int mp = EngineDLL.MaxPlayer; for (int i = 0; i < mp; i++) { CBaseEntity baseEntity = entityList[i]; if (baseEntity == null) { continue; } CCSPlayer entity = new CCSPlayer(baseEntity); if (entity == null) { continue; } if (entity.Dormant) { continue; } if (entity.Health <= 0) { continue; } if (entity.Team != CBasePlayer.Team) { GlowObject glowObject = entityList[i].GlowObject; glowObject.r = Globals.WallHackEnemy.R / 255; glowObject.g = Globals.WallHackEnemy.G / 255; glowObject.b = Globals.WallHackEnemy.B / 255; glowObject.a = 0.7f; glowObject.m_bFullBloom = Globals.WallHackFullEnabled; glowObject.m_nGlowStyle = Globals.WallHackGlowOnly ? 1 : 0; glowObject.m_bRenderWhenOccluded = true; glowObject.m_bRenderWhenUnoccluded = false; entityList[i].GlowObject = glowObject; } else { GlowObject glowObject = entityList[i].GlowObject; glowObject.r = 0 / 255; glowObject.g = 255 / 255; glowObject.b = 0 / 255; glowObject.a = 0.7f; glowObject.m_bFullBloom = Globals.WallHackFullEnabled; glowObject.m_nGlowStyle = Globals.WallHackGlowOnly ? 1 : 0; glowObject.m_bRenderWhenOccluded = true; glowObject.m_bRenderWhenUnoccluded = false; entityList[i].GlowObject = glowObject; } } Thread.Sleep(Globals.UsageDelay); } }
void Patrulha() { pulseTime -= Time.deltaTime; if(pulseTime < 0){ scannedColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(myTransform.position,16,enemyMask);// if(scannedColliders.Length > 0) enemyAround = true; else enemyAround = false; pulseTime = 2.0f; } if(enemyAround){ // Fase de teste if(scannedColliders.Length > 1){ float tempdistance = Mathf.Infinity; for(int i = 0; i < scannedColliders.Length; i ++ ){ if(!scannedColliders[i]){ Debug.LogWarning("Scanned colliders are empty somehow"); return; } target = scannedColliders[i].transform; targetEntity = target.GetComponent<CBaseEntity>(); Debug.Log("targetEntity: " + targetEntity); if(!targetEntity) return; if(targetEntity.Type == CBaseEntity.eObjType.Building) continue; float tempdistanceindex = Vector3.Distance(myTransform.position,target.position); if(tempdistanceindex < tempdistance){ tempdistance = tempdistanceindex; break; }else{ target = scannedColliders[0].transform; targetEntity = target.GetComponent<CBaseEntity>(); } } }else{ target = scannedColliders[0].transform; targetEntity = target.GetComponent<CBaseEntity>(); } targetVector = target.position - myTransform.position; if(Vector3.Distance(myTransform.position,target.position) < detectionDistance && Vector3.Angle(targetVector,myTransform.forward) < detectionRadius){ if(targetEntity.Type == CBaseEntity.eObjType.Building) return; pulseTime = 2.0f; status = eAlertLevel.DETECT; Debug.LogWarning("Angle enemy is found: " + Vector3.Angle(targetVector,myTransform.forward)); existingAlert = GameObject.Instantiate(detectAlert,new Vector3(target.position.x,target.position.y + 15, target.position.z), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; }else if(Vector3.Distance(myTransform.position,target.position) < detectionDistance && Vector3.Angle(targetVector,myTransform.forward) < alertRadius){ status = eAlertLevel.ALERT; } }else{ target = null; } Debug.DrawRay(myTransform.position,myTransform.forward * 10); }
/* * =========================================================================================================== * MENU ENABLING METHODS * =========================================================================================================== */ /// <summary> /// Changes the menu type to show the player info /// </summary> /// <param name="caller"> The CBaseEntity component of the caller of this method </param> public void PlayerInfoMenuEnable(CBaseEntity caller) { menuType = eMenuType.PlayerInfo; this.caller = caller; }
