public override string ToString() { string direct = directRoom == null ? "" : directRoom ? "direct:" : "room:"; string ret = ""; if (directRoom) { ret = Businesslogic.MatrixUsernameToShortUsername(roomNameHumanReadable); } else { if (roomNameHumanReadable == null) { ret = roomID; } else { ret = roomNameHumanReadable; } ret += " Room"; } return(ret); }
private void UserPresenceReceivedCallback(Dictionary <string, string> changed) { if (presenceLoaded) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> c in changed) { Console.WriteLine("user came " + c.Value + ": " + c.Key); string message = ""; switch (c.Value) { case "online": message = "user came online"; break; case "offline": message = "user went offline"; break; default: message = "presence changed but dunno how. neither online nor offline. from server: " + c.Value; break; } Notification n = new Notification(3000, message, Businesslogic.MatrixUsernameToShortUsername(c.Key)); n.NotificationClickedEvent += NotificationClickedCallback; n.Tag = c.Key; //todo: keep users in list of e.g. class MatrixUsers and lookup user. pass as instance n.Audiofile = Properties.Resources.icq_knock; n.Show(); //notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(1000, message, c.Key, ToolTipIcon.Info); } } presenceLoaded = true; lstUsers.Items.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> presence in Businesslogic.Instance.presence) { lstUsers.Items.Add(presence.Key + ": " + presence.Value); } }
private void AvatarURLReceivedCallback(MatrixAvatarResult matrixAvatarResult) { Uri uri = Businesslogic.MXC2HTTP(matrixAvatarResult.avatar_url); if (uri == null) { Bitmap b = new Bitmap(100, 100); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b); Brush brush = Brushes.White; g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100)); string firstcharusername = (Businesslogic.MatrixUsernameToShortUsername(Businesslogic.Instance.loggedInUserID)).Substring(0, 1).ToUpper(); g.DrawString(firstcharusername, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 70), brush, new Point(5, 0)); pbAvatar.Image = b; // Properties.Resources.User_Avatar; pbAvatar.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; } else { Businesslogic.Instance.downloadAvatar(uri, null); } }
private void RoomsDirectResolvedCallback() { foreach (MatrixRoom matrixRoom in matrixRooms) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > d in { foreach (string roomID in d.Value) { if (roomID == matrixRoom.roomID) { Console.WriteLine("resolved room (direct contact): " + d.Key); matrixRoom.roomNameHumanReadable = d.Key; matrixRoom.directRoom = true; //Businesslogic.Instance.downloadAvatar(uri) //Businesslogic.Instance.avatar .downloadAvatar(uri); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < lvRooms.Items.Count; i++) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > d in { foreach (string roomID in d.Value) { if (roomID == lvRooms.Items[i].ImageKey) { Console.WriteLine("resolved room (direct contact): " + d.Key); lvRooms.Items[i].Text = Businesslogic.MatrixUsernameToShortUsername(d.Key); // resolved name, e.g. "armin" } } } } refreshlstRoomsUpdate(); }
private void SyncCompletedCallback(MatrixSyncResult matrixSyncResult, bool initSync) { if (matrixSyncResult != null) { if (!initSync) { // raise notifications for messages closed room-windows foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MatrixSyncResultTimelineWrapper> messagesForRoomID in matrixSyncResult.rooms.join) { Console.WriteLine("syncCompletedCallback()"); string roomID = messagesForRoomID.Key; bool skip = false; foreach (Form form in Application.OpenForms) { if (form is Chat) { Chat chat = (Chat)form; if (chat.MatrixRoom.roomID == messagesForRoomID.Key) { // skip notifcation because window is open skip = true; break; } } } if (skip) { continue; } MatrixSyncResultTimelineWrapper wrapper = messagesForRoomID.Value; foreach (MatrixSyncResultEvents events in { string sender = String.Format("{0}", Businesslogic.MatrixUsernameToShortUsername(events.sender)); int timeout = 3000; string message = ""; if (events.content.msgtype == "m.text") { if (events.content.format == "org.matrix.custom.html") { } else { timeout = calcTimeoutFromWords(events.content.body); message = events.content.body; } } if (events.content.msgtype == "m.image") { message = "new image received"; } Notification n = new Notification(timeout, sender, message); // todo: loop through matrixrooms in businesslogic and resolve there. note: Businesslogic.Instance.roomCache does not contain MatrixRooms foreach (MatrixRoom m in matrixRooms) { if (m.roomID == roomID) { //found n.Tag = m; break; } } n.NotificationClickedEvent += NotificationClickedCallback; // todo: howto/when unsubscribe? n.Show(); } } } // show messages (in chat history) in openend room-windows foreach (Form form in Application.OpenForms) { if (form is Chat) { Chat chat = (Chat)form; Console.WriteLine(chat.MatrixRoom.roomID); foreach (ChatMessage chatMessage in Businesslogic.Instance.chatMessages) { if (chat.MatrixRoom.roomID == chatMessage.RoomID && !chatMessage.Displayed) { chatMessage.Displayed = true; Console.WriteLine(String.Format("displaying message from {0} for room {1}: {2}", chatMessage.Sender, chat.MatrixRoom.roomID, chatMessage.Message)); //unencrypted chat.processIncomingChatMessage(chatMessage.Sender, chatMessage.Message); } } } } } Businesslogic.Instance.sync(); }