/// <summary> /// 刷新 /// </summary> public void ReSet() { try { //检查卖家最后一次申请状态 int status = BuyerexportBLL.CheckEndStatus(Users.SellerId); if (status == 2) { imgbtnExport.ImageUrl = "~/Win_Image/exportSucess.png"; ImageButtonCancle.Visible = false; } else if (status == 1) { imgbtnExport.ImageUrl = "~/Win_Image/exporting.png"; ImageButtonCancle.Visible = true; } else if (status == 0) { imgbtnExport.ImageUrl = "~/Win_Image/export.png"; ImageButtonCancle.Visible = false; } DataTable dt = BuyerexportBLL.GetBuyerExportAll(Users.SellerId); GridView_Jilv.DataSource = dt; GridView_Jilv.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionReporter.WriteLog(ex, ExceptionPostion.TBApply_Web_UI); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt = BuyerexportBLL.GetBuyerExport(); gv_buyer.DataSource = dt; gv_buyer.DataBind(); }
protected void ImageButtonCancle_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { int status = BuyerexportBLL.CheckEndStatus(sellerId); if (status == 2 || status == 1) { int count = BuyerexportBLL.UpdateExport(sellerId, 0); if (count <= 0) { ExceptionReporter.WriteLog(new Exception("更新Buyer_export表失败!"), ExceptionPostion.TBApply_Web_UI); } } ReSet(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //获取卖家id sellerId = SellersBLL.GetSellerIdByNick(Users.Nick); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { } //防止二次提交 imgbtnExport.Attributes.Add("onclick", "this.disabled=true;" + this.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(imgbtnExport, "")); try { //检查卖家最后一次申请状态 int status = BuyerexportBLL.CheckEndStatus(sellerId); if (status == 2) { imgbtnExport.ImageUrl = "~/Win_Image/exportSucess.png"; ImageButtonCancle.Visible = false; } else if (status == 1) { imgbtnExport.ImageUrl = "~/Win_Image/exporting.png"; ImageButtonCancle.Visible = true; } else if (status == 0) { ImageButtonCancle.Visible = false; imgbtnExport.ImageUrl = "~/Win_Image/export.png"; } DataTable dt = BuyerexportBLL.GetBuyerExportAll(sellerId); GridView_Jilv.DataSource = dt; GridView_Jilv.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionReporter.WriteLog(ex, ExceptionPostion.TBApply_Web_UI); } }
protected void gv_buyer_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int i = 0; if (e.CommandName == "buttonOk") { int idx = Convert.ToInt16(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); string buyer = gv_buyer.Rows[idx].Cells[0].Text.ToString(); string time = gv_buyer.Rows[idx].Cells[1].Text.ToString(); i = BuyerexportBLL.UpdateExport(buyer, time, 2); } else if (e.CommandName == "buttonCancle") { int idx = Convert.ToInt16(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); string buyer = gv_buyer.Rows[idx].Cells[0].Text.ToString(); string time = gv_buyer.Rows[idx].Cells[1].Text.ToString(); i = BuyerexportBLL.UpdateExport(buyer, time, 0); } DataTable dt = BuyerexportBLL.GetBuyerExport(); gv_buyer.DataSource = dt; gv_buyer.DataBind(); }
protected void imgbtnExport_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { //高级版以上用户才可以设置 //SellersBLL.CheckSellerIsExit(Users.Nick) int status = BuyerexportBLL.CheckEndStatus(sellerId); //申请成功,开始导出 if (status == 2) { //获取导出语句 string sql = BuyerexportBLL.GetExportSql(Users.Nick.ToString()); //通过SQL获取数据 DataTable tb = null; tb = BuyerBLL.GetExportBuyers(sql, 0); try { ExceptionManager exceptionManager = new ExceptionManager(); exceptionManager.WriteFileLog("导出", tb.Rows.Count.ToString(), tb.Rows.Count.ToString()); if (tb != null && tb.Rows.Count > 0) { DownloadToExcel(tb); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "message", "<script