        private void SetupHistogramChart(C1Chart chartRaw, C1Chart chartHisto)
            chartHisto.Left = 0;
            Form1_Resize(null, null);

            // Setup the Histogram chart appearance
            chartHisto.Style.BackColor          = Color.AliceBlue;
            chartHisto.Style.Border.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Solid;
            chartHisto.Style.Border.Thickness   = 2;
            chartHisto.Style.Border.Color       = Color.Black;
            chartHisto.Legend.Visible           = true;

            // Create a histogram type chart using a bar chart type rather an actual
            // histogram type.  Histograms reflect single series of data well, but do
            // not show multiple series as well as a bar chart.
            // Use the chart static method to generate histogram data from the raw data.
            ChartGroup cgHisto = chartHisto.ChartGroups[0];
            ChartDataSeriesCollection cdscHisto = cgHisto.ChartData.SeriesList;

            cgHisto.ChartType = Chart2DTypeEnum.Bar;

            // obtain the data from chartRaw.
            ChartData cdRaw = chartRaw.ChartGroups[0].ChartData;
            ChartDataSeriesCollection cdscRaw = cdRaw.SeriesList;
            double dataMax = 0, dataMin = 0;

            // determine the extremes from the series means
            foreach (ChartDataSeries cdsRaw0 in cdscRaw)
                double mean = cdsRaw0.Y.Statistics.Mean;
                double mn   = cdsRaw0.MinY - mean;
                double mx   = cdsRaw0.MaxY - mean;

                if (dataMax < mx)
                    dataMax = mx;
                if (dataMin > mn)
                    dataMin = mn;

            dataMax = Math.Ceiling(dataMax);
            dataMin = Math.Floor(dataMin);

            // Assume that the interval width is one degree.
            int intervalCount = (int)(dataMax - dataMin) + 1;

            foreach (ChartDataSeries cdsRaw in cdscRaw)
                double [] rawData = (double[])cdsRaw.Y.CopyDataOut(typeof(double));

                // determine the difference of each point from the mean.
                double mean = cdsRaw.Y.Statistics.Mean;

                double [] differencesFromMean = (double[])rawData.Clone();
                for (int d = 0; d < differencesFromMean.Length; d++)
                    differencesFromMean[d] -= mean;

                double [] xbounds = null;
                double [] ycounts = null;
                double [] bis     = null;

                // generate histogram data of the difference from the means.  Start
                // using a half-width less than the dataMin.  This will provide
                // intervals that center on each integral temperature difference.
                C1Chart.GenerateHistogramData(differencesFromMean, dataMin - 0.5, 1.0,
                                              intervalCount, -1.0, ref xbounds, ref ycounts, ref bis);

                // add a series of histogramdata
                ChartDataSeries cdsHisto = cdscHisto.AddNewSeries();
                cdsHisto.Label           = cdsRaw.Label;
                cdsHisto.LineStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(128, cdsRaw.LineStyle.Color);

                bis = (double[])Array.CreateInstance(typeof(double), intervalCount);
                for (int p = 0; p < intervalCount; p++)
                    bis[p] = (xbounds[p] + xbounds[p + 1]) / 2;


            // Add description and instructions to the header, footer and axes.
            chartHisto.Header.Text          = "Bar Chart Histogram of Differences from Seasonal Mean Kansas City Temperatures";
            chartHisto.Header.Style.Font    = chartRaw.Header.Style.Font;
            chartHisto.Footer.Text          = "Double-Click to Toggle Bar Stacking";
            chartHisto.ChartArea.AxisX.Text = "Difference From Mean Seasonal Mean Temperature (F)";
            chartHisto.ChartArea.AxisY.Text = "Count of Seasonal Mean Temperatures";
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置chart的基本信息
        /// </summary>
        public void SetXyChart()

            Point pLoc = new Point();

            pLoc.X = -1;
            pLoc.Y = -1;

