private void initGrfLab() { grfLab = new C1FlexGrid(); grfLab.Font = fEdit; grfLab.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; grfLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); //FilterRow fr = new FilterRow(grfPosi); ContextMenu menuGw = new ContextMenu(); menuGw.MenuItems.Add("เลือก รายการนี้", new EventHandler(ContextMenu_grflab_select)); //menuGw.MenuItems.Add("Upload สำเนาบัตรประชาชน ที่มีลายเซ็น", new EventHandler(ContextMenu_grfimg_upload_ptt)); //menuGw.MenuItems.Add("Upload รูป Passport", new EventHandler(ContextMenu_grfimg_upload_ptt)); //menuGw.MenuItems.Add("ยกเลิก", new EventHandler(ContextMenu_grfimg_Cancel)); grfLab.ContextMenu = menuGw; grfLab.AfterRowColChange += GrfLab_AfterRowColChange; //grfAgn.CellButtonClick += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfPosi_CellButtonClick); //grfAgn.CellChanged += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfPosi_CellChanged); panel8.Controls.Add(this.grfLab); C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName("Office2013Red", false); C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(grfLab, theme); }
private void initGrfFoodsMaterial() { grfFooM = new C1FlexGrid(); grfFooM.Font = fEdit; grfFooM.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; grfFooM.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); grfFooM.Rows.Count = 1; grfFooM.Cols[colFmId].Width = 60; grfFooM.Cols[colFmName].Width = 200; grfFooM.Cols[colFmprice].Width = 120; grfFooM.Cols[colFmWeight].Width = 120; grfFooM.Cols[colFmQty].Width = 70; grfFooM.ShowCursor = true; //grdFlex.Cols[colID].Caption = "no"; //grfDept.Cols[colCode].Caption = "รหัส"; grfFooM.Cols[colFmName].Caption = "Material"; grfFooM.Cols[colFmprice].Caption = "Price"; grfFooM.Cols[colFmWeight].Caption = "Weight"; grfFooM.Cols[colFmQty].Caption = "Qty"; grfFooM.Cols[colFmTotal].Caption = "Total"; //FilterRow fr = new FilterRow(grfPosi); grfFooM.CellChanged += GrfFooM_CellChanged; pnMaterialAdd.Controls.Add(this.grfFooM); C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName("Office2013Red", false); C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(grfFooM, theme); }
private void initGrfStfH() { grfStf = new C1FlexGrid(); grfStf.Font = fEdit; grfStf.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; grfStf.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); //FilterRow fr = new FilterRow(grfStf); grfStf.AfterDataRefresh += new System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler(this.StatusBar_AfterDataRefresh); grfStf.CellChanged += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfStf_CellChanged); grfStf.LeaveCell += new System.EventHandler(this.grfStf_LeaveCell); grfStf.AfterRowColChange += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RangeEventHandler(this.grfStf_AfterRowColChange); //this.grfCus.AfterRowColChange += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RangeEventHandler(this.grfCus_AfterRowColChange); //new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RangeEventHandler(this.c1FlexGrid1_AfterRowColChange); //splitContainer1.Panel1.Controls.Add(this.grfCus); panel2.Controls.Add(this.grfStf); //grfCus.ShowThemedHeaders = ShowThemedHeadersEnum.None; //grfCus.Styles.Clear(); //Mac(grfCus.Styles); //Controls.Add(sB); C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName("Office2013Red", false); C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(grfStf, theme); }
private void ApplyTheme() { if (cmbThemes.SelectedItem != null && _selectedControl != null) { var displayText = cmbThemes.SelectedItem.DisplayText; cmbThemes.Text = displayText; C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToControlTree(_selectedControl, C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName(displayText, false), null, true); } }
