        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve all applications by specified receiver
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="receiverId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable <ApplicationDTO> Read(int receiverId)
            Func <ApplicationStatusEnum, bool> checkStatus = status => status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed || status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending;;

            var entities = from a in _context.Applications
                           where a.UserId == receiverId
                           orderby a.Created descending
                           select new ApplicationDTO
                ApplicationId = a.Id,
                ReceiverId    = a.UserId,
                ReceiverName  = $"{a.User.FirstName} {a.User.SurName}",
                Country       = a.User.Country,
                Thumbnail     = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(a.User.Thumbnail),
                ProductId     = a.Product.Id,
                ProductTitle  = a.Product.Title,
                ProductPrice  = a.Product.Price,
                ProducerId    = a.Product.UserId,
                Motivation    = a.Motivation,
                Bytes         = checkStatus(a.Status) ?
                                (from c in _context.Contracts
                                 where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                                 select c.Bytes
                                        : 0,
                BytesInCurrentDollars = checkStatus(a.Status) ?
                    (from c in _context.Contracts
                     where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                     select c.Bytes
                    (from b in _context.ByteExchangeRate
                     where b.Id == 1
                     select b.GBYTE_USD).FirstOrDefault()
                                       : 0,
                ContractSharedAddress = checkStatus(a.Status) ?
                                        (from c in _context.Contracts
                                         where c.ApplicationId == a.Id
                                         select c.SharedAddress
                                        : null,
                Status         = a.Status,
                DateOfDonation = a.DateOfDonation.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                CreationDate   = a.Created.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve all applications by specified receiver
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="receiverId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable <ApplicationDTO> ReadWithdrawableByProducer(int producerId)
            Func <ApplicationStatusEnum, bool> checkStatus = status => status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed || status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending;

            var applications = from a in (from p in _context.Products
                                          where p.UserId == producerId
                                          select p.Applications).SelectMany(aps => aps)
                               where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed
                               where _context.Contracts.Where(c => c.ApplicationId == a.Id).Select(c => c.Bytes).FirstOrDefault() > 0
                               orderby a.Id ascending
                               select new ApplicationDTO
                ApplicationId = a.Id,
                ReceiverId    = a.UserId,
                ReceiverName  = $"{a.User.FirstName} {a.User.SurName}",
                Country       = a.User.Country,
                Thumbnail     = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(a.User.Thumbnail),
                ProductId     = a.Product.Id,
                ProductTitle  = a.Product.Title,
                ProductPrice  = a.Product.Price,
                ProducerId    = a.Product.UserId,
                Motivation    = a.Motivation,
                Bytes         = (from c in _context.Contracts
                                 where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                                 select c.Bytes).FirstOrDefault(),
                BytesInCurrentDollars = BytesToUSDConverter.BytesToUSD(
                    (from c in _context.Contracts
                     where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                     select c.Bytes).FirstOrDefault(),
                    (from b in _context.ByteExchangeRate
                     where b.Id == 1
                     select b.GBYTE_USD).FirstOrDefault()),
                ContractSharedAddress = (from c in _context.Contracts
                                         where c.ApplicationId == a.Id
                                         select c.SharedAddress).FirstOrDefault(),
                Status         = a.Status,
                DateOfDonation = a.DateOfDonation.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                CreationDate   = a.Created.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve all products by specified producer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="producerId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable <ProductDTO> Read(int producerId)
            var weekAgo  = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0));
            var monthAgo = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(30, 0, 0, 0));
            Func <ApplicationStatusEnum, bool> checkStatus = status => status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed || status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending;;

