private static void GetDependencies(BundleNode main_node, string bundle_name) { string[] dependency_names = dependence_.GetDirectDependencies(bundle_name); for (int i = 0, count = dependency_names.Length; i < count; i++) { string dependency_name = dependency_names[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependency_name)) { Debug.LogError(bundle_name + " has empty dependency." + i + " " + count); continue; } BundleNode dependency_node; if (bundles_.TryGetValue(dependency_name, out dependency_node) == false) { dependency_node = new BundleNode(null, dependency_name); GetDependencies(dependency_node, dependency_name); AssetBundle ab = LoadBundle(dependency_name); if (ab != null) { dependency_node.bundle_ = ab; //mru_.Add(main_node); bundles_.Add(dependency_name, dependency_node); } } if (dependency_node != null && dependency_node.bundle_ != null) { main_node.AddDependency(dependency_node); } } }
private string GetBundleNodeDesc(BundleNode bundleNode, string prefix = "") { dynamic bundleNodeDynamic = bundleNode.AsDynamic(); string bundlePath = bundleNodeDynamic.m_BundlePath; bool isScene = bundleNodeDynamic.IsScene(); int refCount = bundleNodeDynamic.m_RefCount; return($"{prefix}Bundle Path:{bundlePath}\n{prefix}Ref Count:{refCount}\n{prefix}IsScene:{isScene}"); }
/// <summary> /// 绘制当前使用的BundleNode的信息 /// </summary> private void DrawBundleNodes() { foreach (var node in m_BundleNodes) { string bundlePath = node.AsDynamic().m_BundlePath; if (!m_BundleNodeFoldoutDic.TryGetValue(bundlePath, out bool isFoldout)) { isFoldout = false; m_BundleNodeFoldoutDic.Add(bundlePath, isFoldout); } bool isDone = node.AsDynamic().IsDone; if (!isDone) { bundlePath += "(Loading)"; } m_BundleNodeFoldoutDic[bundlePath] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(isFoldout, bundlePath); if (isFoldout) { EditorGUIUtil.BeginGUIBackgroundColor(m_NodeBGColor); { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); { EditorGUIUtil.BeginIndent(); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Bundle Node:"); EditorGUIUtil.BeginIndent(); { DrawBundleNode(node); } EditorGUIUtil.EndIndent(); if (m_IsShowBundleNodeDirect) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Direct Bundle:"); string[] depends = m_AssetBundleManifest.GetDirectDependencies(bundlePath); EditorGUIUtil.BeginIndent(); { foreach (var depend in depends) { BundleNode dependNode = m_BundleNodeDic[depend]; DrawBundleNode(dependNode); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } } EditorGUIUtil.EndIndent(); } } EditorGUIUtil.EndIndent(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUIUtil.EndGUIBackgroundColor(); } } }
public static BundleNode AddBundleNode(AssetBundle ab, string name, bool unloadable = true) { BundleNode node = new BundleNode(ab, name); node.unloadable_ = unloadable; bundles_.Add(name, node); return(node); }
public static bool CheckBundle(string name) { if (bundles_.ContainsKey(name)) { BundleNode node = bundles_[name]; return(true); } return(false); }
public void Dispose() { if (bundle_ != null) { bundle_.UnloadAsset(name_); bundle_ = null; } assets_.Remove(name_); asset_ = null; }
/// <summary> /// 绘制BundleNode的详细信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="bundleNode"></param> private void DrawBundleNode(BundleNode bundleNode) { dynamic bundleNodeDynamic = bundleNode.AsDynamic(); string bundlePath = bundleNodeDynamic.m_BundlePath; bool isDone = bundleNodeDynamic.IsDone; int refCount = bundleNodeDynamic.m_RefCount; EditorGUILayout.LabelField($"Bundle Path:{bundlePath}{(isDone?"":" (Loading)")}"); if (isDone) { bool isScene = bundleNodeDynamic.IsScene; EditorGUILayout.LabelField($"IsScene:{isScene}"); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField($"Ref Count:{refCount}"); }
private static void AddAsset(string name, BundleNode bundle, Object asset) { AssetNode asset_node; if (assets_.TryGetValue(name, out asset_node) == true) { asset_node.Asset = asset; } else { asset_node = new AssetNode(name, bundle, asset); assets_.Add(name, asset_node); bundle.loadedAsset_count_++; } }
