        // GET: /Admin/ApproveBuylead/
        public void List_DoloadData(BuyleadAction action)
            var    svBuylead = new BuyleadService();
            string sqlSelect, sqlWhere, sqlOrderBy = "";

            sqlSelect = "BuyleadID,BuyleadName,BuyleadEmail,RowFlag,CompID,CompName,RowVersion,Remark,CateLV1,CateLV2,CateLV3,Modifieddate,CreatedDate,AdminCode,CompCode,CreatedBy,ModifiedBy,CategoryType";
            sqlWhere  = svBuylead.CreateWhereAction(action) + " ";

            sqlOrderBy = " CreatedDate DESC ";

            #region DoWhereCause
            sqlWhere += svBuylead.CreateWhereCause(0, "", (int)ViewBag.PStatus);
            sqlWhere += svBuylead.CreateWhereSearchBy(ViewBag.TextSearch, ViewBag.SearchType);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.Period))
                sqlWhere += SQLWhereDateTimeFromPeriod(ViewBag.Period, "CreatedDate");

            var Buyleads = svBuylead.SelectData <view_SearchBuylead>(sqlSelect, sqlWhere, sqlOrderBy, (int)ViewBag.PageIndex, (int)ViewBag.PageSize);
            ViewBag.Buyleads    = Buyleads;
            ViewBag.LogonCompID = LogonCompID;
            ViewBag.TotalRow    = svBuylead.TotalRow;
            ViewBag.TotalPage   = svBuylead.TotalPage;
        public ActionResult ValidateAddBuylead(string BuyleadName, string BuyleadCode, string BuyleadExpire)
            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

            svBuylead.ValidateInsert(BuyleadName, BuyleadCode, BuyleadExpire);
        public ActionResult Reject(List <int> ID, List <int> CateLV1, List <int> CateLV2, List <int> CateLV3, string Remark)
            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

                svBuylead.RejectBuylead(ID, CateLV1, CateLV2, CateLV3, Remark, LogonCompCode);
                if (svBuylead.IsResult)
                    for (var i = 0; i < ID.Count(); i++)
                        var Buylead = svBuylead.SelectData <b2bBuylead>("BuyleadID, BuyleadCode, BuyleadName, BuyleadCompanyName, BuyleadContactPerson, BuyleadEmail, RowFlag, Remark", "BuyleadID = N'" + ID[i] + "'");
                        if (Buylead.Count > 0)
                            var model = Buylead.First();
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(new { IsResult = svBuylead.IsResult, MsgError = "" }));
        public void List_DoloadData(BuyleadAction action)
            ViewBag.PageSize = 19;
            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

            sqlSelect = "BuyleadID,BuyleadName,BuyleadIMGPath,Remark,RowFlag,CompID,CateLV1,CateLV2,CateLV3,RowVersion";
            sqlWhere  = svBuylead.CreateWhereAction(action) + " AND ListNo = 0 ";

            sqlOrderBy = " ModifiedDate DESC ";

            #region DoWhereCause
            sqlWhere += svBuylead.CreateWhereCause(LogonCompID, ViewBag.TextSearch, (int)ViewBag.PStatus,
                                                   (int)ViewBag.CateLevel, (int)ViewBag.CateID);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.Period))
                sqlWhere += SQLWhereDateTimeFromPeriod(ViewBag.Period, "ModifiedDate");

            var Buyleads = svBuylead.SelectData <b2bBuylead>(sqlSelect, sqlWhere, sqlOrderBy, (int)ViewBag.PageIndex, (int)ViewBag.PageSize);
            ViewBag.Buyleads    = Buyleads;
            ViewBag.LogonCompID = LogonCompID;
            ViewBag.TotalRow    = svBuylead.TotalRow;
            ViewBag.TotalPage   = svBuylead.TotalPage;
        public ActionResult ValidateEditBuylead(string Upd_BuyleadName, string Chk_BuyleadName, string Upd_BuyleadCode, string Chk_BuyleadCode, string BuyleadExpire, int BuyleadID)
            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

