        public void ProvideSearchSettings(IVsUIDataSource pSearchSettings)
            SetIntValue(pSearchSettings, SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames.ControlMaxWidth, 200);
            SetIntValue(pSearchSettings, SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames.SearchStartType, (int)VSSEARCHSTARTTYPE.SST_DELAYED);
            SetIntValue(pSearchSettings, SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames.SearchStartDelay, 100);
            SetBoolValue(pSearchSettings, SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames.SearchUseMRU, true);
            SetBoolValue(pSearchSettings, SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames.PrefixFilterMRUItems, false);
            SetIntValue(pSearchSettings, SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames.MaximumMRUItems, 25);
            SetStringValue(pSearchSettings, SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames.SearchWatermark, ServicesVSResources.Search_Settings);
            SetBoolValue(pSearchSettings, SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames.SearchPopupAutoDropdown, false);
            SetStringValue(pSearchSettings, SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames.ControlBorderThickness, "1");
            SetIntValue(pSearchSettings, SearchSettingsDataSource.PropertyNames.SearchProgressType, (int)VSSEARCHPROGRESSTYPE.SPT_INDETERMINATE);

            void SetBoolValue(IVsUIDataSource source, string property, bool value)
                var valueProp = BuiltInPropertyValue.FromBool(value);

                _ = source.SetValue(property, valueProp);

            void SetIntValue(IVsUIDataSource source, string property, int value)
                var valueProp = BuiltInPropertyValue.Create(value);

                _ = source.SetValue(property, valueProp);

            void SetStringValue(IVsUIDataSource source, string property, string value)
                var valueProp = BuiltInPropertyValue.Create(value);

                _ = source.SetValue(property, valueProp);
        private static void EnableNewsFeed( )
            // This is where things get UGLY/Fragile
                // In VS2019 the DownloadEnabled property binding for the data source was removed so,
                // this needs to add enough support back to allow the XAML UI to correctly see
                // the property from the source to trigger downloading contents of the feed.
                var feedControl = RestoreIdeUIOptionsPage.FindChildElement(Application.Current.MainWindow, e => e.GetType( ).Name == "RssFeedControl");

                // data types, property names etc.. of internal types was determined by attaching the debugger
                // and the Live XAML viewer to see what the types are. Obviously this is fragile, but we have
                // little choice when the VS team has gone to great lengths to make it hard to keep perfectly good working UI.

                // DataContext for the RssFeedControl is an StartPageDataSource wrapped inside of an internal DataSource type
                var ds = ( DataSource )feedControl.DataContext;

                // StartPageDataSource has an "Rss" property that contains an instance of the internal RssFeedDataSource type
                var rss   = ( DataSource )ds.GetValue("Rss");
                var field = typeof(DataSource).GetField("innerSource", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

                // RssFeedDataSource, while internal, derives from the public UIDataSource type
                var rssd     = ( UIDataSource )field.GetValue(rss);
                var rssdType = rssd.GetType( );

                // RssFeed property resolves to dead link for Community editions, so reset it to
                // the same link as other SKUs
                var    feedProp    = rssdType.GetRuntimeProperty("RssFeed");
                string currentFeed = ( string )feedProp.GetValue(rssd);
                string newFeed     = currentFeed.Replace(CommunityLinkId, CorrectedLinkId);
                feedProp.SetValue(rssd, newFeed);

                // need to set the _announcementsFeed as it backs the Get only AnnouncementsFeed property
                var announcmentsFeedField = rssdType.GetField("_announcementsFeed", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                announcmentsFeedField.SetValue(rssd, newFeed);

                // RssFeedDataSourceBase declares a virtual "OnPropertyChanged" that updates the rest,
                // so force a change of the DownloadEnabled property
                var method = rssdType.GetMethod("OnPropertyChanged", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                if (method != null)
                    object[] parameters = { /*IVsUIDataSource ds*/ null, "DownloadEnabled", /*IVsUIObject pVarOld*/ null, BuiltInPropertyValue.FromBool(true) };
                    _ = method.Invoke(rssd, parameters);
                /* NOP */