protected override void UpdateMenu(bool active) { int index = StyleNodes.ActiveNodeIndex; StyleNodes.Update(active, -MenuLoc); if (index != StyleNodes.ActiveNodeIndex) { StylePanels[index].active = false; = true; } CancelButton.Update(active); if (active) { var styleIndex = StyleNodes.consume_triggered( Inputs.A, MouseButtons.Left, TouchGestures.Tap); if (styleIndex.IsSomething) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Confirm); StyleNodes.set_active_node(StyleNodes[styleIndex]); OnSelected(new EventArgs()); } else if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.B) || Global.Input.KeyPressed(Keys.Escape) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Cancel); OnCanceled(new EventArgs()); } } }
protected override void UpdateStandardMenu(bool active) { // Needed to animate map sprites if (this.HidesParent) { Global.game_system.update_timers(); } Window.update(active); Background.update(); FaceWindow.update(); Face.update(); NameBanner.update(); Name.update(); // Switch field/base support mode if (FieldBaseButton != null) { FieldBaseButton.Update(active); } bool switchField = active && Window.FieldBaseDifference && Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.X); if (FieldBaseButton != null) { switchField |= FieldBaseButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || FieldBaseButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap); } if (switchField) { OnFieldBaseSwitched(new EventArgs()); } }
private void update_ui(bool input) { Start.Update(input); B_Button.Update(input); R_Button.Update(input); if (input) { SelectedIndex = Maybe <PrepCheckMapResults> .Nothing; if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.Start) || Start.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || Start.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { SelectedIndex = PrepCheckMapResults.StartChapter; OnSelected(new EventArgs()); } else if (B_Button.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || B_Button.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { SelectedIndex = PrepCheckMapResults.Cancel; OnSelected(new EventArgs()); } else if (R_Button.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || R_Button.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { SelectedIndex = PrepCheckMapResults.Info; OnSelected(new EventArgs()); } } }
protected virtual bool CanceledTriggered(bool active) { bool cancel = active && Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.B); if (CancelButton != null) { cancel |= CancelButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap); } return(cancel); }
protected virtual bool CanceledTriggered(bool active) { bool cancel = Window.is_canceled(); if (CancelButton != null) { cancel |= CancelButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap); } return(cancel); }
protected override void update_input(bool active) { bool input = active && this.ready; CancelButton.Update(input); Select.Update(input); if (input) { // Close this window if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.B) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Cancel); if (this.unit_selected) { cancel_unit_selected(); } else { close(); } return; } else if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.Select) || Select.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || Select.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Confirm); OnUnit(new EventArgs()); return; } // Select unit var selected_index = Unit_Window.consume_triggered( Inputs.A, MouseButtons.Left, TouchGestures.Tap); if (selected_index.IsSomething) { select_unit(selected_index); //Debug return; } // Status screen var status_index = Unit_Window.consume_triggered( Inputs.R, MouseButtons.Right, TouchGestures.LongPress); if (status_index.IsSomething) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Confirm); OnStatus(new EventArgs()); } } }
protected bool CanceledTriggered(bool active) { bool cancel = Window.is_canceled(); if (active) { if (CancelButton != null) { cancel |= CancelButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap); } // If right clicked cancel |= Global.Input.mouse_click(MouseButtons.Right); } return(cancel); }
