public void PopulateGlossaryAtoms()

            string connectionPath = "URI=file:" + Application.dataPath + "/Elementrium.db";

            IDbConnection dbconn;

            dbconn = (IDbConnection) new SqliteConnection(connectionPath);


            IDbCommand dbcmd = dbconn.CreateCommand();
            //string sqlQuery = "SELECT Trium.ID, Trium.Name, Trium.ElementID, Element.AtomicNumber, Trium.Formula, " +
            //"Trium.Mass, Trium.FactOne, Trium.FactTwo, Trium.FactThree FROM Trium"
            //+ "INNER JOIN Element ON Trium.ElementID=Element.ID";
            string sqlQuery = "SELECT Trium.ID, Trium.Name, Trium.Formula, Trium.Mass, IFNULL(Trium.FactOne, 'X'), IFNULL(Trium.FactTwo, 'X'), IFNULL(Trium.FactThree, 'X'), Element.AtomicNumber " +
                              "FROM Trium " +
                              "INNER JOIN Element ON Element.ID = IFNULL(Trium.ElementID, -1) " +
                              "WHERE IFNULL(Element.AtomicNumber, -1) <= 92";

            dbcmd.CommandText = sqlQuery;

            IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();

            // reader.Read() will return True or False. If true, we will execute what is in the while() loop
            while (reader.Read())
                int     id      = reader.GetInt32(0);                   /* the ID column of the Trium */
                string  element = reader.GetString(1);                  /* the Name column of the Trium */
                string  formula = reader.GetString(2);                  /* the Formula column of the Trium */
                decimal mass    = reader.GetDecimal(3);
                string  first   = reader.GetString(4);
                if (first == "X")
                    first = "";
                string second = reader.GetString(5);
                if (second == "X")
                    second = "";
                string third = reader.GetString(6);
                if (third == "X")
                    third = "";
                int atomicnum = id;

                if ((atomicnum - 1) < GlossaryUIDispenser.sprites.Count)
                    if (GlossaryUIDispenser.sprites[atomicnum - 1] != null)
                        Sprite spr = GlossaryUIDispenser.sprites[atomicnum - 1];
                        if (bp.getTrium(id) != null)
                            buttonListControl.PopulateList(element, atomicnum, mass, formula, first, second, third, spr);

                /*if (bp.getTrium(id) != null) {
                 *      buttonListControl.PopulateList (element, atomicnum, mass, formula, first, second, third, spr);
                 * }*/
                /*this.names.text = element.ToString();
                 * = "Atomic Number: " +id;*/

            reader = null;
            dbcmd = null;
            dbconn = null;