        public MicroApp(string base_directory)
            if (!base_directory.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ""))
                base_directory += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "";
            this.base_directory = base_directory;

            // Quickly figure out a manifest for the files in the directory
            string manifest_path = (from file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(base_directory) select file).Where((f) => f.Contains("manifest.json")).FirstOrDefault();

            // Load in the application manifest
            if (manifest_path != null)
                // load the manifest file into a new micro app
                JObject manifest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(manifest_path)) as JObject;

                // the base manifest settings
                MicroAppManifest new_manifest = new MicroAppManifest()
                    ApplicationName = manifest["app_name"].ToString(),
                    AppIcon         = manifest["app_icon"].ToString()

                // set the resource file paths
                new_manifest.css_files    = (from f in manifest["css_files"] select f).Select((j) => j.ToString());
                new_manifest.script_files = (from f in manifest["scripts"] select f).Select((j) => j.ToString());

                BundledMicroApplicationPart app = Bundle(manifest);

                dynamic package_output = new
                    Manifest = new_manifest,
                    Parts    = new List <BundledMicroApplicationPart>()

                // widgets
                foreach (JObject widget in manifest["widgets"])
                    BundledMicroApplicationPart w = Bundle(widget);


                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(package_output);
                JSONOutput = json;
                Console.WriteLine("Manifest could not be loaded from directory " + base_directory + "!");
        private BundledMicroApplicationPart Bundle(JObject part)
            string[] part_css_files    = (from f in part["css_files"] select f).Select((j) => j.ToString()).ToArray();
            string[] part_script_files = (from f in part["scripts"] select f).Select((j) => j.ToString()).ToArray();

            // create the instance that will store the bundled app
            BundledMicroApplicationPart app = new BundledMicroApplicationPart();

            if (part["package_name"] != null)
                app.Name = part["package_name"].ToString();
            if (part["frame_id"] != null)
                app.Name = part["frame_id"].ToString();

            if (part["to"] != null)
                app.To = part["to"].ToString();

            // compress the CSS
            Yahoo.Yui.Compressor.CssCompressor css_compressor = new Yahoo.Yui.Compressor.CssCompressor();

            List <string> css_files = new List <string>();
            List <string> js_files  = new List <string>();

            foreach (string script in part_script_files)
                js_files.Add(File.ReadAllText(base_directory + script));

            foreach (string stylesheet in part_css_files)
                css_files.Add(css_compressor.Compress(File.ReadAllText(base_directory + stylesheet)));

            js_files  = js_files.Select((f) => PackerUtilities.StringToBase64Encoded(f)).ToList();
            css_files = css_files.Select((f) => PackerUtilities.StringToBase64Encoded(f)).ToList();

            // add the bundled app
            app.Scripts = js_files.ToArray();
            app.CSS     = css_files.ToArray();

        private BundledMicroApplicationPart Bundle(JObject part)
            string[] part_css_files = (from f in part["css_files"] select f).Select((j) => j.ToString()).ToArray();
            string[] part_script_files = (from f in part["scripts"] select f).Select((j) => j.ToString()).ToArray();

            // create the instance that will store the bundled app
            BundledMicroApplicationPart app = new BundledMicroApplicationPart();

            if (part["package_name"] != null) app.Name = part["package_name"].ToString();
            if (part["frame_id"] != null) app.Name = part["frame_id"].ToString();

            if (part["to"] != null) app.To = part["to"].ToString();

            // compress the CSS
            Yahoo.Yui.Compressor.CssCompressor css_compressor = new Yahoo.Yui.Compressor.CssCompressor();

            List<string> css_files = new List<string>();
            List<string> js_files = new List<string>();

            foreach (string script in part_script_files)
                js_files.Add(File.ReadAllText(base_directory + script));

            foreach (string stylesheet in part_css_files)
                css_files.Add(css_compressor.Compress(File.ReadAllText(base_directory + stylesheet)));

            js_files = js_files.Select((f) => PackerUtilities.StringToBase64Encoded(f)).ToList();
            css_files = css_files.Select((f) => PackerUtilities.StringToBase64Encoded(f)).ToList();

            // add the bundled app
            app.Scripts = js_files.ToArray();
            app.CSS = css_files.ToArray();

            return app;