            var entities = from p in _context.Products
                           where p.UserId == producerId
                           orderby p.Rank descending
                           orderby p.Created descending
                           select new ProductDTO
                ProductId   = p.Id,
                Title       = p.Title,
                UserId      = p.UserId,
                Price       = p.Price,
                Country     = p.Country,
                Thumbnail   = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(p.Thumbnail),
                Description = p.Description,
                Location    = p.Location,
                Available   = p.Available,
                Rank        = p.Rank,
                // Stats
                DateLastDonation = p.Applications.Count == 0
                                                    ? null
                                                    : p.Applications.Select(a => a.DateOfDonation).DefaultIfEmpty(DateTime.MinValue).Max().Equals(DateTime.MinValue)
                                                        ? null
                                                        : p.Applications.Select(a => a.DateOfDonation).DefaultIfEmpty(DateTime.MinValue).Max().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH':'mm"),
                CompletedDonationsPastWeek =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed && a.LastModified >= weekAgo
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                CompletedDonationsPastMonth =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed && a.LastModified >= monthAgo
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                CompletedDonationsAllTime =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                PendingDonationsPastWeek =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where (a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending) && a.LastModified >= weekAgo
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                PendingDonationsPastMonth =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending && a.LastModified >= monthAgo
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                PendingDonationsAllTime =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                // Applications for the product of status x
                OpenApplications =
                    from a in p.Applications
                    where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Open
                    select new ApplicationDTO
                    ApplicationId = a.Id,
                    ReceiverId    = a.UserId,
                    ReceiverName  = $"{a.User.FirstName} {a.User.SurName}",
                    Country       = a.User.Country,
                    Thumbnail     = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(a.User.Thumbnail),
                    ProductId     = a.Product.Id,
                    ProductTitle  = a.Product.Title,
                    ProductPrice  = a.Product.Price,
                    ProducerId    = a.Product.UserId,
                    Motivation    = a.Motivation,
                    Status        = a.Status,
                PendingApplications =
                    from a in p.Applications
                    where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending
                    orderby a.User.SurName
                    select new ApplicationDTO
                    ApplicationId = a.Id,
                    ReceiverId    = a.UserId,
                    ReceiverName  = $"{a.User.FirstName} {a.User.SurName}",
                    Country       = a.User.Country,
                    Thumbnail     = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(a.User.Thumbnail),
                    ProductId     = a.Product.Id,
                    ProductTitle  = a.Product.Title,
                    ProductPrice  = a.Product.Price,
                    ProducerId    = a.Product.UserId,
                    Motivation    = a.Motivation,
                    Bytes         = checkStatus(a.Status) ?
                                    (from c in _context.Contracts
                                     where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                                     select c.Bytes
                                                : 0,
                    BytesInCurrentDollars = checkStatus(a.Status) ?
                        (from c in _context.Contracts
                         where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                         select c.Bytes
                        (from b in _context.ByteExchangeRate
                         where b.Id == 1
                         select b.GBYTE_USD).FirstOrDefault()
                                                   : 0,
                    ContractSharedAddress = checkStatus(a.Status) ?
                                            (from c in _context.Contracts
                                             where c.ApplicationId == a.Id
                                             select c.SharedAddress
                                                    : null,
                    Status = a.Status,
                ClosedApplications =
                    from a in p.Applications
                    where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Unavailable
                    orderby a.LastModified
                    select new ApplicationDTO
                    ApplicationId = a.Id,
                    ReceiverId    = a.UserId,
                    ReceiverName  = $"{a.User.FirstName} {a.User.SurName}",
                    Country       = a.User.Country,
                    Thumbnail     = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(a.User.Thumbnail),
                    ProductId     = a.Product.Id,
                    ProductTitle  = a.Product.Title,
                    ProductPrice  = a.Product.Price,
                    ProducerId    = a.Product.UserId,
                    Motivation    = a.Motivation,
                    Bytes         = checkStatus(a.Status) ?
                                    (from c in _context.Contracts
                                     where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                                     select c.Bytes
                                                    : 0,
                    BytesInCurrentDollars = checkStatus(a.Status) ?
                        (from c in _context.Contracts
                         where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                         select c.Bytes
                        (from b in _context.ByteExchangeRate
                         where b.Id == 1
                         select b.GBYTE_USD).FirstOrDefault()
                                                   : 0,
                    ContractSharedAddress = checkStatus(a.Status) ?
                                            (from c in _context.Contracts
                                             where c.ApplicationId == a.Id
                                             select c.SharedAddress
                                                    : null,
                    Status = a.Status,
                CompletedApplications =
                    from a in p.Applications
                    where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed
                    where a.DateOfDonation >= monthAgo
                    orderby a.User.SurName
                    select new ApplicationDTO
                    ApplicationId = a.Id,
                    ReceiverId    = a.UserId,
                    ReceiverName  = $"{a.User.FirstName} {a.User.SurName}",
                    Country       = a.User.Country,
                    Thumbnail     = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(a.User.Thumbnail),
                    ProductId     = a.Product.Id,
                    ProductTitle  = a.Product.Title,
                    ProductPrice  = a.Product.Price,
                    ProducerId    = a.Product.UserId,
                    Motivation    = a.Motivation,
                    Bytes         = (from c in _context.Contracts
                                     where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                                     select c.Bytes
                    BytesInCurrentDollars = BytesToUSDConverter.BytesToUSD(
                        (from c in _context.Contracts
                         where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                         select c.Bytes
                        (from b in _context.ByteExchangeRate
                         where b.Id == 1
                         select b.GBYTE_USD).FirstOrDefault()
                    Status = a.Status,