private void cmbThemes_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cmbThemes.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } cmbThemes.Text = cmbThemes.SelectedItem.DisplayText; C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToControlTree(pnlSample, C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName((string)cmbThemes.SelectedItem.Value, false), null, true); }
// apply theme to the FlexPivot page private void cbTheme_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName(cbTheme.Text, false); if (theme != null) { C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(_c1FlexPivotPage, theme); } }
private void ApplyTheme(Control control) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ThemeName)) { var theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName(ThemeName, false); if (theme != null) { C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToControlTree(control, theme); } } }
public void ManageLayoutDialog() { using (var dialog = new ManageLayoutForm(this)) { if (Theme != null) { C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToControlTree(dialog, C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName(Theme, false)); } dialog.ShowDialog(); } }
private void initGrfInterpret() { grfInt = new C1FlexGrid(); grfInt.Font = fEdit; grfInt.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; grfInt.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); grfInt.ChangeEdit += GrfInt_ChangeEdit; //FilterRow fr = new FilterRow(grfPosi); gbInterpret.Controls.Add(this.grfInt); C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName("Office2013Red", false); C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(grfInt, theme); }
public void RenameLayout(string name) { using (var dialog = new SaveLayoutForm(name)) { dialog.Text = "Rename Layout"; if (Theme != null) { C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToControlTree(dialog, C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName(Theme, false)); } if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && Directory.Exists(_layoutsDir)) { File.Move(GetLayoutPath(name), GetLayoutPath(dialog.FileName)); } } }
private void ApplyTheme(Control control) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ThemeName)) { var theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName(ThemeName, false); if (theme != null) { C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToControlTree(control, theme); } c1TrueDBGrid1.SuspendLayout(); for (int i = 0; i < c1TrueDBGrid1.Splits[0].Rows.Count; i++) { c1TrueDBGrid1.Splits[0].Rows[i].AutoSize(); } c1TrueDBGrid1.ResumeLayout(); } }
private void initGrfDept() { grfDept.Font = fEdit; grfDept.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; grfDept.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); FilterRow fr = new FilterRow(grfDept); grfDept.AfterRowColChange += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RangeEventHandler(this.grfDept_AfterRowColChange); grfDept.CellButtonClick += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfDept_CellButtonClick); grfDept.CellChanged += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfDept_CellChanged); this.Controls.Add(this.grfDept); C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName("Office2013Red", false); C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(grfDept, theme); }
private void initGrfContH() { grfCont = new C1FlexGrid(); grfCont.Font = fEdit; grfCont.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; grfCont.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); FilterRow fr = new FilterRow(grfCont); grfCont.DoubleClick += new System.EventHandler(this.grfCont_DoubleClick); //grfBank.CellButtonClick += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfBank_CellButtonClick); panel2.Controls.Add(this.grfCont); C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName("Office2013Red", false); C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(grfCont, theme); }
