        /// <summary>
        /// create some relations between aml objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amlDocument">The aml document.</param>
        private static void D_CreateRelations(CAEXDocument amlDocument)
            // get the object from the document using the assigned ID
            var amlObject = amlDocument.FindByID("ROOT") as InternalElementType;

            // first, find objects with external interfaces of type PPRConnector
            // we only want to interrelate thoses objects
            var connectorInterfaceReferences = ServiceLocator.QueryService.ElementsWithCAEXPathReference(amlObject, AutomationMLInterfaceClassLib.PPRConnector);

            // second, pair the elements in the collection to select the possible internal link partners
            var relationPartners = from a in connectorInterfaceReferences
                                   from b in connectorInterfaceReferences
                                   select(a : a.CaexObject, b : b.CaexObject);

            var maxLinks = 8;

            // create some internal links from the collection
            foreach (var relation in relationPartners)
                var first  = relation.a as ExternalInterfaceType;
                var second = relation.b as ExternalInterfaceType;

                if (AMLObjectRelations.CreateAMLObjectRelationIfUnrelated(first, second))
                    if (--maxLinks == 0)
        private static void B_AddObjectProperties(CAEXDocument amlDocument)
            // get the object from the document using the assigned ID
            var amlObject = amlDocument.FindByID("ROOT");

            // alternatives are used in the assertions
            Debug.Assert(amlObject.Equals(amlDocument.CAEXFile.Descendants <InternalElementType>().First()));

            amlObject.Description = "This is an assembly line";

            // this object can have attributes
            if (amlObject is IObjectWithAttributes amlObjectWithAttributes)

            // this object can have interfaces, see the alternatives to add interfaces
            if (amlObject is IObjectWithExternalInterface amlObjectWithInterfaces)
        /// <summary>
        /// build a topology, starting from the root element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amlDocument">The aml document.</param>
        private static void C_BuildATopology(CAEXDocument amlDocument)
            // get the object from the document using the assigned ID
            var amlObject = amlDocument.FindByID("ROOT") as InternalElementType;

            // the topology should consist of 4 levels
            var level = 4;

            AMLObjectChildren.AddElementChildren(amlObject, ref level);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an example CAEX file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Btn_CreateCAEX_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // Create a new CAEX document
            _myDoc = CAEXDocument.New_CAEXDocument();

            // ***************************
            // ******** SystemUnitClass
            // ***************************

            // Create a set of SystemUnitClassLibs
            var sucLib1 = _myDoc.CAEXFile.SystemUnitClassLib.Append();

            sucLib1.Name = "MySUCLib";
            var sucLib2 = _myDoc.CAEXFile.SystemUnitClassLib.Append();

            sucLib2.Name = "MySUCLib1";
            var sucLib3 = _myDoc.CAEXFile.SystemUnitClassLib.Append();

            sucLib3.Name = "MySUCLib2";

            // Create a new SystemUnitClass
            var suc = sucLib1.SystemUnitClass.Append();

            suc.Name = "Class MyTank";

            // Create another SystemUnitClass
            var suc1 = sucLib1.SystemUnitClass.Append();

            suc1.Name = "Class MyLid";

            // Create a nested InternalElement within the SystemUnitClass "MyTank"
            var sucIntElem1 = suc.InternalElement.Append();

            sucIntElem1.Name = "IE MyGround";

            // Create an instance of the "MyLid" within the SystemUnitClass "MyTank"
            var sucIntElem2 = suc1.CreateClassInstance();

            sucIntElem2.Name = "Instance of class MyLid";

            // Create a list with all SystemUnitClassLibs with the name "MySUCLib"
            var exampleSucLibList = _myDoc.CAEXFile.SystemUnitClassLib.Where(x => "MySUCLib".Equals(x.Name));

            Debug.Assert(exampleSucLibList.Count() == 1, nameof(exampleSucLibList) + " != 1");

            // ***************************
            // ******** RoleClasses
            // ***************************

            var roleClassLib = _myDoc.CAEXFile.RoleClassLib.Append();

            roleClassLib.Name = "MyRoleLib";
            var roleClass = roleClassLib.RoleClass.Append();

            roleClass.Name = "Role Lid";

            // ***************************
            // ******** InstanceHierarchy
            // ***************************

            // Create a new InstanceHierarchy
            var insHierarchy = _myDoc.CAEXFile.InstanceHierarchy.Append();

            insHierarchy.Name = "MyHierarchy";

            // Set change mode
            insHierarchy.ChangeMode = ChangeMode.Change;
            Debug.Assert(ChangeMode.Change == insHierarchy.ChangeMode, nameof(insHierarchy) + "does not have the correct change mode");

            // Create a new InternalElement
            var intElem = insHierarchy.InternalElement.Append();

            intElem.Name        = "IE";
            intElem.ID          = "GUID1";
            intElem.Description = "Another description";

            // Get CAEX instance path
            var intElemPath = intElem.CAEXPath();

            Debug.Assert("GUID1".Equals(intElemPath), nameof(intElemPath) + " is not correct");