            svBuylead.ValidateUpdate(Upd_BuyleadName, Chk_BuyleadName, Upd_BuyleadCode, Chk_BuyleadCode, BuyleadExpire, BuyleadID);
 public SearchController()
     svBuylead  = new BuyleadService();
     svCategory = new CategoryService();
     svBizType  = new Ouikum.BizType.BizTypeService();
     svCompany  = new CompanyService();
     svAddress  = new AddressService();
 public BuyleadCenterController()
     svBuylead  = new BuyleadService();
     svCategory = new CategoryService();
     svBizType  = new BizTypeService();
     svCompany  = new CompanyService();
     svAddress  = new AddressService();
        public ActionResult Detail(int?ID)
            if (RedirectToProduction())
            #region รายละเอียดประกาศซื้อ
            svBuylead = new BuyleadService();
            var Buyleads = svBuylead.SelectData <view_BuyLead>("*", "BuyleadID = " + ID, null, 1, 0);

            if (svBuylead.TotalRow == 0)

            var buylead = Buyleads.First();
            ViewBag.BuyleadDetail = buylead;
            if (buylead.ProvinceName == "กรุงเทพมหานคร")
                buylead.ProvinceName = "กรุงเทพ";
            ViewBag.Title = buylead.BuyleadName + " | " + buylead.ProvinceName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buylead.BuyleadKeyword))
                ViewBag.Title += buylead.BuyleadKeyword.Replace("~", " ");
            ViewBag.Title          += " | " + res.Product.lblBuyleadList + " | " + res.Common.lblDomainShortName;
            ViewBag.MetaKeyword     = ViewBag.Title;
            ViewBag.MetaDescription = ViewBag.Title;

            //#region ผู้ขายสินค้าประเภทนี้
            //ViewBag.Buyer = svBuylead.SelectData<view_PurchaseComp>("*", "CateLV3 IN (" + buylead.CateLV3 + ") AND RowFlag IN(2,4) AND ProductCount > 0", "CompID", 1, 7);

            //#region สินค้าที่เกี่ยวข้องกับประกาศซื้อ
            //var svProduct = new ProductService();
            //SqlWhere = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd, 0);
            //SqlWhere += " AND (CateLV3  = " + buylead.CateLV3 + ") AND (ProductImgPath <> '') ";
            //ViewBag.ProductOther = svProduct.SelectData<view_Product>("ProductID,ProductImgPath,CompID,ProductName,CateLV3,IsDelete,RowFlag,CompRowFlag,IsShow,IsJunk", SqlWhere, "ProductID", 1, 7);

            #region ประกาศซื้อใกล้เคียง
            SqlWhere           = svBuylead.CreateWhereAction(BuyleadAction.FrontEnd);
            SqlWhere          += " AND CateLV3 = " + buylead.CateLV3 + " AND BuyleadID != " + ID;
            ViewBag.BuyerOther = svBuylead.SelectData <view_BuyLead>("*", SqlWhere, "BuyleadID", 1, 5);

            CommonService svCommon = new CommonService();
            ViewBag.EnumServiceType      = svCommon.SelectEnum(CommonService.EnumType.SearchByServiceType);
            ViewBag.EnumSearchByPurchase = svCommon.SelectEnum(CommonService.EnumType.SearchByPurchase);
            AddViewCount((int)ID, "Buylead");
        public bool MoveProduct(int oldcatelv1, int oldcatelv2, int oldcatelv3, int newcatelv1, int newcatelv2, int newcatelv3)
            var svProduct = new ProductService();
            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

            svProduct.MoveProductInCateLV(oldcatelv1, oldcatelv2, oldcatelv3, newcatelv1, newcatelv2, newcatelv3);
            svBuylead.MoveBuyleadInCateLV(oldcatelv1, oldcatelv2, oldcatelv3, newcatelv1, newcatelv2, newcatelv3);

        public bool MoveCategory(int oldcatelv1, int oldcatelv2, int newcatelv1, int newcatelv2, int newcatelv3)
            var svProduct  = new ProductService();
            var svBuylead  = new BuyleadService();
            var svCategory = new CategoryService();

            using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
                svProduct.MoveProductInCate(2, oldcatelv2, newcatelv2, newcatelv3);
                svProduct.MoveProductInCate(1, oldcatelv1, newcatelv1, newcatelv3);
            using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
                svBuylead.MoveBuyleadInCate(2, oldcatelv2, newcatelv2, newcatelv3);
                svBuylead.MoveBuyleadInCate(1, oldcatelv1, newcatelv1, newcatelv3);