protected override void update_main_selection() { bool on_buy = On_Buy; On_Buy = Choices.ActiveNodeIndex == 0; if (On_Buy != on_buy) { if (On_Buy) { refresh_buy(true); } else { refresh_sell(true); } } var selected = Choices.consume_triggered( Inputs.A, MouseButtons.Left, TouchGestures.Tap); if (selected.IsSomething) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Confirm); Message_Active = true; if (On_Buy) { if (can_buy) { set_text(Shop_Messages.Buy); = true; } else { set_text(Shop_Messages.Buy_Nothing); } } else { if (can_sell) { set_text(Shop_Messages.Sell); = true; } else { set_text(Shop_Messages.Sell_Nothing); } } clear_choices(); } else if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.B) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Cancel); Message_Active = true; set_text(Traded ? Shop_Messages.Leave : Shop_Messages.Cancel); Message.finished = true; clear_choices(); } }
protected void update_message_skip_buttons() { _EventSkip = false; bool no_convo = Message_Window == null || !; bool skip_button_active = this.skip_convo_button_active; // Create buttons if needed if (SkipButton == null) { if (skip_button_active) { create_convo_skip_buttons(); SkipButtonOffset = new Vector2(0, 16); SkipButtonsOnScreen = false; } } if (SkipButton != null) { // Bring buttons onscreen if needed if (!SkipButtonsOnScreen) { SkipButtonOffset.Y = MathHelper.Min(16, SkipButtonOffset.Y + 2); if (skip_button_active && Global.Input.gesture_triggered(TouchGestures.SwipeUp)) { SkipButtonsOnScreen = true; TimeSinceSkipInteraction = 0; } } // Move buttons offscreen if needed else if (SkipButtonsOnScreen) { if (TimeSinceSkipInteraction < SKIP_INTERACTION_TIMEOUT) { TimeSinceSkipInteraction++; } SkipButtonOffset.Y = MathHelper.Max(0, SkipButtonOffset.Y - 2); if (!skip_button_active || TimeSinceSkipInteraction >= SKIP_INTERACTION_TIMEOUT || (skip_button_active && Global.Input.gesture_triggered(TouchGestures.SwipeDown))) { SkipButtonsOnScreen = false; } } skip_button_active &= SkipButtonsOnScreen && SkipButtonOffset.Y == 0; TextSkips skip = TextSkips.None; if (Input.ControlSchemeSwitched || (has_convo_scene_button && SceneButton == null)) { create_convo_skip_buttons(); } if (SceneButton != null && !has_convo_scene_button) { SceneButton = null; } // Update scene button and consume inputs if (SceneButton != null) { SceneButton.Update(skip_button_active && !no_convo, -SkipButtonOffset); if (no_convo) { SceneButton.tint = new Color(128, 128, 128, 255); } if (SceneButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || SceneButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { skip = TextSkips.NextScene; TimeSinceSkipInteraction = SKIP_INTERACTION_TIMEOUT - 60; } } // Update skip button and consume inputs SkipButton.Update(skip_button_active, -SkipButtonOffset); if (SkipButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || SkipButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { skip = TextSkips.SkipEvent; TimeSinceSkipInteraction = 0; } if (!no_convo) { Message_Window.ConvoSkip = skip; } else if (skip == TextSkips.SkipEvent) { _EventSkip = true; } } }
private void UpdateInput(bool active) { bool cancel = CancelButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap); bool changeDifficulty = active && Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.X); changeDifficulty |= DifficultyButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || DifficultyButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap); // Selecting chapter if (this.SelectingChapter) { cancel |= CommandWindow.is_canceled(); bool left = false, right = false; if (active && MenuData.MultipleArcs && ModeSwitchTimer <= 0) { if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.Left) || Global.Input.gesture_triggered(TouchGestures.SwipeRight)) { left = true; } else if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.Right) || Global.Input.gesture_triggered(TouchGestures.SwipeLeft)) { right = true; } } if (cancel) { OnCanceled(new EventArgs()); } else if (changeDifficulty) { SwitchDifficulty(true); } else if (left || right) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Status_Page_Change); MenuData.ChangeArc(right); MenuData.Index = MenuData.IndexRedirect[0]; CreateCommandWindow(); Refresh(); ModeSwitchTimer = Constants.WorldMap.WORLDMAP_MODE_SWITCH_DELAY; } else if (CommandWindow.is_selected()) { OnChapterSelected(new EventArgs()); } } // Chapter selected else { cancel |= ChapterCommandWindow.is_canceled(); if (cancel) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Cancel); CloseChapterCommands(); } else if (changeDifficulty) { SwitchDifficulty(true); } else if (ChapterCommandWindow.is_selected()) { OnChapterCommandSelected(new EventArgs()); } } }