private void initGrfDiag() { grfReq = new C1FlexGrid(); grfReq.Font = fEdit; grfReq.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; grfReq.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); //FilterRow fr = new FilterRow(grfPosi); grfReq.AfterRowColChange += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RangeEventHandler(this.grfPosi_AfterRowColChange); //grfAgn.CellButtonClick += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfPosi_CellButtonClick); //grfAgn.CellChanged += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfPosi_CellChanged); panel5.Controls.Add(this.grfReq); C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName("Office2013Red", false); C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(grfReq, theme); }
private void ribbonStyleCombo_ChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.SuspendPainting(); C1Theme theme = null; try { theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName(ribbonStyleCombo.Text, false); } catch { } if (theme != null) { C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToControlTree(this, theme); } this.ResumePainting(); this.Activate(); }
public bool SaveLayoutDialog(out string filePath) { filePath = null; using (var dialog = new SaveLayoutForm()) { if (Theme != null) { C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToControlTree(dialog, C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName(Theme, false)); } if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (!Directory.Exists(_layoutsDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_layoutsDir); } filePath = _layoutsDir + @"\" + dialog.FileName + ".xml"; return(true); } } return(false); }
private void initGrfMatr() { grfMatr = new C1FlexGrid(); grfMatr.Font = fEdit; grfMatr.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; grfMatr.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); //FilterRow fr = new FilterRow(grfPosi); //grfMatr.AfterRowColChange += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RangeEventHandler(this.grfPosi_AfterRowColChange); //grfMatr.CellButtonClick += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfPosi_CellButtonClick); //grfMatr.CellChanged += GrfMatr_CellChanged; grfMatr.AfterEdit += GrfMatr_AfterEdit; grfMatr.ComboCloseUp += GrfMatr_ComboCloseUp; panel2.Controls.Add(this.grfMatr); setControl(); C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName("Office2013Red", false); C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(grfMatr, theme); }
private void initGrfStockDrug() { grfDrug = new C1FlexGrid(); grfDrug.Font = fEdit; grfDrug.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; grfDrug.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); //FilterRow fr = new FilterRow(grfPosi); grfDrug.AfterRowColChange += GrfPkg_AfterRowColChange; //grfAgn.CellButtonClick += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfPosi_CellButtonClick); //grfAgn.CellChanged += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.grfPosi_CellChanged); panel1.Controls.Add(this.grfDrug); FilterRow fr = new FilterRow(grfDrug); grfDrug.AllowFiltering = true; grfDrug.AfterFilter += GrfDrug_AfterFilter; C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName("Office2013Red", false); C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(grfDrug, theme); }