            if (svProduct.IsResult)
                var categoryNameLV1 = svCategory.SelectData <b2bCategory>("CategoryID,CategoryName", "CategoryID = " + newcatelv1).First();
                var categoryNameLV2 = svCategory.SelectData <b2bCategory>("CategoryID,CategoryName", "CategoryID = " + newcatelv2).First();
                var categoryNameLV3 = svCategory.SelectData <b2bCategory>("CategoryID,CategoryName", "CategoryID = " + newcatelv3).First();
                using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
                    var strParent = @"ParentCategoryPath = N'" + categoryNameLV1.CategoryName
                                    + " >> " + categoryNameLV2.CategoryName + " >> " + categoryNameLV3.CategoryName + "'";
                    UpdateByCondition <b2bCategory>("ParentCategoryID = " + newcatelv2 + " , " + strParent, " CategoryID = " + newcatelv3);


                #region Update Product Count
                UpdateProductCount(3, newcatelv3);
                UpdateProductCount(2, oldcatelv2);
                UpdateProductCount(1, oldcatelv1);
                UpdateProductCount(3, newcatelv3);
                UpdateProductCount(2, newcatelv2);
                UpdateProductCount(1, newcatelv1);


                #region Update Buylead Count
                UpdateBuyleadCount(3, newcatelv3);
                UpdateBuyleadCount(2, oldcatelv2);
                UpdateBuyleadCount(1, oldcatelv1);
                UpdateBuyleadCount(3, newcatelv3);
                UpdateBuyleadCount(2, newcatelv2);
                UpdateBuyleadCount(1, newcatelv1);

        public ActionResult SaveIsShow(List <int> BuyleadID, List <int> CateLV1, List <int> CateLV2, List <int> CateLV3, int IsShow)
            if (!CheckIsLogin())

            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

            svBuylead.SaveIsShow(BuyleadID, CateLV1, CateLV2, CateLV3, LogonCompID, IsShow);
            return(Json(new { IsResult = svBuylead.IsResult, MsgError = GenerateMsgError(svBuylead.MsgError) }));
        public void MyB2BStatus(int CompID)
            var    svProduct   = new ProductService();
            var    svBuylead   = new BuyleadService();
            var    svMessage   = new MessageService();
            var    svQuotation = new QuotationService();
            var    svOrderPur  = new OrderPurchaseService();
            string sqlwhere    = string.Empty;
            //string sqlwhere = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.All, CompID);
            var count = 0;

            //var sqlwherein = "";
            //    switch (res.Common.lblWebsite)
            //    {
            //        case "B2BThai": sqlwherein = " AND CategoryType IN (1,2)"; break;
            //        case "AntCart": sqlwherein = " AND CategoryType IN (3)"; break;
            //        case "myOtopThai": sqlwherein = " AND CategoryType IN (5)"; break;
            //        case "AppstoreThai": sqlwherein = " AND CategoryType IN (6)"; break;
            //        default: sqlwherein = ""; break;
            //    }sqlwhere += sqlwherein;
            sqlwhere = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.All, CompID);

            count = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlwhere);
            ViewBag.CountProduct = count;

            sqlwhere = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.All, CompID) + " AND RowFlag = 3";
            count    = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlwhere);
            ViewBag.CountProductReject = count;

            sqlwhere = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.All, CompID) + " AND RowFlag IN (2)";
            count    = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlwhere);
            ViewBag.CountProductWait = count;

            sqlwhere = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.All, CompID) + " AND RowFlag IN (4,5)";
            count    = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlwhere);
            ViewBag.CountProductApprove = count;
            //sqlwhere = svBuylead.CreateWhereAction(BuyleadAction.All, CompID);
            //count = svProduct.CountData<b2bBuylead>("BuyleadID", sqlwhere);
            //ViewBag.CountBuylead = count;

            //sqlwhere = svBuylead.CreateWhereAction(BuyleadAction.All, CompID) + " AND RowFlag = 3 ";
            //count = svBuylead.CountData<b2bBuylead>("BuyleadID", sqlwhere);
            //ViewBag.CountBuyleadReject = count;

