protected void btnforgetpsw_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { BusinessLayer.AccountManager accMgr = new BusinessLayer.AccountManager(); Entities.Account entObj = new Entities.Account(); string Emailid = txtfemail.Text; if (Emailid != string.Empty) { DataTable dtmailchk = new DataTable(); dtmailchk = accMgr.ForgetemailBLL(Emailid); if (dtmailchk.Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.alert('Please check your inbox, we have sent you reset password url');</script>"); txtfemail.Text = ""; dvsignup.Style["display"] = "none"; dvlogin.Style["display"] = "block"; dvforget.Style["display"] = "none"; txtusername.Focus(); } else { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.alert('Your email does not exist. Please enter a valid email.');</script>"); } } } catch { } }
public void Superadmindetails() { try { BusinessLayer.AccountManager accMgr = new BusinessLayer.AccountManager(); Entities.Account entObj = new Entities.Account(); BusinessLayer.PasswordEncryp pwd = new BusinessLayer.PasswordEncryp(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = accMgr.SuperadmindetailsBLL(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string Name = dt.Rows[0]["SuperAdminName_VCR"].ToString(); string Email = dt.Rows[0]["SuperAdminEmailID_VCR"].ToString(); string Phone = dt.Rows[0]["SuperAdminMobileNo_VCR"].ToString(); string Address = dt.Rows[0]["SuperAdminAddress_VCR"].ToString(); txtname.Text = Name; txtemail.Text = Email; txtemail.ReadOnly = true; txtphone.Text = Phone; txtaddress.Text = Address; } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
protected void btnupdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string Name = txtname.Text; string Emailid = txtemail.Text; string PhNo = txtphone.Text; string Address = txtaddress.Text; BusinessLayer.AccountManager accMgr = new BusinessLayer.AccountManager(); int UpdateSadmin = accMgr.UpdatedetailsSuperadminBLL(Name, Emailid, Address, PhNo); Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.alert('SuperAdmin Details Updated successfully.');</script>"); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
protected void btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BusinessLayer.AccountManager accMgr = new BusinessLayer.AccountManager(); Entities.Account entObj = new Entities.Account(); BusinessLayer.PasswordEncryp pwd = new BusinessLayer.PasswordEncryp(); try { string pws = txtpassword.Text; string email = txtusername.Text; string password = pwd.Encryptdata(pws); DataTable dtlogin = new DataTable(); dtlogin = accMgr.CheckLogindetailsBLL(email, password); if (dtlogin.Rows.Count > 0) { string Type = dtlogin.Rows[0]["LoginType_VCR"].ToString(); string Login_Id = dtlogin.Rows[0]["LoginID_INT"].ToString(); string CCode = dtlogin.Rows[0]["LoginCode_VCR"].ToString(); string CenterCode = ""; string Id = ""; if (CCode.Contains("_")) //Split RTO_tblLoginCredential LoginCode_VCR to center code And Id { string[] findCenterCode = CCode.Split('_'); CenterCode = findCenterCode[0]; //Center Code Id = findCenterCode[1]; //User id like Staff id } else { CenterCode = CCode; Id = CCode; } //Code for-----------You have active session some where.Do you Want to Logout from Other Active Session int ActiveStatus = Convert.ToInt32(dtlogin.Rows[0]["LoginActiveStatus_INT"].ToString()); if (ActiveStatus != 1) { return; } // Session Declare HttpContext.Current.Session["LoginID_INT"] = Login_Id; HttpContext.Current.Session["CenterCode"] = CenterCode; HttpContext.Current.Session["LoginType"] = Type; HttpContext.Current.Session["Id"] = Id; //User id like Staff id HttpContext.Current.Session["LoginCode_VCR"] = CCode; if (Type == "SuperAdmin") { Response.Redirect("~/SuperAdmin/SuperAdmin_Dashboard.aspx"); } else if (Type == "Admin") { Response.Redirect("~/RTOAdmin/RTOAdminDashboard.aspx"); } else if (Type == "user") { if (Id == "p505783") { Response.Redirect("~/RTOStaff/LL_Exam_Call.aspx"); } else if (Id == "a244301") { Response.Redirect("~/RTOStaff/DL_Exam_Call.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("~/RTOStaff/RTOStaffDashboard.aspx"); } } } else { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.alert('Invalid Login Credentials !!!');</script>"); } } catch { } }
protected void btnsignup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BusinessLayer.AccountManager accMgr = new BusinessLayer.AccountManager(); Entities.Account entObj = new Entities.Account(); try { // Check Super Admin Register Or Not............................................... DataTable dtAccontcheck = new DataTable(); dtAccontcheck = accMgr.CheckSuperadmindetailsBLL(); if (dtAccontcheck.Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.alert('SuperAdmin Already Registered');window.location='Logininfo.aspx';</script>"); return; } // Check Email Address Present Or Not............................................... string Emailid = txtemail.Text; DataTable dtmailchk = new DataTable(); dtmailchk = accMgr.CheckemailBLL(Emailid); if (dtmailchk.Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.alert('Email Id Already Exists');</script>"); txtemail.Text = ""; txtemail.Focus(); dvsignup.Style["display"] = "block"; dvlogin.Style["display"] = "none"; dvforget.Style["display"] = "none"; return; } // Check Mobile Number Present Or Not............................................... string PhNo = txtmob.Text; DataTable dtmobchk = new DataTable(); dtmobchk = accMgr.CheckcontactnoBLL(PhNo); if (dtmobchk.Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.alert('Mobile Number Already Exists');</script>"); txtmob.Text = ""; txtmob.Focus(); dvsignup.Style["display"] = "block"; dvlogin.Style["display"] = "none"; dvforget.Style["display"] = "none"; return; } // Insert Super Admin details............................................... string Name = txtname.Text; string Address = txtaddress.Text; int insrtsadmn = accMgr.SuperadminRegistrationsBLL(Name, Emailid, Address, PhNo); if (insrtsadmn > 0) { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.alert('Thanks! Your account has been created successfully.');</script>"); dvsignup.Style["display"] = "none"; dvlogin.Style["display"] = "block"; dvforget.Style["display"] = "none"; } else { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.alert('Sorry! Error in account creation.');</script>"); dvsignup.Style["display"] = "block"; dvlogin.Style["display"] = "none"; dvforget.Style["display"] = "none"; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }