public void AustinInstrumentvLoralCorp()
            var testContract = new ComLawContract <Promise>
                Offer      = new OfferSubcontractorComponents(),
                Acceptance = o => o is OfferSubcontractorComponents ? new AcceptanceSubcontractorComponents() : null,
                Assent     = new MutualAssent
                    IsApprovalExpressed = lp => true,
                    TermsOfAgreement    = lp => GetTerms()

            testContract.Consideration = new Consideration <Promise>(testContract)
                IsGivenByOfferee  = (lp, p) => true,
                IsSoughtByOfferor = (lp, p) => true

            var testSubject = new ByDuress <Promise>(testContract)
                ImproperThreat = new ImproperThreat <Promise>(testContract)
                    //austin all ready had a duty to deliver parts,
                    IsBreachOfGoodFaithDuty         = lp => lp is AustinInstruments,
                    IsUnfairTerms                   = lp => lp is AustinInstruments,
                    IsSignificantViaPriorUnfairDeal = lp => lp is AustinInstruments,

            var testResult = testSubject.IsValid(new LoralCorp(), new AustinInstruments());

        public void StandardFinancevEllis()
            var testContract = new ComLawContract <Promise>
                Offer      = new OfferOnPromissoryNote(),
                Acceptance = o => o is OfferOnPromissoryNote ? new AcceptOnPromissoryNote() : null,
                Assent     = new MutualAssent
                    IsApprovalExpressed = lp => true,
                    TermsOfAgreement    = lp => GetTerms()

            testContract.Consideration = new Consideration <Promise>(testContract)
                IsGivenByOfferee  = (lp, p) => true,
                IsSoughtByOfferor = (lp, p) => true

            var testSubject = new ByDuress <Promise>(testContract);

            //court found that there was not threat made
            var testResult = testSubject.IsValid(new Ellis(), new StandardFinance());