            //sqlwhere = svMessage.CreateWhereAction(MessageStatus.Inbox, CompID);
            //count = svMessage.CountData<emMessage>("MessageID", sqlwhere);
            //ViewBag.Inbox = count;

            sqlwhere       = svMessage.CreateWhereAction(MessageStatus.UnRead, CompID);
            count          = svMessage.CountData <emMessage>("MessageID", sqlwhere);
            ViewBag.UnRead = count;
        public ActionResult GetBuyleadName(string query)
            svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

            SqlWhere  = svBuylead.CreateWhereAction(BuyleadAction.FrontEnd, 0);
            SqlWhere += svBuylead.CreateWhereCause(0, query, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            SqlWhere += " AND (convert(nvarchar(20), BuyleadExpDate,112) > '" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "')";

            var b2bBuyleads = svBuylead.SelectData <view_BuyLead>("BuyleadName", SqlWhere, "BuyleadName");
            var BuyleadName = b2bBuyleads.Select(it => it.BuyleadName).ToList();

        public ActionResult DeleteBuylead(List <int> BuyleadID, List <int> CateLV1, List <int> CateLV2, List <int> CateLV3)
            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

                svBuylead.Delete(BuyleadID, CateLV1, CateLV2, CateLV3, LogonCompID);
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(new { IsResult = svBuylead.IsResult, MsgError = GenerateMsgError(svBuylead.MsgError) }));
        public ActionResult BuyleadGetByID(int ID)
            if (!CheckIsLogin())

            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

            sqlSelect = @"BuyleadID,BuyleadCode,BuyleadName,BuyleadIMGPath,ModifiedDate, CreatedDate,RowFlag,ListNo,
            sqlWhere  = "BuyleadID=" + ID;
            var Buylead = svBuylead.SelectData <view_BuyLead>(sqlSelect, sqlWhere, null, 0, 0).First();

            Buylead.ModifiedDate = DataManager.ConvertToDateTime(Buylead.ModifiedDate);
            Buylead.CreatedDate  = DataManager.ConvertToDateTime(Buylead.CreatedDate);

            ViewBag.BuyleadGetByID = Buylead;
        public ActionResult B2BToday()
            var svProduct = new ProductService();
            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();
            var svCompany = new CompanyService();

            var sqlWhere = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd);

            string CountProduct = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");

            sqlWhere  = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd);
            sqlWhere += " And CateLV1=7102";
            string Countsoftware = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");

            sqlWhere  = svCompany.CreateWhereAction(CompStatus.HaveProduct);
            sqlWhere += svCompany.CreateWhereServiceType(3);
            string CountSupplier = svCompany.CountData <b2bCompany>("CompID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");

            return(Json(new { ProductAll = CountProduct, SupplierAll = CountSupplier, SoftwareAll = Countsoftware }));
        public void GetStatusByCompID(int CompID)
            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

            string sqlwhere  = svBuylead.CreateWhereAction(BuyleadAction.Junk, CompID);
            var    CountJunk = svBuylead.CountData <b2bBuylead>("BuyleadID", sqlwhere);

            ViewBag.CountJunk = CountJunk;

            sqlwhere = svBuylead.CreateWhereAction(BuyleadAction.BackEnd, CompID) + " AND ListNo = 0 ";
            var CountBuylead = svBuylead.CountData <b2bBuylead>("BuyleadID", sqlwhere);

            ViewBag.CountBuylead = CountBuylead;

            sqlwhere = svBuylead.CreateWhereAction(BuyleadAction.All, CompID);
            var CountAllitem = svBuylead.CountData <b2bBuylead>("BuyleadID", sqlwhere);

            ViewBag.CountAllitem = CountAllitem;

            sqlwhere += svBuylead.CreateWhereCause(0, "", 4);
            var CountBuyleadApprove = svBuylead.CountData <view_BuyLead>("BuyleadID", sqlwhere);

