        public async Task <IActionResult> BorrowPower([FromBody] BuyPowerModel buyPower)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(Ok(new FailureModel {
                    ResponseCode = "90", Message = "Bad request"
            var refChecker = _context.Transactions.Where(x => x.reference == buyPower.reference).FirstOrDefault();

            if (refChecker != null)
                return(Ok(new FailureModel {
                    Message = refChecker.respDescription, ResponseCode = "94"
            string path      = "paelyt/PowerTransact/BorrowPower";
            string refNumber = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 15);
            var    Power     = new BuyPowerRequestModel
                accountType  = buyPower.accountType,
                customerId   = buyPower.customerId,
                amount       = buyPower.amount,
                customerName = buyPower.customerName,
                emailAddress = buyPower.emailAddress,
                phoneNumber  = buyPower.phoneNumber,
                MerchantFK   = buyPower.MerchantFK,
                hashValue    = Utilities.GenerateHash(config.Value.AgentId + config.Value.AgentKey + buyPower.customerId + buyPower.amount),
                refNumber    = refNumber

            var stringContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Power), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
            var SId           = HttpContext.Session.GetString("SessionId");

            if (SId == null)
                SId = await Utilities.GetSessionId(config);

                HttpContext.Session.SetString("SessionId", SId);
            var resp = await Utilities.MakeCallPost(path, config, stringContent, SId);

            var res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BuyPowerResponseModel>(await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

            res.refNumber = buyPower.reference;
            Transaction trans = Convert(res);

            trans.UserId          = User.FindFirstValue("Id");
            trans.CustomerMeterID = Power.customerId;
            trans.AccountType     = buyPower.accountType;
            trans.reference       = buyPower.reference;
            if (res.respCode != "00")
                return(Ok(new FailureModel {
                    Message = res.respDescription, ResponseCode = "99"
            return(Ok(new SuccessModel {
                ResponseCode = "00", Message = res.respDescription, Data = res
        public async Task <IActionResult> BuyPower([FromBody] BuyPowerModel buyPower)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(Ok(new FailureModel {
                    ResponseCode = "90", Message = "Bad request"
            var UserId   = User.FindFirstValue("Id");
            var Reseller = _context.Users.Where(x => x.UserModelId == UserId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (Reseller == null)
            var inst = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var Log  = new Logger
                CustomerId = buyPower.customerId,
                date       = DateTime.Now,
                Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                MerchantFk = buyPower.MerchantFK.ToString(),
                InstanceId = inst,
                Status     = "Connected to my endpoint"


            var    refChecker = _context.Transactions.Where(x => x.reference == buyPower.reference).FirstOrDefault();
            bool   isRequery  = false;
            string refNumber;

            if (refChecker != null && refChecker.value != "AWAITING_SERVICE_PROVIDER")
                isRequery = false;
                return(Ok(new SuccessModel {
                    Message = refChecker.respDescription, ResponseCode = "94", Data = refChecker
            else if (refChecker != null & refChecker.value == "AWAITING_SERVICE_PROVIDER")
                //Perform a call to the details transactions endpoint here
                var response = await TransactionDetails(new TransactionDetailsModel { amount = refChecker.amount, MerchantFK = 1, refNumber = refChecker.refNumber });

            refNumber = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 8);

            if (Reseller.Subscription == SubscriptionType.Prepaid && Reseller.Balance < System.Convert.ToDouble(buyPower.amount))
                return(Ok(new FailureModel {
                    Message = "Account Balance not Sufficient", ResponseCode = "93"

            string path = "paelyt/PowerTransact/BuyPower";

            var Power = new BuyPowerRequestModel
                accountType  = buyPower.accountType,
                customerId   = buyPower.customerId,
                amount       = buyPower.amount,
                customerName = buyPower.customerName,
                emailAddress = buyPower.emailAddress,
                phoneNumber  = buyPower.phoneNumber,
                MerchantFK   = buyPower.MerchantFK,
                hashValue    = Utilities.GenerateHash(buyPower.customerId + buyPower.amount + config.Value.AgentId + config.Value.AgentKey),
                refNumber    = refNumber,

            var stringContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Power), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
            var SId           = HttpContext.Session.GetString("SessionId");

            if (SId == null)
                SId = await Utilities.GetSessionId(config);

                HttpContext.Session.SetString("SessionId", SId);
            var resp = await Utilities.MakeCallPost(path, config, stringContent, SId);

            var res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BuyPowerResponseModel>(await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

            res.Status = inst.ToString();

            //Deduct amount from wallet balance if account is Postpaid.
            if (!isRequery)
                double ResellerBalance = Reseller.Balance;
                Reseller.Balance = ResellerBalance - System.Convert.ToDouble(buyPower.amount);
                _context.Entry(Reseller).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified;

            var Logg = new Logger
                CustomerId = buyPower.customerId,
                date       = DateTime.Now,
                Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                MerchantFk = buyPower.MerchantFK.ToString(),
                InstanceId = inst,
                Status     = "Returned response"


            res.refNumber = buyPower.reference;
            Transaction trans = Convert(res);

            trans.UserId          = User.FindFirstValue("Id");
            trans.CustomerMeterID = Power.customerId;
            trans.AccountType     = buyPower.accountType;
            var refff = _context.Transactions.Where(x => x.reference == buyPower.reference).ToList();

            if (isRequery)
                refChecker.value                 = trans.value;
                refChecker.value1                = trans.value;
                refChecker.description           = "success";
                _context.Entry(refChecker).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified;
            trans.ResellerPercent = Reseller.Percentage;
            trans.refNumber       = refNumber;

            if (res.respCode.Length > res.respDescription.Length)
                var code = res.respDescription;
                res.respDescription = res.respCode;
                res.respCode        = code;

            res.refNumber = buyPower.reference;
            if (res.respCode != "00")
                return(Ok(new FailureModel {
                    Message = res.respDescription, ResponseCode = "99"

            return(Ok(new SuccessModel {
                Message = res.respDescription, ResponseCode = "00", Data = res