        private float lerpSpeed     = 3f;           /// <value> Speed at which aciton text fades in </value>

        /// <summary>
        /// Awake to get all components attached to the Action button
        /// </summary>
        void Awake()
            b   = GetComponent <Button>();
            bts = GetComponent <ButtonTransitionState>();
            img = GetComponent <Image>();
            t   = GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            ColorBlock normalBlock      = b.colors;
            ColorBlock unusableBlock    = b.colors;
            ColorBlock highlightedBlock = b.colors;
            ColorBlock disabledBlock    = b.colors;
            ColorBlock STRBlock         = b.colors;
            ColorBlock DEXBlock         = b.colors;
            ColorBlock INTBlock         = b.colors;
            ColorBlock LUKBlock         = b.colors;

            unusableBlock.normalColor      = new Color32(196, 36, 48, 255);
            unusableBlock.highlightedColor = new Color32(255, 0, 64, 255);
            unusableBlock.pressedColor     = new Color32(120, 36, 48, 255);
            unusableBlock.disabledColor    = new Color32(120, 36, 48, 255);

            disabledBlock.normalColor      = disabledBlock.disabledColor;
            disabledBlock.highlightedColor = disabledBlock.disabledColor;
            disabledBlock.pressedColor     = disabledBlock.disabledColor;

            highlightedBlock.normalColor = normalBlock.pressedColor;

            STRBlock.normalColor      = new Color32(185, 29, 0, 125);
            STRBlock.highlightedColor = new Color32(185, 29, 0, 175);
            STRBlock.pressedColor     = new Color32(185, 29, 0, 255);
            STRBlock.disabledColor    = new Color32(61, 61, 61, 255);

            DEXBlock.normalColor      = new Color32(90, 197, 79, 125);
            DEXBlock.highlightedColor = new Color32(90, 197, 79, 175);
            DEXBlock.pressedColor     = new Color32(90, 197, 79, 255);
            DEXBlock.disabledColor    = new Color32(90, 197, 79, 255);

            INTBlock.normalColor      = new Color32(0, 152, 220, 125);
            INTBlock.highlightedColor = new Color32(0, 152, 220, 175);
            INTBlock.pressedColor     = new Color32(0, 152, 220, 255);
            INTBlock.disabledColor    = new Color32(61, 61, 61, 255);

            LUKBlock.normalColor      = new Color32(255, 205, 2, 125);
            LUKBlock.highlightedColor = new Color32(255, 205, 2, 175);
            LUKBlock.pressedColor     = new Color32(255, 205, 2, 255);
            LUKBlock.disabledColor    = new Color32(61, 61, 61, 255);

            bts.SetColorBlock("normal", normalBlock);
            bts.SetColorBlock("na0", unusableBlock);
            bts.SetColorBlock("na1", STRBlock);
            bts.SetColorBlock("na2", DEXBlock);
            bts.SetColorBlock("na3", INTBlock);
            bts.SetColorBlock("na4", LUKBlock);
            bts.SetColorBlock("highlighted", highlightedBlock);
            bts.SetColorBlock("disabled", disabledBlock);
        private bool selectButtonEnabled = false;   /// <value> Select button will only move to next scene if a class is selected </value>

        /// <summary>
        /// Awake to intialize eventSystem and select button's alternate colour blocks
        /// </summary>
        void Awake()
            es           = EventSystem.current;
            classButtons = GetComponentsInChildren <ClassButton>();

            ColorBlock sbEnabledBlock = selectButton.colors;

            sbEnabledBlock.normalColor      = new Color32(215, 215, 215, 255);
            sbEnabledBlock.highlightedColor = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
            sbEnabledBlock.pressedColor     = sbEnabledBlock.highlightedColor;

            sbBts = selectButton.GetComponent <ButtonTransitionState>();
            sbBts.SetColorBlock("normalAlternate", sbEnabledBlock);
        private TextMeshProUGUI t;                  /// <value> Text display </value>

        /// <summary>
        /// Awake to get all components attached to the Action button
        /// </summary>
        void Awake()
            b   = GetComponent <Button>();
            bts = GetComponent <ButtonTransitionState>();
            img = GetComponent <Image>();
            t   = GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            ColorBlock normalBlock   = b.colors;
            ColorBlock unusableBlock = b.colors;

            unusableBlock.normalColor      = new Color32(196, 36, 48, 255);
            unusableBlock.highlightedColor = new Color32(255, 0, 64, 255);
            unusableBlock.pressedColor     = new Color32(120, 36, 48, 255);
            unusableBlock.disabledColor    = new Color32(120, 36, 48, 255);

            bts.SetColorBlock("normal", normalBlock);
            bts.SetColorBlock("normalAlternate", unusableBlock);
        } = false;                                                                      /// <value> Monster finished loading </value>

        #region Initialization

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the monster's properties and display
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monsterNameID"> Name of monster as referenced by the database </param>
        /// <param name="monsterSpriteName"> Name of monster's sprite, castle case </param>
        /// <param name="monsterDisplayName"> Name of monster in game </param>
        /// <param name="monsterArea"> Area of monster to get file path to sprite, castle case </param>
        /// <param name="monsterSize"> Size of monster (small, medium, large) </param>
        /// <param name="monsterAI"> Pattern for how monster attacks </param>
        /// <param name="LVL"> Power level </param>
        /// <param name="HP"> Max health points </param>
        /// <param name="MP"> Max mana points </param>
        /// <param name="stats"> STR, DEX, INT, LUK </param>
        /// <param name="attacks"> List of known attacks (length 4) </param>
        public IEnumerator Init(string monsterNameID, string monsterSpriteName, string monsterDisplayName, string monsterArea,
                                string monsterSize, string monsterAI, int LVL, int HP, int MP, int[] stats, Attack[] attacks)
            base.Init(LVL, HP, MP, stats, attacks);
            bts = b.GetComponent <ButtonTransitionState>();
            this.monsterNameID      = monsterNameID;
            this.monsterDisplayName = monsterDisplayName;
            this.monsterArea        = monsterArea;
            this.monsterAI          = monsterAI;


            //CoroutineWithData cd = new CoroutineWithData(this, AssetBundleManager.instance.LoadSpriteAssetFromBundle("monster", monsterSpriteName));
            //yield return cd.coroutine;
            //monsterSprite.sprite = (Sprite)cd.result;


            /* WHEN NO WIFI */

            string spritePath = "Sprites/Enemies/" + monsterArea + "/" + monsterSpriteName;


            monsterSprite.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(spritePath);  // sprite path will always be inside resources folder
            this.monsterSize     = monsterSize;

            foreach (Attack a in attacks)
                if (a.name != "none")


            this.isReady = true;

            yield break;
        private string classDescription;        /// <value> Description of class  </value>

        /// <summary>
        /// Awake to intialize bts and let other scripts know the button isReady
        /// </summary>
        void Awake()
            bts     = b.GetComponent <ButtonTransitionState>();
            isReady = true;