            ViewBag.CountBuyleadApprove = CountBuyleadApprove;
        public ActionResult Delete(List <int> ID, List <int> CateLV1, List <int> CateLV2, List <int> CateLV3, List <int> CompID)
            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();
            var svCompany = new CompanyService();
            var compid    = CompID;
            var products  = svBuylead.SelectData <b2bBuylead>("BuyleadID,CompID", svBuylead.SQLWhereListInt(ID, "BuyleadID"));

                foreach (var item in products)
                    svBuylead.Delete(ID, CateLV1, CateLV2, CateLV3, (int)item.CompID);
                    var imgManager = new FileHelper();
                    imgManager.DeleteFilesInDir("Buylead/" + item.CompID + "/" + item.BuyleadID);
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(new { IsResult = svBuylead.IsResult, MsgError = GenerateMsgError(svBuylead.MsgError) }));
        public ActionResult AddBuylead(FormCollection form, List <string> BuyleadImgPath, List <string> BuyLeadImgOldfile)
            var        svBuylead = new BuyleadService();
            b2bBuylead model     = new b2bBuylead();

                #region Set Buylead Model
                var date = form["BuyleadExpire"];
                model.BuyleadName = form["BuyleadName"];
                model.BuyleadCode = form["BuyleadCode"];
                model.BuyleadType = DataManager.ConvertToInteger(form["BuyleadType"]);
                //model.BuyleadExpDate = DateTime.Parse(form["BuyleadExpire"]);
                var      d = form["BuyleadExpire"];
                DateTime t = DataManager.ConvertToDateTime(d);
                model.BuyleadExpDate = t;
                model.BuyleadKeyword = form["BuyleadKeyword"];
                if (form["BuyleadDetail"] != "")
                    model.BuyleadDetail = form["BuyleadDetail"];

                model.Qty     = DataManager.ConvertToDecimal(form["Qty"]);
                model.QtyUnit = form["QtyUnit"];
                if (BuyleadImgPath != null)
                    model.BuyleadIMGPath = BuyleadImgPath[0];
                model.CompID  = LogonCompID;
                model.CateLV1 = Convert.ToInt32(form["Catecode"].Substring(9, 4));
                model.CateLV2 = Convert.ToInt32(form["Catecode"].Substring(14, 4));
                model.CateLV3 = Convert.ToInt32(form["CateLV3"]);
                model.IsShow  = true;
                model.IsJunk  = false;

                #region Check ว่าเป็น OutSource Add หรือ User Add
                model.RowFlag = (LogonServiceType >= 9) ? (short)2 : (short)6;

                if (LogonServiceType >= 9)
                    model.CompCode = LogonCompCode;

                #region Company Information
                model.BuyleadCompanyName     = form["CompName"];
                model.BuyleadContactPerson   = form["ContactName"];
                model.BuyleadContactPosition = form["Position"];
                model.BuyleadTel             = form["Phone"];
                model.BuyleadEmail           = form["Email"];
                if (form["Mobile"] != "")
                    model.BuyleadMobilePhone = form["Mobile"];
                if (form["Fax"] != "")
                    model.BuyleadFax = form["Fax"];
                if (form["Address"] != "")
                    model.BuyleadAddressLine1 = form["Address"];
                model.DistrictID = Convert.ToInt32(form["District"]);
                model.ProvinceID = Convert.ToInt32(form["Province"]);
                if (form["Postal"] != "")
                    model.BuyleadPostelCode = form["Postal"];

                model.ContactCount = 0;
                model.ListNo       = 0;
                model.ViewCount    = 0;
                model.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;
                model.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                model.CreatedBy    = "sa";
                model.ModifiedBy   = "sa";

                if (form["BuyleadID"] == null)
                    #region Insert Buylead And BuyleadImage
                    svBuylead.InsertBuylead(model, LogonCompID);
                    #region Update Data
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(form["RowFlag"]) == 3)
                        model.RowFlag = 2;
                    model.BuyleadID = Convert.ToInt32(form["BuyleadID"]);
                var Floder = 0;
                if (LogonCompID > 0)
                    Floder = LogonCompID;
                    Floder = 2;
                #region Save Image Files
                if (BuyleadImgPath != null)
                    imgManager             = new FileHelper();
                    imgManager.DirPath     = "Buylead/" + Floder + "/" + model.BuyleadID;
                    imgManager.DirTempPath = "Temp/Buylead/" + Floder;
                        BuyleadImgPath, 150, 450);
                    if (BuyLeadImgOldfile != null && (BuyleadImgPath[0] != BuyLeadImgOldfile[0]))
                        DeleteFileImage(imgManager.DirPath, BuyLeadImgOldfile, BuyleadImgPath);

            catch (Exception ex)