/// <summary> /// Enables the patrol route selection menu. /// </summary> /// <param name='caller'> /// Caller. /// </param> public void PatrolDroneMenuEnable(CBaseEntity caller) { menuType = eMenuType.PatrolDrone; this.caller = caller; }
/// <summary> /// What happens when we hit something /// </summary> public virtual void Hit(Transform entityHit, Vector3 v3Position) { if (!trShooter) { return; } // Ignore entities shooting themselves if (trShooter.gameObject.layer == entityHit.gameObject.layer) { return; } // Enemy hitting one of our buildings if (entityHit.gameObject.layer == ShooterControl.buildingLayer && trShooter.gameObject.layer == ShooterControl.enemyLayer) { // Get the building basic component CBaseEntity entityScript = entityHit.GetComponent <CBaseEntity>(); if (entityScript) { entityScript.TakeDamage(fDamageDone, v3Position); } else { // DEBUG Debug.LogError(this.transform + " Missing CBaseEntity in " + entityHit); } } else if (entityHit.gameObject.layer == ShooterControl.enemyLayer && trShooter.gameObject.layer == ShooterControl.playerLayer) { CEnemy enemyScript = null; // FIXME // The enemy shield is filtered by the game object tag if (entityHit.gameObject.tag == "Shield") { // Our projectile hit the enemy shield, so we get the script from the "grandparent" :P enemyScript = entityHit.transform.parent.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <CEnemy>(); if (enemyScript.myColor == myColor) { // Same color? The shot pass through the shield return; } } else { // Our projectile hit an enemy enemyScript = entityHit.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <CEnemy>(); enemyScript.HitBy(myColor, fDamageDone); } } else { return; } // Destroy itself Die(); }
public static void AimbotThread() { while (true) { if (!Globals.AimEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } if (!EngineDLL.InGame) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } int mp = EngineDLL.MaxPlayer; Rectangle screen = Objects.Structs.Misc.GetWindowRect(); Vector2 screenOrigin = new Vector2(screen.Width / 2, screen.Height / 2); double latestDistance = screen.Width; Vector3 closestEntityPos = new Vector3(99999f, 0f, 0f); for (int i = 0; i < mp; i++) { CBaseEntity baseEntity = entityList[i]; if (baseEntity == null) { continue; } CCSPlayer entity = new CCSPlayer(baseEntity); if (entity == null) { continue; } if (entity.Dormant) { continue; } if (entity.Health <= 0) { continue; } if (entity.Team == CBasePlayer.Team) { continue; } Vector3 entSelectedPos = entity.GetBonePosition((int)Globals.AimPosition); Vector2 entPosOnScreen; if (entSelectedPos.PointOnScreen(out entPosOnScreen)) { if (entPosOnScreen.x > screen.Width || entPosOnScreen.x < 0 || entPosOnScreen.y > screen.Height || entPosOnScreen.y < 0) { continue; } } else { continue; } double dist = Sqrt(Pow(screenOrigin.x - entPosOnScreen.x, 2) + Pow(screenOrigin.y - entPosOnScreen.y, 2)); if (dist < latestDistance) { latestDistance = dist; closestEntityPos = entSelectedPos; } } if (closestEntityPos.x != 99999f && (GetAsyncKeyState(Globals.TriggerKey) & 0x8000) > 0) { Angle AimAt = CalcAngle(CBasePlayer.VectorEyeLevel, closestEntityPos); if (Globals.AimRecoil) { Angle Punch = CBasePlayer.ViewPunchAngle * 2.0f; AimAt.x -= Punch.x; AimAt.y -= Punch.y; } CBasePlayer.ViewAngle = AimAt; if (!Globals.AimShootOnCollide) { if (weaponList.ActiveWeapon.IsSniper()) { ClientDLL.ForceRightAttack(true); Thread.Sleep(2); ClientDLL.ForceAttack(true); Thread.Sleep(5); ClientDLL.ForceRightAttack(false); ClientDLL.ForceAttack(false); } else { Thread.Sleep(1); ClientDLL.ForceAttack(true); Thread.Sleep(5); ClientDLL.ForceAttack(false); } } } Thread.Sleep(Globals.UsageDelay); } }