type='text/javascript' defer=defer>alert('没有要下载的会员数据!');</script>"); } BuyerexportBLL.UpdateExport(sellerId, 0); } catch (Exception ee) { BuyerexportBLL.UpdateExport(sellerId, 0); ExceptionManager exceptionManager = new ExceptionManager(); exceptionManager.WriteFileLog("导出错误", ee.Message, ee.Message); } //导出成功,将状态设为结束 BuyerexportBLL.UpdateExport(sellerId, 0); } else if (status == 1)//申请中 { } else if (status == 0)//开始申请,生成导出资料的语句 { //提交申请 int i = BuyerexportBLL.InsertExport(sellerId, Users.Nick); if (i <= 0) { ExceptionReporter.WriteLog(new Exception("向Buyer_export表插入数据失败!"), ExceptionPostion.TBApply_Web_UI); } #region 生成导出资料的语句 if (sources.SelectedValue == "全部")//全部会员资料导出语句 { string query = @"select buyer_nick,ISNULL(buyer_reallName,'unknown') AS buyer_reallName,cellPhone,case grade when 0 then '潜在会员' when 1 then '普通会员' when 2 then '高级会员' when 3 then 'VIP会员' when 4 then '至尊VIP会员' end as grade, province,trade_amount,item_num, CONVERT(varchar(100),last_trade_time, 23) as last_trade_time,address, birthDay from Buyer_" + sellerId + " where SELLER_ID = '" + Users.Nick.ToString() + "'"; int count = BuyerexportBLL.InsertBuyer_ExportSql(Users.Nick.ToString(), query); if (count <= 0) { ExceptionReporter.WriteLog(new Exception("插入全部资料的语句失败!"), ExceptionPostion.TBApply_Web_UI); } } else { //部分会员资料导出语句 #region //tb = BuyerBLL.GetExportBuyers(Users.Nick, datePicker.Value, datePickerEnd.Value, drpArea.SelectedValue, txtTradeAmountFrom.Text.Trim(), txtTradeAmountTo.Text.Trim()); string query = @"select buyer_nick,ISNULL(buyer_reallName,'unknown') AS buyer_reallName,cellPhone,case grade when 0 then '潜在会员' when 1 then '普通会员' when 2 then '高级会员' when 3 then 'VIP会员' when 4 then '至尊VIP会员' end as grade, province,trade_amount,item_num, CONVERT(varchar(100),last_trade_time, 23) as last_trade_time,address, birthDay from Buyer_" + sellerId + " where SELLER_ID = '" + Users.Nick.ToString() + "' "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(datePicker.Value.ToString())) { query += " AND last_trade_time >= '" + datePicker.Value.ToString() + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(datePickerEnd.Value.ToString())) { query += " AND last_trade_time <= '" + datePickerEnd.Value.ToString() + "'"; } if (!drpArea.SelectedValue.Equals("all")) { query += " AND province like '" + drpArea.SelectedValue + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTradeAmountFrom.Text.Trim())) { query += " AND trade_amount >= " + txtTradeAmountFrom.Text.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTradeAmountTo.Text.Trim())) { query += " AND trade_amount <= " + txtTradeAmountTo.Text.Trim(); } if (!drpMember.SelectedValue.Equals("all")) { query += " AND grade =" + drpMember.SelectedValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jiaoyiStart.Text.Trim())) { query += " AND trade_count >= " + jiaoyiStart.Text.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jiaoyiEnd.Text.Trim())) { query += " AND trade_count <= " + jiaoyiEnd.Text.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(countStart.Text.Trim())) { query += " AND item_num >= " + countStart.Text.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(countEnd.Text.Trim())) { query += " AND item_num <= " + countEnd.Text.Trim(); } query += " order by last_trade_time desc"; #endregion int count = BuyerexportBLL.InsertBuyer_ExportSql(Users.Nick.ToString(), query); if (count <= 0) { ExceptionReporter.WriteLog(new Exception("插入部分资料的语句失败!"), ExceptionPostion.TBApply_Web_UI); } } #endregion } ReSet(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionReporter.WriteLog(ex, ExceptionPostion.TBApply_Web_UI); ReSet(); } }