            return(Json(new { IsResult = svBuylead.IsResult, MsgError = GenerateMsgError(svBuylead.MsgError), ID = model.BuyleadID }));
        public void List_DoloadData(BuyleadAction action)
            ViewBag.Title = res.Product.lblBuyleadList;
            string sqlSelect, sqlWhere, sqlOrderBy = "";
            var    svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

            sqlSelect = "BuyleadID,Qty,QtyUnit,ModifiedDate,BuyleadName,BuyleadNameEng,BuyleadExpDate,BuyleadType,CompBuyleadCount,CompID,CompName,CompLevel,BizTypeName,BizTypeOther,BuyleadImgPath,CateLV3,CategoryName,LogoImgPath";

            #region DoWhereCause
            sqlWhere  = svBuylead.CreateWhereAction(action);
            sqlWhere += svBuylead.CreateWhereCause(0, ViewBag.txtSearch, 0, 1, (int)ViewBag.CateID, (int)ViewBag.BuyleadType, 0, (int)ViewBag.ProvinceID);
            //var sqlwherein = "";
            //switch (res.Common.lblWebsite)
            //    case "B2BThai": sqlwherein = " AND CategoryType IN (1,2)"; break;
            //    case "AntCart": sqlwherein = " AND CategoryType IN (3)"; break;
            //    case "myOtopThai": sqlwherein = " AND CategoryType IN (5)"; break;
            //    case "AppstoreThai": sqlwherein = " AND CategoryType IN (6) "; break;
            //    default: sqlwherein = ""; break;
            //sqlWhere += sqlwherein;

            if (ViewBag.BuyleadExpDate != 0)
                sqlWhere += " ";
            else if (ViewBag.BuyleadNotExpDate != 0)
                sqlWhere += " AND (convert(nvarchar(20), BuyleadExpDate,112) > '" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "')";

            #region Order By
            if (ViewBag.BuyleadNotExpDate != 0)
                sqlOrderBy = "CreatedDate DESC";
                sqlOrderBy = "BuyleadExpDate DESC";
            //if (ViewBag.CreatedDate != 0)
            //    if (ViewBag.CreatedDate == 1)
            //        sqlOrderBy = "CreatedDate DESC";

            #region query
            var Buyleads = svBuylead.SelectData <view_BuyLead>(sqlSelect, sqlWhere, sqlOrderBy, (int)ViewBag.PageIndex, (int)ViewBag.PageSize);
            ViewBag.Buyleads = Buyleads;
            if (ViewBag.txtSearch != "")
                ViewBag.Title += ViewBag.txtSearch;
            if (svBuylead.TotalRow > 0)
                if ((int)ViewBag.CateID > 0)
                    ViewBag.Title += " | " + Buyleads.First().CategoryName;
                if ((int)ViewBag.ProvinceID > 0)
                    ViewBag.Title += " | " + Buyleads.First().ProvinceName;
            ViewBag.Title          += " | " + res.Common.lblDomainShortName;
            ViewBag.MetaKeyword     = ViewBag.Title;
            ViewBag.MetaDescription = ViewBag.Title;
            ViewBag.TotalRow        = svBuylead.TotalRow;
            //if (svBuylead.TotalRow.ToString().Length > 2)
            //    ViewBag.TotalRow = String.Format("{0:0,0}", svBuylead.TotalRow);

            ViewBag.TotalPage = svBuylead.TotalPage;
            if (svBuylead.TotalPage.ToString().Length > 2)
                ViewBag.TotalPage = String.Format("{0:0,0}", svBuylead.TotalPage);

            //#region Buyer
            //string CateLV3 = string.Empty;
            //if (ViewBag.Buyleads != null)
            //    if (Buyleads.Count > 0)
            //    {
            //        for (int x = 0; x < Buyleads.Count; x++)
            //        {
            //            CateLV3 += Buyleads[x].CateLV3 + ",";
            //        }
            //        CateLV3 = CateLV3.Substring(0, CateLV3.Length - 1);
            //        var Buyer = svBuylead.SelectData<view_PurchaseComp>("*", "CateLV3 IN (" + CateLV3 + ") AND RowFlag IN(2,4) AND ProductCount > 0 ", "CompID",0,0);
            //        ViewBag.Buyer = Buyer;
            //    }
        public ActionResult B2BToday()
            var svProduct = new ProductService();
            var svBuylead = new BuyleadService();
            var svCompany = new CompanyService();