            //  c1Chart1.Style.sho

            c1Chart1.ChartArea.AxisX.GridMajor.Visible = true;
            c1Chart1.ChartArea.AxisY.GridMajor.Visible = true;

            c1Chart1.ToolTip.Enabled = true;

            c1Chart1.BackColor = Color.White;

            c1Chart1.Legend.Compass  = CompassEnum.East;
            c1Chart1.Legend.Location = pLoc;
            c1Chart1.Legend.Visible  = true;
            c1Chart1.ToolTip.Enabled = true;

            c1Chart1.ToolTip.PlotElement  = PlotElementEnum.Series;
            c1Chart1.ToolTip.SelectAction = SelectActionEnum.MouseOver;


            c1Chart1.ChartGroups[0].ChartType = C1.Win.C1Chart.Chart2DTypeEnum.XYPlot;

            c1Chart1.ChartArea.AxisX.ScrollBar.Visible = false;

            C1Chart chart = c1Chart1;
            Area    area  = chart.ChartArea;
            Axis    ax    = area.AxisX;

            ax.AnnotationRotation = -30;

            C1.Win.C1Chart.ValueLabel vlbl = chart.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel();

            //C1FlexGrid c1Flex = (C1FlexGrid)_tab.TabPages[_tab.SelectedIndex].Controls[0];
            var    lines = CurrentSection.lines;
            string sDate = "";
            string eDate = "";

            foreach (var line in lines)
                if (line.dataTable != null && line.dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    var tsDate = line.dataTable.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                    var teDate = line.dataTable.Rows[line.dataTable.Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString();
                    var ti     = line.dataTable.Rows.Count - 1;
                    while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(teDate))
                        teDate = line.dataTable.Rows[ti][0].ToString();
                    if (sDate == "" || eDate == "")
                        sDate = tsDate;
                        eDate = teDate;
                        if (DateTime.Parse(sDate) > DateTime.Parse(tsDate))
                            sDate = tsDate;
                        if (DateTime.Parse(teDate) > DateTime.Parse(eDate))
                            sDate = tsDate;

            string strPreDate = "";
            string fmt        = "yyyy.MM.dd";

            if (sDate == "" || eDate == "")
            string strStartDate = sDate;
            string strEndDate   = eDate;


            vlbl = chart.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel();
            vlbl.NumericValue = 0;
            vlbl.Text         = DateTime.Parse(strStartDate).ToString(fmt);

            int iDays = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Parse(strEndDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).Subtract(Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Parse(strStartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))).Days;

            if (iDays < 32) //一个月以内,每天都标注
                for (int i = 1; i < iDays; i++)
                    vlbl = chart.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel();
                    vlbl.NumericValue = i * 1; //修改前为50
                    vlbl.Text         = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Parse(strStartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).AddDays(i).ToString(fmt);
            else if (iDays < 93) ////三个月以内,10天标注一次
                for (int i = 10; i < iDays; i += 10)
                    vlbl = chart.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel();
                    vlbl.NumericValue = i * 1; //修改前为50
                    vlbl.Text         = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Parse(strStartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).AddDays(i).ToString(fmt);
            else if (iDays < 186) ////六个月以内,15天标注一次
                for (int i = 15; i < iDays; i += 15)
                    vlbl = chart.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel();
                    vlbl.NumericValue = i * 1; //修改前为50
                    vlbl.Text         = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Parse(strStartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).AddDays(i).ToString(fmt);
            else if (iDays < 731) ////两年以内,一个月标注一次
                for (int i = 30; i < iDays; i += 30)
                    vlbl = chart.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel();
                    vlbl.NumericValue = i * 1; //修改前为50
                    vlbl.Text         = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Parse(strStartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).AddDays(i).ToString(fmt);
            else //两年以上,2个月标注一次
                for (int i = 60; i < iDays; i += 60)
                    vlbl = chart.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel();
                    vlbl.NumericValue = i * 1; //修改前为50
                    vlbl.Text         = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Parse(strStartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).AddDays(i).ToString(fmt);


            //vlbl = chart.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel();
            //vlbl.NumericValue = iDays * 1; //修改前为50
            //vlbl.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Parse(strStartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).AddDays(iDays).ToString(fmt);

            //int iFirstLeft = DateTime.DaysInMonth(Convert.ToDateTime(strStartDate.Substring(0, 10)).Year, Convert.ToDateTime(strStartDate.Substring(0, 10)).Month) - Convert.ToDateTime(strStartDate.Substring(0, 10)).Day;