protected override void update_input(bool active) { bool input = active && this.ready_for_inputs; update_node_location(input); if (CancelButton != null) { CancelButton.Update(input); } if (input) { if (Global.Input.mouseScroll > 0) { Up_Page_Arrow_ArrowClicked(this, null); } else if (Global.Input.mouseScroll < 0) { Down_Page_Arrow_ArrowClicked(this, null); } else { Up_Page_Arrow.UpdateInput(); Down_Page_Arrow.UpdateInput(); } var settings_index = SettingsNodes.consume_triggered( MouseButtons.Left, TouchGestures.Tap); bool soloanim_node_clicked = false; if (settings_index.IsSomething) { var node = SettingsNodes[settings_index]; jump_to_option(SettingsNodes.ActiveNode); byte setting = setting_from_node(node); if (!this.active_option_data.Gauge && setting != this.current_setting) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Menu_Move2); change_setting(OptionsNodes.ActiveNode.Option, setting); return; } soloanim_node_clicked = this.active_option == (int)Constants.Options.Animation_Mode && SettingsGroups[OptionsNodes.ActiveNodeIndex].IndexOf(node) == (int)Constants.Animation_Modes.Solo; } var slider_index = SettingsNodes.consume_triggered(TouchGestures.Scrubbing); if (slider_index.IsSomething) { var node = SettingsNodes[slider_index]; jump_to_option(SettingsNodes.ActiveNode); byte setting = setting_from_node(node); if (setting != this.current_setting) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Menu_Move2); ManualScroll = false; } change_setting(OptionsNodes.ActiveNode.Option, setting); return; } if (Global.Input.repeated(Inputs.Left)) { if (can_move_left) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Menu_Move2); move_left(); } } else if (Global.Input.repeated(Inputs.Right)) { if (can_move_right) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Menu_Move2); move_right(); } } else if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.B) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Cancel); if (Map_Info_Changed && Global.scene.is_map_scene) { ((Scene_Map)Global.scene).create_info_windows(); } close(); } else if (this.on_soloanim && SoloAnim_Allowed && (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.A) || soloanim_node_clicked)) { if (SoloAnim != null) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Confirm); SoloAnim(this, new EventArgs()); } } } }
protected override void UpdateStandardMenu(bool active) { Background.update(); if (Scrollbar != null) { Scrollbar.update(); if (active) { Scrollbar.update_input(); } } bool holdDown = false, holdUp = false; if (Global.Input.pressed(Inputs.Down)) { holdDown = true; } else if (Global.Input.pressed(Inputs.Up)) { holdUp = true; } else if (Scrollbar != null) { if (Scrollbar.DownHeld) { holdDown = true; } else if (Scrollbar.UpHeld) { holdUp = true; } } if (holdDown) { ScrollSpeed = Math.Max(1, ScrollSpeed); ScrollSpeed = Math.Min(ScrollSpeed + 0.25f, +MAX_SCROLL); } else if (holdUp) { ScrollSpeed = Math.Min(-1, ScrollSpeed); ScrollSpeed = Math.Max(ScrollSpeed - 0.25f, -MAX_SCROLL); } else { ScrollSpeed = 0f; } ScrollOffset.Y = (int)MathHelper.Clamp( ScrollOffset.Y + ScrollSpeed, 0, this.MaxScroll); if (Scrollbar != null) { Scrollbar.scroll = (int)ScrollOffset.Y; } // Full credits link if (FullCreditsButton != null) { FullCreditsButton.Update(active); bool fullCredits = false; fullCredits |= FullCreditsButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || FullCreditsButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap); if (active) { fullCredits |= Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.X); } if (fullCredits) { OnOpenFullCredits(new EventArgs()); } } }
protected override void UpdateMenu(bool active) { update_map_sprite(); update_direction(); // Black Screen update_black_screen(); // Inputs bool input = active && Delay == 0 && !Closing && Black_Screen_Timer <= 0; #if DEBUG if (Help_Window != null && input && Global.Input.pressed(Inputs.X)) { DirectionFlags dir = Global.Input.dir_triggered(); if (dir != DirectionFlags.None) { StatusNodes[page].ActiveNode.cheat(this.unit, dir); move_to(Help_Index); Help_Window.add_remaining_text(); foreach (var status_page in Pages) { status_page.refresh(this.unit); } foreach (StatusUINode node in TopPanelNodes) { node.refresh(unit); } } input = false; } #endif // Cancel button CancelButton.Update(input); StatusNodes[page].Update(!input ? ControlSet.None : (Help_Window != null ? ControlSet.Movement : (ControlSet.Mouse | ControlSet.Touch))); if (input) { if (Help_Window == null) { update_input(); var help_index = StatusNodes[page].consume_triggered( MouseButtons.Left, TouchGestures.Tap); if (help_index.IsNothing) { help_index = StatusNodes[page].consume_triggered( TouchGestures.LongPress); } if (help_index.IsSomething) { Help_Index = StatusNodes[page][help_index].HelpLabel; open_help(); } } else { if (StatusNodes[page].ActiveNode.HelpLabel != Help_Index) { move_to(StatusNodes[page].ActiveNode.HelpLabel); } var help_index = StatusNodes[page].consume_triggered( MouseButtons.Left, TouchGestures.Tap); var help_cancel_index = StatusNodes[page].consume_triggered( TouchGestures.LongPress); if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.B) || Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.R) || Global.Input.mouse_click(MouseButtons.Right) || help_cancel_index.IsSomething || CancelButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { close_help(); } /* //Debug * if (Global.Input.repeated(Inputs.Down)) * { * if (move(2)) * { * * } * } * if (Global.Input.repeated(Inputs.Up)) * { * if (move(8)) * { * * } * } * if (Global.Input.repeated(Inputs.Right)) * { * if (move(6)) * { * * } * } * if (Global.Input.repeated(Inputs.Left)) * { * if (move(4)) * { * * } * } * else if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.R) || Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.B)) * { * close_help(); * }*/ } StatusCursors[page].update(); } if (Help_Window != null) { Help_Window.update(); } Background.update(); // Top Panel Top_Panel.update(); foreach (TextSprite label in Battle_Stat_Labels) { label.update(); } // Pages foreach (Status_Page status_page in Pages) { status_page.update(); } Left_Page_Arrow.update(); Right_Page_Arrow.update(); }
protected override void update_ui(bool active) { if (active) { if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.X) || SwitchButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || SwitchButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Menu_Move2); switch_giving(); HardSwitch =; Supply_Window.show_type_icon(); return; } } if (active && this.taking && this.can_give) { // Pressed left on the first weapon type // Press right on the last weapon type if (Global.game_system.Supply_Item_Type == 0 && Global.Input.repeated(Inputs.Left)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Menu_Move2); Supply_Window.change_page(0); switch_giving(); Supply_Window.hide_type_icon(); return; } else if (Global.game_system.Supply_Item_Type == Supply_Window.supply_type_count - 1 && Global.Input.repeated(Inputs.Right)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Menu_Move2); Supply_Window.change_page(0); switch_giving(); Supply_Window.hide_type_icon(); return; } } int item_index = Item_Window.index; base.update_ui(active); if ( && item_index == Item_Window.index) { if (Global.Input.repeated(Inputs.Left)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Menu_Move2); if (!HardSwitch) { Supply_Window.change_page(Supply_Window.supply_type_count - 1); } switch_giving(); } else if (Global.Input.repeated(Inputs.Right)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Menu_Move2); if (!HardSwitch) { Supply_Window.change_page(0); } switch_giving(); } } }
protected virtual void update_ui(bool input) { int index = PanelNodes.ActiveNodeIndex; PanelNodes.Update(input, -MenuLoc); if (index != PanelNodes.ActiveNodeIndex) { Panels[index].active = false; = true; refresh_panel_locations(); } CancelButton.Update(input); if (input) { if (Cursor.target_loc != PanelNodes.ActiveNode.loc) { Cursor.set_loc(PanelNodes.ActiveNode.loc); } var file_index = PanelNodes.consume_triggered( Inputs.A, MouseButtons.Left, TouchGestures.Tap); if (file_index.IsSomething) { int file_id = file_index + 1 + Page * Config.SAVES_PER_PAGE; if (this.file_id != file_id) { this.file_id = file_id; } if (Copying) { OnCopyFile(new EventArgs()); } else if (Moving) { OnMoveFile(new EventArgs()); } else { OnSelected(new EventArgs()); } } else if (Global.Input.triggered(Inputs.B) || Global.Input.KeyPressed(Keys.Escape) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(MouseButtons.Left) || CancelButton.consume_trigger(TouchGestures.Tap)) { Global.game_system.play_se(System_Sounds.Cancel); if (Copying) { this.copying = false; } else if (Moving) { this.moving_file = false; } else { OnCanceled(new EventArgs()); } } } }