            string CountProduct, Countsoftware, CountCentral, CountWest, CountNorth, CountNortheast, CountSouth, CountEast, CountSupplier = "";

            var HomeCountProduct   = "HomeCountProduct";
            var HomeCountsoftware  = "HomeCountsoftware";
            var HomeCountCentral   = "HomeCountCentral";
            var HomeCountWest      = "HomeCountWest";
            var HomeCountNorth     = "HomeCountNorth";
            var HomeCountNortheast = "HomeCountNortheast";
            var HomeCountSouth     = "HomeCountSouth";
            var HomeCountEast      = "HomeCountEast";
            var HomeCountSupplier  = "HomeCountSupplier";

            var sqlWhere = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd);

            if (MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountProduct] != null)
                CountProduct = (string)MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountProduct];
                CountProduct = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");
                if (CountProduct != "" || CountProduct != null)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add(HomeCountProduct, CountProduct, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2));

            if (MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountsoftware] != null)
                Countsoftware = (string)MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountsoftware];
                sqlWhere      = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd);
                sqlWhere     += " And CateLV1=7102";
                Countsoftware = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");
                if (Countsoftware != "" || Countsoftware != null)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add(HomeCountsoftware, Countsoftware, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2));

            if (MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountCentral] != null)
                CountCentral = (string)MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountCentral];
                sqlWhere     = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd);
                sqlWhere    += " And RegionID=1";
                CountCentral = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");
                if (CountCentral != "" || CountCentral != null)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add(HomeCountCentral, CountCentral, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2));

            if (MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountWest] != null)
                CountWest = (string)MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountWest];
                sqlWhere  = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd);
                sqlWhere += " And RegionID=2";
                CountWest = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");
                if (CountWest != "" || CountWest != null)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add(HomeCountWest, CountWest, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2));

            if (MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountNorth] != null)
                CountNorth = (string)MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountNorth];
                sqlWhere   = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd);
                sqlWhere  += " And RegionID=3";
                CountNorth = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");
                if (CountNorth != "" || CountNorth != null)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add(HomeCountNorth, CountNorth, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2));

            if (MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountNortheast] != null)
                CountNortheast = (string)MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountNortheast];
                sqlWhere       = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd);
                sqlWhere      += " And RegionID=4";
                CountNortheast = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");
                if (CountNortheast != "" || CountNortheast != null)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add(HomeCountNortheast, CountNortheast, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2));

            if (MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountSouth] != null)
                CountSouth = (string)MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountSouth];
                sqlWhere   = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd);
                sqlWhere  += " And RegionID=5";
                CountSouth = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");
                if (CountSouth != "" || CountSouth != null)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add(HomeCountSouth, CountSouth, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2));

            if (MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountEast] != null)
                CountEast = (string)MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountEast];
                sqlWhere  = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd);
                sqlWhere += " And RegionID=6";
                CountEast = svProduct.CountData <view_SearchProduct>("ProductID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");
                if (CountEast != "" || CountEast != null)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add(HomeCountEast, CountEast, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2));

            if (MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountSupplier] != null)
                CountSupplier = (string)MemoryCache.Default[HomeCountSupplier];
                sqlWhere      = svCompany.CreateWhereAction(CompStatus.HaveProduct);
                sqlWhere     += svCompany.CreateWhereServiceType(3);
                CountSupplier = svCompany.CountData <b2bCompany>("CompID", sqlWhere).ToString("#,##0");
                if (CountSupplier != "" || CountSupplier != null)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add(HomeCountSupplier, CountSupplier, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2));

            return(Json(new { ProductAll = CountProduct, SupplierAll = CountSupplier, SoftwareAll = Countsoftware, Central = CountCentral, West = CountWest, North = CountNorth, Northeast = CountNortheast, South = CountSouth, East = CountEast }));
        public ActionResult Contact(int?ToCompID, string ProductID, string type, string BuyleadID)
            if (RedirectToProduction())

            CommonService svCommon = new CommonService();