            //string strFirstDay = Convert.ToDateTime(strStartDate.Substring(0, 10)).AddMonths(1).ToString(fmt).Substring(0, 7) + ".01";

            //int iMonthCount = DateTime.Compare(Convert.ToDateTime(strFirstDay), Convert.ToDateTime(strEndDate.Substring(0, 10)));

            //vlbl = chart.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel();
            //vlbl.NumericValue = iFirstLeft * 50;
            //vlbl.Text = strFirstDay;

            //while (iMonthCount < 0)
            //    strPreDate = strFirstDay;
            //    strFirstDay = Convert.ToDateTime(strPreDate.Substring(0, 10)).AddMonths(1).ToString(fmt).Substring(0, 7) + ".01";

            //    iFirstLeft = Convert.ToDateTime(strFirstDay).Subtract(Convert.ToDateTime(strStartDate.Substring(0, 10))).Days;

            //    vlbl = chart.ChartArea.AxisX.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel();

            //    vlbl.NumericValue = iFirstLeft * 50;
            //    vlbl.Text = strFirstDay;

            //    iMonthCount = DateTime.Compare(Convert.ToDateTime(strFirstDay), Convert.ToDateTime(strEndDate.Substring(0, 10)));


            chart.ChartArea.AxisX.AnnoMethod = C1.Win.C1Chart.AnnotationMethodEnum.ValueLabels;
        private void SetupRawTempChart(C1Chart chart)
            // show the average mean temperature data and resize
            // the chart with the form.
            chart.Width  = this.ClientSize.Width - chart.Left;
            chart.Height = this.ClientSize.Height / 2;

            // setup the chart appearance
            chart.Style.BackColor          = Color.White;
            chart.Style.Border.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Inset;
            chart.Style.Border.Thickness   = 2;
            chart.Style.Border.Color       = Color.Black;

            // setup the axis limits and titles
            Axis ax = chart.ChartArea.AxisX;

            ax.Min = 1880;
            ax.Max = 2020;

            ax      = chart.ChartArea.AxisY;
            ax.Text = "Temperature F";
            ax.Min  = 0;
            ax.Max  = 100;

            ax      = chart.ChartArea.AxisY2;
            ax.Text = "Temperature C";
            ax.Min  = (0.0 - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;
            ax.Max  = (100.0 - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;

            // Legend and header
            chart.Legend.Visible    = true;
            chart.Header.Text       = "Yearly Average Kansas City Mean Temperatures by Season";
            chart.Header.Style.Font = new Font("Arial Narrow", 12, FontStyle.Bold);

            // get and add the data
            double [] years = KansasCityTempData(SeasonEnum.Years);
            ChartDataSeriesCollection cdsc = chart.ChartGroups[0].ChartData.SeriesList;

            // use a thicker line for the plots so the lines are very visible.
            const int lineThickness = 2;

            // Winter
            ChartDataSeries cds = cdsc.AddNewSeries();

            cds.SymbolStyle.Shape   = SymbolShapeEnum.None;
            cds.Label               = "Winter";
            cds.LineStyle.Color     = Color.Blue;
            cds.LineStyle.Thickness = lineThickness;

            // Spring
            cds = cdsc.AddNewSeries();
            cds.SymbolStyle.Shape   = SymbolShapeEnum.None;
            cds.Label               = "Spring";
            cds.LineStyle.Color     = Color.Green;
            cds.LineStyle.Thickness = lineThickness;

            // Summer
            cds = cdsc.AddNewSeries();
            cds.SymbolStyle.Shape   = SymbolShapeEnum.None;
            cds.Label               = "Summer";
            cds.LineStyle.Color     = Color.Red;
            cds.LineStyle.Thickness = lineThickness;

            // Fall
            cds = cdsc.AddNewSeries();
            cds.SymbolStyle.Shape   = SymbolShapeEnum.None;
            cds.Label               = "Fall";
            cds.LineStyle.Color     = Color.Brown;
            cds.LineStyle.Thickness = lineThickness;

            // add a series to Group1 so the Y2 axis is shown.  At the same time
            // hide the series in the legend, since it is a dummy series.
            chart.ChartGroups[1].ChartData.SeriesList.AddNewSeries().LegendEntry = false;