        /// <summary>
        /// Find a product by id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="productId"></param>
        /// <returns name="ProductDTO"></returns>
        public async Task <ProductDTO> FindAsync(int productId)
            var weekAgo  = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0));
            var monthAgo = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(30, 0, 0, 0));
            var here     = (from c in _context.Contracts
                            where 479 == c.ApplicationId
                            select c.Bytes
            var product = await(from p in _context.Products
                                where p.Id == productId
                                select new ProductDTO
                ProductId   = p.Id,
                Title       = p.Title,
                UserId      = p.UserId,
                Price       = p.Price,
                Description = p.Description,
                Country     = p.Country,
                Thumbnail   = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(p.Thumbnail),
                Location    = p.Location,
                Available   = p.Available,
                Rank        = p.Rank,
                // Stats
                DateLastDonation = p.Applications.Count == 0
                                                    ? null
                                                    : p.Applications.Select(a => a.DateOfDonation).DefaultIfEmpty(DateTime.MinValue).Max().Equals(DateTime.MinValue)
                                                        ? null
                                                        : p.Applications.Select(a => a.DateOfDonation).DefaultIfEmpty(DateTime.MinValue).Max().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH':'mm"),
                CompletedDonationsPastWeek =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed && a.LastModified >= weekAgo
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                CompletedDonationsPastMonth =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed && a.LastModified >= monthAgo
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                CompletedDonationsAllTime =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Completed
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                PendingDonationsPastWeek =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where (a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending) && a.LastModified >= weekAgo
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                PendingDonationsPastMonth =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending && a.LastModified >= monthAgo
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                PendingDonationsAllTime =
                    (from a in p.Applications
                     where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending
                     select new
                     { ApplicationId = a.Id }).Count(),
                // Lists of applications of status x
                OpenApplications =
                    from a in p.Applications
                    where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Open
                    select new ApplicationDTO
                    ApplicationId = a.Id,
                    ReceiverId    = a.UserId,
                    ReceiverName  = $"{a.User.FirstName} {a.User.SurName}",
                    Country       = a.User.Country,
                    Thumbnail     = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(a.User.Thumbnail),
                    ProductId     = a.Product.Id,
                    ProductTitle  = a.Product.Title,
                    ProductPrice  = a.Product.Price,
                    ProducerId    = a.Product.UserId,
                    Motivation    = a.Motivation,
                    Status        = a.Status,
                PendingApplications =
                    from a in p.Applications
                    where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Pending
                    select new ApplicationDTO
                    ApplicationId = a.Id,
                    ReceiverId    = a.UserId,
                    ReceiverName  = $"{a.User.FirstName} {a.User.SurName}",
                    Country       = a.User.Country,
                    Thumbnail     = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(a.User.Thumbnail),
                    ProductId     = a.Product.Id,
                    ProductTitle  = a.Product.Title,
                    ProductPrice  = a.Product.Price,
                    ProducerId    = a.Product.UserId,
                    Motivation    = a.Motivation,
                    Bytes         = (from c in _context.Contracts
                                     where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                                     select c.Bytes
                    BytesInCurrentDollars = BytesToUSDConverter.BytesToUSD(
                        (from c in _context.Contracts
                         where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                         select c.Bytes
                        (from b in _context.ByteExchangeRate
                         where b.Id == 1
                         select b.GBYTE_USD).FirstOrDefault()
                    ContractSharedAddress = (from c in _context.Contracts
                                             where c.ApplicationId == a.Id
                                             select c.SharedAddress
                    Status = a.Status,
                ClosedApplications =
                    from a in p.Applications
                    where a.Status == ApplicationStatusEnum.Unavailable
                    select new ApplicationDTO
                    ApplicationId = a.Id,
                    ReceiverId    = a.UserId,
                    ReceiverName  = $"{a.User.FirstName} {a.User.SurName}",
                    Country       = a.User.Country,
                    Thumbnail     = ImageHelper.GetRelativeStaticFolderImagePath(a.User.Thumbnail),
                    ProductId     = a.Product.Id,
                    ProductTitle  = a.Product.Title,
                    ProductPrice  = a.Product.Price,
                    ProducerId    = a.Product.UserId,
                    Motivation    = a.Motivation,
                    Bytes         = (from c in _context.Contracts
                                     where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                                     select c.Bytes
                    BytesInCurrentDollars = BytesToUSDConverter.BytesToUSD(
                        (from c in _context.Contracts
                         where a.Id == c.ApplicationId
                         select c.Bytes
                        (from b in _context.ByteExchangeRate
                         where b.Id == 1
                         select b.GBYTE_USD).FirstOrDefault()
                    ContractSharedAddress = (from c in _context.Contracts
                                             where c.ApplicationId == a.Id
                                             select c.SharedAddress
                    Status = a.Status,

            if (product == null)