private void BtnCheck2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int cnt = 0, cntErr = 0; Decimal sum = 0, price1 = 0, net = 0, minus = 0; //throw new NotImplementedException(); pB2.Show(); pB2.Minimum = 0; pB2.Maximum = lItm.Count; ConnectDB conn; conn = new ConnectDB(bc.iniC); lItmC = new List <string>(); lItmE = new List <string>(); label11.Text = chkBn1.Checked ? "bangna1" : chkBn2.Checked ? "bangna2" : chkBn5.Checked ? "bangna5" : ""; label12.Text = cboYear.Text; label13.Text = cboMonth.Text; label14.Text = cboPeriod.Text; Application.DoEvents(); //foreach (String str in lItm) foreach (DataRow str in dtChk.Rows) { try { //String[] itm = str.Split('|'); //String[] itm = str.Split('|'); String col1 = "", date = "", hn = "", name = "", fntype = "", col6 = "", labname = "", labcode = "", labdate1 = "", labdate = "", labdateOld = "", price = ""; //col1 = itm[0]; //date = itm[1]; //hn = itm[2]; //name = itm[3]; //fntype = itm[4]; //col6 = itm[5]; //price = itm[6]; //labcode = itm[7]; //labname = itm[8]; col1 = str["col1"].ToString(); date = str["date"].ToString(); hn = str["hn"].ToString(); name = str["ptt_name"].ToString(); fntype = str["paidtype"].ToString(); col6 = str["net_price"].ToString(); price = str["price"].ToString(); labcode = str["lab_code"].ToString(); labname = str["lab_name"].ToString(); labdate1 = (int.Parse(date.Substring(6)) - 543) + "-" + date.Substring(3, 2) + "-" + date.Substring(0, 2); price1 = 0; if (Decimal.TryParse(price, out price1)) { sum += price1; } String sql = ""; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //sql = "select lab_t05.MNC_req_no,LAB_T01.MNC_PRE_NO " + // "from PATIENT_T01 " + // "inner join LAB_T01 on LAB_T01.mnc_hn_no = PATIENT_T01.mnc_hn_no " + // "and LAB_T01.mnc_pre_no = PATIENT_T01.mnc_pre_no " + // "and LAB_T01.mnc_date = PATIENT_T01.MNC_DATE " + // "inner join LAB_T05 on lab_t05.MNC_REQ_YR = lab_t01.MNC_REQ_YR " + // "and lab_t05.MNC_REQ_no = lab_t01.MNC_REQ_no " + // "and lab_t05.MNC_REQ_dat = lab_t01.MNC_REQ_dat " + // "where lab_t05.MNC_REQ_DAT >= '" + labdate1 + "' " + // "and lab_t05.MNC_REQ_DAT <= '" + labdate1 + "' " + // //"and patient_t01.MNC_STS = 'f' " + // //"and LAB_T01.MNC_REQ_STS = 'Q' " + // "and LAB_T01.mnc_hn_no ='" + hn + "' " + // "and lab_t05.mnc_lb_cd ='" + labcode + "'"; sql = "select lab_t02.MNC_req_no,LAB_T01.MNC_PRE_NO " + "from PATIENT_T01 " + "inner join LAB_T01 on LAB_T01.mnc_hn_no = PATIENT_T01.mnc_hn_no " + "and LAB_T01.mnc_pre_no = PATIENT_T01.mnc_pre_no " + "and LAB_T01.mnc_date = PATIENT_T01.MNC_DATE " + "inner join lab_t02 on lab_t02.MNC_REQ_YR = lab_t01.MNC_REQ_YR " + "and lab_t02.MNC_REQ_no = lab_t01.MNC_REQ_no " + "and lab_t02.MNC_REQ_dat = lab_t01.MNC_REQ_dat " + "where lab_t02.MNC_REQ_DAT >= '" + labdate1 + "' " + "and lab_t02.MNC_REQ_DAT <= '" + labdate1 + "' " + //"and patient_t01.MNC_STS = 'f' " + //"and LAB_T01.MNC_REQ_STS = 'Q' " + "and LAB_T01.mnc_hn_no ='" + hn + "' " + "and lab_t02.mnc_lb_cd ='" + labcode + "'"; dt = conn.selectData(conn.connMainHIS, sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { //itm[8] = dt.Rows[0]["MNC_PRE_NO"].ToString(); //itm[9] = dt.Rows[0]["MNC_req_no"].ToString(); str["status_chk"] = "1"; listBox2.Items.Add(date + " " + hn + " " + name + " " + labcode + " " + labname); lItmC.Add(col1 + "|" + date + "|" + hn + "|" + name + "|" + fntype + "|" + col6 + "|" + price + "|" + labcode + "|" + labname + "|" + dt.Rows[0]["MNC_PRE_NO"].ToString() + "|" + dt.Rows[0]["MNC_req_no"].ToString()); cnt++; net += price1; if ((cnt % 100) == 0) { Application.DoEvents(); } } else { cntErr++; minus += price1; listBox3.Items.Add(date + " " + hn + " " + name + " " + labcode + " " + labname); lItmC.Add(col1 + "|" + date + "|" + hn + "|" + name + "|" + fntype + "|" + col6 + "|" + price + "|" + labcode + "|" + labname + "|0|0|-" + "|-"); lItmE.Add(col1 + "|" + date + "|" + hn + "|" + name + "|" + fntype + "|" + col6 + "|" + price + "|" + labcode + "|" + labname + "|0|0|-" + "|-"); int cnt1 = 0; foreach (String paid in lPaid) { if (paid.Equals(fntype)) { //int cnt2 = 0; lPaidCntErr[cnt1]++; //int.TryParse(lPaidCnt[cnt1],out cnt2); } cnt1++; } //itm[8] = dt.Rows[0]["MNC_PRE_NO"].ToString(); //itm[9] = dt.Rows[0]["MNC_req_no"].ToString(); //listBox2.Items.Add(itm.ToString()); } pB2.Value++; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("ex" + ex.Message, ""); } } //Control ctn = this.GetControl("listBoxSum3"); ListBox listsum = new ListBox(); foreach (Control ctl in this.Controls) { if ((ctl is C1DockingTab) && (ctl.Name.Equals("tC"))) { foreach (Control ctl1 in ctl.Controls) { if ((ctl1 is C1DockingTabPage) && (ctl1.Name.Equals("tab3"))) { foreach (Control ctl2 in ctl1.Controls) { if ((ctl2 is Panel) && (ctl2.Name.Equals("panel3"))) { foreach (Control ctl3 in ctl2.Controls) { if ((ctl3 is C1DockingTab) && (ctl3.Name.Equals("tC3"))) { foreach (Control ctl4 in ctl3.Controls) { if ((ctl4 is C1DockingTabPage) && (ctl4.Name.Equals("tabsum"))) { foreach (Control ctl5 in ctl4.Controls) { if ((ctl5 is ListBox) && (ctl5.Name.Equals("listBoxSum3"))) { listsum = (ListBox)ctl5; listsum.Items.Clear(); int i = 0; foreach (String txt in lPaid) { listsum.Items.Add(txt + " จำนวน " + lPaidCnt[i] + " ไม่พบ จำนวน " + lPaidCntErr[i]); i++; } } } } } } } } } } } } } //listsum.Items.Clear(); //int i = 0; //foreach (String txt in lPaid) //{ // listsum.Items.Add(txt + " จำนวน " + lPaidCnt[i]+" ไม่พบ จำนวน "+ lPaidCntErr[i]); // i++; //} pB1.Hide(); label18.Text = lItm.Count.ToString(); label17.Text = cnt.ToString(); label16.Text = cntErr.ToString(); label15.Text = sum.ToString("#,###.00"); label23.Text = net.ToString("#,###.00"); label26.Text = minus.ToString("#,###.00"); btnTab3.Enabled = true; pB2.Hide(); tC.SelectedTab = tab3; setGrf(); //DataTable dt11 = new DataTable(); dtChkGrp = GroupBy("paidtype", "paidtype", dtChk); setGrf11(dtChkGrp); if (dtChkGrp.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dtChkGrp.Rows) { C1DockingTabPage tab1 = new C1DockingTabPage(); tab1.Text = row["paidtype"].ToString(); tC3.TabPages.Add(tab1); C1FlexGrid grf = new C1FlexGrid(); grf.Font = fEdit; grf.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; grf.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); tab1.Controls.Add(grf); DataRow[] result = dtChk.Select("paidtype = '" + row["paidtype"].ToString() + "'"); DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); addColumn(dt1); foreach (DataRow row1 in result) { DataRow row2 = dt1.NewRow(); ///row2 = row1; row2["row1"] = int.Parse(row1["row1"].ToString()) + 1; row2["lab_code"] = row1["lab_code"]; row2["lab_name"] = row1["lab_name"]; row2["qty"] = row1["qty"]; row2["price"] = row1["price"]; row2["net_price"] = row1["net_price"]; row2["amount"] = row1["amount"]; row2["paidtype"] = row1["paidtype"]; row2["status_chk"] = row1["status_chk"]; row2["ptt_name"] = row1["ptt_name"]; row2["date"] = row1["date"]; row2["hn"] = row1["hn"]; row2["col1"] = row1["col1"]; dt1.Rows.Add(row2); } DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); dt2 = GroupBy1("lab_code", "lab_code", dt1); foreach (DataRow row3 in dt2.Rows) { DataRow[] result1 = dtChk.Select("lab_code = '" + row3 ["lab_code"].ToString() + "'"); if (result.Length > 0) { row3["lab_name"] = result1[0]["lab_name"].ToString(); } Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", row[0], row[1]); } // grf.DataSource = dt2; grf.Cols["price"].Visible = false; grf.Cols["net_price"].Visible = false; grf.Cols["amount"].Visible = false; grf.Cols["lab_code"].Width = 100; grf.Cols["lab_name"].Width = 300; C1Theme theme = C1ThemeController.GetThemeByName("Office2013Red", false); C1ThemeController.ApplyThemeToObject(grf, theme); } } //pB1.Show(); }