public static void TriggerThread() { while (true) { if (!Globals.TriggerEnabled && !Globals.AimShootOnCollide) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } if (!EngineDLL.InGame) { Thread.Sleep(Globals.IdleWait); continue; } if (Globals.TriggerPressOnlyEnabled && !Globals.AimShootOnCollide) { if ((GetAsyncKeyState(Globals.TriggerKey) & 0x8000) > 0) { if (CBasePlayer.CrosshairID > 0 && CBasePlayer.CrosshairID < EngineDLL.MaxPlayer + 2) { CBaseEntity baseEntity = entityList[CBasePlayer.CrosshairID - 1]; if (baseEntity == null) { continue; } CCSPlayer crossEntity = new CCSPlayer(baseEntity); if (crossEntity == null) { continue; // TRIGGER BOT CRASH FIX } if (crossEntity != null && crossEntity.Team != CBasePlayer.Team) { Thread.Sleep(1); ClientDLL.ForceAttack(true); Thread.Sleep(5); ClientDLL.ForceAttack(false); } } } } else { if (CBasePlayer.CrosshairID > 0 && CBasePlayer.CrosshairID < EngineDLL.MaxPlayer + 2) { CBaseEntity baseEntity = entityList[CBasePlayer.CrosshairID - 1]; if (baseEntity == null) { continue; } CCSPlayer crossEntity = new CCSPlayer(baseEntity); if (crossEntity == null) { continue; } if (crossEntity != null && crossEntity.Team != CBasePlayer.Team) { Thread.Sleep(1); ClientDLL.ForceAttack(true); Thread.Sleep(5); ClientDLL.ForceAttack(false); } } } Thread.Sleep(2); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the delivery of the captured monkey to the prison building /// </summary> public void DeliverPrisoner(Transform tPrisonBuilding, CBaseEntity entityPrisoner) { if(entityPrisoner.Type == CBaseEntity.eObjType.Monkey) { // Cast CBaseEntity to CMonkey (it is actually a CMonkey instance, anyway) CMonkey monkeyEntity = entityPrisoner as CMonkey; monkeyEntity.ReleaseMe(); // ... and immediately the building captures it CBuilding tBuildingClass = tPrisonBuilding.GetComponent<CBuilding>(); tBuildingClass.ReceivePrisoner(monkeyEntity); } }
/// <summary> /// Release the captured object /// </summary> public virtual void ReleaseMe() { this.transform.parent = capturedFormerParent; // The capturer has lost us this.capturer.gameObject.GetComponent<CBaseEntity>().capturedEntity = null; this.capturer = null; // FIXME: find a better way to put the captured object back to the ground //Vector3 putMeBackInTheGround = new Vector3(transform.position.x, capturedFormerPosition.y, // transform.position.z); //transform.position = putMeBackInTheGround; // Check if the object have a rigidbody attached if(this.rigidbody) { if(!this.rigidbody.useGravity) { // Turn off the gravity for this object this.rigidbody.useGravity = true; } if(this.rigidbody.isKinematic) { this.rigidbody.isKinematic = false; } } isCaptured = false; if(captureForceField) Destroy(captureForceField.gameObject); if(captureRay) Destroy(captureRay.gameObject); }
/// <summary> /// Execute when the player presses the left mouse button /// Behaviours: select an unit, deselect-it if clicked in the terrain /// </summary> void CheckLeftMouseClick() { // Check if we're inside the game defined viewport if(mouseNow.y < gameBarTop || mouseNow.y > gameBarBottom || GUIScript.CheckClickOnRects(new Vector2(mouseNow.x,mouseNow.y)) ) return; // Checks if we clicked in an unit Transform whatIClicked = GetWhatIClicked(); // Possibilities: // 1-I don't have anything selected. In this case, select the object under the mouse cursor, if possible // 2-I already have select an object. In this case, the click will point where it should move if(whatIClicked != null) { // Get the