            // Create a new role requirement
            var roleReq = intElem.RoleRequirements.Append();

            roleReq.RefBaseRoleClassPath = roleClass.GetFullNodePath();

            // Create a new attribute
            var att = intElem.Attribute.Append();

            att.Name  = "Weight";
            att.Value = "20";
            att.Unit  = "t";

            // Check if attribute exists
            att = intElem.Attribute.FirstOrDefault(x => "Weight".Equals(x.Name));
            Debug.Assert(att != null, nameof(att) + " != null");

            // Set attribute values
            intElem.SetAttributeValue("Weight", "21");
            intElem.SetAttributeValue("Mass1", "11");

            // Check if attribute value set
            var attValue = att.Value;

            Debug.Assert("21".Equals(attValue), nameof(attValue) + " != 21");

            var massAtt      = intElem.Attribute["Mass1"];
            var massAttValue = massAtt.Value;

            Debug.Assert("11".Equals(massAttValue), nameof(attValue) + " != 11");

            // Create a new InternalElement intElem2

            var intElem2 = insHierarchy.InternalElement.Append();

            intElem2.Name = "IE2";

            var att2 = intElem2.Attribute.Append();

            att2.Name  = "Color";
            att2.Value = "Yellow";

            // Delete the new attribute
            Debug.Assert(!intElem2.Attribute.Contains(att2), nameof(att2) + " exists");

            // Create a new InternalElement IE5
            var intElem5 = intElem2.InternalElement.Append();

            intElem5.Name = "IE5";

            // Delete the InternalElement IE5

            // Set source document information
            var sourceDocInfo = _myDoc.CAEXFile.SourceDocumentInformation[0];

            sourceDocInfo.OriginName          = "WriterName";
            sourceDocInfo.OriginID            = "WriterID";
            sourceDocInfo.OriginVendor        = "WriterVendor";
            sourceDocInfo.OriginVendorURL     = "www.writervendor.com";
            sourceDocInfo.OriginVersion       = "WriterVersion";
            sourceDocInfo.OriginRelease       = "WriterRelease";
            sourceDocInfo.OriginProjectID     = "WriterProjectID";
            sourceDocInfo.OriginProjectTitle  = "WriterProjectTitle";
            sourceDocInfo.LastWritingDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Create revision element
            var rev = intElem.New_Revision(DateTime.Now, "Peter Mustermann");

            Debug.Assert(rev != null, nameof(rev) + " != null");

            rev.RevisionDate = DateTime.Now;
            rev.AuthorName   = "Ender";
            rev.NewVersion   = "1.2";
            rev.OldVersion   = "1.1";
            rev.Comment      = "A comment";

            // ********************************************
            // ******** Navigation specific AML operations
            // ********************************************

            // Creates a CAEX element from an XElement node
            var caexElement = new InternalElementType(intElem.Node);

            Debug.Assert(Equals(caexElement, intElem), nameof(caexElement) + " != " + nameof(intElem));

            // Another way of creating a CAEX element, without type information
            var abstractElement = intElem.Node.CreateCAEXWrapper();

            Debug.Assert(Equals(abstractElement, intElem), nameof(abstractElement) + " != " + nameof(intElem));

            // Finding the first ancestor of a specific type
            var firstAncestor = intElem.FirstAncestor <InstanceHierarchyType>();

            Debug.Assert(Equals(firstAncestor, insHierarchy), nameof(firstAncestor) + " != " + nameof(insHierarchy));

            // Gathering the name of the parent
            var parentName = intElem.GetParent <InstanceHierarchyType>().Name;

            Debug.Assert(Equals("MyHierarchy", parentName), nameof(parentName) + " != MyHierarchy ");

            // Finding element with the id
            var internalElementFromId = _myDoc.CAEXFile.FindCaexObjectFromId <InternalElementType>("GUID1");

            Debug.Assert(Equals(internalElementFromId, intElem), nameof(internalElementFromId) + " != " + nameof(intElem));

            // Finding element with the id without type information
            var elementFromId = _myDoc.FindByID("GUID1");

            Debug.Assert(Equals(elementFromId, intElem), nameof(elementFromId) + " != " + nameof(intElem));

            // Gathering descendants
            var descendantIntElem = insHierarchy.Descendants <InternalElementType>().FirstOrDefault(x => "GUID1".Equals(x.ID));

            Debug.Assert(Equals(descendantIntElem, intElem), nameof(descendantIntElem) + " != " + nameof(intElem));

            // Finding element with the path (is an ID for an instance)
            var intElementFromPath = _myDoc.CAEXFile.FindCaexObjectFromId <InternalElementType>(intElemPath);

            Debug.Assert(Equals(intElementFromPath, intElem), nameof(intElementFromPath) + " != " + nameof(intElem));

            // Finding element with the path without type information
            var abstractElemFromPath = _myDoc.FindByID(intElemPath);

            Debug.Assert(Equals(abstractElemFromPath, intElem), nameof(abstractElemFromPath) + " != " + nameof(intElem));

            ShowMyTree(CAEXTreeView, _myDoc);