private void clearBuffer() { if (this.N == 0) { return; } if (this.N > 0) { this.buffer <<= 8 - this.N; } IOException ex; try { [email protected](this.buffer); } catch (IOException arg_40_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_40_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_4A; } goto IL_56; IL_4A: IOException this2 = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(this2); IL_56: this.N = 0; this.buffer = 0; }
private void writeByte(int num) { if (!BinaryOut.s_assertionsDisabled && (num < 0 || num >= 256)) { throw new AssertionError(); } if (this.N == 0) { IOException ex; try { [email protected](num); } catch (IOException arg_37_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_37_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_41; } return; IL_41: IOException this2 = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(this2); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int num2 = (((uint)num >> 8 - i - 1 & 1u) == 1u) ? 1 : 0; this.writeBit(num2 != 0); } }
public Picture(File f) { this.isOriginUpperLeft = true; IOException ex; try { this.image =; } catch (IOException arg_20_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_20_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_2A; } if (this.image == null) { string arg_82_0 = new StringBuilder().append("Invalid image file: ").append(f).toString(); throw new RuntimeException(arg_82_0); } this.width = this.image.getWidth(null); this.height = this.image.getHeight(null); this.filename = f.getName(); return; IL_2A: IOException this2 = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(this2); string arg_55_0 = new StringBuilder().append("Could not open file: ").append(f).toString(); throw new RuntimeException(arg_55_0); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { try { var minecraftserver = new MinecraftServer(); if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() && ((args.Length <= 0) || !String.instancehelper_equals(args[0], "nogui"))) { ServerGUI.initGui(minecraftserver); } new ThreadServerApplication("Server thread", minecraftserver).start(); } catch (java.lang.Exception exception1) { var local1 = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <java.lang.Exception>(exception1, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.None); if (local1 == null) { throw; } java.lang.Exception exception = local1; java.lang.Exception exception2 = exception; logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to start the minecraft server", exception2); return; } }
public static void log(string message, string extra, bool newLine, int index, bool time) { int num = (int)newLine; try { extra = new StringBuilder().append("{").append(new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd|HH:mm:ss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())).append("}=> ").append(extra).append(": ").toString(); System.get_out().println(new StringBuilder().append(extra).append(message).toString()); if (file_logging) { File file = new File(new StringBuilder().append(log_path).append(file_name).append((index > 0) ? Integer.valueOf(index) : "").append(".log").toString()); if (!file.exists()) { File.__ <clinit>(); new File(log_path).mkdirs(); file.createNewFile(); } OpenOption[] optionArray1 = new OpenOption[] { StandardOpenOption.APPEND }; Files.write(file.toPath(), String.instancehelper_getBytes(new StringBuilder().append(extra).append(message).append((num == 0) ? "" : "\r\n").toString(), "utf-8"), optionArray1); } } catch (Exception exception1) { if (ByteCodeHelper.MapException <Exception>(exception1, 2) == null) { throw; } return; } }
public virtual void destroy() { try { this.socket.close(); } catch (IOException exception1) { IOException exception2 = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(exception1, 1); Logger.e("PlainTcpConnection", (Exception)exception2); return; } }
public virtual void close() { this.flush(); IOException ex; try { [email protected](); } catch (IOException arg_16_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_16_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_20; } return; IL_20: IOException this2 = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(this2); }
public BinaryOut(Socket s) { IOException ex; try { OutputStream outputStream = s.getOutputStream(); this.@out = new BufferedOutputStream(outputStream); } catch (IOException arg_20_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_20_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_2A; } return; IL_2A: IOException this2 = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(this2); }
public virtual void save(File f) { this.filename = f.getName(); if (this.frame != null) { this.frame.setTitle(this.filename); } string text = java.lang.String.instancehelper_substring(this.filename, java.lang.String.instancehelper_lastIndexOf(this.filename, 46) + 1); text = java.lang.String.instancehelper_toLowerCase(text); if (!java.lang.String.instancehelper_equals(text, "jpg")) { if (!java.lang.String.instancehelper_equals(text, "png")) { [email protected]("Error: filename must end in .jpg or .png"); return; } } IOException ex; try { ImageIO.write(this.image, text, f); } catch (IOException arg_74_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_74_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_7E; } return; IL_7E: IOException this2 = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(this2); }
public virtual void AES256IGEDecrypt(byte[] src, byte[] dest, int len, byte[] iv, byte[] key) { int expressionStack_AF_0; AESFastEngine engine = new AESFastEngine(); engine.init(false, new KeyParameter(key)); int num = len / 0x10; byte[] buffer = iv; byte[] buffer2 = iv; int num2 = 0x10; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; Label_0029: if (num4 >= num) { return; } int inOff = num4 * 0x10; int num6 = 0; while (true) { if (num6 >= 0x10) { break; } dest[inOff + num6] = (byte)((sbyte)(src[inOff + num6] ^ buffer[num2 + num6])); num6++; } engine.processBlock(dest, inOff, dest, inOff); num6 = 0; while (true) { if (num6 >= 0x10) { break; } dest[inOff + num6] = (byte)((sbyte)(dest[inOff + num6] ^ buffer2[num3 + num6])); num6++; } buffer2 = src; num3 = inOff; buffer = dest; num2 = inOff; if (0x1f != -1) { int expressionStack_AE_1 = num4; int expressionStack_AE_0 = 0x1f; expressionStack_AF_0 = expressionStack_AE_1 % expressionStack_AE_0; goto Label_00AF; } else { int expressionStack_A9_1 = num4; } expressionStack_AF_0 = 0; Label_00AF: if (expressionStack_AF_0 == 0x20) { try { Thread.sleep(10L); } catch (InterruptedException exception1) { InterruptedException exception2 = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <InterruptedException>(exception1, 1); Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(exception2); } } num4++; goto Label_0029; }