basic info on the unit selectedBaseEntity = whatIClicked.gameObject.GetComponent<CBaseEntity>(); if(selectedBaseEntity != null) { // Do not let we select enemy units if(selectedBaseEntity.Team == CBaseEntity.eObjTeam.Opponent) { return; } if(selectedBaseEntity.Selectable) { // Unit not selected? if(!selectedBaseEntity.isSelected) { // Unselect previous units if(selectedObject != null) { selectedObject.gameObject.GetComponent<CBaseEntity>().Deselect(); RemoveCursor(); } // Select this unit selectedObject = selectedBaseEntity.Select(); infoPanel.SetInfoLabel(; if(selectedBaseEntity.Movable) { // Change the mouse state MouseState = eMouseStates.CanWalk; } else { // FIXME: to avoid a previously selected drone to walk, even not being selected MouseState = eMouseStates.Hover; } } } } else { // Unselect current object if(selectedObject != null) { // Deselect the current selected object selectedObject.gameObject.GetComponent<CBaseEntity>().Deselect(); selectedObject = null; // Change the mouse state MouseState = eMouseStates.Hover; RemoveCursor(); // Reset the menu panel mainScript.bottomMenu.PlayerInfoMenuEnable(null); } } } }
// SelectObject public void SelectObject(Transform targetObject) { // Get the basic info on the unit selectedBaseEntity = targetObject.gameObject.GetComponent<CBaseEntity>(); if(selectedBaseEntity != null) { // Do not let we select enemy units if(selectedBaseEntity.Team == CBaseEntity.eObjTeam.Opponent) { return; } if(selectedBaseEntity.Selectable) { // Unit not selected? if(!selectedBaseEntity.isSelected) { // Unselect previous units if(selectedObject != null) { selectedObject.gameObject.GetComponent<CBaseEntity>().Deselect(); RemoveCursor(); } // Select this unit selectedObject = selectedBaseEntity.Select(); infoPanel.SetInfoLabel(; if(selectedBaseEntity.Movable) { // Change the mouse state MouseState = eMouseStates.CanWalk; } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Changes the menu type to show the menu for building an extractor /// </summary> /// <param name="caller"> The CBaseEntity component of the caller of this method </param> public void BuildExtractorMenuEnable(CBaseEntity caller) { menuType = eMenuType.BuildExtractor; this.caller = caller; }
public CEnvTonemapController(CBaseEntity baseEnt) : base(baseEnt.index) { }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (gameObject.layer == MainScript.alliedLayer) { /* // DEBUG Debug.Log("Object " + + " is in layer Allied"); //*/ return; } if(AppearsToEnemy() && !visible){ visible = true; if ( this.CompareTag("Resource")) { if (sfxRecursoLocalizado) AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(sfxRecursoLocalizado, transform.position); // Send an event: we found a resource if(!cBaseEntity) cBaseEntity = gameObject.GetComponent<CResource>(); if(cBaseEntity != null) { CResource cResource = cBaseEntity as CResource; if(cResource.resourceType == CResource.eResourceType.Oxygen) { mainScript.ReceiveNewEvent(this.transform, QuestManager.EQuestEvents.FOUND_WATER_RESOURCE); } if(cResource.resourceType == CResource.eResourceType.Metal) { mainScript.ReceiveNewEvent(this.transform, QuestManager.EQuestEvents.FOUND_METAL_RESOURCE); } } else { // DEBUG Debug.LogError(this.transform + "Couldn't find CBaseEntity in this object"); } } if ( this.CompareTag("RocketPart")) if (sfxPecaLocalizada) AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(sfxPecaLocalizada, transform.position); SetObjectVisible(); } if (visible && !keepVisible){ visible = AppearsToEnemy(); if(this.CompareTag("Drone") || this.CompareTag("Monkey")){ SetObjectVisible(); } else renderer.enabled = visible; } }