/// <summary> /// 导出文本到磁盘中 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileDiskPath"></param> /// <param name="isAll"></param> private void ExportAssetNodes(string fileDiskPath, bool isAll) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <AssetNode> exportNodes = new List <AssetNode>(); if (isAll) { exportNodes.AddRange(m_AssetNodeDic.Values.ToArray()); } else { exportNodes.AddRange(m_AssetNodes); } foreach (var node in exportNodes) { dynamic nodeDynamic = node.AsDynamic(); string assetPath = nodeDynamic.m_AssetPath; BundleNode mainBundleNode = nodeDynamic.m_BundleNode; int loadCount = nodeDynamic.m_LoadCount; sb.AppendLine($"Asset Path:{assetPath}"); sb.AppendLine($"Load Count:{loadCount}"); if (m_IsShowAssetNodeMainBundle) { sb.AppendLine("Main Bundle:"); sb.AppendLine(GetBundleNodeDesc(mainBundleNode, " ")); } if (m_IsShowAssetNodeDependBundle) { string mainBundlePath = mainBundleNode.AsDynamic().m_BundlePath; string[] depends = m_AssetBundleManifest.GetAllDependencies(mainBundlePath); sb.AppendLine("Depend Bundle:"); foreach (var depend in depends) { BundleNode dependNode = m_BundleNodeDic[depend]; sb.AppendLine(GetBundleNodeDesc(dependNode, " ")); } } sb.AppendLine(); } File.WriteAllText(fileDiskPath, sb.ToString()); }
private void OnGUI() { if (!InitLoader()) { return; } if (m_SearchField == null) { m_SearchField = new SearchField(); m_SearchField.autoSetFocusOnFindCommand = true; } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal("toolbar", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); { int selectedIndex = GUILayout.Toolbar(m_ToolbarSelectIndex, m_ToolbarTitle, EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.MaxWidth(200)); if (selectedIndex != m_ToolbarSelectIndex) { m_SearchText = ""; m_ToolbarSelectIndex = selectedIndex; m_IsChanged = true; m_ScrollPos =; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); //强制进行资源的清理回收 if (GUILayout.Button("GC", EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(40))) { m_BundleLoader.UnloadUnusedAssets(null); } //将当前显示的内容存储到磁盘中 if (GUILayout.Button("Export", EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(60))) { ExportToDisk(false); } //将所在的内容存储到磁盘中 if (GUILayout.Button("Export All", EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(60))) { ExportToDisk(true); } string tempSearchText = m_SearchField.OnToolbarGUI(m_SearchText); if (tempSearchText != m_SearchText) { m_IsChanged = true; m_SearchText = tempSearchText; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (m_IsChanged) { if (m_ToolbarSelectIndex == 0)//显示AssetNode的标签页 { m_AssetNodes.Clear(); foreach (var nodeKVP in m_AssetNodeDic) { AssetNode node = nodeKVP.Value; if (!m_IsShowLoadingAssetNode) { bool isDone = node.AsDynamic().IsDone; if (!isDone) { continue; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SearchText) || nodeKVP.Key.ToLower().Contains(m_SearchText.ToLower())) { m_AssetNodes.Add(node); } } m_AssetNodes.Sort((item1, item2) => { string path1 = item1.AsDynamic().m_AssetPath; string path2 = item2.AsDynamic().m_AssetPath; return(path1.CompareTo(path2)); }); } else if (m_ToolbarSelectIndex == 1)//显示BundleNode的标签页 { m_BundleNodes.Clear(); foreach (var nodeKVP in m_BundleNodeDic) { BundleNode node = nodeKVP.Value; if (!m_IsShowLoadingBundleNode) { bool isDone = node.AsDynamic().IsDone; if (!isDone) { continue; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SearchText) || nodeKVP.Key.ToLower().Contains(m_SearchText.ToLower())) { m_BundleNodes.Add(node); } } m_BundleNodes.Sort((item1, item2) => { string path1 = item1.AsDynamic().m_BundlePath; string path2 = item2.AsDynamic().m_BundlePath; return(path1.CompareTo(path2)); }); } } if (m_ToolbarSelectIndex == 0) { bool isShowLoading = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Loading Node:", m_IsShowLoadingAssetNode); if (isShowLoading != m_IsShowLoadingAssetNode) { m_IsChanged = true; m_IsShowLoadingAssetNode = isShowLoading; } m_IsShowAssetNodeMainBundle = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Main Bundle:", m_IsShowAssetNodeMainBundle); m_IsShowAssetNodeDependBundle = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Depend Bundle:", m_IsShowAssetNodeDependBundle); } else if (m_ToolbarSelectIndex == 1) { bool isShowLoading = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Loading Node:", m_IsShowLoadingBundleNode); if (isShowLoading != m_IsShowLoadingBundleNode) { m_IsChanged = true; m_IsShowLoadingBundleNode = isShowLoading; } m_IsShowBundleNodeDirect = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Depend Bundle:", m_IsShowBundleNodeDirect); } m_ScrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_ScrollPos, EditorStyles.helpBox); { if (m_ToolbarSelectIndex == 0) { DrawAssetNodes(); } else if (m_ToolbarSelectIndex == 1) { DrawBundleNodes(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