            #region Company Info
            if (ToCompID > 0)
                svCompany = new CompanyService();
                string sqlSelect    = "CompID,CompName,ContactEmail,CompPhone";
                string sqlWhere     = svCompany.CreateWhereAction(CompStatus.Online, ToCompID);
                var    countcompany = svCompany.CountData <view_Company>(sqlSelect, sqlWhere);
                if (countcompany > 0)
                    var company = svCompany.SelectData <view_Company>(sqlSelect, sqlWhere).First();
                    ViewBag.Company  = company;
                    ViewBag.CompName = company.CompName;

            #region Load Feature
            var feature = new List <view_HotFeaProduct>();
            if (MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeatureMessage"] != null)
                feature = (List <view_HotFeaProduct>)MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeatureMessage"];
                feature = feature.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList();
                feature = feature.OrderByDescending(m => m.HotPrice).ToList();
                var svHotFeat      = new HotFeaProductService();
                var SQLSelect_Feat = "";

                SQLSelect_Feat = " ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath,ProRowFlag,CompRowFlag,ProvinceName,Price,Ispromotion,PromotionPrice,HotPrice";
                feature        = svHotFeat.SelectHotProduct <view_HotFeaProduct>(SQLSelect_Feat, "Rowflag = 3 AND Status = 'P' AND ProductID > 0 AND ProRowFlag in(4) AND CompRowFlag in(2,4) AND ProductDelete = 0", "NEWID(),HotPrice DESC", 1, 3);//""
                if (svHotFeat.TotalRow > 0)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add("LoadFeatureMessage", feature, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10));
            ViewBag.FeatProducts = feature;

            #region Product
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProductID))
                svProduct = new ProductService();

                #region Set Cookie ProductID
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactProID"].Value   = ProductID;
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactProID"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);

                string[] strProductID = ProductID.Split(',');
                string   WhereIN      = CreateWhereIN(strProductID, "ProductID");
                var      product      = svProduct.SelectData <b2bProduct>("ProductID,ProductName", WhereIN + " AND IsDelete = 0");
                ViewBag.ProductID = product;
                if (svProduct.TotalRow > 0)
                    ViewBag.Title      = "ติดต่อผู้ขายสินค้า " + product.First().ProductName + ", " + ViewBag.CompName + " – B2Bthai.com";
                    ViewBag.PronameUrl = @Url.ReplaceUrl(product.First().ProductName);
                ViewBag.chkProductID = 1;
                ViewBag.chkProductID = 0;
                ViewBag.Title        = "ติดต่อบริษัท" + ViewBag.CompName + " – B2Bthai.com";
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactProID"].Value   = null;
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactProID"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);

            #region Buylead
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BuyleadID))
                svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

                #region Set Cookie ProductID
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactBuyID"].Value   = BuyleadID;
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactBuyID"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);

                string[] strBuyleadID = BuyleadID.Split(',');
                string   WhereIN      = CreateWhereIN(strBuyleadID, "BuyleadID");
                var      buylead      = svBuylead.SelectData <b2bBuylead>("BuyleadID,BuyleadName,BuyleadEmail,BuyleadCompanyName", WhereIN + " AND IsDelete = 0");
                ViewBag.BuyleadID = buylead;
                if (svBuylead.TotalRow > 0)
                    ViewBag.Title      = "ติดต่อผู้ประกาศซื้อสินค้า " + buylead.First().BuyleadName + ", " + buylead.First().BuyleadCompanyName + " – B2Bthai.com";
                    ViewBag.BuynameUrl = @Url.ReplaceUrl(buylead.First().BuyleadName);
                ViewBag.chkBuyleadID = 1;
                ViewBag.chkBuyleadID = 0;
                ViewBag.Title        = "ติดต่อบริษัท" + ViewBag.CompName + " – B2Bthai.com";
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactBuyID"].Value   = null;
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactBuyID"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);

            #region check message type
            if (type == "SendtoFriend")
                ViewBag.chkSendToFriend = 1;
                ViewBag.Title           = "ส่งรายละเอียดให้เพื่อน " + ViewBag.CompName + " – B2Bthai.com";
                ViewBag.chkSendToFriend = 0;

            ViewBag.EnumServiceType = svCommon.SelectEnum(CommonService.EnumType.SearchByServiceType);
            ViewBag.MetaKeyword     = ViewBag.Title;
            ViewBag.MetaDescription = ViewBag.Title;