/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void AddBuildable() { BuilderUtils.AddBuildable(new CustomTechInfo() { getPrefab = VehicleStorageAccess.GetPrefab, techType = (TechType)CustomTechType.DockedVehicleStorageAccess, techGroup = TechGroup.InteriorModules, techCategory = TechCategory.InteriorModule, knownAtStart = true, assetPath = "Submarine/Build/DockedVehicleStorageAccess", displayString = "Docked Vehicle Storage Access", tooltip = "Wall locker that extracts items from any docked vehicle in the moonpool.", techTypeKey = CustomTechType.DockedVehicleStorageAccess.ToString(), sprite = new Atlas.Sprite(ImageUtils.LoadTexture(Mod.GetAssetPath("StorageAccess.png"))), recipe = new List <CustomIngredient> { new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.Titanium, amount = 2 }, new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.WiringKit, amount = 1 } } }); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void AddBuildable() { BuilderUtils.AddBuildable(new CustomTechInfo() { getPrefab = HabitatControlPanel.GetPrefab, techType = (TechType)CustomTechType.HabitatControlPanel, techGroup = TechGroup.InteriorModules, techCategory = TechCategory.InteriorModule, knownAtStart = true, assetPath = "Submarine/Build/HabitatControlPanel", displayString = "Habitat Control Panel", tooltip = "TODO TOOLTIP", techTypeKey = CustomTechType.HabitatControlPanel.ToString(), sprite = new Atlas.Sprite(ImageUtils.LoadTexture(Mod.GetAssetPath("BlueprintIcon.png"))), recipe = new List <CustomIngredient> { new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.Titanium, amount = 1 }, new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.ComputerChip, amount = 1 }, new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.WiringKit, amount = 1 } } }); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void AddBuildable() { BuilderUtils.AddBuildable(new CustomTechInfo() { getPrefab = AutosortLocker.GetPrefab, techType = Mod.GetTechType(CustomTechType.AutosortLocker), techGroup = TechGroup.InteriorModules, techCategory = TechCategory.InteriorModule, knownAtStart = true, assetPath = "Submarine/Build/AutosortLocker", displayString = "Autosorter", tooltip = "Small, wall-mounted smart-locker that automatically transfers items into linked Autosort Receptacles.", techTypeKey = CustomTechType.AutosortLocker.ToString(), sprite = new Atlas.Sprite(ImageUtils.LoadTexture(Mod.GetAssetPath("AutosortLocker.png"))), recipe = Mod.config.EasyBuild ? new List <CustomIngredient> { new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.Titanium, amount = 2 } } : new List <CustomIngredient> { new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.Titanium, amount = 2 }, new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.ComputerChip, amount = 1 }, new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.AluminumOxide, amount = 2 } } }); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void AddBuildable() { BuilderUtils.AddBuildable(new CustomTechInfo() { getPrefab = AutosortTarget.GetPrefab, techType = Mod.GetTechType(CustomTechType.AutosortTarget), techGroup = TechGroup.InteriorModules, techCategory = TechCategory.InteriorModule, knownAtStart = true, assetPath = "Submarine/Build/AutosortTarget", displayString = "Autosort Receptacle", tooltip = "Wall locker linked to an Autosorter that receives sorted items.", techTypeKey = CustomTechType.AutosortTarget.ToString(), sprite = new Atlas.Sprite(ImageUtils.LoadTexture(Mod.GetAssetPath("AutosortTarget.png"))), recipe = Mod.config.EasyBuild ? new List <CustomIngredient> { new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.Titanium, amount = 2 } } : new List <CustomIngredient> { new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.Titanium, amount = 2 }, new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.UraniniteCrystal, amount = 1 }, new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.Magnetite, amount = 1 } } }); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void AddBuildable() { BuilderUtils.AddBuildable(new CustomTechInfo() { getPrefab = BaseTeleporter.GetPrefab, techType = (TechType)CustomTechType.BaseTeleporter, techGroup = TechGroup.InteriorPieces, techCategory = TechCategory.InteriorPiece, knownAtStart = true, assetPath = "Submarine/Build/BaseTeleporter", displayString = "Teleporter", tooltip = "TODO TOOLTIP", techTypeKey = CustomTechType.BaseTeleporter.ToString(), sprite = new Atlas.Sprite(ImageUtils.LoadTexture(Mod.GetAssetPath("BaseTeleporter.png"))), recipe = new List<CustomIngredient> { new CustomIngredient() { techType = TechType.PrecursorIonCrystal, amount = 1 } } }); }