/// <summary> /// 绘制AssetNode的详细信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="assetNode">AssetNode数据</param> /// <param name="showMainBundle">是否显示其所在的Bundle</param> /// <param name="showDependBundle">是否显示依赖的Bundle</param> private void DrawAssetNode(AssetNode assetNode, bool showMainBundle = false, bool showDependBundle = false) { dynamic assetNodeDynamic = assetNode.AsDynamic(); string assetPath = assetNodeDynamic.m_AssetPath; bool isDone = assetNodeDynamic.IsDone; bool isAlive = assetNodeDynamic.IsAlive(); int loadCount = assetNodeDynamic.m_LoadCount; List <WeakReference> weakAssets = assetNodeDynamic.m_WeakAssets; EditorGUIUtil.BeginGUIBackgroundColor(m_NodeBGColor); { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); { EditorGUIUtil.BeginGUIColor(Color.white); { EditorGUIUtil.BeginIndent(); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Asset Node:"); EditorGUIUtil.BeginIndent(); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField($"Asset Path:{assetPath}{(isDone?"":" (Loading)")}"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField($"Is Alive:{isAlive}"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField($"Load Count:{loadCount}"); if (weakAssets.Count > 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Weak Ref:"); EditorGUIUtil.BeginIndent(); { foreach (var weakRef in weakAssets) { if (!UnityObjectExtension.IsNull(weakRef.Target)) { UnityObject uObj = weakRef.Target as UnityObject; EditorGUILayout.LabelField($"Name:{}"); } } } EditorGUIUtil.EndIndent(); } } EditorGUIUtil.EndIndent(); if (showMainBundle || showDependBundle) { BundleNode mainBundleNode = assetNodeDynamic.m_BundleNode; string mainBundlePath = mainBundleNode.AsDynamic().m_BundlePath; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Bundle Node:"); EditorGUIUtil.BeginIndent(); { if (showMainBundle) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Main Bundle:"); EditorGUIUtil.BeginIndent(); { DrawBundleNode(mainBundleNode); } EditorGUIUtil.EndIndent(); } if (showDependBundle) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Depend Bundle:"); string[] depends = m_AssetBundleManifest.GetAllDependencies(mainBundlePath); EditorGUIUtil.BeginIndent(); { foreach (var depend in depends) { BundleNode dependNode = m_BundleNodeDic[depend]; DrawBundleNode(dependNode); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } } EditorGUIUtil.EndIndent(); } } EditorGUIUtil.EndIndent(); } } EditorGUIUtil.EndIndent(); } EditorGUIUtil.EndGUIColor(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUIUtil.EndGUIBackgroundColor(); }
public void AddDependency(BundleNode dependency) { dependency.Retain(); dependencies_.Add(dependency); }
// Load asset bundle or Resources.Load // auto_unload: load the asset and release the bundles public static Object Load(string name) { #if ASSETBUNDLE if (dependence_ == null) { #if DEBUG Debug.Log("ResLoader is not initialized. Please Call its Init method first."); #endif return(null); } name = name.ToLower(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { Debug.LogError("name is empty"); return(null); } Object asset = GetAsset(name); if (asset != null) { return(asset); } else { string bundle_name = name; string asset_name = string.Empty; AssetNameNode asset_name_node; if (asset_dependence_.TryGetValue(bundle_name, out asset_name_node)) { bundle_name = asset_name_node.bundle_name_; asset_name = asset_name_node.name_; } BundleNode main_node = null; Object asset_main = null; if (bundles_.TryGetValue(bundle_name, out main_node)) { asset_main = main_node.LoadAsset(asset_name); } else { // load bundles main_node = new BundleNode(null, bundle_name); //Load dependencies. GetDependencies(main_node, bundle_name); AssetBundle ab_main = LoadBundle(bundle_name); if (ab_main != null) { main_node.bundle_ = ab_main; //mru_.Add(main_node); bundles_.Add(bundle_name, main_node); asset_main = main_node.LoadAsset(asset_name); } } if (asset_main != null) { AddAsset(name, main_node, asset_main); } return(asset_main); } #else #if DEBUG System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch st = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); st.Start(); Object obj = Resources.Load(name); st.Stop(); if (obj == null) { Debug.LogError(name); } return(obj); #else return(Resources.Load(name)); #endif #endif }
public AssetNode(string name, BundleNode bundle, Object asset) { name_ = name; bundle_ = bundle; asset_ = new System.WeakReference(asset); }